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AbsrtactHierarchialItem<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Represents any entitry that has children of the similar type
AbstractAnyUserUpdateService<U extends User,E,S> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer for any User (Logged in or Guest) supports generic user related methods.
AbstractAnyUserUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
AbstractAnyUserUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
AbstractArea - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
AbstractArea() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
AbstractAttribute<K,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration - Class in com.neurosys.configs
AbstractConfiguration that is Authorizable
Useful where we want to control which configuration can be controlled by people or processes with different Authorizations
AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration
AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration
AbstractAuthorizationStrategy - Class in
Checks/Protects pages by checking if User is authorized to visit them.
AbstractAuthorizationStrategy() - Constructor for class
AbstractCartForm<S extends EComSession> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components
Represents the Cart Data being Submitted
In the corresponding resource properties file, define the following: error.user.invalid error.cart.invalid success
A Cart form is defined by: cartUserId - Should match whats in session or SessionId for non logged in User cartSessionId - Should match session id.
AbstractCartForm(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
AbstractCartService<P extends Product,S,R,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service
Basic implementation for CartService uses SESSION.
AbstractCartService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
AbstractCartService(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
AbstractCategoryLookup<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.lookups
Lookup a Category to get Category IHierarchialReference by using any unique field in it
The AbstractCategoryLookup.transform(Object) accepts a value (some unique key), from which the parent object can be derived
This classs does not perform caching, rely on the class extending it to provide any caching ability
AbstractCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
AbstractChainChangeListener<T> - Class in
Execute a Chain of ChangeListeners
AbstractChainChangeListener() - Constructor for class
AbstractChainChangeListener(List<ChangeListener<T>>) - Constructor for class
AbstractChargeStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Default Strategy implementation for all ChargeStrategy
AbstractChargeStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
AbstractConfiguration - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Represents basic Externalized Configurations.
AbstractConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
AbstractConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey - Class in com.neurosys.configs
AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Abstract reusable AbstractConfiguration class for other modules to extend.
AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
AbstractContent<CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
AbstractContent() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
AbstractContent(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
AbstractContent.BIT_MASKS - Enum in com.neurosys.content.domain
AbstractContentAlias<C extends Content> - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
A mapping to allow a ContentDescriber to belong to multiple Categories (under different parents) with alternate properties for that mapping if required.
AbstractContentAlias() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
AbstractContentAlias(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
AbstractContentAlias(AbstractContentAlias) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
AbstractContentAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
AbstractContentAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
AbstractContentAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
AbstractContentAttribute(AbstractContentAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
AbstractContentAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
AbstractContentFacet - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
AbstractContentFacet() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
AbstractContentFacet(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa
Default JPA implementation for ContentDao
TODO: All locale based code is based on AbstractContent.getLocale().Language.
AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
AbstractContentTemplate<T> - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
Template specific to CMS Content types
AbstractContentTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentTemplate
AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer<ENTITY,TUPLE> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts an Entity to a Tuple.
AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer(AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
AbstractEntityTransformer<NODE,NODE_IDENTIFIER,ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Boiler plate common methods for an EventAwareProcess, ModeAware Transformer
Note: A NODE is the smallest aspect of an entity that is available for processing.
AbstractEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
AbstractEntityTransformer(AbstractEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
AbstractEvent - Class in
A Event.
Default entity inheritance style is InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS since different event types will be structured around date.
AbstractEvent() - Constructor for class
AbstractEvent(String) - Constructor for class
AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers
Converts an Excel Row to an Entity
This Process is EventAwareProcess.
AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer(AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
AbstractFeed<T,I extends FeedItem> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
Common methods and properties for a feed
AbstractFeed() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
AbstractForgotPasswordForm - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components
Ajax based Form for Forgot Password for User (nameId as String)
Following fields/components are required: email - input feedback - div submit - button Following properties should be defined: success error.invalidemail error.technical
AbstractForgotPasswordForm(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractForgotPasswordForm
AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.common.hierarchy
Some common work horse IHierarchialReference domain related common DAO method helpers
AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
AbstractListPanel<PM,RM,DP extends org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.util.SortableDataProvider> - Class in
A generic Panel that can represent Simple Lists.
It assumes an extension of SortableDataProvider is used to provide the List.

The Table renders with the css: numberic, itemName, hide.
Wicket ID: linkToItem - The Id for the hyperlink in the item selectable - The id of the fragment that defines the item list listing - The Id of the Table addItem - The Id for the icon/Link to Add a new Item to the List
One can also override the 'rows' property to specify the number of rows per listing (before pagination starts)

Generic Params: PM - Page Model Type, RM - Row Model Type, DP - Data Provider Type
AbstractListPanel(String, IModel<PM>) - Constructor for class
AbstractLoginForm<T extends BasicSession,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.login.wicket
A simple Basic Auth type Sign In Form

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Success Login - AuthenticationToken Failed Login - String userId Critical Exception - Exception
AbstractLoginForm(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
AbstractMasterTrackingService - Class in com.neurosys.tracking.service
Tracking Service for the central (master) application
AbstractMasterTrackingService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
AbstractNotificationHelper<T extends Token<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.notification.service
A Helper that encapsulates common task non-biz logic details around Notification.
AbstractNotificationHelper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer<NODE,ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts a Row/Tuple/Node to an Entity
This Process is EventAwareProcess.
AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer
AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer(AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer
AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler<T extends Transaction,O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Implements some basic common TransactionService aspects
AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
AbstractProcessBasedReporter<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE> - Class in
Support generic Process Aware aspects for Report operations and their boiler plate management
AbstractProcessBasedReporter(Resource) - Constructor for class
AbstractProductFieldGenerator<P extends Product,I> - Class in
This FieldGenerator is expected to be called from a ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer that will pass the core Entity as the tuple/row like JPADocumentRowMapperIndexer.
AbstractProductFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
AbstractPublishAdapter<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
Certain methods that a good IPublisherAdapter should follow in its implementation
AbstractPublishAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.AbstractPublishAdapter
AbstractQueryableDaoImpl<T> - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
A generic DAO Impl of higher order queries & criteria & pagination.
Though intended to be also an abstract class, the AbstractQueryableDaoImpl.getQueryObject(Query, boolean) is a useful method by itself.
AbstractQueryableDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
AbstractQueryableDaoImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
AbstractReader<T> - Class in
AbstractReader() - Constructor for class
AbstractReader<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.readers
Support generic Process Aware aspects for Read operations and their boiler plate management
AbstractReader(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.AbstractReader
AbstractReference - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Use a reference for the following reasons: Light graph relations that support multiple AbstractReference.getRelated() relations Entities that do not want to carry contextual relation with them.
AbstractReference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
AbstractReference(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
AbstractReference(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
AbstractReference(AbstractReference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
AbstractReporter<T> - Class in
A base implementation for a Reporter
AbstractReporter() - Constructor for class
AbstractReporter(Reporter) - Constructor for class
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer<ENTITY,TUPLE> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Sometimes its nice just to conveniently reverse a mapping process from INPUT to OUTPUT and maintain the same format so that the produced output can be consumed again as an INPUT.
We are not talking about a chain here, but the output of this Transformer as an INPUT to its AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer back as an input.
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer(AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer(AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer<TUPLE, ?, ENTITY>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A Map that can provide a Primary Map and an override where it maybe applicable based on the order of precedence mentioned in AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer.transform(Object)
AbstractSessionAuthService<U extends User,S> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
Standard Session based Auth mechanism defined.
AbstractSessionAuthService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
AbstractStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Default Strategy implementation for any Strategy
AbstractStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
AbstractTokenChangeGenerator<T extends Token<T>,E extends TokenEvent<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.service
AbstractTokenChangeGenerator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
AbstractTokenNotificationListener<T extends Token<T>,N> - Class in com.neurosys.q.notification.service
Handle all Notification (to Phone SMS) related stuff.
AbstractTokenNotificationListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer<TUPLE,CELL,ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts a Tuple (abstract tuple as a concept) to an Entity

AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer(AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractUser - Class in
A base common definition of a User
AbstractUser() - Constructor for class
AbstractUser(String) - Constructor for class
AbstractUser(DomainObject) - Constructor for class
AbstractUserAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.user.domain
A dedicated Attributes table for all types of users.
AbstractUserAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
AbstractUserAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
AbstractUserAttribute(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
AbstractUserAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
AbstractUserAttribute(AbstractUserAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
AbstractUserLoginForm<S extends EComSession,R extends RegisteredUser<?>> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components
Generic User Login Form
AbstractUserLoginForm(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractUserLoginForm
AbstractWriter<T> - Class in
Abstract Writer for services
AbstractWriter() - Constructor for class
accept(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.BrokenTreeFixTransformer
accept(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
accept(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
accept(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Put the payload object on a IList or IMap depending on SendOnHazelCast.getKey
accept(List<V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
accept(M) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.GenericDispatcher
accept(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
accessClasses - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a Constructor Class
AccessorLookUp - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A consistent way to ensure a processor can take an entity and use the key to lookup a value from it.
accessValues - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a default Value.
If it exists it will override accessClasses for same type.
act(String, String, boolean, Long, Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacetPersist
If we don't care about post save Feedback related code & other details then just throw Continue
actionOnPurchase(List<P>, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
actionOnPurchase(List<P>, U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
On an event where a User made a purchase
actionOnRating(P, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
actionOnRating(P, U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
On user Rating; if there is rating ability then any custom action
actionOnTrack() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
actionOnTrack() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
Define a Custom action on track object
actionOnUpdateCartType(S, R, String, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
The required data is extracted from the form, one can script their action on the type of cart here.
actionOnUpdateCartType(SESSION, REQUEST, String, Cart) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Updating cart to Session or Persistence.
actionOnVisit(P, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
actionOnVisit(P, U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
On an event where a User visited the products
ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
active - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
Way to switch on or off area without having to update other data to turn it off
ActivityRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Reference to an event or activity that has a physical or meta-physical presence.
ActivityRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ActivityRef
ActivityRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ActivityRef
ActivityRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ActivityRef
ActivityRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ActivityRef
adapter - Variable in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService.AdapterWrapper
Adapter - Interface in com.neurosys.scribble.domain
Definition of an Adapter that scripts implement.
AdapterService<SCRIPT_OBJECT> - Class in com.neurosys.scribble
Execute Scripting plugins
AdapterService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
AdapterService.AdapterWrapper<SCRIPT_OBJECT> - Class in com.neurosys.scribble
AdapterWrapper(Resource, SCRIPT_OBJECT) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService.AdapterWrapper
add(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UniqueList
add(int, E) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UniqueList
add(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Will add the amount to the current amount and return the updated current amount; parameter null values are skipped
add(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.IAmount
add(TransactionAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
Will add the amount to the current amount and return the updated current amount; parameter null values are skipped
add(String, Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
add(MenuItem, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
Add hierarchy elements under the parent in recursive manner.
add(ChangeListener) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
add(SortableDataProvider<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.ProductCatalogPanel
Add any other customized data or component based on data provider.
add(B, List<T>, Consumer<T>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
add(C, List<T>, Consumer<T>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
add(S, List<T>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Assign tokens to a Shift
add(T, U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
add(T, U, TC) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
Add (Associate E to Token), in TokenContainer
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UniqueList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UniqueList
addAnalyticsParams(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
addAnalyticsParams(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
Add analytic params (not affected by URLGeneratorTransformer.secureURL(Object, String))
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
addAuthButton(String, RepeatingView, WebMarkupContainer, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
addAuthorizations(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
addAuthorizations(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addBehavior(MapperBehavior) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
addBehavior(Behavior) - Method in interface
addBehavior(Behavior) - Method in class
addBehavior(Behavior) - Method in interface
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
Notify all ChangeListeners about a change
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<T>) - Method in class
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<T>) - Method in interface
Allow Notify all ChangeListeners about a change
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
addChangeListener(ChangeListener<E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class
Notify all ChangeListeners about a change
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Notify all ChangeListeners about a change
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
addCollection(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
addComponent(String) - Method in class
Add custom Component to the container.
addContext(Map) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
addContext(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
addCustomControls(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
In addition to main CkEditor, there may be added plugins, custom plugins we can add their behaviors here.
addDeleteUserForm(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
addDeleteUserForm(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addEdit(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
addElements(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
Assumes custom functions createEditor() & removeEditor() exist and the markup exist for:
addExistingPasswordCheckToForm(Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
addExistingPasswordCheckToForm(Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addExistingPasswordCheckToForm(Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
addExportCapability() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
addFacetToMetaItems(FacetMeta, Map<String, Field>, ContentType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Determine which fields/FacetMeta will render and be processed
addFailed(Throwable) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
addFeedback(ChildTokenEvent<T>, T, Feedback) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
addFeedback(TokenEvent<T>, FlowStatus, T, Feedback) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Add Feedback
addGuides(C, Map<String, FacetMeta>, FacetMeta, CF, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
addHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter.AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor
addItem(I) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Add OrderItem and do some basic checks and assignment
addItems(Iterator<Item<T>>) - Method in class
NOTE CHANGE : Accounts for Assymetrical Structures
addListener(ListeningProcess) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter
Add Headers to Response from a Map AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor.addHeaders
AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter.AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor
addMetaData(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor.SimpleEditorPanel
addMetaData(FacetMeta, CF, WebMarkupContainer, Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
addNode(MenuItem, C, List<MenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
addNode(MenuItem, T, List<MenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
addNode(MenuItem, T, List<MenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
Add Leaf nodes
addNode(MenuItem, ProductReference, List<MenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
addNotifications() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
addPass(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
addPromotion(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
Address - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Definition for Address
Note: With HTML one should use standards like hCards & vCards
Address() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
Address(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
Address(GenericEcomUser, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
AddressTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Convert an Address Object to String
AddressTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AddressTransformer
addSearchPanel(DataTable<P>, Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
addSubmitButton(List<FacetMeta>, List<Component>, List<ChangeListener<Object>>, List<Component>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
Some forms may want to include Dynamic params as part of a Bigger Form and hence the Submit button and related processing can be overridden.
addToLinks(M, List<L>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.MenuItemToLinks
Add all the MenuItems within input root item to the links List
addTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Add Transaction and do some basic checks and assignment
TODO: Add Unit test case to avoid duplicates
addUserAttributes(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addUserAttributes(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
addUserIdForm(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
addUserIdForm(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addUserIdForm(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
addUserStatusBits(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
addUserStatusBits(IModel<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
addVM(VMConnectInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
Add a VM to an SetupHazelCastInstance.init()ialized HazelcastInstance
addVMsToGroup(Config, List<V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
Ad da VM to a Config
addWarning(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
adjustInventory(I, Number, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
adjustInventory(I, Number, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Using a + or a - value for countUpdate we can change the Stock position from its current position.
adminCheck(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
adminConfiguration - Variable in class
adminConfiguration - Variable in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
adminConfiguration - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
adminError - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages
Admin Error Page
adminError() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.adminError
adminError(Exception) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.adminError
AdminLoginForm<T extends BasicSession> - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components
A simple Basic Auth type Sign In Form
AdminLoginForm(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
adminMenuPanel - Class in
Menu Panel
adminMenuPanel(String, IModel<Menu>) - Constructor for class
AdminPanel - Class in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
Common Admin Panel
AdminPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
AdminPanel(String, IModel<?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
AdminSession<U extends User,S extends WebUserShell<U,org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession>> - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.model
Represents an Admin session object
AdminSession(Request) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.model.AdminSession
AdminUser - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Portal/Site Admin User
AdminUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.AdminUser
AdminUser(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.AdminUser
AdminUser - Class in com.neurosys.user.domain
To distinguish an Admin User.

An AdminUser is not an Entity, because any user can be translated into an AdminUser by proxying a real User instance.

This is done to ensure A User logged in as a user (while testing say) can transcend into an Admin user in an Admin session, it also prevents any chance of User beans getting access to admin in multiple Login scenarios, where Users may also have logins and authorizations.
AdminUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
AdminUser(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
AdminUserAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.user.domain
UserAttribute for Admin User
AdminUserAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUserAttribute
AdminUserAttribute(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUserAttribute
AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Authorization details for a User
AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel(String, IModel<User>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel.AuthorizationRow - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
AdminUserDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
User Details for Admin.
AdminUserDetailsPanel(String, IModel<User>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Details panel that incorporates UserAttributesDetailsPanel and has all other components of AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel.
AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
AffiliateRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
This represents Reference to an Affiliate org, or person
AffiliateRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AffiliateRef
AffiliateRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AffiliateRef
AffiliateRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AffiliateRef
AffiliateRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AffiliateRef
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
As soon as all init, then replace static configs with dynamic ones in Spring Context.
AjaxIndicator - Class in
A convenient class that can be used and added to any component for an Ajax indicator
private final AjaxIndicator indicatorAware = new AjaxIndicator("onclick"); ...
AjaxIndicator(String) - Constructor for class
AjaxSecurityFilter - Class in
Designed with Ajax requests in mind of generic nature to the framework.
AjaxSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter - Class in com.neurosys.filters
AjaxSecurityFilter for our framework & security strategies aligned with the "site" module.
Ties the security mechanism with the sites session; so a user logged in automatically can avail and the one not logged in is blocked.
AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter.KeyAsSessionIdTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.filters
Check request for query param AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter.authKeyParamName.
By default will compare to a valid session id.
AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.seo.ajax
An adater that takes in the URL address as a String and returns the HTML String as output using HTMLUnit.
AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
aliasInstanceType - Variable in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Alias-Hierarchy Node (Alias signify alternate parents)
aliasMap - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
Map of the alias path to the ContentNameId
alive - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
ALL_RECS - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
allowAdd(TokenContainer<T>, List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStrategy
Business logic if we can allow a token to be added to the Q or not @ the TokenManager stage
This should be called before a token is actually added to a Q.
allowMultipleParents - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
While inserting a record, if the record already exists and has a legitimate parent, then create a ProductAlias for it
allowOnPage(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
A Filter to check if a FacetMeta should be added on Page or not
allowReuseOfOrder(IGenericEcomUser, O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Ensure Order via param injection is valid and secure to re-use
allowReuseOfOrder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Ensure Order via param injection is valid and secure to re-use
AmazonMessageSettings - Class in
Message level settings, that correspond to AWS-SNS API
AmazonMessageSettings() - Constructor for class
AmazonMessageSettings(String) - Constructor for class
AmazonMessageSettings(AmazonMessageSettings) - Constructor for class
AmazonMessageSettings(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
AmazonSNSAuthenticationDetails - Class in
User Details which comprises of an Access Key, common for a server instance.
AmazonSNSAuthenticationDetails(String, String) - Constructor for class
AmazonSNSDispatcher<M extends SMS> - Class in
AWS SNS SMS Integration Transformer

Recipient Type - String (phone#) Payload Type - String (SMS simple message string format) Amazon SNS Message Attributes Publish Message to a Single Number Publish Message to a Multiple Phone Numbers Amazon SNS Javadoc Setting SMS Messaging Preferences
AmazonSNSDispatcher(AmazonSNSAuthenticationDetails, MessageDeliveryAttributes, BasicAWSCredentials, String) - Constructor for class
Amount - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Amount breakup and details for an Item (inclusive of all Quantity).
Amount() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Amount(Double) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Initialized version will initialize all numerals to 0D
Amount(IAmount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Amount(Double, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
amount - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
AmountTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Converts a null to an Empty Amount Object if AmountTransformer.nullToAmount is true; also converts any Number/ value to Amount and sets it in the Amount.setTotal(Double) (default else if AmountTransformer.amountPropertyField is specified then that is set)
AmountTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
AND_CLAUSE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
If the input Map has a meta Name with this constant, it will append it with the Join Clause
This key maps to the ADN clause raw JPA String
AND_CLAUSE_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
For an And Clause if there are any Params.
This key maps to List of Map.Entrys
ANTI_SAMY_URL - Static variable in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Very Strict, Absolutely no HTML or Scripting support.
ANTI_SAMY_WYSIWYG_FLEXIBLE - Static variable in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Allow a wider range
ANTI_SAMY_WYSIWYG_STRICT - Static variable in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Only allow basic tags
ANY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
if value of ANY is assigned to: PromotionForUser.userId - Dont care about Coupon code, just assign the Promotion to the User PromotionForUser.code - Dont care about user, as long as the right Coupon code was provided
AnyWebService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
AnyWebService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
appConfiguration - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
appConfiguration - Variable in class
appendMissingCss(WebComponent, String...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
If model-data failed to load for the given component to be rendered, then can append a 'missing-data' class
Just a convenience method
appendParamToUrl(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Convenience method to append a paramString.
appendWhereExtension(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Additionally ; if a Query.whereExtension exists already, this will Append it via an AND
The Application/Project wide default Encoding Charset defined by AppSettings.appConfiguration project.encoding.charset
Any default extension to apply to the user facing site/pages defined by AppSettings.appConfiguration site.ext
applicationContext - Variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
applicationContext - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
apply(A) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
apply(HierarchialDomainObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.HierarchialDomainObjectToParentTransformer
apply(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FunctionTransformer
apply(PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
apply(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
apply(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
apply(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
apply(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
apply(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.GetAuthorizedUnitsFunction
apply(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
applyDiscount(Amount, P, Number, U, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
Apply discount on product.
applyPlatformAttributes() - Method in class
applyTax(Amount, P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
Convenience method for applying tax over individual strategies
applyTax(Amount, P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
applyTopicAttributes() - Method in class
Set Delivery Attributes for Topic
appProperties - Variable in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
AppSettings - Class in
Common site wide application settings accessible globally.
AppSettings() - Constructor for class
AppTrackingService<V extends Number> - Interface in com.neurosys.crm.billing.service
On the ground app tracking service that will be called by the API to synchronously log tracking data.
appUserType - Variable in class
Application default user Type (Class)
Area - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
Details about Area's; around payment & Shipping to them
Area() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area.Key - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
AreaPersistTransformer<A extends Area> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Persist Area and return the Persisted Entity
AreaPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
AreaService<A extends AreaType> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.service
Service methods for AreaType
AreaStrategy<A extends AreaType,C> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
A Strategy that allows us to define which areas will be shipped to and services regarding international / local delivery.
AreaType - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
areProductsAvailableToBeSold(List<P>, U, String, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
areProductsAvailableToBeSold(List<P>, U, String, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
Are these products for Sale
ARRAY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Format specifies the Array :n1,n2,n3,n4.....
AspectAuthorization<T> - Class in
Authorization grants an AuthorizationType and AuthorizationExtent for an entire Module.
Sometimes, we cannot break a Module into further sub modules, but we wish to control on some finer aspects of the module.
AspectAuthorization() - Constructor for class
assignRootLevel(MenuItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
Assign a root level ;so that other generated MenuItem know whoch MenuItem.getLevel() they are.
AssymetricDescriptor - Class in
Define Assymetric Information
AssymetricDescriptor() - Constructor for class
AssymetricDescriptor(int, int) - Constructor for class
AssymetricGridView<T> - Class in
Support A-Symmetric Grid Views.
AssymetricGridView(String, IDataProvider<T>, Integer, int, AssymetricDescriptor) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousChangeListener<T> - Class in
A wrapper ChangeListener and Transformer that in turn executes other ChangeListeners, listening to it.
AsynchronousChangeListener() - Constructor for class
AsynchronousChangeListener(List<ChangeListener<T>>) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousMessage<R,T> - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
A Message that specifies its callback
AsynchronousSMS - Class in
Class to create Message which will be sent to AmazonSNSTransformer
AsynchronousSMS() - Constructor for class
AsynchronousSMS(SMS) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousSMS(AmazonMessageSettings) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousSMS(String, String, Priority, List<String>, Consumer) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousSMS(String, Priority, String, Consumer) - Constructor for class
AsynchronousSMS - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Class to create Message which will be sent to AmazonSNSTransformer
AsynchronousSMS(String, String, Priority, List<String>, Consumer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.AsynchronousSMS
AsynchronousSMS(String, Priority, String, Consumer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.AsynchronousSMS
AsynchronousTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Asynchronously forms off the transformation process in parallel; when it finishes it calls a #listener as a callback with the final output.
AsynchronousTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
attachScript(Component, MetaItem, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
ATTRIB_ACCESS_USER_CONTEXT_DATA - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.PublishableMarkupContentModel
When FacetMeta.getType() is ContentType.SERVER_SCRIPT, user session data maybe needed in the dynamic content being rendered.
ATTRIB_AFTER_ACTION_LISTENER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
ChangeListener invoked after everything else is called (if no Exception occured).
ATTRIB_AUTO_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class
autoParagraph : false
Whether automatically create wrapping blocks around inline contents inside document body, this helps to ensure the integrality of the block enter mode.
ATTRIB_BODY_ID - Static variable in class
Specify a Body Id, so that CSS elements that use the common id for content derive that via the inserted id within the editor.
ATTRIB_CHOICE_REMOVE_NO_SELECTION - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
ATTRIB_CHOICE_RENDER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
AutoCompleteSettings or IChoiceRenderer if ContentType.INPUT_AUTO_SUGGEST or ContentType.SELECT is used.
ATTRIB_COLLECTION_ACCESS_SERIALIZED_KEY - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.collection.domain.CollectionAttributes
A Serialized Key used to encrypt page parameters o access it from a secure link.
If the Key exists then the page can decrypt concerned parameters using the Key.
ATTRIB_COLLECTION_ITEM_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.collection.domain.CollectionAttributes
We may want specific attributes for an ITEM within the collection.
ATTRIB_COLLECTION_META_JSON - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.collection.domain.CollectionAttributes
JSON Blob of properties/meta data for a Collection
ATTRIB_COLLECTION_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.common.domain.StandardAttributes
Use-Case: Allows us to organize unique collections fluidly without any permanent associations.
ATTRIB_CONTENT_PARENT - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
ATTRIB_CSS - Static variable in class
CSS(s) to import into the Editor
ATTRIB_CTX_MKUP_END - Static variable in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
ATTRIB_CTX_MKUP_START - Static variable in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
ATTRIB_CUSTOM_CONFIG - Static variable in class
Suppose you copied the config.js file to a folder named custom in the root of your website.
ATTRIB_DECORATE_FACET_TRANSFORMER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.PublishContentPanel
FacetMeta attribute that will direct all markup output generation to the Transformer associated wth this attribute.
The input to the Transformer will be the List from the facet.
ATTRIB_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
Help / Tilte details describing the Button Action to the user
ATTRIB_EDITOR_PAGE_HEADER - Static variable in class
We may want to insert some common scripts etc in the Header of the page itself where the CkEditor is being used.
ATTRIB_ENCODING - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
From the FacetMeta.attributes will return Boolean.
ATTRIB_ENTER_MODE - Static variable in class
For example the following prevents content from being enclosed in <p> tags enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
ATTRIB_FILTER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
A server side filter on the content.
ATTRIB_FRAGMENT_ID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Name the generated Fragment using the wicket Id corresponding to this attribute.
ATTRIB_FULLPAGE - Static variable in class
by default false, if enabled/true then editor loads in Full page mode
ATTRIB_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
Height of the Editor.
ATTRIB_HIERARCHY_STARTS_LIKE - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
ATTRIB_HIERARCHY_STARTS_LIKE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
ATTRIB_INDEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
If an Array is being used or FacetMeta.isCollectionType() is true, then one can map more fine grained meta properties to particular index within the array or collection starting from 0.
ATTRIB_INPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Input type fields can override type from text to say email to support HTL5 validation in the field tag itself.
ATTRIB_LIKE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
ATTRIB_LOOKUP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
ATTRIB_METADATA_FACETMETA - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Will show Meta Data options for Facet
ATTRIB_MODULE_NAMES - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
ATTRIB_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
A facet can be given a namespace, so that in Content situations one can embed facets not just directly under the main container but deeper as components of components.
ATTRIB_PRE_ACTION_LISTENER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
ChangeListener invoked before anything else is called.
ATTRIB_PRODUCT_PARENT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
ATTRIB_RAW_CONFIG - Static variable in class
A raw String that will be sent/appended to config
ATTRIB_SINGLE_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
FacetMeta.getAttribute(String), if for this key is true then it will treat the JSON as a single tuple.
ATTRIB_SUB_TYPE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
FacetMeta.getType() defines the generic nature, however there can be sub-classification of type.
ATTRIB_TAG_ATTRIBS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Allow to specify a List of List of attribute name, attribute value, (optionally) any delimiter to use while merging.
ATTRIB_TOOLBAR - Static variable in class
Custom Toolbar Name
It is a toolbar name or an array of toolbars (strips), each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items.
ATTRIB_TRANSFORM_RECORD - Static variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
A Transformer that converts the record into the desired entity for the target panel to display.
ATTRIB_VARIATION_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.common.domain.StandardAttributes
Use-Case: Products which are variations of the same Base-Product but vary slightly (commonly in business these products have the same SKU code but yet have variations); can assign a name for each Variation using StandardAttributes.ATTRIB_VARIATION_NAME.
Each Variation is also a Product and what GROUP's products part of the same variation can be application specific.

For example: One can group by "model code", "related products" or even adopt a convention on SKU: <SKU>v1, <SKU>v2.
ATTRIB_WIDTH - Static variable in class
Width of the Editor.
Attribute<E,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Define Attribute type Entities
This differs from Attributes in the sense that an instance of this represents the Attribute itself while Attributes represents the entity containing the Attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_REL_URL - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
Alias Relative URL
Signified a URL to which the content will be available.
Default URL's are system generated/Config Assigned.
ATTRIBUTE_EDIT_HISTORY_JSON - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
Contnt Edit Details - Last Modified By etc
ATTRIBUTE_HEADERS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
Page Headers
ATTRIBUTE_SEO_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
Information that describes content, but is never meant for display.
ATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
The Template associated with the Content
ATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
The Template associated with the Content
ATTRIBUTE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
The Template associated with the ProductTemplate
This is realized as a ProductAttribute.
ATTRIBUTE_TITLE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
Page Title
AttributeAppendBehavior - Class in
For a given attribute will search and append the added value to that existing attribute
Useful if we want to programatically append say CSS class'to an existing component.
It is important to note that any delimiter's prefix or suffix have to be supplied part of the value or
AttributeAppendBehavior(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class
AttributeAppendBehavior(String, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Constructor for class
attributeName - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
attributes - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
The difference between properties and facets is that properties are loaded with the Content Object, while facets are lazy and represent larger content usually.
Attributes<T,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A way to commonly signify and write common services on objects that use properties
This differs from Attribute in the sense that an instance of this represents the Entity having Attribute accessors while an Attribute represents the Attribute itself
attributes - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
attributes - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
AttributesMapper<A extends Attributes<A,V>,V> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Specialized/Convenient wrapper Mapper for mapping Attributes.
This specialized because Attributes and Attribute have an encapsulated relation which requires awareness of the Attributes interface.
AttributesMapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesMapper
AttributesMapper(AttributesMapper) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesMapper
AttributesSetter<A extends Attributes<A,V>,V> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convenient EntityFieldSetter to set Attribute value into Attributes type entity.
AttributesSetter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesSetter
AttributesToValueTransformer<A extends Attributes<String,V>,V> - Class in com.neurosys.domain.transformers
Function Transformer to extract value from an entity that implements Attributes
AttributesToValueTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
AttributesToValueTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
AttributeSubstituteBehavior - Class in
For a given attribute will search and replace parts of the attribute that match the variableName specified in the parameter.
AttributeSubstituteBehavior(String, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Constructor for class
attributeType - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
AUDIO_TYPE_AUDIO - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
AUDIO_TYPE_LIBRARY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
AUDIO_TYPE_TEXT2SPEECH - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
audioType - Variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
Accepted values t2s | audio | library, where t2s is text to speech, audio expects an audio file path and library is a reference to an audio recording in SMSGatewayCenter's admin library.
Audit - Class in com.neurosys.audit.domain
Represents an generic Audit record for activities
Audit() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
audit(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
audit(T, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.dashboardAdmin
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
audit - Static variable in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
Auditable - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A marker interface to imply that the Domain Object would be Audited into special files and any design on the Object should consider the following:
Security considerations toString method, carefully written to ensure legibility,security,accuracy,brevity of all that is written from this object Serialization
AuditDao - Interface in com.neurosys.audit.dao
Do Autdit Activities
AuditDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.audit.dao.jpa
AuditDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.audit.dao.jpa.AuditDaoImpl
authenticate(Principal) - Method in interface
AuthenticationException - Exception in
Represents the reasons for Authentication failure
AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthenticationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception
AuthenticationToken - Interface in
An Authentication Token, that contains access details post Authentication.
Authenticator - Interface in
An interface to associate with third party Authentication systems
AuthMenuLogic - Class in
Determines the current State of the Menu by looking at the root MenuItem, the current focussed MenuItem and the User.
AuthMenuLogic() - Constructor for class
authModule - Variable in class
Authorizable - Interface in
Defines any service, component that is directly capable of being Authorized.
Any API that returns Authorizable type, implies the level of access needed by the calling component to access it.
AuthorizableETLMeta<PARAM_META> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
AuthorizableETLMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
AuthorizableETLMeta(ETLMeta<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
AuthorizableETLMeta(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
AuthorizableETLMeta(List<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
AuthorizableETLMeta(Transformer, List<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
AuthorizableExportType - Class in com.neurosys.reporting
AuthorizableExportType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
AuthorizableExportType(ExportType) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
AuthorizableFacetMeta - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
AuthorizableFacetMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
AuthorizableFacetMeta(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
AuthorizableMenuItem - Class in
A MenuItem with Permissions
AuthorizableMenuItem() - Constructor for class
AuthorizableObject<T> - Class in
AuthorizableObject() - Constructor for class
AuthorizableReporterMeta<PARAM_META> - Class in
For Reports that have special Authorization needs and are Authorizable in nature
AuthorizableReporterMeta() - Constructor for class
AuthorizableReporterMeta(ReporterMeta) - Constructor for class
AuthorizableSecurableService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
A service that allows SecurableService to be Authorizablealso.
AuthorizableSecurableService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
AuthorizableTemplate<REF> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
A Template that supports being Authorizable
AuthorizableTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
AuthorizableTemplate(Template<REF>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
AuthorizableTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
If a Transformation process has Authorization needs.
AuthorizableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
AuthorizableTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
Authorization - Class in
Container for AuthorizationType and and extent of the AuthorizationExtent.
Authorization() - Constructor for class
Authorization(Authorization) - Constructor for class
Authorization(IAuthorizationType) - Constructor for class
Authorization(IAuthorizationType, AuthorizationExtent) - Constructor for class
Authorization(IAuthorizationType, AuthorizationExtent, IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Constructor for class
AuthorizationException - Exception in
Represents the reasons for internal Authorization failure
AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException - Exception in
Represents the reasons for Authorization failure
AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception
AuthorizationExtent - Enum in
Who all can the user perform the AuthorizationType action over.
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
AuthorizationModule<T> - Class in
A Module that describes how Authorization or Un-Authorized interactions need to be handled.
AuthorizationModule() - Constructor for class
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
authorizationModule - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
AuthorizationRow(String, String, MarkupContainer, IModel<Authorization>, Collection<Authorization>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel.AuthorizationRow
AuthorizationRow(String, String, MarkupContainer, IModel<Authorization>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel.AuthorizationRow
authorizations - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON String to represent a Map of <String, Authorization> per module.
AuthorizationService - Class in
Default implementation for IAuthorizationService.
AuthorizationService() - Constructor for class
AuthorizationStrategy - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session
Checks/Protects Admin pages by checking if User is authorized to visit them.
AuthorizationStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session.AuthorizationStrategy
AuthorizationType - Enum in
AuthorizedComponent - Interface in
Marker interface that marks a component as one that requires an active session.
Note: Based on the IAuthorizationStrategy or AbstractAuthorizationStrategy implemented, one can have custom scenarios.
AuthorizedRollOverMenuItem - Class in
as RollOverMenuItem is also deprecated. Use AuthorizableMenuItem
AuthorizedRollOverMenuItem() - Constructor for class
autoAssignData(T, Route<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStrategy
Set all sorts of Ids, or any data that can be automatically set for the Token that we may want to apply custom logic to.
Typically this should be called after a Token is assigned its Batch or Shift.
autoCalcPartialAmountForNextSubOrder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
If SubOrder.getPartialAmount() is null for the new Sub Order, then ensure sequence is valid using #sequenceSubOrderTransformer and then initialize it by auto Calculate the SubOrder.setPartialAmount(Amount) for the next SubOrder and set it in the same object.
AutoCompleteStartsWithTextField<T> - Class in
An extension of the AutoCompleteTextField that only display optsios/filters as letters are being typed.
AutoCompleteStartsWithTextField(String, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class
AutoCompleteStartsWithTextField(String, IModel<T>, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class
AutoCompleteStartsWithTextField(String, Collection<T>, AutoCompleteSettings) - Constructor for class
AutoDetectModuleMountPoints - Class in com.neurosys.module.wicket.service
Scans for MountUI annotations and creates IPathLoader objects which the SiteApplication consumes and uses to mounts points.
MountUI annotation is only scanned on WebPage type classes in this service.
AutoDetectModuleMountPoints() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.wicket.service.AutoDetectModuleMountPoints
AutoDetectMountPoints - Class in
Scans for MountUI annotations and creates IPathLoader objects which the SiteApplication consumes and uses to mounts points.
MountUI annotation is only scanned on WebPage type classes in this service.
AutoDetectMountPoints() - Constructor for class
AutoGenMenuItem - Class in
A MenuItem that will replace itself with a List of auto generated MenuItems.
AutoGenMenuItem() - Constructor for class
autoInitEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
autoInitEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
autoInitEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
autoMap(String, URI) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
Override for any additional mapping actions to the Web Framework
AuxData<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Data that isn't part of core persistent or core data, but used for State or Reporting purposes to avoid complex or expensive derivation (transient in nature).


BaseCollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
A given Product like a Product#ATTRIB_COLLECTION_TYPE_NAME can have multiple Products associated with it in Product.getRelatedGroups().
BaseCollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator() - Constructor for class
BaseIterativeProcessor<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.readers
Support generic Process Aware aspects for Read operations and their boiler plate management
BaseIterativeProcessor(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
BaseOrderItem - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Maintains details about any Order Item

Note: Be sure to override toString() to return a JSON representation if one decides to override it.
BaseOrderItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
BaseOrderItem(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
BaseOrderItem(BaseOrderItem) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
baseReporters - Variable in class
Each Reporter will create a new Section
baseReporters - Variable in class
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet
BaseShutdownHook - Class in
Hooks for Shutdown.
BaseShutdownHook() - Constructor for class
BaseStartupHook - Class in
Hooks for Startup.
BaseStartupHook() - Constructor for class
BasicAuthenticationToken - Class in
Basic impl for AuthenticationToken
BasicAuthenticationToken() - Constructor for class
BasicAuthenticationToken(String) - Constructor for class
BasicAuthPrincipal - Class in
BasicAuthPrincipal() - Constructor for class
BasicAuthPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class
BasicAuthPrincipal(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class
BasicAuthVoter - Class in
Voting strategy for Basic Authentication/WS Stateless Services
BasicAuthVoter() - Constructor for class
BasicCommentDao - Interface in com.neurosys.comments.dao
Basic DAO services for all DB's to implement
BasicCredentials - Class in
Represents user Credentials.
BasicCredentials() - Constructor for class
BasicCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class
BasicSession<U extends User,S extends WebUserShell<U,org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession>> - Class in
Represents a session object
BasicSession(Request) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Class in
Event over any Token type.
BasicTokenEvent() - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(BasicTokenEvent) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(String) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, T) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class
BasicTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Supplier<Collection<T>>) - Constructor for class
BasicUnTrustedAuthenticationToken - Class in
BasicUnTrustedAuthenticationToken() - Constructor for class
BasicUnTrustedAuthenticationToken(String) - Constructor for class
BasicUser<T extends BasicUser> - Class in
Simply Extend and use JPA annotations over extended class like:
BasicUser() - Constructor for class
BasicUser(String) - Constructor for class
BastardProductFilter<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
During ETL it is possible that a USER may apply an UPDATE instead on an INSERT on some records
This can technically lead to a product not updating or deriving parent info if parent info is not updated during Updates and gives rise to Bastard Products (ones without any parents)
The default implementation of this Filter simply rejects any such records to ensure they don't get into the system.
BastardProductFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.BastardProductFilter
BastardProductFilter<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
During ETL it is possible that a USER may apply an UPDATE instead on an INSERT on some records
This can technically lead to a product not updating or deriving parent info if parent info is not updated during Updates and gives rise to Bastard Products (ones without any parents)
The default implementation of this Filter simply rejects any such records to ensure they don't get into the system.
BastardProductFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.BastardProductFilter
Batch<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
A batch of Tokens.
Also since Batch extends Token A Batch can contain other Batches.
BatchInfo<B extends BatchInfo<B>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
Common properties of Batch assignable to Token
BatchProcess - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.process
Allow collective control over Exceptions, earnings etc
BatchService<B extends Batch<T>,T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
A generic definitions on the operations that are supported on a Batch
batchSize - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
batchTransform(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BatchTransformer
BatchTransformer<R,T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A definition marking an implementation that takes in a collection as a parameter for its Transformer as opposed to direct arguments.
BCCList - Variable in class
If not using bulk and want to show BCC addresses, use this
BCCListStr - Variable in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.CCList or EmailMessage.BCCList respectively, but does not directly participate in any processing
BeanUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Utility methods for Context and bean related stuff
BeanUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
beforeDelProduct(Product) - Method in class
beforeDelProducts(Object) - Method in class
beforeDelProductSubHierarchy(Product) - Method in class
Behavior<I> - Interface in
Behaviors - Interface in
Represents any Event, Action, Change etc.
bind(String[], Predicate) - Method in class
Bind the model to multiple properties in the model object
BIT_MASKS - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Define a consistent interface for BIT+MASKS enums so that they maybe extended for custom projects
bitmask - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
bitmask - Variable in class
BitMaskTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
If a a Number is represented as a sequence of bits.
BitMaskTransformer(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
BitMaskUtil - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Utils for Bit Masking
BitMaskUtil() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.BitMaskUtil
BitsToStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Useful in converting an integer to its binary, Hex or octal form.
BitsToStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
BLACK_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
BLACK_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSPersistSecurityAdapter
BLACK_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
blackRegExPattern - Variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
BLANK_ARRAY - Static variable in class
blockOrders - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
A quick set flag if we wish to block taking orders due to any reason like maintenance etc.
BreakChainException - Exception in com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
An Exception that breaks the Chain
BreakChainException(String, BreakChainException.CauseType) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
BreakChainException(Throwable, BreakChainException.CauseType) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
BreakChainException(String, Throwable, BreakChainException.CauseType) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
BreakChainException.CauseType - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
broadcast(M) - Method in class
Single Message Sent to Multiple Recipients
broadcast(M) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.BulkDispatcher
BrokenTreeFixTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.domain.transformers
BrokenTreeFixTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.BrokenTreeFixTransformer
BUFFER_HOLD_TIME - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
BUFFERED_MODE - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
BufferedConnector - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.connectors
BufferedSortableDataProvider<T> - Class in
Buffers the data and performs iterations etc on the Buffered Data instead of being directly connected to some datasource.
BufferedSortableDataProvider() - Constructor for class
BufferedSortableDataProvider(SortableDataProvider<T>) - Constructor for class
BufferSplitter<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch
Any splitting process that allows a callback to process a managable batch at a time
build(T) - Static method in class
Based on contextual configurations,
build(T) - Static method in class
Based on contextual configurations get an Overriding panel.
buildMessage(DisposableMessage<R, T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
BulkDispatcher<M extends Message> - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers
Support Boradcast and Bulk dispatching of a message: Single message to single recipient : Message.getRecipients() = 1.
BUTTON - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
BUTTON_SUBMIT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType


CACHE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
cache - Variable in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
cache - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
cache - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
CacheableGenericStaticPageWrapper - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.components.wrappers
CacheableGenericStaticPageWrapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.components.wrappers.CacheableGenericStaticPageWrapper
CacheFlushPublishAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
Used to Flush an explicit ContentDescriber and all its ContentFacet from the Cache.
CacheFlushPublishAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.CacheFlushPublishAdapter
CacheFlushPublishAdapter(ContentLocationResolver) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.CacheFlushPublishAdapter
CacheLookup - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A Spring based transformer Implement a Cache wrapper over any Transformer
CacheLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
CacheLookups - Interface in com.neurosys.lookups
Just a common place to define all caches, don't see this extending or scaling so deprecating
cacheManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
cacheManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
calcKey(T, FlowStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
calcKey(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftsRegister
Key with which something is stored in this register
calcKey(U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
Calculate key
calculate(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.ChargeStrategy
Calculate raw amount for a product and any user making purchase
calculate(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CumulativeChargeStrategy
Calculate raw amount for product(s)
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultDiscountStrategy
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Will add amount from ChargeStrategy.calculate(Product, Number, User, String, List, Object) for each of the following strategies in order @ The product level.
The rules of Amount.add(Amount) will apply while adding: DefaultOrderStrategy.saleStrategy DefaultOrderStrategy.discountStrategy DefaultOrderStrategy.promotionStrategy
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPackagingStrategy
Return Product.getPackagingData() as a Number
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
By default this Strategy does not do anything @ a product level.
calculate(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
Calculate Amount for product in the given context.
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultShippingStrategy
Return Product.getShippingData() as a Number
calculate(P, Number, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultTaxStrategy
Assumes tax data is represented in %, Number and the calculation is is a Tax% on (sale or regular price).
calculate(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PromotionStrategy
Note: Discounts are DEDUCTED in main / API calcs, so total can be (+), discount part (-) ...
calculateCumulativeDiscount(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
Formule: Cum.
calculateCumulativePartialAmountsSoFar(O, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
calculateCurrentTotal(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
Calculate current net value of the Order.
The word "current" is used, to imply that depending on the application, future SubOrders with discounts maybe created, in that case this value will change.
calculatePayableTotal(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
calculateRemainder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
For a SubOrder calculate remainder amount based on SubOrder Amount.getTotal() - DefaultSubOrderStrategy.calculateCumulativePartialAmountsSoFar(SubOrder, boolean, boolean).
The calculateCumulativePartialAmountsSoFar method is given (order, true, false) as params.
call() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.AsynchronousMessage
callingTemplate - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
CAMPAIGN_ID - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
For Links that recognize any Campaign Id
Cart - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain
A cart that keeps the references to the Products added by the user
This object could be maintained in the session so
Cart() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Cart(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Cart(Cart) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Cart(List<CartItem>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Cart(String, List<CartItem>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
CART_TYPE_SHOPPING - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
CART_TYPE_WISHLIST - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
CartItem<T> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain
Item within the Cart.
CartItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
CartItem(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
CartItem(CartItem) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
cartItemsToKeys(List<CI>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
cartItemsToString(List<CI>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
Convert List of CartItems into String
CartProductTransformService<P extends Product,CI extends CartItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service
Common methods for Cart, CartItem, Product transformations.
CartProductTransformService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
CartService<P extends Product,SESSION,REQUEST,USER> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service
Basic services around the Cart

Also supports ChangeGenerator
CartUpdateStockChangeListener<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service
A Listener that can be plugged into CartService; that ensures SaleStrategy locks products selected by a user for the CartService.CART_TYPE_SHOPPING so that other users may not purchase the same product that is in the shoppers cart.
CartUpdateStockChangeListener(SaleStrategy) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartUpdateStockChangeListener
CartWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return Carts
CartWriter() - Constructor for class
CaseInsensitiveHashMap<T> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A case-insensitive version of HashMap where the keys will all be the same as as long as they contain the same alphabets in the same lexical order.
Does not allow insertion of null keys.
CaseInsensitiveHashMap() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
CaseInsensitiveHashMap(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
CaseInsensitiveHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
CaseInsensitiveHashMap(Map<String, T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
CaseInsensitiveHashSet - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Allow Case insensitive comparisons
CaseInsensitiveHashSet() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashSet
CaseInsensitiveHashSet(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashSet
CaseInsensitiveHashSet(Collection<? extends String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashSet
CaseInsensitiveList - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Allow Case insensitive comparisons
CaseInsensitiveList() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveList
CaseInsensitiveList(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveList
CaseInsensitiveList(Collection<? extends String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveList
CaseInsensitiveListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Take any Collection and convert to CaseInsensitiveList
CaseInsensitiveListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CaseInsensitiveListTransformer
CaseTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and converts to lower case or upper case or camel case
CaseTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer
CaseTransformer.Case - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
castBigIntId(Object) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Cast an Id that is a BigInteger as a String
castToString(Object) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Any DB raw value or any value that needs to be converted to a String
catalogAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
catalogAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.catalogAdmin
CatalogAutoNav - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
CatalogAutoNav() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
CatalogAutoNav.CatalogMenuItem - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
CatalogMenuItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav.CatalogMenuItem
CatalogNavigatorPanel - Class in com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels
Base class with all the possible functionality & tweaks.
CatalogNavigatorPanel(String, IPageable) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogNavigatorPanel
catalogPageClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogNavigatorPanel
Links from the Nav, will goto this Paage
CatalogPanel<T> - Class in com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels
Generic Catalog Panel.
CatalogPanel(String, IModel<?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
categories - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
CategoryContentPathTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Uses ContentPathConstructor.encodeUrlSafeName(String) to encode it to know the actual URL path
CategoryContentPathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.CategoryContentPathTransformer
CategoryListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Load all non-leaf nodes and return List of String[] {Product.getName, Display name with 'escaped space' padding prefixed, Product.getHierarchy}
CategoryListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CategoryListTransformer
categoryName - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
categoryPageExtractionhandler() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
How using the parent category we wish to extract the children.
CategoryPanel<T> - Class in
A Panel to represent all the items in the hierarchy

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Node Selected - T
CategoryPanel(String, IModel<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class
CategoryProductPagePathTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
A ProductPagePathTransformer that will check if the product is a category or product using CategoryProductPagePathTransformer.isCategory(Product).
If it is a category and a CategoryProductPagePathTransformer.categoryPath is provided it will use that and visa-versa if its a product.
CategoryProductPagePathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
CategoryTemplate<P,T extends Template<?>> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
A Template that would render child components which are governed by their own Template
CategoryTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.CategoryTemplate
CategoryTemplatePage<C extends ContentDescriber,T extends Template<TemplatePage>> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages
CategoryTemplatePage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
CCList - Variable in class
If not using bulk and want to show CC addresses, use this
CCListStr - Variable in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.CCList or EmailMessage.BCCList respectively, but does not directly participate in any processing
CDN_LOCATION - Variable in class
Location/Name for a Content Delivery Network
This is useful to set the base URL's for all resources if we wish to fetch them from a CDN
The CDN Location should be independent of any protocol; and should represent the Domain Name.
CEHCK_BOX_3 - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
True/False/Dont-Care Check-Box
chain(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Chainable
Chain<T,O> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Defines a chain of processors
chain(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Chain
chain(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
chain(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
chain(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperChain
chain(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
chain(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
Chainable<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Allow chaining of a Bean.
ChainableWrapper<T> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Make it possible to Filter.Chain objects that do not implement Filter.Chain
Sometimes even Lambda expressions can make a mess of things.
ChainableWrapper(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ChainableWrapper
ChainAware<T,O> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Processors, Lookup, Predicate or Transformer that are aware that they are being called in a Chain
ChainIterativeReader<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.readers
Chain multiple BaseIterativeProcessors
ChainIterativeReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Default Constructor to allow lazy initialization
If so, ChainIterativeReader.init() must be called by the calling API explicitly after calling BaseIterativeProcessor.setResource(Resource)
ChainIterativeReader(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
ChainIterativeReader(Resource, List<BaseIterativeProcessor>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
ChainPageLocators - Class in
Locate pages/resources that map to application context.
ChainPageLocators() - Constructor for class
ChainPageLocators(List<IPageLocator>) - Constructor for class
ChainPublishAdapter<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
Chain multiple IPublisherAdapters
ChainPublishAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.ChainPublishAdapter
ChainPublishAdapter(List<IPublisherAdapter<ENTITY>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.ChainPublishAdapter
ChangeGenerator<T> - Interface in
For every ChangeListener there has to be an event generate.
ChangeListener<T> - Interface in
A listener that listens for changes in a component.
ChangeListenerTransfomer<T> - Interface in
A ChangeListener that does not need to refer to the ChangeGenerator and hence the model object can also be passed as Transformer.transform(Object)
ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer<T> - Class in
A ChangeListener that can wrap any Transformer
ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer() - Constructor for class
ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class
changeMenuStateByAuth(MenuItemState, User) - Method in class
Change the current State for authorizations.
ChangePassword - Interface in com.neurosys.user.service
changePassword(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ChangePassword
changePassword(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
changePasswordRestrictedAccess(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ChangePassword
Whenere another user can change for the given user but the user id of the change request should be supplied to validate if the changer has authority to do sp
changePasswordRestrictedAccess(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
changePasswordService - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
ChargeStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Using rules calculate charge for Categories of products or Products; these rules/algorithms/scripts maybe for tax, shipping, tax+shipping etc.
CHECK_BOX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
True/False Check-Box
checkAuthFilterInvoked() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.SecurableService
Since these services are secured (if specified as so), the Job of Authentication is meant to be handled by the Filter.
checkAuthorizationToAccessProducts(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
Check if user has access to Catalog
checkAuthorizationToSave(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
In Save operations check if user has authorization to save
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
checkCriteria(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
Checks the business logic against which the Predicate will succeed (response as true) or fail (false).
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
checkCriteria(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate
checkCriteria(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.WebFilterPredicate
checkCriteria(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.BastardProductFilter
checkIfChildrenHaveAutorization(MenuItemState, User) - Method in class
Menus that don't have authorization can be shown if they have a Child that does -- but any links then should be de-activated
checkItemProductsStillLocked(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
For some operations like sending invoice etc it may be necessary for the order to have a lock on all its products; Warn by throwing PartialTransactionException.getFailed() of all Products that are not locked.
checkItemProductsStillLocked(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
For some operations like sending invoice etc it may be necessary for the order to have a lock on all its products; Warn by throwing PartialTransactionException.getFailed() of all Products that are not locked.
checkNewSession(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
checkNewSession(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
checkNewUserAgent(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
checkNewUserAgent(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
checkPageMatchesTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
checkSecureIncoming(IRequestTarget) - Method in class
checkSecureOutgoing(IRequestTarget) - Method in class
ChildTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in
An IChild and a TokenEvent.
A child event is defined as one that is generated as a result of another event known as the IChild.getParent() event.
CHOICE_RENDERER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
CHOICE_RENDERER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
CHOICE_RENDERER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
cipher - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
CIPHER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
CIPHER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Cipher Type
CKEditorConfigs() - Constructor for class
CkEditorWrapper - Class in
A Wicket wrapper to a CK Editor that can be invoked dynamically and multiple times on a page.
Note, this class assumes you are using CK Editor and the container markup contains imports to the necerssary libraries & css.
CkEditorWrapper(String, IModel<String>, String) - Constructor for class
CkEditorWrapper.CKEditorConfigs - Class in
ckPropertyFilter - Static variable in class
classObjectToJson(Object, JsonConfig) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Ensures while marshalling the Class details are also there in the JSON result
ClasspathScanner - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Utility class for scanning classpath
ClasspathScanner() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.ClasspathScanner
ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Based on Class type, if is included in ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer.getAcceptedTypes() will execute the wrapped Transformer.
Null input will result in false (not process input)
ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer
ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer(List<Class>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer
CLEAN_ALL_EXCEPT_ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
CLEAN_ALL_WITHSPACE_EXCEPT_ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
CLEAN_VARIABLES_PATH_PARAMS_REGEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
If there are variables defined in a URL in the format /abc/$[a.b.c]/oo%45 o123&/$[zzzz.zzzzz]
Then this will help eliminate the Path param pairs with variables including any leading "/" from the String
CLEAN_VARIABLES_QUERY_PARAMS_REGEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
If there are variables defined in a URL in the format param1=abc¶m2=$[a.b.c]¶m3=oo%45 o123¶m4=$[zzzz.zzzzz]
Then this will help eliminate the Query param pairs with variables including any leading "&" from the String
cleanAndValidate(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
cleanAndValidate(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
cleanAndValidate(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
cleanCkEditorShit(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentUtils
CkEditor by default shits over your markup script with <p> tags.
cleanDangligngDelimets(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
If a JoinTransformer.filter is given then there maybe dangling delimiters in the end.
cleanDangligngDelimets(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
CleanEditorContent - Class in
The CKEditor throws in <p> and </p> tags at the start for basic things likes images et.c We don't want it.
CleanEditorContent() - Constructor for class
cleanRedundantSessions(Set<String>, S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
Opportunity to clean redundant sessions
cleanRedundantSessions(Set<String>, Session) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
Opportunity to clean redundant sessions
cleanString(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
It will remove all regex matches within the string.
cleanToDataSafe(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Ensure String is without any special characters etc and all replaced characters are replaced with an underscore
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
clear() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentLookupService
Clear the entire cache
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.DefaultContentLookupService
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.DefaultProductLookupService
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
clear() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductLookupService
Clear the entire cache
clear(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
clear(U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
clear(TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
clear() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
clear(U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
clear(U, TC) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
clear(TC) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
Clear all keys related to a TokenContainer
clear() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
Clear All
clearCache(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
Will clear the namespace hierarchy from the cache
clearCache(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
clearCache(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
clearCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
clearCache() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Clear all Product related Cache
clearCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
clearCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Clear all the ContentDescriber cache
clearCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
Clear all the Product cache
clearCache() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Clear all Product related Cache
clearCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
clearCart(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Clear all existing Cart products on server; the Cart object will stil exist but the list is made empty.
clearContext() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
Clear DataMap & Data Context added by this#addContext(Map)
clearContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
clearCount(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
clearCount(Shift<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
clearCount() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
clearCount(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.TokenNotificationTrackerService
clearCount(Shift<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.TokenNotificationTrackerService
clearCount() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.TokenNotificationTrackerService
clearTemplates() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
clearTemplates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Clear cached HTML pages that serve as base templates
clearTemplates() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
clearTemplates() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Clear all the ContentDescriber cache
ClientMenuPanel - Class in
A Menu Panel that translates the Menu configuration with permissions to a JavaScript array.
The panel uses an adapter to do the conversion to suit various different JavaScript Client DHTML Menus.
ClientMenuPanel(String, IModel<Menu>) - Constructor for class
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
clone() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
clone(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
clone a content across Status & Locales (alter-egos) of this same content.
The passed content is not persisted.
clone(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Ability to clone (create clones & persist) content across Content.getStatus() and/or Localizable.getLocale().
clone(C, List<Status>, List<Locale>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Ability to clone (create clones & persist) content across AbstractContent.getStatus() and/or AbstractContent.getLocale().
The content should have a valid parentId and hierarchy code already set.

This method will not save the passed input content but will create a new clone for the alter egos of the supplied content.
All the cloned content will search for their respective parents (creating a parallel cloned hierarchy)
clone(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
clone a content across Status & Locales (alter-egos) of this same content.
The passed content is not persisted.
clone(C, List<Status>, List<Locale>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
Ability to clone (create clones & persist) content across AbstractContent.getStatus() and/or AbstractContent.getLocale().
The content should have a valid parentId and hierarchy code already set.

This method will not save the passed input content but will create a new clone for the alter egos of the supplied content.
All the cloned content will search for their respective parents (creating a parallel cloned hierarchy)
clone(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
clone a content across Status & Locales (alter-egos) of this same content.
The passed content is not persisted.
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
clone(GenericEcomUser) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
In case of GuestUser pas back original; since its Guest.
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
clone() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
CloneCollection - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Clone a List and every element in it.
CloneCollection() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
cloneMenuItemToState(MenuItem, Integer) - Static method in class
generate State tree from an MenuItem upto levels.
close() - Method in class
Shuts down the client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
close() - Method in class
Shuts down the SNS client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
close() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
close() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
Any cleanup
close() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.writers.RealTimeWriter
Any cleanup
close() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
close() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
close() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
clusterName - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
clusterName - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
COD<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods
Service for Cash On Delivery - PaymentMethod.COD
code - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
Region Code
CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
While OWASP Anti-Samy takes care of HTML content etc, this can handle things on the scripting side to analyze script content by nature of code.
CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
CollectionAttributes - Interface in com.neurosys.collection.domain
Collection specific meta data
CollectionElementType - Annotation Type in com.neurosys.domain
Sometimes it maybe hard to introspect Collection Types.
CollectionFilterSortTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Apply a Filter/Predicate & Sorts on the original Collection
CollectionFilterSortTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
CollectionMetaItem - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
A MetaItem that is used in a Collection of elements that represent the same MetaItem however to differentiate within the collection of data provide an additional reference Id
CollectionMetaItem(FacetMeta, Field, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.CollectionMetaItem
CollectionMetaItem(MetaItem, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.CollectionMetaItem
CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Take a Collection and convert it to a Map based on an CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer.identifier.
CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
CollectionToStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert a Collection to a String.
CollectionToStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
CollectionTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Take a Collection, Array or Map and apply a nested Transformer to each element.
CollectionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
CollectionTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
CollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
A BaseCollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator that returns null if Exception is of type ContinueProcessingException or BreakChainException
The adaptation allows the DocumentGenerator to skip creating Documents for false cases.
CollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator() - Constructor for class
collectionTypesAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
collectionTypesAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
CollectionTypesDetailsPanel<C extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display PluralAttribute.CollectionType Details
Implements ChangeGenerator to notify listener promotionAdmin

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Save - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#ADD, Product as Collection, AjaxRequestTarget} Delete - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#DELETE, Product as Collection, AjaxRequestTarget}
On Save it will also call the Template.notifyAllListeners(Object) in TemplatePanel.getTemplate()
CollectionTypesDetailsPanel(String, IModel<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
CollectionTypesReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Inventory
CollectionTypesReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components.CollectionTypesReportResult
CollectionTypesTemplatePanel<C extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the Collection Details template Panel are delegated to this
CollectionTypesTemplatePanel(String, IModel<C>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<C, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesTemplatePanel
CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer<C extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.collection.transformers
A Transformer that accepts collection Id/sku or any identifier that #collectionFetch accepts or Collection as Product and produces a Link for it.
CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer(Class<Page>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer(CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer, ProductService<C>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
Allow to create a submit transformer from a ReadOnly version or visa versa based on if productService is null.
ColorListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Pick out unique values from a List of raw Color strings and present a List of String[] {raw COLOR VALUE, Display Name for Color using WordUtils.capitalize(String)}
ColorListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ColorListTransformer
columnFieldMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper from Tuple Column Index/Field Name to a particular field (one to one); index # starts @ 0
columnNames - Variable in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
columnNames - Variable in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
com.neurosys.amorphous.dao - package com.neurosys.amorphous.dao
com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.amorphous.domain - package com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
com.neurosys.amorphous.etl - package com.neurosys.amorphous.etl - package
com.neurosys.amorphous.service - package com.neurosys.amorphous.service
com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter - package com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter - package
com.neurosys.audit.dao - package com.neurosys.audit.dao
com.neurosys.audit.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.audit.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.audit.domain - package com.neurosys.audit.domain - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters - package com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
com.neurosys.cluzo.domain - package com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
com.neurosys.cluzo.filters - package com.neurosys.cluzo.filters
com.neurosys.cluzo.service - package com.neurosys.cluzo.service
com.neurosys.cluzo.utils - package com.neurosys.cluzo.utils
com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components - package com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components
com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.collection.domain - package com.neurosys.collection.domain - package
com.neurosys.collection.transformers - package com.neurosys.collection.transformers
com.neurosys.comments.dao - package com.neurosys.comments.dao
com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.comments.domain - package com.neurosys.comments.domain
com.neurosys.comments.service - package com.neurosys.comments.service
com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components
com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor - package com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor
com.neurosys.common.domain - package com.neurosys.common.domain
com.neurosys.common.hierarchy - package com.neurosys.common.hierarchy
com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.configs - package com.neurosys.configs
com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.configs.transformers - package com.neurosys.configs.transformers
com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model - package com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model
com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.content.dao - package com.neurosys.content.dao
com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.content.domain - package com.neurosys.content.domain
com.neurosys.content.lookup - package com.neurosys.content.lookup
com.neurosys.content.service - package com.neurosys.content.service
com.neurosys.content.service.extractors - package com.neurosys.content.service.extractors
com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs - package
com.neurosys.content.service.publishers - package com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers - package com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers - package
com.neurosys.content.wicket.model - package com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.components.wrappers - package com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.components.wrappers
com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel - package com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel
com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain - package com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain
com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl - package com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl
com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions - package com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions
com.neurosys.crm.billing.service - package com.neurosys.crm.billing.service
com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils - package com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils
com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain - package com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa - package com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl - package com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl
com.neurosys.cxf.jaxrs.swagger - package com.neurosys.cxf.jaxrs.swagger
com.neurosys.dao - package com.neurosys.dao
com.neurosys.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.domain - package com.neurosys.domain
com.neurosys.domain.transformers - package com.neurosys.domain.transformers
com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain - package com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain
com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service
com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket - package com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket
com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components
com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.components - package com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.components
com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components - package com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components
com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.ecom.etl - package com.neurosys.ecom.etl
com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao - package com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao
com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain - package com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service
com.neurosys.ecom.model - package com.neurosys.ecom.model
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain - package
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs - package
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket - package com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket
com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods - package com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods
com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao - package com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao
com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain - package com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain - package
com.neurosys.ecom.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.service
com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
com.neurosys.ecom.user.service - package com.neurosys.ecom.user.service
com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs - package
com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components
com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain - package com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers - package com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers
com.neurosys.ecom.utils - package com.neurosys.ecom.utils
com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components
com.neurosys.etl.common - package com.neurosys.etl.common
com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators - package com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators
com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions - package com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
com.neurosys.etl.common.filters - package com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper - package com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors - package com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers - package com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
com.neurosys.etl.comparators - package com.neurosys.etl.comparators
com.neurosys.etl.connectors - package com.neurosys.etl.connectors
com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters - package com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters
com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers - package com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers
com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers - package com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers
com.neurosys.etl.process - package com.neurosys.etl.process
com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch - package com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch
com.neurosys.etl.readers - package com.neurosys.etl.readers
com.neurosys.etl.service - package com.neurosys.etl.service
com.neurosys.etl.web.etl - package com.neurosys.etl.web.etl
com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers - package com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
com.neurosys.etl.writers - package com.neurosys.etl.writers - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.neurosys.exception - package com.neurosys.exception
com.neurosys.feeds.domain - package com.neurosys.feeds.domain
com.neurosys.feeds.etl - package com.neurosys.feeds.etl
com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain - package com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain
com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl - package com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl
com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain - package com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain
com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl - package com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl
com.neurosys.filters - package com.neurosys.filters
com.neurosys.geo.domain - package com.neurosys.geo.domain
com.neurosys.guid - package com.neurosys.guid
GUIDis a set of entity interfaces that make it possible for entities (references) across systems to interact.
com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl - package com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
com.neurosys.hazelcast.service - package com.neurosys.hazelcast.service
com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models - package com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models
com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.login.wicket - package com.neurosys.login.wicket
com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.lookups - package com.neurosys.lookups
com.neurosys.markdown.etl - package com.neurosys.markdown.etl - package - package - package - package - package
com.neurosys.messenger - package com.neurosys.messenger
com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers - package com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers
com.neurosys.messenger.domain - package com.neurosys.messenger.domain
com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes - package com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes - package - package - package
com.neurosys.messenger.etl - package com.neurosys.messenger.etl
com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers - package com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers
com.neurosys.module.model - package com.neurosys.module.model
com.neurosys.module.service - package com.neurosys.module.service
com.neurosys.module.wicket.model - package com.neurosys.module.wicket.model
com.neurosys.module.wicket.service - package com.neurosys.module.wicket.service
com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.modules.etl - package com.neurosys.modules.etl
com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package
com.neurosys.modules.utils - package com.neurosys.modules.utils
com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components
com.neurosys.multiorg.dao - package com.neurosys.multiorg.dao
com.neurosys.multiorg.domain - package com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
com.neurosys.multiorg.service - package com.neurosys.multiorg.service
com.neurosys.nexmo.domain - package com.neurosys.nexmo.domain
com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer - package com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer
com.neurosys.notification.domain - package com.neurosys.notification.domain
com.neurosys.notification.service - package com.neurosys.notification.service
com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components
com.neurosys.odb.core.db - package com.neurosys.odb.core.db
com.neurosys.odb.document.etl - package com.neurosys.odb.document.etl
com.neurosys.odb.etl - package com.neurosys.odb.etl
com.neurosys.odb.object - package com.neurosys.odb.object
com.neurosys.odb.object.etl - package com.neurosys.odb.object.etl
com.neurosys.odb.util - package com.neurosys.odb.util
com.neurosys.orient.core.entity - package com.neurosys.orient.core.entity
com.neurosys.pagination.domain - package com.neurosys.pagination.domain
com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components - package com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components
com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.posts.dao - package com.neurosys.posts.dao
com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.posts.domain - package com.neurosys.posts.domain
com.neurosys.posts.service - package com.neurosys.posts.service
com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components
com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.products.dao - package com.neurosys.products.dao
com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.products.domain - package com.neurosys.products.domain
Product Association Types
com.neurosys.products.lookup - package com.neurosys.products.lookup
com.neurosys.products.service - package com.neurosys.products.service
com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs - package
com.neurosys.products.wicket.model - package com.neurosys.products.wicket.model
com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels - package com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels
com.neurosys.q.basic.domain - package com.neurosys.q.basic.domain
com.neurosys.q.dao - package com.neurosys.q.dao
com.neurosys.q.domain - package com.neurosys.q.domain
com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions - package com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions - package
com.neurosys.q.notification.service - package com.neurosys.q.notification.service
com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service - package com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service
com.neurosys.q.service - package com.neurosys.q.service
com.neurosys.q.track.transformers - package com.neurosys.q.track.transformers
com.neurosys.q.user.service - package com.neurosys.q.user.service
com.neurosys.ratings.dao - package com.neurosys.ratings.dao
com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa - package com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa
com.neurosys.ratings.domain - package com.neurosys.ratings.domain
com.neurosys.ratings.service - package com.neurosys.ratings.service
com.neurosys.refs.domain - package com.neurosys.refs.domain
com.neurosys.refs.transformers - package com.neurosys.refs.transformers
com.neurosys.refs.utils - package com.neurosys.refs.utils
com.neurosys.reporting - package com.neurosys.reporting
com.neurosys.reporting.wicket - package com.neurosys.reporting.wicket
com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates - package com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates
com.neurosys.saas.domain - package com.neurosys.saas.domain
com.neurosys.saas.etl - package com.neurosys.saas.etl
com.neurosys.saas.user.domain - package com.neurosys.saas.user.domain
com.neurosys.saas.user.service - package com.neurosys.saas.user.service
com.neurosys.scribble - package com.neurosys.scribble
com.neurosys.scribble.domain - package com.neurosys.scribble.domain
com.neurosys.scribble.groovy - package com.neurosys.scribble.groovy
com.neurosys.scribble.proxy - package com.neurosys.scribble.proxy
com.neurosys.scribble.transformers - package com.neurosys.scribble.transformers
com.neurosys.scripting.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.scripting.admin.wicket.pages - package - package - package - package
com.neurosys.seo.ajax - package com.neurosys.seo.ajax
com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters - package com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice - package com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice
com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain - package com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer - package com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer
com.neurosys.spider.indexer - package com.neurosys.spider.indexer
com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service - package com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service
com.neurosys.strategy.service - package com.neurosys.strategy.service
com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
com.neurosys.template.model - package com.neurosys.template.model
com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters - package com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters
com.neurosys.template.model.transformers - package com.neurosys.template.model.transformers
com.neurosys.template.service - package com.neurosys.template.service
com.neurosys.template.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters - package com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
com.neurosys.track.domain - package com.neurosys.track.domain
com.neurosys.track.transformers - package com.neurosys.track.transformers - package
com.neurosys.tracking.service - package com.neurosys.tracking.service
com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service - package com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service
com.neurosys.usage - package com.neurosys.usage
com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components - package com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components
com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.model - package com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.model
com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages - package
com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates - package com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates
com.neurosys.user.dao - package com.neurosys.user.dao
com.neurosys.user.domain - package com.neurosys.user.domain
com.neurosys.user.etl - package com.neurosys.user.etl
com.neurosys.user.etl.excel - package com.neurosys.user.etl.excel
com.neurosys.user.service - package com.neurosys.user.service
com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs - package com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
com.neurosys.user.transformers - package com.neurosys.user.transformers
com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session - package com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session
com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.utils - package com.neurosys.utils
com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components - package com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components
com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages - package com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages
com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels - package com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels
com.neurosys.workflow.domain - package com.neurosys.workflow.domain
com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa - package com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa
Comment - Class in com.neurosys.comments.domain

A {Topic + id} should be unique
Comment() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
Comment(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
comment - Variable in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
Comment.BIT_MASKS - Enum in com.neurosys.comments.domain
CommentAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.comments.domain
Describes a content Attribute.
CommentAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
CommentAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
CommentAttribute(CommentAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
CommentAttribute(String, String, Comment) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
CommentAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
CommentDao - Interface in com.neurosys.comments.dao
CommentDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa
CommentDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
CommentFacet - Class in com.neurosys.comments.domain
Do nothing class, only intended to support AbstractContentFacet in AbstractContent
CommentFacet() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentFacet
CommentFacet(Comment) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentFacet
CommentFacet(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentFacet
CommentService - Interface in com.neurosys.comments.service
Service for Comment
CommentServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.comments.service
CommentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentServiceImpl
commitPromotionsForOrder(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
Update Promotions persisted state; to track count, usage of promotion etc.
commitPromotionsForOrder(Order) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PromotionStrategy
Update Promotions persisted state; to track count, usage of promotion etc.
commitTemplate(File, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
commitTemplate(T, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Will ensure the current saved template, creates also a rollback point for any future reverts.
commonAdminDialogTemplate - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates
Common template for Pages that are PopUps / Dialogs
commonAdminDialogTemplate(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
commonAdminDialogTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
commonAdminTemplate - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates
Common template for entire site TODO & FIXME: Enforce Authorization at a Module level; for instance One Model should not be able to see another Models profile by hacking the Query String

If one defines site.admin.custom.js, site.admin.custom.css, site.admin.<page class name>.custom.js, site.admin.<page class name>.custom.css in admin properties, then the fils will be injected in the header TODO: If Module disabled and page belongs to Module then return Not Auth also.
commonAdminTemplate(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
commonAdminTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
compare(T, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
compare(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
compare(Identifiable<Long>, Identifiable<Long>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.comparators.IdentifiableIdComparator
compare(T, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultCustomAutoNavSort
compareTo(IAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
compareTo(IAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
compareTo(MenuItem) - Method in class
compareTo(TokenStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
compliment(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in class
Return a List of DateRange that do not overlap between 2 DateRanges
compliment(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in interface
Return a List of DateRange that do not overlap between 2 DateRanges
compliment(DateRange, DateRange) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
Return a List of DateRange that do not overlap between 2 DateRanges
CompoundMultiPropertyModel<T> - Class in
A CompoundPropertyModel that allows multiple expression binding using MultiPropertyModel in #bind(String[])
CompoundMultiPropertyModel(Object) - Constructor for class
CompressionMeta() - Constructor for class
concat(long, String, long) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
If more than 1 make unit plural with "s" suffixed and return a String
ConditionalTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A Transformer that takes in input to decide which Transformer will finally execute the given input
ConditionalTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConditionalTransformer
conditionConstruct(String, Object, Field, Map<String, Object[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Construct the Where clause of the Query.
conditionConstruct(String, Object, Field, Map<String, Object[]>) - Method in class
config - Variable in class
ConfigLookupTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.configs.transformers
A Seed transformer that ignores the input and returns a lookup Map or List of configuration values corresponding to the configured ConfigLookupTransformer.nameSpace.
ConfigLookupTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
ConfigPanel - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Reflect set Application properties
ConfigPanel(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ConfigPanel
configs - Static variable in class
configsAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
configsAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages.configsAdmin
configSource - Variable in class
ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer<T,PARAM_META> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components
A WebMarkupContainer that can accept Authorizable list FacetMeta and add it automatically.

ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer(String, String, IModel<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
ConfigurableRoleService - Class in
A default in-memory Configurable RoleService
ConfigurableRoleService() - Constructor for class
ConfigurableRoleService(List<Role>) - Constructor for class
CONFIGURATION_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
Configurations cached
ConfigurationDao<K,T,C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Interface in com.neurosys.configs
ConfigurationJPADaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Each Application is encouraged to define its own implementation of AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl Try to extend from AbstractQueryableDaoImpl directly
ConfigurationJPADaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationJPADaoImpl
ConfigurationKey() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey
ConfigurationService<K,T,C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Interface in com.neurosys.configs
Service level wrappers over ConfigurationDao and in turn ConfigurationSource.
Additional services like Authorization, Inherent Caching, event listeners on any setter methods etc

This implements ChangeGenerator and generates an event whenever ConfigurationDao.put(AbstractConfiguration) is called.
ConfigurationSource<K,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.configs
Any Source that provides Configuration
If IllegalArgumentException is thrown it will not break the the loop of multiple ConfigurationSource are chained.
ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Properties and Resource that wraps a ConfigurationSource so it can be used in third party contexts like Spring; additionally it also registers itself as a ChangeListener with it.
ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource(String, ConfigurationService) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs<K,T> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs(IAuthorizationService, ConfigurationSource<K, T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
configureEditor(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
Get the CSS(s) & related attribs from the Template#FacetMeta.attributes and configure the Editor to display as per template settings
configureResponse() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.adminError
connectAndStream(RealTimeLineReader<T>, RealTimeWriter<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.connectors.Connector
Synchronous call to connect to the source , parse and write it.
connectAndStream(RealTimeLineReader<T>, RealTimeWriter<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.SimpleBufferedConnector
connectionPool - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
connectionPool - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
Document database Connection Pool
connectionPool - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
Document database Connection Pool
connectionPool - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Connector<S,T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.connectors
Connect to a Data source; use the RealTimeLineReader to parse the data and finally sink into RealTimeWriter.
ConstantEqualsCheckFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Checks if two operands are equal.
ConstantEqualsCheckFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
ConstantEqualsCheckFilter(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
ConstantEqualsCheckFilter(Object, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
constructAbsoluteDownloadPath(String) - Static method in class
constructBarCode(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
constructDeliveryDetails(O, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
constructEmailMessageFromTemplate(EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part.MultiPartType, ContentType, EmailMessage, List<EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part>) - Static method in class
A convenience Util that creates an EmailMessage from some basic info
constructEmailMessageFromTemplate(EmailMessage, List<EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part>) - Static method in class
A convenience Util that creates an EmailMessage from some basic info.
constructEmailMessageFromTemplate(EmailMessage, String) - Static method in class
Send single body plain text/html email.
Refers to DisposableMessage.getContentType(); if null then checks EmailMessage.isAllowHtml()
ConstructEntityTransformer<T,R> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Given a parameter or List of params of Constructor for type ConstructEntityTransformer.required; produce the object of type
ConstructEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
ConstructEntityTransformer(Constructor<R>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
Constructor of the required Class.
ConstructEntityTransformer(Class<R>, Class<R>[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
Exists as a convenience alternate to ConstructEntityTransformer.ConstructEntityTransformer(Constructor) for Spring SpeL configs.
constructExportResourceName(RM, ExportType) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
Create file name as report_report name or Id_datetime.extension
constructInvoice(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
constructMenuHierarchy(Map<Module, List<ModuleUI>>, Map<Module, MenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
Weave the hierarchical relations between Module and MenuItems.
constructModuleMenuMap(Map<Module, List<ModuleUI>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
constructModuleUiMap(Map<String, ModuleUI>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
constructOrderDetails(O, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
Look for EntityTemplate in Spring with name newOrderDetailsTemplate.
constructPath(T, Map, FacetMeta, String, int, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
constructPath(T, Map, FacetMeta, String, int, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
constructQuery(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
constructQuery(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
constructQueryImpl(String, Query<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
constructQueryImpl(String, Query<T>, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
Constructs the Query for loadPage & Count common methods
constructTree(List<T>, Comparator<T>, T) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.HierarichicalUtils
Construct a Tree of type List{children of type T | child node is either a SubTree of type Tree or node T; first node represents the parent node in the sub-tree}
Consumable - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Some states (like events), may want to maintain if they were already consumed or nor
consumed() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Consumable
Set the state to consumed.
Note there maybe other getters on the bean/state that can internally set this.
consumed() - Method in class
consumeIntermediateObjects(NODE_IDENTIFIER, Map<String, Object>, Mapper, Queue<NODE_IDENTIFIER>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
For Mappers with IntermediateResultMapperBehavior, process and set them with the required intermediate objects
consumer - Variable in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Consumer for items being written
ContainerFactory - Class in
A container factory that produces an instance aka override any base level implementation of a Container/Panel.
ContainerFactory() - Constructor for class
contains(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashSet
contains(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in class
Check if e1 contains e2 completely
contains(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in interface
Check if e1 contains e2 completely
contains(AuthorizationType) - Method in enum
contains(A) - Method in interface
Checks this type & any contained types for equivalence.
contains(DateRange, DateRange) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
Check if e1 contains e2 completely; including bounds
containsEntityClass(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
containsEntityClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
Content<CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.domain
Represents all Content
content - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
content - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
This ContentFacet belongs to which ContentDescriber
content - Variable in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
CONTENT_LOOKUP_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Cache for looking up Categories, top level Contents that are called often in the project
On save the cache is updated (ideally, check admin code

Key: Content.getId() or Content#getParentId() or Content.getName()
CONTENT_PATH_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
A String of Path params (prefixed to the last path location)
Example: /a/b/c.html + PATH_PARAMS = "d/e ~~~~~~ results in ~~~~~> /a/b/d/e/c.html represent the value of this parameter.
CONTENT_PUBLISH_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Published Content is cached
On publish the cache is updated ; ideally, check admin code

Key : The Location / url
CONTENT_PUBLISH_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.lookups.CacheLookups
Published Content is cached
On publish the cache is updated ; ideally, check admin code

Key : The Location / url
CONTENT_QUERY_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
A String of Query params represent the value of this parameter.
ContentAlias - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
A mapping to allow a ContentDescriber to belong to multiple Categories (under different parents) with alternate properties for that mapping if required.
ContentAlias() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
ContentAlias(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
ContentAlias(ContentAlias) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
ContentAlias(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
ContentAntiSammySecurityFilter - Class in
A Content Filter
ContentAntiSammySecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
ContentAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
Describes a content Attribute.
ContentAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
ContentAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
ContentAttribute(ContentAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
ContentAttribute(String, String, ContentDescriber) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
ContentAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
contentAuthorAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages
Content Page that lists all pages in the Site, associated with the Content module
contentAuthorAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.contentAuthorAdmin
ContentAuthorSearchPanel<C extends Content> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Allow Search for content, and ContentAuthorSearchPanel.notifyAllListeners(List) with search result , i.e List of ContentDescribers

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Entry<AjaxRequestTarget,List<C>> TODO: Extend a TemplateSearchParams and See ProductListingPanel.addSearchpanel, to make the Search options more Dynamic / extendable

Looks for additional beans on Spring context: contentSearchFieldTypeMapping - Map of field category Name, to List of Strings, which map to entity fields
ContentAuthorSearchPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
ContentAutoNav<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
ContentAutoNav() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
ContentCategoryLookup<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.content.lookup
Lookup a Category to get Category Product by using any unique field in it
It also caches the result
ContentCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
ContentCategoryLookup(EntityManager) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
ContentContext<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Define the context for the content.
ContentContext() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
ContentDaoImpl<C extends ContentDescriber> - Class in com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa
Default JPA implementation for ContentDao with support by the default Transaction Manager
TODO: All locale based code is based on AbstractContent.getLocale().Language.
ContentDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
contentDesc - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
ContentDescriber - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
Describes Content and is identified by a unique identifier.
ContentDescriber() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
ContentDescriber(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
contentDescriber - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
ContentDescriberModel - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
Describes ContentDescriber Model; loads directly from persistent store.
ContentDescriberModel(ContentDescriber) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentDescriberModel
ContentDetailsPageForm<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model
A Form to represent a C.
ContentDetailsPageForm(String, IModel<C>, ChangeListener<C>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
ContentDetailsPanel<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
This panel defines details related to a ContentDescriber and its related CA & CF

We can extend the Actions available by configuration by defining the following optional beans in Spring: contentExtraActions : List of FacetMeta for ContentDescriber Level Actions contentFacetExtraActions: List of FacetMeta for CF Level Actions
ContentDetailsPanel(String, IModel<C>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
ContentDetailsTemplatePanel<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Represent the C#getAttributes() that match AbstractContentTemplate.getMetaDataFacets().
ContentDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<C>, AbstractContentTemplate<C>, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<C, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsTemplatePanel
ContentEditorPanel - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A self contained implementation of the CkEditorWrapper with default behaviors, error handling + markup ready made for common use cases
ContentEditorPanel(String, IModel<String>, String, FacetMeta, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
ContentEditorPanel(String, IModel<String>, String, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
ContentExtractor<T,C> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service.extractors
An adapter to extract the content from a specified location.
contentExtractor - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
ContentFacet - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
Any Content can have multiple Facets/Portions.
ContentFacet() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
ContentFacet(ContentDescriber) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
ContentFacet(ContentDescriber, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
ContentFacet(ContentDescriber, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
ContentFacet(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
contentFacet - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
The FacetMeta in the Content the file will relate to
ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Define a EditorAjaxSaveBehavior for ContentFacet type data.
ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior(String, String, String, Component, IModel<CF>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
Create behavior to allow to Save data.
ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior(String, String, String, Component, Object...) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
ContentFacetEditor<CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Ensures that the Component respects ContentFacet as primary IModel.
ContentFacetModel - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
Prefer to use ContentService directly, the model does not provide any added benefit to a service method.
ContentFacetModel(ContentFacet) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentFacetModel
ContentFacetPersist - Interface in com.neurosys.content.domain
ContentFacetRevert - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
ContentFacetRevert() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentFacetRevert
contentFilter - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.AbstractPublishAdapter
contentFilter - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
ContentFilterService - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Common service actions required over Data fields used by various types of Templates.
The filterations process applies encoding any custom FacetMeta.ATTRIB_FILTER and finally applies FacetMeta.getDisplayTransformer() to return the polished content.
ContentFilterService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentFilterService
ContentHistoryPanel<C extends Content> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A default implementation of Basic Content History; howver can be overridden and replaced by more sophisticated options with version control etc.
ContentHistoryPanel(String, IModel<C>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentHistoryPanel
contentLength() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
ContentLocationResolver<I,T> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers
Published content may live in the Database, FileSystem, Network.
ContentLookupService<C extends Content> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.lookup
Common operations on Content Lookup
ContentManagerForm - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model
A Form to represent a ContentDescriber from a site management perspective.
ContentManagerForm(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
ContentManagerPanel - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
This panel defines operations on Categories, like: Adding a new category Moving a full category Removing a category Restricting a category Renaming a category Update category settings

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Post Submit Actions - Void Type / null; just notify that there was a change
ContentManagerPanel(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>, List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
ContentMenuItemState<C> - Class in
Allows a MenuItemState to contain additional Content for the State it is in.
ContentMenuItemState() - Constructor for class
ContentModel<T,C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
Describes generic Content Model
ContentModel() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
ContentModel(C, ContentContext<C, CA, CF>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
contentName - Variable in class
Should be unique, ..lik abc@a.b.c
Used to identify the part when used in conjunction with other parts.
ContentNameConsumer<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
In some projects for content pages they do not want _ to appear in Name, hence links.
ContentNameConsumer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
ContentPageForm - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model
A Form to represent a ContentDescriber.
ContentPageForm(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentPageForm
ContentPagesToRSS2Items<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl
ContentPagesToRSS2Items() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.ContentPagesToRSS2Items
ContentPagesToSiteMapItems<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl
ContentPagesToSiteMapItems() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
ContentPanel - Interface in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel
Marker Class to represent all Content based Panels
ContentPathConstructor - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service
Defines an API capable of constructing WEB URL's required to access Content.
ContentPathTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Uses ContentPathConstructor.encodeUrlSafeName(String) to encode it to know the actual URL path
ContentPathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
contentPathTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
If there is a name from raw data, ensure its converted to a proper formal suitable to be a link/URL
ContentQueryService<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer to Query ContentDescriber Database
ContentQueryService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
ContentQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
ContentService - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service
Defines A content service provider
contentService - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
ContentServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
@see GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl. In future this class is expected to inherit from GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
ContentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
ContentSortableDataProvider - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
ContentSortableDataProvider() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
ContentSource<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.dao
Defines a Content Source
contentSource - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
contentStatusCriticalForMove - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
While #move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) the service will move the content across all Status types.
ContentTemplate<T> - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
Template specific to CMS Content types
ContentTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentTemplate
contentTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
A Transformer that accepts a AbstractContentFacet and can return a any Object back.
ContentTree(String, TreeModel) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel.ContentTree
ContentTreePanel - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A ContentDescriber specific implementation for CategoryPanel
ContentTreePanel(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel
ContentTreePanel.ContentTree - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
ContentType - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
These ContentType can exist in Conjunction with each other.
ContentType(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
ContentType - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes
A Content Type

ContentType() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
ContentType(MimeType) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
contentType - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
contentType - Variable in class
ContentUtils - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Utils for Content pre & post processing
ContentUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentUtils
context - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
context - Variable in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
A reference to the Base path on the OS for files.
IF not defined, then is set automatically.
ContextAware<CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Context aware interface that will expect(prefer) a context as an input in an ETL process.
ContextConsumer<CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Any class that consumes a context.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class
ContextExtractorTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Some Transformation processes require context/Scope with various interdependencies during the transformation process.
ContextExtractorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
ContextExtractorTransformer(Mapper, Map) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class
ContextMapperTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Some Transformation processes require context/Scope with various interdependencies during the transformation process.
ContextMapperTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
ContextMapperTransformer(List<Mapper<Transformer>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
ContextProviderStrategy<U extends User,CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Create / handle extra context / environment data from passed Strings, currency , region/country selected etc.
contextProviderStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
ContextType<T> - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
While some use cases make sense, the actual construction and usage of the API happens using SecurityContext directly, so the use or need for this may go down in the future.
ContextType() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
ContextualSession<U extends User,S extends ContextualWebUserShell<U,org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession>> - Class in
Context based methods cause confusion as the Shell and the Session both support them creating confusion there may be separate copies. Rely on BasicSession and for context inject a ContextualWebUserShell into the session.
ContextualSession(Request) - Constructor for class
ContextualTwoWayTransformer(MetaItem, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.ContextualTwoWayTransformer
ContextualTwoWayTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.ContextualTwoWayTransformer
ContextualTwoWayTransformer(Transformer, Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.ContextualTwoWayTransformer
ContextualWebUserShell<U extends User,E> - Class in
Allows the shell to have a User/Application defined context.
ContextualWebUserShell() - Constructor for class
ContextualWebUserShell(E) - Constructor for class
ContextualWebUserShell(Shell<E>) - Constructor for class
ContextualWebUserShell(E, Shell<E>) - Constructor for class
ContextUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Misc Utils related to the Spring Context.
ContextUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
Continue - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Allows for a method to indicate that it want to continue in the Loop that calls it.
Continue() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
Continue(Object) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
Continue(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
Continue(String, Object) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
continueException - Static variable in exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
ContinueProcessingException - Exception in com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
An Exception that must exit the current inner/relevant scope but no consequence to the overall processing in the outer scope.
ContinueProcessingException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.ContinueProcessingException
ContinueProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.ContinueProcessingException
ContinueProcessingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.ContinueProcessingException
ContinueProcessingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.ContinueProcessingException
ControllableProcess<S> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.process
Allows user or external process/API to control a process
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
If we wish to transform an entity type we should perform the transformation and then the update.
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
If we wish to transform an entity type we should perform the transformation and then the update.
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
convert(Amount, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CurrencyStrategy
Convert an Amount from one currency to another
convert(O, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CurrencyStrategy
Convert an Order from one currency to another.
convert(Menu) - Method in interface
Convert menu to client side JavaScripot or relevant Markup code
convert(MenuItemState, boolean) - Method in interface
Translate the state of a menu to JavaScript or relevant Markup code
convert(Menu) - Method in interface
Convert menu to client side JavaScripot or relevant Markup code
convert(MenuItemState, boolean) - Method in interface
Translate the state of a menu to JavaScript or relevant Markup code
convert(MenuItemState, boolean) - Method in class
Translate the state of a menu to JavaScript or relevant Markup code
convert(Menu) - Method in class
Convert menu to client side JavaScripot or relevant Markup code
convert(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Convert List of IHierarchialReference to a tree of List and IHierarchialReference type.
convert(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
If the existing product is not already a Category then convert it
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
If we wish to transform an entity type we should perform the transformation and then the update.
convert(IHierarchialReference, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
convert(Collection<String>, MarshalUtils.Transformer<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
convert(Map<X, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Converts a Map with X, T generic type to String, T.
convert(Map<String, T>, Class<X>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Converts a Map with String, T type to generic type X, T.
convert(Map<String, S>, Class<X>, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<S, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Converts a Map with String, T type to generic type X, T.
convert(Map<String, S>, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<S, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Returns a new map with the modified types
convert(Collection<S>, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<S, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Returns a new Collection with the modified types
convert(Collection<S>, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<S, T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Adds to an existing Collection with the modified types
convertAndAddAll(Collection<S>, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<S, Collection<T>>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Adds list elements of the return from a valueTransformer, to an existing Collection with the modified types
convertBack(Collection<T>, MarshalUtils.Transformer<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
ConvertBlankToNullTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert all blankes to Null
ConvertBlankToNullTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConvertBlankToNullTransformer
convertDecimalToHex(int, Integer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
ConvertedCurrencyOrder<I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
An Order that supports calculated Amounts in another currency to support that the currency being used to show to the customer may not be the final billed currency.
ConvertedCurrencyOrder() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
convertHexToDecimal(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Hex string is pure dex chars only, No # or 0x or any other kind of prefix expected
convertHierarchyCode(char) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
code should be in range {'1'..'9', 'A'..'Z'} else out = 0
convertHierarchyCode(int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
code should be in range {1..35} else out = 0
(9 numeric and 26 alphabets = 35) TODO: Instead of jut 35, consider upgrading to (35 + 35 x 10 + 35x100) per sequence.
convertHierarchyCode(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
convertHierarchyCode(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
convertHTMLSymbolToChar(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.HTMLUtils
If a valid symbol is supplied it will return the unicode Character representation of it.
convertKeyValueStrToMap(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
convertListingUIToAuthorizationMap(ListView<Authorizable>, Map<String, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
convertListToCountMap(List<I>, Function<I, O>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
If a List contains repeats, this method will marshal it into a Map, with each entity having a count of the number of instances in the list passed
convertStreamToInvoice(Writer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
Using the writer produce the final INVOICE output.
convertToAttributes(Map, Function<MorphDynaBean, EntityAttribute>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Since Map attributes are hard to convert to a specific class type.
convertToCategory(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Converts an existing Product in the hierarchy to a Category
convertToCategory(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
convertToObject(String, Locale) - Method in class
convertToProductList(Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
convertToProductList(Cart) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Convert a given Cart to a Product List.
convertToProductQuantityMap(Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
convertToProductQuantityMap(Cart) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Convert a given Cart to a Product Quantity Map.
convertToString(Object, Locale) - Method in class
convertToTreeModel(List<T>) - Method in class
Converts a List type tree to actual Tree model
CookieSanitizerSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
Sanitize Cookies
CookieSanitizerSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CookieSanitizerSecurityAdapter
copy(X, X, Stack) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Copy from lookedUpEintity into storedEntity.
copy(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
copyAs(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
copyAs(Class) - Method in class
copyAs(Class<U>) - Method in interface
Provide an equivalent copy of this user as userType

For different types of users we may need to get a copy for that User Type.
copySpecificTypes(X, X, Stack) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Override and provide custom handling of Specific Types
count(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.IQueryService
count(Query<GenericObject>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
count(Query<GenericObject>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
count(Query<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
See Implementation/Implementing Source Adapter for more details on how to construct the query.
count(Query<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
count(Query<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
count(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
count(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
count(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
count(Query<Order>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
count(Query<E>) - Method in class
count(Query<E>) - Method in class
count(Query<E>) - Method in interface
count(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
count(Query<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
count(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
count(T, FlowStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
count(T, FlowStatus) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.TokenNotificationTrackerService
Return the # of times a Token has been notified.
count(Query<U>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
countFilterParents(T, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
Return number of nodes that are parents under the specified parent Node
The parent node must have a valid Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy(); immediate is false.
countFilterParents(T, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Return number of nodes that are parents under the specified parent Node
The parent node must have a valid Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy(); immediate is false.
countFilterParents(T, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
countHierarchyLevel(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
For a given hierarchy code x_y_z...
countMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
countRaw(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
countRaw(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
countRaw(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
Countries - Class in
Countries() - Constructor for class
COUNTRIES - Static variable in class
country - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
create() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
create(V, P, Date, User, String, ShiftStatus) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Create a shift/scheduled but dont start it
createAndInitSubOrder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
Convenience method that creates and Initializes an instance of SubOrder, with calculations like remainder payable, sequencing SubOrder for a given root if not already sequenced.
Persists the created order also.
createBase64ImagePartFromImageFile(File) - Static method in class
BaseEncode 64 an Image file and also produce the corresponding EmailMultiPartBuilder.ImagePart
createContext(U, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.ContextProviderStrategy
Create Context array from JSON
created - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
created - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date of creation.
Useful if Order.purchaseDate is not same as Order.created date
TODO: Made nullable for now to support projects where col did not exist.
CreateEntityTransformer<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Creates an Entity of type T from any input, including null
createGrid(SortableDataProvider<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
Render the Product Grid
createGrid(SortableDataProvider<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.ProductCatalogPanel
Note it is the responsibility of the overriding class to assign the component id appropriate to match the markup
createInstance(Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
createLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.MenuItemToLinks
createLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
createLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.ContentPagesToRSS2Items
createLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
createLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
createLink(String, H) - Method in class
Provide the Link for a relation.
createLinkTree(String, TreeModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel
createLinkTree(String, TreeModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
createLinkTree(String, TreeModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
createLinkTree(String, TreeModel) - Method in class
One can intercept LinkTree Ajax requests via its LinkTree.onNodeLinkClicked(java.lang.Object, org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.BaseTree, org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget) etc.
createMainFacetEditor(ListItem<CF>, FacetMeta, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
createMenuItem(Module) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
Allow to overrride to create any custom type of MenuItem if required.
createNewContent(ContentDescriber, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Saves content (new) & creates its clones (see ContentService#clone()).
createNewContent(C, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Saves content (new) & creates its clones (see ContentService#clone()).
createNewContent(C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Saves content (new) & creates its clones (see ContentService#clone()).
createNewContent(C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
Saves content (new) & creates its clones (see ContentService#clone()).
createNotification(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
The input can be a Single Object or a Collection of Objects.
If the input element is a List or Array, {count String, message Object, recipient, status, severity, tags} ..
createNotifications(MessageTokenEvent<T>, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
Create Notifications N and add to List of final Notifications to send.
createOrder(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Map<String, Object>, boolean, Transformer, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Create an Order

Note: A helper method that directly accepts Cart could be convenient, however most order creation data are also contextual and it would additionally require other services to be part ofthe OrderStrategy which would not make it clean.
createOrder(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Map<String, Object>, boolean, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
createOrder(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Map<String, Object>, boolean, Transformer, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.OrderStrategy
Create an Order

Note: A helper method that directly accepts Cart could be convenient, however most order creation data are also contextual and it would additionally require other services to be part ofthe OrderStrategy which would not make it clean.
createOrder(Map<P, Number>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Map<String, Object>, boolean, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.OrderStrategy
createOrderItem(O, P, Amount, Number, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Override for custom OrderItem type
createOutputStream(String) - Method in class
createPageLink(List<String>, List<String>, String, Map<String, String[]>, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Re-Create a link with specific params only; cleans by recreating link with required params only
createPageLink(List<String>, List<String>, String, Request, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Re-Create a link with specific params only; cleans by recreating link with required params only
createPaginator(IPageable, IDataProvider<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.ProductCatalogPanel
Note it is the responsibility of the overriding class to assign the component id appropriate to match the markup
createPlatformApplication() - Method in class
Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM, to which devices and mobile apps may register.
createPlatformEndpoint(String, String, String) - Method in class
Create a Platform Endpoint
createProxyReporter(User, ReporterMeta, ExportType) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
The Reporter for export may require some modification to Data and headers/Columns due to an override using ExportMeta or Authorizable definitions in the ReporterMeta.getColumnToEntityValueMapping()
createQuery(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityParamQueryLookup
createQuery(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
An opportunity to modify the Query based on additional params/context
createReference(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
createRelative(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
createSheet(int) - Method in class
Create a Sheet for index (starting @ 0) with Headers pre-filled.
createSubMenuForModule(Module, Map<Module, List<ModuleUI>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
For a given Module and its list of ModuleUI (see this#moduleUiMap), create atomic MenuItem instances.
createtContext(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
Support default variables: $currentPage $currentFacet $dynamicContext $springAppContext $input
createTokensStateQuery(C, T, T, Collection, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
REUSABLE | use with #getTokens(TokenContainer, Token, Collection, String)
createTopic(String) - Method in class
Creates a topic to which notifications can be published.
createTrackCycle(String) - Static method in class
createTreeModel() - Method in class
Creates the model that feeds the tree.
Credentials - Interface in
Generic representation of Credentials
CriteriaFilter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Any filter that implements a Criteria and fulfills the role of a Transformer and a Predicate.
CriteriaFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
CSV - Static variable in class
CSVMailAddressReader - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers
A generic reader, converts CSV test file record to Email Address
Expected format: address, name
CSVMailAddressReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.CSVMailAddressReader
CSVTabularDataWriter - Class in
Generate an CSV Report using a base Report generator(s) and writes it to an OutputStream as a Text CSV File
CSVTabularDataWriter() - Constructor for class
ct - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.GenericAware
The Container / Collection Type.
CumulativeChargeStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Using rules to calculate data where the result may requires Cumulative analysis of all Products and not just on a per product
curDateTime - Variable in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
currency - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
Currency for the region
CurrencyStrategy - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
A common set of API for any project that wishes to attempt automatic conversion of currencies
CurrentActionNotifyBehavior - Class in
On current action to notify or not.
CurrentActionNotifyBehavior(boolean) - Constructor for class
currentCellEmpty(int, int) - Method in class
The Grid here is not a regular Symmetrical Grid; hence overriding certain aspects of Grid.
currentCellMerged(int, int) - Method in class
The Grid here is not a regular Symmetrical Grid; hence overriding certain aspects of Grid.
currentItemInMergedCell(int) - Method in class
Checks if the Item with the index is a part of a Merged space
currentNodeIndex - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer
currentSelectedTemplate - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
CurrentTenantSupplier<T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Supply the SAASUser#getPrimaryOrganization()
CurrentTenantSupplier() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.CurrentTenantSupplier
CustomAutoNav<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
A HierarchyTypeAutoNav for ContentDescriptor

Accept any Query that produces a result set that Looks like the following, where NAME uniquely identifies the Tuple:
TUPLE1: <Name1>,<Display Name 1>,<Parent Category Id/Name 1>
TUPLE2: <Name2>,<Display Name 2>,<Parent Category Id/Name 2>
TUPLE3: <Name3>,<Display Name 3>,<Parent Category Id/Name 3>
CustomAutoNav() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Note: Menu MenuItem.names are case insensitive while comparing.
CustomAutoNav.CustomMenuItem - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
CustomContentEditorWrapper<CF extends ContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
CustomContentEditorWrapper(String, IModel<CF>, WebMarkupContainer, Component) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CustomContentEditorWrapper
customerDataAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
customerDataAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.customerDataAdmin
CustomerDataReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Customer User Data
CustomerDataReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.CustomerDataReportResult
CustomerDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display User Details
CustomerDetailsPanel(String, IModel<User>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CustomerDetailsPanel
CustomerDetailsTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the Customer Details template Panel are delegated to this
CustomerDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<User>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<User, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CustomerDetailsTemplatePanel
CustomHierarchicalReference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
CustomHierarchicalReference(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
A custom adapter that allows one to customize how a particular MetaItem could be rendered in ProductDetailsTemplatePanel

Important : This Adapter has to adopt a singleton model as its really a FACTORY and calling components like FacetMeta definitions are Singleton's.
This means all CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.modelTransformer, #lookup etc are all and should be stateless.
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter(CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.ContextualTwoWayTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Some TwoWayTransformer may need additional context, can use this to supply context.
customizeCell(Item<T>, int, int) - Method in class
CustomMenuItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomMenuItem
customMergeActions - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Map fieldName (String) or value type (Class) to a Transformer that accepts an Array of {Parent existing entity, fieldName as String, new transient object for field} and returns the final Object.
The mapper can also result in null (No transformer) in which case it implies to ignore any copy/merge actions.
If the transformer throws a ContinueProcessingException then the calling code can assume that the transformer has decided to relenquish control and let the caller deal with the data-type in a default way.
CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<T,MODEL,COMPONENT,CONTAINER_COMPONENT> - Interface in com.neurosys.template.model
Control how a particular component is rendered
CustomTemplateRenderAdapter.Nothing - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
A way to indicate that the returned value has no significance and should not be used.
Cycle - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain
Cycle() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle


DaemonBufferSplitter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch
A time aware reader (intended to be used a background low priority daemon service) that chunks out batches based on a Buffer Size & limit.
DaemonBufferSplitter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
DaemonBufferSplitter(BlockingQueue<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
dao - Variable in class
dao - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
A Transformer capable of returning an object for an id and updating the object if the input to it is the object itself.
dao - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
DaoWrapperTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A Transformer capable of returning an object for an id and updating the object if the input to it is the object itself.
DaoWrapperTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DaoWrapperTransformer
DaoWrapperTransformer(GenericDao<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DaoWrapperTransformer
dashboardAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
dashboardAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.dashboardAdmin
Data<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
This is what is scanned for malicious intent.
data - Variable in class
If File or Image then its the File or Absolute path to the File or FileInputStream or a byte[] for base64 encoded String in the case of EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part.Type.IMAGE_EMBEDDED_BASE64
DataProviderReporter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
A Reporter for IDataProvider
DataProviderReporter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
DataProviderReporter(IDataProvider<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
DataProviderReporter(Reporter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
DataRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Reference to Some data.
DataRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DataRef
DataRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DataRef
DataRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DataRef
DataRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DataRef
DataSourceReporter<T> - Class in
Reporter implementation based on DataSources that are defined by DataSourceReporter.dataGenerator and DataSourceReporter.countQuery
DataSourceReporter() - Constructor for class
DataSourceReporter(Reporter) - Constructor for class
DATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Date style to be applied
DATE_FORMAT - Variable in class
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
see DateTransformer
DATE_FORMAT_DISPLAY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
see DateTransformer
DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN - Variable in class
DATE_SERVER_DISPLAY_JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Prevents Recursive Data Structures + Handles Date as per DomainUtils.DATE_FORMAT_DISPLAY on Server TODO: Add unit test case
DATE_TIME_FORMAT_DISPLAY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
see DateTransformer
DATE_TIME_FORMAT_INPUT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
see DateTransformer
DateCycle - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain
A Cycle where nullable attributes define the extent of the Cycle.
DateCycle() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
DateCycleUtils - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils
Utility functions related to DateCycle
DateCycleUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils.DateCycleUtils
DateRange - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A Date Range
DateRangeUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Common Utilities for DateRanges
DateRangeUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
dateStyle - Variable in class
DateTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Take a String or Date and convert it to Date off the given DateTransformer.format
DateTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
daysDiff(DateRange, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Calculate number of days difference.
Note on Time Zone : It is very important to note that both the date should have the same JVM Time-Zone set in the Date.
daysDiff(DateRange, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Accounts for check-in time and check out time
daysDiff(DateRange, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
Calculate number of days difference.
Note on Time Zone : It is very important to note that both the date should have the same JVM Time-Zone set in the Date.
DecimalFormatter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
DecimalFormatter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
DecimalFormatter(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
decode(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience use for simplified exception handling; handles the ususal Exceptions and nulls
decodeKey(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Reconstruct a secret key from a string representation.
decodeUrlSafeName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Transform the safe url-name back to original.
decodeUrlSafeName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
decorateCallbackUrl(CharSequence) - Method in class
Decorate CallbackUrl : This is the script executed when the AJAX call is made to Wicket on the server.
decorateClassOverride(Map<Class, Function<JSONObject, Object>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Override the class impl assumed by JsonConfig with our own
decorateScript(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentUtils
Wrap content in Script tags to escape browser restrictions
decorateScriptToUpdateModel(String, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
Because of CkEditor we have to ensure that on Save/Update from the containing markup/page, the model is updated.
decorateTag(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentUtils
Decorate content in a markup tag.
decorateURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
decorateURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
Any stuff to add on the URL
decorateURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
decrypt(String, Key, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This is a decryption Algorithm; it supports double byte characters also
please ensure the encrypt method is used to decrypt whatever is encrypted through this (Not to confuse with URL Decoder)
It accepts null parameters
decrypt(String, Key) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This is a decryption Algorithm; it supports double byte characters also
please ensure the encrypt method is used to decrypt whatever is encrypted through this (Not to confuse with URL Decoder)
It accepts null parameters
deduct(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Will deduct the amount to the current amount and return the updated current amount; parameter null values are skipped
deduct(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.IAmount
deduct(TransactionAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
Will deduct the amount to the current amount and return the updated current amount; parameter null values are skipped
dedupe(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
dedupe(SiteMapItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
DeDupeFilterTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Ensure for a Collection all objects are unique.
DeDupeFilterTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DeDupeFilterTransformer
For admin Grids the Page size is defined by AppSettings.adminConfiguration
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Variable in class
Locale as null is not good.
DEFAULT_PRODUCT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
For attributes common across Products, we need a Base type that can act as a template for all Products that dont wish to override base Product values.
DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductTemplateServiceImpl
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_BEAN_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService<T extends Token<T>,C extends TokenContainer<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.service
Common methods for any form of Token Container Service like TokenManager and BatchService

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
DefaultAliasToPathTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.scribble
Default implementation for translating a Script name/key to a Script path or Resource
API's refer to a script by its key for convenience and abstraction.
DefaultAliasToPathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.DefaultAliasToPathTransformer
DefaultAliasToPathTransformer(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.DefaultAliasToPathTransformer
DefaultAliasToPathTransformer(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.DefaultAliasToPathTransformer
DefaultAliasToPathTransformer(int, int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.DefaultAliasToPathTransformer
DefaultCODImpl<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods
A service point to execute COD transactions
DefaultCODImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.DefaultCODImpl
DefaultConfiguration - Class in com.neurosys.configs
because Each application that uses this library should define its own Configuration Entity and not use a generic one.
DefaultConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfiguration
DefaultConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfiguration
DefaultConfigurationService<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
ConfigurationService implementation that wrap the following services over base configuration fetching and setting configs via AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl: Audit of changes Cache eviction on change Authorization service for AbstractAuthorizableConfigurations
DefaultConfigurationService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
DefaultContentLocationResolver - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers
Default ContentLocationResolver locates published files from the local File System
Relies on appConfiguration site.pages.published folder.
DefaultContentLocationResolver() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.DefaultContentLocationResolver
DefaultContentLookupService<C extends AbstractContent> - Class in com.neurosys.content.lookup
DefaultContentLookupService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.lookup.DefaultContentLookupService
DefaultContentPathConstructor - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Default implementation for ContentPathConstructor
DefaultContentPathConstructor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
DefaultCreateEntityTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Create an entity of type T using its Default Constructor if the input is null; and if its not null will delegate the input to DefaultCreateEntityTransformer.queryTransformer (if defined), to fetch T from it.
DefaultCreateEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
DefaultCustomAutoNavSort<T extends CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
A default Comparator
DefaultCustomAutoNavSort() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultCustomAutoNavSort
DefaultDiscountStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Calculate Any Discounts on Order; default impl there is no discount (all methods return null)
When discount is applied, then Amount.getDiscount() should be a positive value, and the same amount should be negative in Amount.getTotal() so that Amount.add(Amount) of discount value results in proper calculation.
DefaultDiscountStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultDiscountStrategy
DefaultEntityToJsonTransformer<T> - Class in
For generic onjects that we want to marshal to JSON For generic O
DefaultEntityToJsonTransformer() - Constructor for class
DefaultEventsService<E extends AbstractEvent> - Class in
DefaultEventsService() - Constructor for class
DefaultExistingEntityLookup<E> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
ExistingEntityLookup for any Entity that can be found using a #fin
DefaultExistingEntityLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
DefaultExistingEntityLookup(DefaultExistingEntityLookup) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
DefaultExistingEntityLookup(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
DefaultHierarchyLookupService<T extends IHierarchialReference,L extends AbstractCategoryLookup<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.lookups
DefaultHierarchyLookupService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
DefaultLockStrategy<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
A default implementation for LockStrategy
WARNING : This implementation is suited for a Single VM type installation, not for a multi-node architecture.
DefaultLockStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
DefaultModuleService<UNIT> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Default implementation for the IModuleService
DefaultModuleService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
defaultNewBeanInstanceStrategy - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
DefaultOrderService<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Default Order service
DefaultOrderService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
DefaultOrderStrategy<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser,O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Allow amalgamation of other strategies to a List of Products that constitute an Order and produce a Persistent Order
DefaultOrderStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
DefaultPackagingStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Calculate Packaging cost; default impl expects packagingData attribute/field to contain the value as a number
Costs per unit are simple multiplied by Quantity
DefaultPackagingStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPackagingStrategy
DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Default impl for PaymentOptionsStrategy; by default only online payment is available
DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
DefaultPriority - Enum in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Some common Priorities for sending messages
DefaultProductLookupService<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.lookup
DefaultProductLookupService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.lookup.DefaultProductLookupService
DefaultPromotionService<T extends Promotion> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Default impl for PromotionService
This class will also generate Events of Type T or Object[]{I, causeSource as String} (after saving the Order)

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Update Promotion - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#EDIT, Promotion} Delete Promotion - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#DELETE, Promotion} Update PromotionForUser - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#EDIT, PromotionForUser} Delete PromotionForUser - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#DELETE, PromotionForUser} Generate Coupons for Users - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#ADD, List of PromotionForUser, Object ...context} Delete Coupons for Users - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#DELETE, List of PromotionForUser, Object ...context} Notify Users - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#NOTIFY, List of PromotionForUser, Object ...context}
DefaultPromotionService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
DefaultPromotionStrategy<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
PromotionStrategy for this application
This default impl assumes a context of Object[0] = email, Object[1] = couponCode
DefaultPromotionStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
DefaultReportingService<AUTHORIZATION_UNIT,PARAM_META> - Class in
Default implementation for ReportingService; the ReporterMeta.getId() is the same as the Spring id for the bean
DefaultReportingService() - Constructor for class
DefaultReportingService(Map<AUTHORIZATION_UNIT, List<ReporterMeta<PARAM_META>>>) - Constructor for class
DefaultRestrictionStrategy<TC extends TrackCycle,V extends Number> - Class in com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service
Strategy to handle when to throw LimitApproachingException, LimitExceededException and SecurityException for the updating TrackCycle
DefaultRestrictionStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
DefaultSaleStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
By Default simple process the data coming and spit it back out.
DefaultSaleStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
DefaultSecurityContext<T> - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.service
Default implementation of a SecurityContext
DefaultSecurityContext(List<SecurityAdapter<T>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
DefaultSecurityFilter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.filters
A Filter that uses the DefaultSecurityContext and uses default app settings.
DefaultSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.filters.DefaultSecurityFilter
DefaultSelectorPersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
When defining multiple EntityManagerFactorys in Spring, the PersistenceContext without unit name will cause problems, since base libraries assume a single PersistenceContext, this will cause all base libraries to throw a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException that encounter a unitNameless EntityManager.

By defining an instance of this in Spring it will override the default behavior of PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor when searching a default, it will default to either the Spring bean id (using a default PersistenceContext) should prefix the factory name to it OR the first one defined in the configs.
DefaultSelectorPersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.DefaultSelectorPersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
DefaultShippingStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Calculate Tax; default impl expects shippingData to contain the value as a number
Costs per unit are simple multiplied by Quantity
DefaultShippingStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultShippingStrategy
DefaultStyledExcelTabularDataWriter - Class in
Some garnish !!
DefaultStyledExcelTabularDataWriter() - Constructor for class
DefaultSubOrderService<O extends SubOrder<O,I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
DefaultSubOrderService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
DefaultSubOrderStrategy<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser,O extends SubOrder<O,I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Extension to DefaultOrderStrategy to support additional SubOrder specific common cases.
DefaultSubOrderStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
DefaultTaxStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Calculate Tax; default impl expects taxData attribute/field to contain the value as % of basePrice
Costs per unit are simple multiplied by Quantity

Default tax calculation = (Total Amount * tax%) / 100
DefaultTaxStrategy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultTaxStrategy
DefaultToJsonTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.etl
A Default (Convenient) marshaller for WebService output.
DefaultToJsonTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.etl.DefaultToJsonTransformer
DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener<T extends Token<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.notification.service
DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener(QStrategy<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService<T extends Token<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service
A default volatile in-memory tracker TODO: Add Unit Test case
DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService(StoreMap<String, Integer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
DefaultTrackingService - Class in
Service for app to track the Feature using TrackCycle
DefaultTrackingService() - Constructor for class
defaultTrackingServiceType - Static variable in class
DefaultTransactionService<T extends Transaction<O>,O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Default implementation for TransactionService

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
save - Transaction
DefaultTransactionService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
DefaultValueTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allows one to simply provide a default value.
DefaultValueTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
DefaultValueTransformer(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters
A CustomTemplateRenderAdapter that understands how to render various ContentType from the core content entity.
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter(Template, WebMarkupContainer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter(Template) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter(List<Component>, FileUploadWrapper, Template, WebMarkupContainer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
defineActionItems(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
If any definitions are authorized for user send a ListView of FacetMeta or return null
defineAjaxCallDecorator(String, String) - Method in class
defineAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
defineAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
defineAttributesForLink(MenuItemState) - Method in class
Override to customize attributes to Link
defineColumns() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
defineColumns(RM) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
It will use ReporterMeta.getReporter().Reporter.getColumnNames() to define all the Columns in the report.
defineEditor(String, IModel<String>, String, FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
Define an editor for Content Editing.
defineFacets() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
Define list of actions
defineForm(CompoundPropertyModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
defineListConatiner() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
defineListConatiner() - Method in class
The List cane be defined in any specified view container.
defineMessageAttributes(Attributes, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Using Entity Attributes convert them into message attributes such that final keys are {$<entity class simple name>.<attrib name>}
defineParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
Define what Data-Structure will be used to maintain the Form values; so they can be returned as an Event to the listeners
defineParams(List<Component>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
Define what Data-Structure will be used to maintain the Form values; so they can be returned as an Event to the listeners
defineProgressBar(Progression) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLProgressMonitor
defineProgressBar(Progression) - Method in class
defineReportDataProvider() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.PoppableReportResult
Add ability to Sort on the Report by overriding the SortableDataProvider and customizing it
Assumes Reporter is DataSourceReporter using a JPAQueryTransformer
defineReportDataProvider() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Add ability to Sort on the Report by overriding the SortableDataProvider and customizing it
Assumes Reporter is DataSourceReporter using a JPAQueryTransformer
defineReportDefinition(Module) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
defineSearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
Define what will process and prepare the Search Query
defineSearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostsSearchPanel
defineTemplateSelection(String, User, C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Show Template selection for Panel
defineTemplateSelection(String, User, Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
defineUserAuthorizations(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
Get the authorizations for user for the Authorizable module/section this component belongs to.
delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
The default way is to process onSubmit() of form elements first & then the main form.
We want to reverse that, we want to process the Form onSubmit first and then the others.
delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
delete(GenericObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.IUpdateService
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectUpdateService
delete(Comment) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
delete(Long, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
delete(Collection<Long>, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
delete(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
delete(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
Remove a configuration
delete(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
delete(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
delete(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
delete(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.GenericDao
delete(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.GenericDao
A special Delete operation on the entity that will remove the entity and related entities based on id.
delete(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
delete(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
delete(PromotionForUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
delete(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
delete(PromotionForUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
delete(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
delete(PromotionForUser) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
delete(E) - Method in class
delete(Long) - Method in class
delete(E) - Method in class
delete(Long) - Method in class
delete(Long) - Method in class
delete(Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
delete(Collection<Long>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
delete(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
delete(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
delete(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
delete(Collection<Long>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
delete(Rating) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
delete(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
delete(U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
delete(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
delete(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
delete(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Remove by Id
delete(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
delete(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
delete(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
deleteAuthButton(String, User, Collection<Authorization>, Form<Void>, Authorizable, Authorization) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
deleteBasedOnHierarchy(Object, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
deleteBasedOnHierarchy(Object, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer
deleteContent(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Delete a content and all associated content for all locales etc.
deleteContent(String, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
deleteContent(String, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
deleteContent(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
HierarchyContentSource Override for event generation

Delete a content and all associated content for all locales etc.
deleteContent(String, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
deleteCoupons(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
deleteCoupons(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
deleteCredentials(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Remove Credentials
deleteCredentials(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
deleteFacet(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Delete a ContentFacet
deleteFacet(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
deleteFacet(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Delete a ContentFacet @ the index position
deleteFacet(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
deleteFacet(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
deleteFacet(String, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
deletePlatformApplication(String) - Method in class
Delete a Platform Application
DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Related entities can grow in relation to the core entity.
(JPA) This Transformer provides a visitor via injection to the core logic, that can allow manipulating the number of entities that are effected in a delete operation.
DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer(String[][], String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Related entities can grow in relation to the core entity.
(MySQL) This Transformer provides a visitor via injection to the core logic, that can allow manipulating the number of entities that are effected in a delete operation.
DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer
DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer(String[][], String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesMySQLTransformer
deleteSubHierarchy(String, String, Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Delete from the given hierarchy code onward (including the given code)
deleteSubHierarchy(T, String, Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Delete a root node and its children.
May throw an exception is there is a fault in the hierarchy or any node could not be deleted for some reason.
deleteSubHierarchy(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
Delete a root node and its children.
May throw an exception is there is a fault in the hierarchy or any node could not be deleted for some reason.
deleteSubHierarchy(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
deleteSubHierarchy(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
deleteSubHierarchy(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Re-defining parent signature to satisfy CGLIB proxies
Avoid : {@literal ...
deleteSubHierarchy(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
deleteSubHierarchy(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
deleteSubHierarchy(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
deleteSubHierarchy(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
deleteTopic(String) - Method in class
deleteuser(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.DeleteUserForm
deleteUser(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
DeleteUserForm<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
Sub-Component for UserDetailsPanel
DeleteUserForm(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.DeleteUserForm
DeliveryCriteria - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
Define logistic Criteria of any kind.
DeliveryCriteria() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.DeliveryCriteria
DeliveryDetails - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
For an Order or OrderItem captures the Shipping Amount, Service Used
DeliveryDetails() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
DeliveryDetails(Order) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
DeliveryDetailsPanel<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display DeliveryDetails
DeliveryDetailsPanel(String, O) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DeliveryDetailsPanel
DeliveryDetailsTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the DeliveryDetails Details template Panel are delegated to this
DeliveryDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<DeliveryDetails>, EntityTemplate<DeliveryDetails>, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<DeliveryDetails, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DeliveryDetailsTemplatePanel
DeliveryStatus - Enum in
deregister(OEntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
deregisterEntityClass(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
deregisterEntityClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
deriveAlternatePath(String, boolean, Integer, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Used to derive an alternate URL path.
deriveAttachmentId(EmailMultiPartBuilder.FilePart, String) - Static method in class
deriveAuthStateOfPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
Determine what is the Authorization state (IAuthorizationService.AuthState) of the page
DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Transformer wrapper over Utils.deriveUserContacts(com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order, String, java.util.Map).
It acccepts an Order as input and returns a String.
DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer
deriveContext() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.ContextConsumer
deriveContext(IGenericEcomUser, RequestCycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Derive the Context from the session Example : Other aspects maybe added to session; like couponCode etc in JSON.
deriveContext(U, EComSession, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Derive Context - Give pref to param, if not provided then rely on Session.
Context Derivation Algo: If contextProviderStrategy exists then pass raw contextStr to it and derive CONTEXT object(s) and will also update the ContextualSession.setPartialContext(Object).
derivedPathPrefix - Variable in class
derivedQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Opportunity to override core JPAQueryTransformer.query string.
derivedQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
Opportunity to override core JPAQueryTransformer.query string.
derivedQueryWhenNoContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
Special TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer.derivedQuery() version, when ContextConsumer.deriveContext() returns null (no context available)
deriveExpression() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
deriveFacetParams(IHierarchialReference...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
TODO: Add unit Test case.
deriveFacetRequest(IHierarchialReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
By default this method will use the IHierarchialReference.getHierarchy() code to derive all the paths; hence its important each time any change in Hierarchy a Re-Index is done.
The strategy to create/derive the CategoryPaths should match DefaultHierarchyBasedCategoryBuilder.getCategoryPaths(java.util.List<H>) TODO: Needs to be reviewed and upgraded
deriveFirst(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
Derive the first SubOrder in a sequence of SubOrders
deriveFirst(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
Derive the first SubOrder in a sequence of SubOrders
deriveIdRelatedInfo(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Given a file, identify the related info.
deriveMessageId(MessageTokenEvent<T>, T, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
deriveOrder(Map<P, Number>, IGenericEcomUser, String, Class<Page>, O, String, Map, RequestCycle, Response) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Derive a persistent created or create a persistent order
THIS METHOD IS A HELPER, IT WILL NOT FILL ALL DETAILS LIKE PROMOTIONS, OrderItem specific additional properties etc.
deriveOrder(Map<P, Number>, IGenericEcomUser, String, Class<Page>, O, String, Map, boolean, Transformer, RequestCycle, Response) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Derive an order object
THIS METHOD IS A HELPER, IT WILL NOT FILL ALL DETAILS LIKE PROMOTIONS, OrderItem specific additional properties etc.
derivePath(T, Map, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
Use the raw path to convert it to desired path, associate it with the entity; and return the same 'desired path'.
derivePath(T, Map, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
Use the raw path to convert it to desired path, associate it with the entity; and return the same 'desired path'.
derivePortNumber(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
Return port number or null if none found
deriveRelative(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
deriveRoot() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
Will derive the root id for this Order
deriveSequence(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
Get the sequence of Orders; with Root always as first element.
deriveSequence(Order) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
Get the sequence of Orders; with Root always as first element.
deriveUserContacts(Order, String, Map) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Utility to derive contact details from an Order
deriveUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
Override to derive custom User field for id.
deriveUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
deriveUserId() - Method in class
Override to derive custom User field for id.
deSerializeKey(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
DesignationRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
This represents add the DesignationRefs PersonRefs may have
DesignationRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DesignationRef
DesignationRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DesignationRef
DesignationRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DesignationRef
DesignationRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.DesignationRef
destroy() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.filters.DefaultSecurityFilter
detach() - Method in class
detach() - Method in class
detectAndAddLoadersToContext() - Method in class
detectCycle(Collection<O>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
Throw a RuntimeException type if any cycle detected.
determineInput(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
A processor that uses an Intermediate Object will take that from the Map instead of the passed param, in all probability.
determineRoute(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Determine Batch for a given Token
determineRoute(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStrategy
What is the route for a token
determineRoute(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Determine Shift for a given Token
DFAULT_AVAILABLE_SORT - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
difference(Date, Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
DIMENSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
DIMENSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
disabled - Variable in class
true: The item is not usable although it maybe shown
This can be due to authorization reasons
discountForPromotion(PromotionForUser, Map<P, Number>, String, Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
discountStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
dispatch(M) - Method in class
Sends single message to single recipient
Publish Message to a Single Number
dispatch(List<M>) - Method in class
Sends nth Message to the nth Recipient
dispatch(List<M>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.BulkDispatcher
dispatch(M) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.GenericDispatcher
dispatch(EmailMessage, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
dispatch(EmailMessage) - Method in class
dispatch(DisposableMessage<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
dispatch(List<DisposableMessage<String, String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
dispatch(DisposableMessage<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
dispatch(List<DisposableMessage<String, String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
dispatch(List<N>, List<MessageTokenEvent<T>>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
dispatch(List<N>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
Raw dispatch of messages without Feedback processing
dispatch(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenDispatcher
Dispatch the token and ensure its in process.
dispatch(E) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenDispatcher
Dispath a token in an existing TokenEvent
dispatch(M) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
dispatch(List<M>) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
Displayable - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Anything that can be displayed.
displayColumn(int) - Method in class
Ability to remove / hide column.
DisplayDateFormatJsonBeanProcessor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller.DisplayDateFormatJsonBeanProcessor
displayFriendly(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert Java Style camelCase to Spaced Words
displayMoveToParentDetails(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
displayName - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Human readable String to represent the Content.
The name is unique for a language and locale but not in totality.
displayName - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
Display Name (Can contain HTML)
If you want to display the name without HTML use MarshalUtils.regexReplace(safeDisplayName, HTMLUtils.html4Replacer)
displayName - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
DisposableMessage<R,T> - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
A Message that can be disposed off.
DisposableMessage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
DisposableMessage(DisposableMessage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
DisposableMessage(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
DisposableMessage(T, ContentType) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
dispose() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
dispose() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
dispose() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
dispose() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
dispose() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
Un-initialize reader, so that it maybe re consumed
Except for the main Resource & configuration set by Spring context all other instance variables used will be re-set/disposed/cleared.
dispose() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
dispose() - Method in interface com.neurosys.scribble.domain.Adapter
Certain resources may need to live in the context of the script and not just the local execution cycle.
disposition - Variable in class
DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER_FIELDNAME - Static variable in class
The Field name in the Document that identifies it as the entity identifier
Using this field we can convert a Index Document to the entity
DocumentIdentifierTransformer - Class in
Derive the Entity Identifier from the entity
DocumentIdentifierTransformer() - Constructor for class
DocumentManagerPanel - Class in com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Document/File manager Panel: that includes the WebFileListView, FileUploadForm, & SubFolderViewPanel
Any Action Post successful upload / onSubmit() of the file.
DocumentManagerPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
documentViewerPopup - Class in com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages
Page container for the panel DocumentManagerPanel
documentViewerPopup(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.documentViewerPopup
documentViewerPopup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.documentViewerPopup
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.filters.DefaultSecurityFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters.SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Gets the request.getParameter("file") from the upLoadFileLocation(imagePath)
If it cant find the file (example default theme file is used); then it searches the theme images, defined by 'themeImagePath' in web.xml
DomainObject - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Base Domain Object
DomainObject() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.DomainObject
DomainObject(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.DomainObject
DomainObject(DomainObject) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.DomainObject
DomainUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
DomainUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
DoNothingTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
As the name suggests, in complex operations it maybe required to pass a transformer for the sake of continuity.
Functionally this does nothing but pass the input back as output.
DoNothingTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DoNothingTransformer
DownloadServlet - Class in
Resources that are not in Web Context cannot be accessed via standard web based URLs.
DownloadServlet() - Constructor for class
DRIVE_PATH - Static variable in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SystemDetailsPanel
DurationFromDate - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Get a String from a Date.
DurationFromDate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
For a passed in DynaBean, lookup a Key.
Many JSON transformations that
DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer
DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer
DynaHeadBehavior - Class in
DynaHeadBehavior(String) - Constructor for class
DynamicAjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior - Class in
Extend the AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior to enabled dynamic adding of the behavior.
DynamicAjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior(Duration) - Constructor for class
DynamicConfigPanel<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Handle Display and Update of a single AbstractConfiguration

One can override the default TextArea type by using EntityTemplate with the name matching ConfigurationService.keyGen(String, String)-ValueType
DynamicConfigPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
DynamicConfigPanel(String, IModel<C>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
dynamicConfigsAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages
Dynamic Configs backed via a ConfigurationService
dynamicConfigsAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.dynamicConfigsAdmin
DynamicConfigService<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs
A WebService to extract static properties, dynamic configurations which are backed by ConfigurationService - DynamicConfigService.getService().
It also supports an optional context based namespace.
DynamicConfigService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
DynamicConfigService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
DynamicConfigsPanel<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels
List all Configurations
DynamicConfigsPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigsPanel
DynamicConfigTemplatePanel<C extends AbstractConfiguration> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels
DynamicConfigTemplatePanel(String, IModel<C>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<C, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigTemplatePanel
DynamicFormField<T> - Class in
In the markup all content can me marked <input> with any type or no type defined.
DynamicFormField(String, String) - Constructor for class
DynamicFormField(String, IModel<T>, String) - Constructor for class
DynamicFormField(String, IModel<T>, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
DynamicInputContainer - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Define a common WebMarkupContainer to allow configurable generic Search / Input parameters
DynamicInputContainer(String, List<FacetMeta>, WebMarkupContainer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
Create a Form with dynamic search params
DynamicInputForm - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Define a common Form for Panels / WebMarkupContainers to allow configurable generic Search / Input parameters

The listeners can expect an event of: On Ajax Submit - Object[] {Object}; where Object in the Array represents all the Model of the Added Components [OR] On Ajax Submit - Map of FacetMeta to Object value; where Object represents the Model of the Added Components ...
DynamicInputForm(String, List<FacetMeta>, WebMarkupContainer, List<ChangeListener<Object>>, List<Component>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
Create a Form with dynamic search params

The listeners to #getSearchParamsForm(List, WebMarkupContainer, List) can expect an event of: If #eventFormatArray true, On Ajax Submit - Object[] {Object}; where Object in the Array represents all the Model Objects of the Added Components; Inputs If #eventFormatArray false, On Ajax Submit - Map {FacetMeta as Key, Object value}


EComSession<U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components
E-Commerce BasicSession
EComSession(Request) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
EcomUserDaoImpl<U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa
User related queries.
EcomUserDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa.EcomUserDaoImpl
EcomUserDaoImpl(Class<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa.EcomUserDaoImpl
EComUserShell<U extends IGenericEcomUser,E> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.model
Any environment that needs a user context can use a EComUserShell

Any instance specific to the shell will not be accessible to a parent or child.
EComUserShell() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
edit(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
EditableComponentWrapper - Class in
Allow DELETE, EDIT Options on the contained WebComponent (span, img, etc)
EditableComponentWrapper(String) - Constructor for class
EditorAjaxSaveBehavior - Class in
Add the ability for the CkEditor Save to do an AJAX save for that content only This will put a param & value on the onCslick.
EditorAjaxSaveBehavior(String, String, String, Component, Object...) - Constructor for class
Create behavior to allow to Save data.
editorId - Variable in class
em - Variable in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
em - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
em - Variable in class
em - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
em - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
em - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
EMAIL_ADD_TRANSFORMER - Static variable in class
EmailDispatcher - Class in
Send Emails.
EmailDispatcher() - Constructor for class
emailDispatcher - Variable in class
EmailMessage<T> - Class in
A generic Email message
The payload could be String or a Multipart Object.
EmailMessage() - Constructor for class
EmailMessage(EmailMessage) - Constructor for class
EmailMessage(T) - Constructor for class
EmailMessage(T, ContentType) - Constructor for class
EmailMultiPartBuilder<T> - Class in
Helper class to build MultiPart messages
EmailMultiPartBuilder() - Constructor for class
EmailMultiPartBuilder(List<EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part>) - Constructor for class
EmailMultiPartBuilder.FilePart<T> - Class in
EmailMultiPartBuilder.ImagePart<T> - Class in
EmailMultiPartBuilder.ImagePart.Disposition - Enum in
EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part<T> - Class in
EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part.MultiPartType - Enum in
EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part.Type - Enum in
emailOrderpublisher - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
emailPattern - Variable in class
Scan content for emails in the pattern
EmptyToNullTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
If a String is Empty (length = 0) then convert it to Null
EmptyToNullTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EmptyToNullTransformer
Enclosure() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
encode() - Method in class
Workhorse method, that does the compression / encoding.
encode(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience use for simplified exception handling; handles the ususal Exceptions and nulls
EncodeDecodeTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Encode or Decode using a Character set
EncodeDecodeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
encodeImage(RenderedImage, FileOutputStream) - Method in class
encodeKey(Key) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Encode a secret key as a string that can be stored for later use.
encodeUrlSafeName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Transform the intended name to a URL safe name; converting special characters etc
The transformation should be reversible.
encodeUrlSafeName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
encrypt(String, Key, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This is a decryption Algorithm; it supports double byte characters also
please ensure the decrypt method is used to decrypt whatever is encrypted through this (Not to confuse with URL Encoder)
It accepts null parameters
encrypt(String, Key) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This is a decryption Algorithm; it supports double byte characters also
please ensure the decrypt method is used to decrypt whatever is encrypted through this (Not to confuse with URL Encoder)
It accepts null parameters
encryptParameter(Map.Entry<String, String>, Key) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
Encrypts a parameter key value pair.
end - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
end(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
endDate - Variable in class
EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
This Transformer does not apply any Transformation on the input itself (unless there is no intermediate object), however for the intermediate object passed it
ensures for an accessor chain like entity.attributes.attrib1
the necessary instances like "attributes" and "attrib1" exist else while setting one will get NullPointerExceptions.
EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
EnsureAttributeExistsTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Extends EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
Additionally if any of the instances in the access chain are Attribute type then it sets the Entity and Attribute name to the Attribute.
EnsureAttributeExistsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureAttributeExistsTransformer
EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Update an UpdatableContext with EntityManager to ensure if it contains a transient field, that is set back.
EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer
EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer(UpdatableContext) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer
ensureRowIsEntity(Query<T>, List, List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Due to varied column selection, it is possible that result rows may not be an Entity T.
ensureRowIsEntity(List<T>, List<String>, Class<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Due to varied column selection, it is possible that result rows may not be an Entity SUB_T.
ensureSubOrdersChainedInSequence(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
ensureSubOrdersChainedInSequence(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
Uses SubOrderService.ensureSubOrdersChainedInSequence(SubOrder) to ensure all relations are linked
entitiesLookup - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Uses this as to extract the entities (List) from the raw input type, that relate to the input
entity - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
entity - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
ENTITY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
Should be used inside "entity" attribute/object within JSON string
EntityAttribute<E> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
EntityAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
EntityAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
EntityAttribute(EntityAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
EntityAttribute(MorphDynaBean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
EntityAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
EntityBabyPersistTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
This Transformer will ensure that the entity is persisted and return back the passed in input.
EntityBabyPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
EntityChainAccessCheckFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Checks if the input accessor equals EntityChainAccessCheckFilter.value
EntityChainAccessCheckFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
EntityChainAccessCheckFilter(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
EntityChainAccessCheckFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
EntityChainAccessCheckFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A convenient way to modify an entity accessor (e.g.
EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer(String, Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
EntityChainAccessTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A convenient way to access (read only) an entity; and derive the accessor object or value using any of the following methods: Dot chaining convention like "a.b.c".
EntityChainAccessTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
EntityChainAccessTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
entityClasses - Variable in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
EntityComparator<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators
Sort on Entity based on some accessor (#accessorTransfomer
EntityComparator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Represents the dynamically generated Panel for ENTITY .
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<T>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<T, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
EntityFieldsCopyTransformer<T,F> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Copies fields from an Entity to another (accepts an array or Iterable of 2 objects FROM and a Collection of TO).
If the input is not an array type, it assumes it as the INPUT object and generates a clone with the required copy.
EntityFieldsCopyTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
EntityFieldSetter<E,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Substitute for PropertyUtils(Object, String, Object) or BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object) for instances that cannot be set by it due to various reasons.
EntityJSONCollectionWriter<T> - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return a Collection of Entities As JSON Array
If the Collection is expected to have multiple entities then look @ #entityToJsonProvider and EntityJSONCollectionWriter.entityJsonTransformersMap.
EntityJSONCollectionWriter() - Constructor for class
EntityJSONWriter<T> - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return an Entity As JSON
EntityJSONWriter() - Constructor for class
EntityMailSenderTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.etl
A MailSenderTransformer that derives the recipients and the content from a single entity using additional Transformers
One can optionally alter the output to be aString of recipents mail sent to (optional convenience), unlike the parent class that leaves it to EntityMailSenderTransformer.getOutput(Object).
EntityMailSenderTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
entityManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
entityManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentFacetRevert
entityManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
entityManager - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
entityManager - Variable in class
EntityManagerClassHandler - Class in com.neurosys.orient.core.entity
Although this is the source there is no easy way to inject this and replace the default handler in place. Keeping it for now though its not usable.
EntityManagerClassHandler() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
EntityManagerLookupAware - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
A common base class to determine the EntityManager
EntityManagerLookupAware() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
EntityManagerProviderTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Provide Access to EntityManager
With a lot of classes being Serializable they cannot hold the EntityManager and may need access.
EntityManagerProviderTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityManagerProviderTransformer
EntityMapperBehavior<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
Implies that the Mapper will not act on the Raw Tuple but the ENTITY instead and guarantees to produce the ENTITY as a result.
EntityMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.EntityMapperBehavior
entityName - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
Name of the core entity to which all the other records/entities are related
EntityParamQueryLookup - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Lookup using a Query over ModelObject
Parses the {QueryCacheLookup.getQuery() string for parameters usage like ":param1" and then tries to fetch the value from the model object and substitute it automatically into the Query.
EntityParamQueryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityParamQueryLookup
EntityPersistTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Persist an Entity and return the Persisted Entity using the auto wired EntityManager.
Additionally this Transformer is capable of: Collecting Exceptions in EntityPersistTransformer.exceptions and EntityPersistTransformer.messages if EntityPersistTransformer.failFast is false Persisting the entity under a TransactionDefinition, if provided via EntityPersistTransformer.setTransactionDef(TransactionDefinition).
EntityPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
EntityPropertyTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Takes a property from an Entity and applies a Transformer over it.
EntityPropertyTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
EntityPropertyTransformer(Transformer, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Accepts a context Map from DocumentManagerPanel.FileUploadForm.postUploadCustomAction()
Will return a list of Strings, each corresponding to a path modified or null if no change.
EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
EntitySelfTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allows an entty to make changes to itself with self mappings to make internal transformations to the entity.
EntitySelfTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntitySelfTransformer
EntitySelfTransformer(EntitySelfTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntitySelfTransformer
EntityTemplate<REF> - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Markup associated with generic Entities.
EntityTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityTemplate
EntityTemplate(String, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityTemplate
EntityTemplate(EntityTemplate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityTemplate
entityTemplate - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
entityToJSON - Variable in class
EntityToJson<T> - Interface in
A Transformer that knows how to convert a particular type of entity to JSON and can optionally provide the JsonConfig for it.
EntityToListTransformer<ENTITY,T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A special type of AbstractEntityTransformer that converts an Entity to a List
The size of the Array depends on the AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping() + AbstractEntityTransformer.getNonAssiciatedMappers()
The tuple itself is available in the intermediateObjects Map as "tuple" and original entity as "entity"

Mapper field Name is expected to be column number, starting from 0
EntityToListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToListTransformer
EntityToMapTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert an entity to a Map
EntityToMapTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToMapTransformer
EntityToObjectArrayTransformer<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert an Entity to an Object Array
The size of the Array depends on the AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping() + AbstractEntityTransformer.getNonAssiciatedMappers()
The tuple itself is available in the intermediateObjects Map as "tuple" and original entity as "entity"

Mapper field Name is expected to be column number, starting from 0
EntityToObjectArrayTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToObjectArrayTransformer
EntityTypeFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Checks if the input matches a given Set of Classes.
EntityTypeFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
EntityTypeFilter(Set<Class>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
Entry<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A Serializable implementation of java.util.Map.Entry
Entry(K, V) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Entry
Entry(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Entry
entryAdded(EntryEvent<String, T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
EntryListModel<K,V> - Class in
CAUTION : This uses a transient core model List.
EntryListModel(List<Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Constructor for class
EntryModel<K extends Serializable,V extends Serializable> - Class in
EntryModel(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Constructor for class
entrySet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
entryUpdated(EntryEvent<String, T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
EnumListTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Get all the Enum's within an Enum as a List of that type for each enum.
The ecum in question can be sent as a Class as input or set in EnumListTransformer.enumType.
If input is set and a class will override EnumListTransformer.enumType
EnumListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnumListTransformer
EnumMorpher - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A convenient way to convert Enum values back to Enum constants during JSON unmarshalling
EnumMorpher(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EnumMorpher
EnumMorpher(Class, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.EnumMorpher
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
equals(Object) - Method in class
Compares the MenuItem.refId as long as they are not null.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
equals(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
EqualsCheckFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Checks if the input Object#equals() EqualsCheckFilter.operand.
If using CriteriaFilter.transform(Object) and Not equals; it will throw a ContinueProcessingException else return the input if it succeeds in transformation.
EqualsCheckFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
EqualsCheckFilter(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
EqualsCheckFilter(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
EqualsTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Simple Equals check on a EqualsTransformer.value
EqualsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
EqualsTransformer(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
errorHandler(Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
Get the custom error handler Page
escapeCommas(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
etlAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
etlAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.etlAdmin
ETLInputTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A Generic input panel for Reporters
ETLInputTemplatePanel(String, IModel<Object[]>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<Object[], IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLInputTemplatePanel
ETLMeta<PARAM_META> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Provide an ETL process with any additional (supplementary) contextual instructions (like UI input) needed for Processing instructions that are not part of the core process.

The ETLMeta can be used to pre-process INPUT using ETLMeta.inputParamsMetas or post-process using ETLMeta.entityProcessor, the generated entity from the AbstractReader per tuple.
ETLMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
ETLMeta(ETLMeta<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
ETLMeta(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
ETLMeta(List<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
ETLMeta(Transformer, List<PARAM_META>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
ETLProgressMonitor - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Class provided so we can define the Panel UI in the webapps instead of picking from JAR and customize further if necessary
ETLProgressMonitor(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLProgressMonitor
ETLRunner<IN,T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.service
Stand alone can trigger an ETL process without need for any UI.
ETLRunner() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
ETLRunnerOptions - Class in com.neurosys.etl.service
ETLRunnerOptions() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
ETLUpload - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to Upload files using AbstractReaders
AbstractReaders are the base minimal compatibility requirement for this UI element.
ETLUpload(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
eval(IAuthorizationService.AuthState, Authorization, Authorization) - Method in class
Evaluate Authorizations to determine the final outcome as an AuthState
Note that while evaluation Role are an extension of Authorization.
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
Return false the evaluation fails and the tuple is to be filtered out
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
evaluate(Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.FileResourceFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.InvertFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
evaluate(Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ResourceFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ResourceFilter
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
evaluate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
evaluate(Object, Sheet) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
Return false if its a header or a merged set of columns
evaluate(Object, Sheet) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetFilterChain
Return false the evaluation fails and the tuple is to be filtered out
evaluate(Object, Sheet) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetPredicate
evaluate(Object) - Method in class
evaluate(Object, Object) - Method in class
evaluateCurrentActionNotifyConfigs(String, Behaviors) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Check for Server config (constructed key by using the param notifyActionConfigSuffix), and if none exists then rely on any override, and if even that does not exist then by default return true,
evaluateType(Priority, Boolean) - Method in class
Set Type of Message.
Event - Class in
A Default Event Type

The default type entity uses a InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE, however any project using multiple type of events should consider extending directly from AbstractEvent and using InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS since different event types will be structured around date and it will be more efficient.
Event() - Constructor for class
Event(String) - Constructor for class
event(String, String, P) - Method in interface
A process that will notify/validate/inform a User immediately
If the validation cannot be performed for any reason an Exception will be thrown.
EVENT_LOGIN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
EVENT_LOGOUT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
eventAction(AjaxRequestTarget, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class
eventAction(AjaxRequestTarget, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class
The action to take on a valid request with its request Parameter Map included
EventAwareProcess - Class in com.neurosys.etl.process
A Process that is responsible to inform ListeningProcess about events that occur during the process.
EventAwareProcess() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
EventBasedService<R,P> - Interface in
Any process like Validation or notification that may involve events that are asynchronous in relation to a User and notification related
The event service is internally responsible for event generation & notification.
eventFailure(AjaxRequestTarget, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class
The action to be taken in-case there was some fault in the AJAX request
EventsDao<E extends AbstractEvent> - Interface in
Data access methods for EventsDao
EventsDaoImpl<E extends AbstractEvent> - Class in
EventsDaoImpl() - Constructor for class
EventsListWriter - Class in
EventsListWriter() - Constructor for class
EventsQueryService<E extends AbstractEvent> - Class in
Query the amorphous database
EventsQueryService() - Constructor for class
EventsQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class
EventsReader - Class in
A JSON reader; for the WebServices that sends a Query
EventsReader() - Constructor for class
EventsService<E extends AbstractEvent> - Interface in
Service for Events
EventsUpdateService<E extends AbstractEvent> - Class in
Update the amorphous database
EventsUpdateService() - Constructor for class
EventsUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class
EventsWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return ResultRows
EventsWriter() - Constructor for class
ExcelContextualReader<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers
Reads an Excel sheet with Context in mind, supporting things like Look Aheads etc.
ExcelContextualReader(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
ExcelContextualReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
ExcelNumberToDateStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
In FHF, date is parsed and processed as instance of Number and converted back to date format
ExcelNumberToDateStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ExcelNumberToDateStringTransformer
ExcelNumberToTimeStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
In FHF, time in 12-hour format is parsed and processed as instance of Number and converted back to 12-hour format
ExcelNumberToTimeStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ExcelNumberToTimeStringTransformer
ExcelRowByRowReader<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers
Parse an Excel File Row by Row; the Row is represented by A simple List of values.
ExcelRowByRowReader(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
ExcelRowByRowReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
Default Constructor to allow lazy initialization
If so, ExcelRowByRowReader.init() must be called by the calling API explicitly after calling BaseIterativeProcessor.setResource(Resource)
ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers
Converts an Excel Row to an Entity type
This Process is EventAwareProcess and Is Transactional aware
ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer
ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer(ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer
ExcelRowToAreaTransformer<A extends AreaType> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Converts an Excel Row to a Area
This Process is EventAwareProcess and Is Transactional aware
ExcelRowToAreaTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToAreaTransformer
ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Converts an Excel Row to a Product
This Process is EventAwareProcess and Is Transactional aware
ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer
ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer(ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer
ExcelRowToListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers
A simple/Default OOB implementation for converting to an Excel Row to a List of Strings
ExcelRowToListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToListTransformer
ExcelRowToProductTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Converts an Excel Row to a Product
This Process is EventAwareProcess and Is Transactional aware
ExcelRowToProductTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
ExcelRowToProductTransformer(ExcelRowToProductTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
ExcelRowToUserTransformer<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.etl.excel
Converts an Excel Row to a User
ExcelRowToUserTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.etl.excel.ExcelRowToUserTransformer
ExcelTabularDataWriter - Class in
Generate an Excel Report using a base Report generator(s) and writes it to an OutputStream as an HSSFWorkbook (Excel)
The generator must guarantee an output of Object[] / Column wise Data to be consumed by Excels tabular format.
ExcelTabularDataWriter() - Constructor for class
ExceptionalOrderConversation<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
An exceptional proxy/proposed/potential order that is based on an orignial order (the instance itself as it extends Order) that initiates the conversation.
ExceptionalOrderConversation() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
ExceptionalOrderConversation.State - Enum in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
ExceptionHandler<T extends Throwable> - Class in
If ExceptionHandler.details is true or MetaDataException then response body is also sent.
ExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class
exceptions - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
List or Map of Field to its fields that are included or excluded depending on the EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode

To support complex nested exceptions, the Map is recursive in nature for each nested field.
exceptions - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Used if failFast is off (false)
exceptions - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
exceptionTraceToString(Throwable) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
execute(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
execute - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
If the Procedure is not expected to return anything and uses DML then set to true.
execute(String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Execute native scripts by given Adapter definition
execute(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.scribble.domain.Adapter
Default method that is chosen to execute when the Adapter is invoked.
ExecuteJobReader - Class in com.neurosys.etl.readers
Simply executes a Job
If the BaseIterativeProcessor.getTransformer() is a TransformerChain then the first level chain elements are each considered a Different Job and each passed the BaseIterativeProcessor.getParams()

If the BaseIterativeProcessor.getTransformer() return any String or List of String then those will be added to BaseIterativeProcessor.getMessages() TODO: Add unit test case for Single & multiple Jobs in TransformerChain
ExecuteJobReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
Default Constructor to allow lazy initialization
If so, ExecuteJobReader.init() must be called by the calling API explicitly after calling BaseIterativeProcessor.setResource(Resource)
executeMethod(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Execute Native script by default given method Name
executeMethod(SCRIPT_OBJECT, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.scribble.domain.ScriptFactory
Execute Native script by default given method Name
executeMethod(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
executeMethod(GroovyObject, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
executeScript(ScriptSource, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
Instantiate the given Groovy script class and run it if necessary.
ExecutionPreventedException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Any type of custom behavior that prevented further execution based on some reason, logic, property.
ExecutionPreventedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.ExecutionPreventedException
ExecutionPreventedException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.ExecutionPreventedException
ExistingAreaLookup<T extends Area> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Check to see if a Area already exists, and if so load it based on various other settings provided by this class.
ExistingAreaLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingAreaLookup
ExistingEntityLookup<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Check to see if an Entity already exists, and if so load (and update) it; based on various other settings provided by this class.
ExistingEntityLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
ExistingEntityLookup(ExistingEntityMergeTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
ExistingEntityMergeTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Various settings provided by this class; merge existing entity fields into primary one.
Useful when an entity has related entities that need to exist/persist.
ExistingEntityMergeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
ExistingEntityMergeTransformer(ExistingEntityMergeTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
ExistingProductLookup<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Check to see if a Product already exists, and if so load it based on various other settings provided by this class.
ExistingProductLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingProductLookup
ExistingProductLookup(ExistingEntityMergeTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingProductLookup
ExistingProductLookup<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Check to see if a Product already exists, and if so load it based on various other settings provided by this class.
ExistingProductLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
ExistingProductLookup(ExistingEntityMergeTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
exists() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
ExpandCurrentSelectionMenuLogic - Class in
Defines Menu logic for Rendering; where it shows all top level selection, but expands (children) all menu items of current level.
ExpandCurrentSelectionMenuLogic() - Constructor for class
expandedState - Variable in class
expectSingleResult - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
expectSingleResult - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
One should use the LIMIT keyword in query when setting this to true.
export(User, ExportType, Map<Integer, Authorizable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
Export a file as IResourceStreamWriter so it can be downloaded
Exporters<RM extends ReporterMeta> - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
Component to display all the formating Options based on the ReporterMeta
Exporters(String, IModel<RM>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
ExportMeta - Class in
Information that can suppliment the Export process for any Report
ExportMeta() - Constructor for class
ExportMeta(ExportMeta) - Constructor for class
ExportType - Class in
Define various Export Types that are possible y the project and additionally one can define more
ExportType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
extend(Class<ES>, E) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Shell
Extend current shell, and return a new Shell with the current as its inner-shell (or Shell.parent()
extend(Class<ES>, E) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
Extend current shell, and return a new Shell with the current as its inner-shell (or Shell.parent()
ExtendedJPAQuery - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
The Query does not contain a list of Field names in order that defines the result set.
ExtendedJPAQuery(Query, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.ExtendedJPAQuery
extendItem(R, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
Add other tags based on custom/extended schema
extendShell(BasicSession) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
extendShell(BasicSession) - Method in class
Extend the current Shell, with a new child shell.
EXTERNAL_FEED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Feed Data; external Data; WebService Data; RSS; data meant for/from External System etc.
ExternalAccess - Interface in
A Marker interface that denotes an Object available for ExternalAccess This also supports Authorizable; however it is not necessary that any Authorizations would be set hence Authorizable.getAuthorizations() can be null.
ExternalAccessTransformer - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
A Marker interface that denotes the Transformer can be accessed by API outside the Vm; like for Web Services or other external API calls.
This also supports Authorizable; however it is not necessary that any Authorizations would be set hence Authorizable.getAuthorizations() can be null.
ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
A wrapper to regular transformers for external API calls
ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
ExternalQuery<T> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A Query specially used to address external query requests, where field members as classes may or may not exist.
ExternalQuery() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ExternalQuery
ExternalQuery(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ExternalQuery
ExternalQuery(String, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ExternalQuery
ExternalQuery(String, String, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ExternalQuery
ExternalQuery(String, Class, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ExternalQuery
ExternalSystemCredentialHandler - Class in
Basic Authentication with an external Configuration
ExternalSystemCredentialHandler() - Constructor for class
extract(Matcher) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
extract(String[]) - Static method in class
extractFieldValue(Object, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Converts different type of model field values to a model that is sent to the display
extractFieldValue(Object, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Converts different type of model field values to a model that is sent to the display
extractMetaItems(C, Collection<? extends FacetMeta>, ContentType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsTemplatePanel
extractMetaItems(M, Collection<? extends FacetMeta>, ContentType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Get template attributes + Fields that satisfy TemplatePanel.filter(Map, Serializable)
In addition {TemplatePanel.filter(Map, Serializable)
extractScript(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentUtils
Un-Wrap the given Script.
extractSQLColumnNames(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Get column names for Sql String


FACET_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
Set complete identifier for this facet, includes name and index.
FACET_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
FacetAlias - Class in com.neurosys.content.domain
A mapping to allow a ContentFacet to be shared with multiple ContentDescriber (under different parents)
FacetAlias() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
facetContentCache - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
Map for facet name to facet(s) content.
facetContentCache - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
Local cache, supports facet name and facet array content (if not an array the list will contain just 1 element)
FacetListWriter - Class in
FacetListWriter() - Constructor for class
facetMeta - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
FacetMeta - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
FacetMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
FacetMeta(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
FacetMeta.TemplateAttributes - Enum in com.neurosys.template.model
- TODO : Use a more dynamic way
facetMetas - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
facets - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
We don't want to load all Content (disable this side or OR relation) This is because, when content refers to Product, and the product fetches all AbstractContent.
FacetToJson<C extends Content> - Class in
Handle special parts of Product that need to be marshalled to String + remove/filter any unwanted attributes Convert Product to JSON & also specially handle the size attribute and marshal it to
FacetToJson() - Constructor for class
FacetWriter - Class in
User EntityJSONWriter directly
FacetWriter() - Constructor for class
factory - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.contentAuthorAdmin
factory - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
factory - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin
factory - Variable in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.postsAuthorAdmin
failFast - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
failFast - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
FailFastAware - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
If the class is aware that it should fail fase (quit) @ the first sign of a problem
FaultyEmailAddressScanner - Class in
Loads a Set of mail addresses; then using IMAPMailBoxReader parses for failed email addresses.
FaultyEmailAddressScanner() - Constructor for class
FaultyEmailAddressScanner(Set<InternetAddress>) - Constructor for class
FaultyEmailAddressScanner(OneLoadReader<InternetAddress>) - Constructor for class
Feature - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
A Feature is like a Product
Feature() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
Feature(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
Feature(Feature) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
Feature(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
FeatureForOrganization - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
A Feature for Organization Transaction mapping table/entity between Feature, Organization and the List of Authorization or Restrictions.
FeatureForOrganization() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
FeatureForOrganization(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
FeatureForOrganization(Feature) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
FeatureForOrganization(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
Feed<T,I extends FeedItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
Feedback<E,S extends FlowStatus> - Class in
A Feedback object for event with callback.
Useful in synchronous situations where we may want more structure to feedback or callbacks.
A feedback is something that can be sent to a callback for a change event.
Feedback() - Constructor for class
feedback(List<Status>, Component) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
A convenience wrapper to update a gicen Feedback Component with Status List.
feedbackPanel - Variable in class
FeedItem - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.domain
FeedItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
FeedItem(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
fetchContentForPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Get fresh Content for the page based on its ContentContext
fetchEntities(List<Document>, List<SearchParams.SortParam>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
fetchFreshContent(Cache.ValueWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
When should one attempt a fetch.
fetchFreshFacetContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
fetchSearchResults(Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
Prepare Search Query and return results for Form input
FieldAjaxEventBehavior - Class in
Allow to provide custom, action & response on field level events.
FieldAjaxEventBehavior(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
fieldMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
fieldMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
fieldMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
fieldMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
fieldName - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
FIELDNAME_COLLECTION_NAME - Static variable in class
FIELDNAME_COLLECTIONTYPE_NAME - Static variable in class
Maps to value of Product#getAttribute(Product#ATTRIB_COLLECTION_TYPE_NAME)
A unique sequence # Field in a Document for a Product per Collection.
fieldNamesForIcons - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
List of Strings, each representing the field to be included in list of Icons
fieldNamesToMerge - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The values for field names mentioned in this Collection will be merged into the new Entity, i.e.
FieldResultToCustomHierarchyTransformer<T extends CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Takes a List of Tuple (as Object[] or entities) from a ResultSet.
FieldResultToCustomHierarchyTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.FieldResultToCustomHierarchyTransformer
fieldTypeMapping - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
FILE_BIN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Any file that needs to be treated as Binary content
FILE_BY_DATE_COMPARITOR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
FILE_BY_DATE_DESC_COMPARITOR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
FILE_BY_NAME_CASESENSITIVE_COMPARITOR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
FILE_BY_NAME_COMPARITOR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
FILE_BY_NAME_DESC_COMPARITOR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
FILE_EMBED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
A file that can be embedded using a plugin to view it; like a PDF; Excel etc.
FILE_STR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util
FileDeleteTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Delete a given File and returns success (true) or fail (false)
FileDeleteTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileDeleteTransformer
fileIter - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
fileListView - Variable in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
FileMeta() - Constructor for class
FileMeta(String, long) - Constructor for class
fileName - Variable in class
If put as an attachment then will put the file name
FilePart() - Constructor for class
filePath - Variable in class
FileReader<T,S> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.readers
For a given Root Folder (File as a Resource), read each file in all the directories (nested optional); and for each file return a n entity of type T.
FileReader(Resource) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
The resource is the root File path to scan/read from
FileReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
Default Constructor to allow lazy initialization
If so, FileReader.init() must be called by the calling API explicitly after calling BaseIterativeProcessor.setResource(Resource)
FileResourceFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Filter based on File based Resource properties
FileResourceFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.FileResourceFilter
FileTemplateStoreService - Class in com.neurosys.template.service
File based implementation of TemplateStoreService
FileTemplateStoreService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
FileToEntityLookup<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Based on a File, identify which Product it related to.
FileToEntityLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
FileToEntityLookup(FileToEntityLookup<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
FileToNameTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Get a File absolute path with name or just name
FileToNameTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileToNameTransformer
FileToPathTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Derive the path for products.
FileToPathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
FileToProductLookup<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Based on a File, identify which Product it related to
FileToProductLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.FileToProductLookup
FileToProductLookup(FileToProductLookup<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.FileToProductLookup
FileToProductLookup<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Based on a File, identify which Product it related to
TODO: Add Unit test case for Partial match scenarios
FileToProductLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
FileToProductLookup(FileToProductLookup<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
FileToProductsTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Allow to update an existing Entitie(s) i.e.
FileToProductsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
FileToProductsTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Allow to update an existing Entitie(s) i.e.
FileToProductsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
FileUploadHandler - Class in
File Upload Helper & handler
FileUploadHandler() - Constructor for class
FileUploadHandler.FileMeta - Class in
FileUploadWrapper - Class in
Sample Usage:
@see this#upload(String, WebMarkupContainer, String)

String savedPath = imageUploader.upload("filePicUpload", this, 'Folder where images go'>); Where imageUploader can be a Spring reference to this component.

Assumes a context with appConfiguration & adminConfiguration defined with the following properties: site.resources.folder.mode.relative : If true then this means path relative to web-context ok for testing apps; if false then then its an absolute path relative to an external base folder site.resources.folder.models.default : Default path to save the files site.resources.folder.base : Location of external base folder, used if site.resources.folder.mode.relative is false This is a wrapper code that enforces various upload policies, configurations, compression, base/absolute config resolution and exception handling code over raw upload code.
FileUploadWrapper() - Constructor for class
FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta - Class in
FileWriterTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Writes a File; using a FileWriterTransformer.textSupplier that supplies String or anything that can be toString() or an OutputStream
FileWriterTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
fillFragment(CompoundPropertyModel<Size>, Fragment) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
filter(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
Filter for a property for a given result from a service.
filter(Authorizable) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
Authorization filter for User
By default there is no additional Authorization check; however one is encouraged to override this and check the User in the request for any additional authorizations.
filter(Authorizable) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.SecurableService
Authorization filter for User
By default there is no additional Authorization check; however one is encouraged to override this and check the User in the request for any additional authorizations.
filter(User, Authorizable) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
Authorization filter for User
By default there is no additional Authorization check; however one is encouraged to override this and check the User in the request for any additional authorizations.
filter(CharSequence) - Method in class
filter(CharSequence) - Method in class
Filter - Interface in
Filter definition for Content
filter(CharSequence) - Method in interface
Filter content, or if there are serious objections then throws FilterException
filter(Map<String, Field>, M) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Apply Filter.
By Default filter any Field that matches the default set of types defined by TemplatePanel.filterClasses() & those that have Type annotation.
filter - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
Filter tokens out if the result is false
filter(Row) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
filter - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Filter lines or records that should be ignored perhaps; Records that the user may have used for formatting etc perhaps.
If the filter predicate returns false, then it will not be available in

The Predicate.evaluate(Object) may return false or even throw a RuntimeException.
filter(TUPLE_IN) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
A false will filter out the record, i.e.
filter(User, AbstractReader) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
By default Filter Authorizable Process that are not meant for current user
filter - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Filter Raw input and ensure its eligible for Transformation
filter(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
All client sent tokens should be validated/filtered internally.
filter(User, ExportType) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
By default Filter Authorizable Columns(FacetMeta) that are not meant for current user
Filter the EXPORT type option based on Authorization
filter(User, Authorizable) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
filter(User, FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
By default Filter Authorizable Columns(FacetMeta) that are not meant for current user
filter(User, ReporterMeta<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
By default Filter Authorizable Reports that are not meant for current user
Controls the Reports Available to a User on a reporting page
filter() - Method in class
filter(String) - Method in class
filter(Component, MetaItem, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Apply Authorization etc
filter(Component, MetaItem, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Apply Authorization etc
filter(Field[], boolean, boolean, Class...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Filter array Fields and if a specific list of Types is provided then restrict the output to that type/Class of Field only.
filter(Collection<T>, Predicate) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Checks if Objects in the collection match the {@link Predicate; if they do they pass and are collected in the resultant output else they are filtered out.
FILTER_PARENTS - Static variable in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Special Query Attribute: Filter out parent nodes under this parent
FILTER_PARENTS - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Special Query Attribute: Filter out parent nodes under this parent
FILTER_PARENTS_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Special Query Attribute: If filterParents is true then this attribute is used to check if we want to filter for immediate
FILTER_PARENTS_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Special Query Attribute: If filterParents is true then this attribute is used to check if we want to filter for immediate
filterActualPageName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
The page name is constructed using this#pageNameConstruct(PageIdentifier, boolean).
filterActualPageName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
The page name is constructed using this#pageNameConstruct(PageIdentifier, boolean).
filterActualPageName(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
The page name is constructed using this#pageNameConstruct(PageIdentifier, boolean).
filterAndTransform(Collection<V>, Predicate, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<V, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Checks if Objects in the collection match the {@link Predicate; if they do they pass and are collected in the resultant output else they are filtered out.
FilterChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Allow chaining of multiple Predicates
FilterChain() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
FilterChain(List<Predicate>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
FilterChain(Predicate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
filterClasses() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Return all the types from the main model & parents that are eligible for rendering
By default this impl includes primitive types, String, Double, Float, Character, Integer, Boolean and Serializable
All should be Serializable types
filterContent(String, FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentFilterService
If any filter specified then apply filter; then apply it.
Filter content if a filter is specified in the FacetMeta.getAttributes() with at attribute FacetMeta.ATTRIB_FILTER
filterContentAndApplyDefault(FacetMeta, AbstractContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.AbstractPublishAdapter
Filter content using ContentFilterService.filterContent(String, FacetMeta)
TODO: Add Unit Test
FilterException - Exception in
Exceptions that violate filtering policies / algorithms.
FilterException() - Constructor for exception
FilterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
FilterException(String) - Constructor for exception
FilterException(List) - Constructor for exception
filterHeaders - Variable in class
Will scan for these Headers for faulty emails directly, and skip parsing main content.
FilterInput - Class in
Put a filter on the content of the input
FilterInput(String) - Constructor for class
FilterInput(String, IModel<String>) - Constructor for class
FilterInput(String, String) - Constructor for class
filterNodesWithNames - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
We may want to exclude certain nodes/types of nodes from the Loading process while creating the Nav
Supply the unique names identifying the nodes.
filterNullPropertyFilter - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Filter out null properties from JSON String TODO: Add Unit test
filterParents(T, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Return List of nodes that are parents under the specified parent Node.
filterParents(T, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
Return List of nodes that are parents under the specified parent Node
The parent node must have a valid Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy(); immediate is false.
filterParents(T, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Return List of nodes that are parents under the specified parent Node
The parent node must have a valid Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy(); immediate is false.
filterParents(T, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
filterPathName(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
File Name filtering Utility
filterPredicate - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
The Predicate used to filter our Nodes in filterNodesWithNames
filterSubjectCatchPhrases - Variable in class
Filter mails that indicate there was something wrong with the email or Mail
The RegEx defined by this will filter based on subjects
filterUrl(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Remove whatever params are not specified in the keepParams
Example: for a url like we can pass keepParamsRegex as (?i:name|pg)=([^&])+
filterValidAddresses(Set<String>) - Method in class
Convenience mothod
Given a Faulty list that maybe derived from FaultyEmailAddressScanner.scanForFaultyAddresses(), this method returns only valid ones from original input set
FinalPriceFieldGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
Price can have multiple prices; like Product.getRegularPrice() and Product.getSalePrice().
FinalPriceFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
finalWeight - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Final Weight (may include weight of product, Packaging etc)
find(MarkupContainer, String...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Find Component with Id in a given parent
FindConfigForTenant<C,T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Search for Organization related Configs or Settings in Spring.
FindConfigForTenant() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
FindConfigForTenant(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
FindConfigsForTenant<C,T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Search for Organization related Configs or Settings in Spring.
FindConfigsForTenant() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
FindConfigsForTenant(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
findDefaultEntityManagerFactory(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.DefaultSelectorPersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
Find a single default EntityManagerFactory in the Spring application context.
findFieldsDontMatch(Object, Object, String[]) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Between 2 states of objects, for critical fields specified by fieldNames, throw a ValidationException for the field that does not match.
findInActiveShifts(Object, Predicate<S>, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
For an object like user/consumer find the shifts they are in, across all Shifts of type <S>
findTokensInActiveShifts(Object, Predicate<S>, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
For an object like user/consumer find the tokens across all Shifts of type <S>
FindTrackCycleTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl
Fetch existing TrackCycle if nothing found a new TrackCycle is created with same TrackInfo.getNamespace(), TrackInfo.getOwnerRef() and TrackCycle.getCycle() as the one passed in. if an out of Cycle TrackCycle is found, then it is made inactive and persisted and a new TrackCycle is created with same TrackInfo.getNamespace(), TrackInfo.getOwnerRef() and TrackCycle.getCycle() as the one inactive.
FindTrackCycleTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
FIRST_PAGE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
firstName - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
FIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
FIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
fixBrokenTree(List<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.HierarichicalUtils
Some nodes immediate parents may not be in data; but their ancestors maybe.
A break in immediate parent can cause issue; so if we are aware it can happen allow a way for a child to refer to its nearest ancestor as a parent.
fixedHeightPts - Variable in class
Optional height in Excel points.
flattenProductPackageToFeatures(ProductPackage) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl.TierToFeatureListTransformer
Flattens a ProductPackage by getting its features and if sub-ProductPackages exist then getting their features as well, recursively.
flattenTierToFeatures(Tier) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl.TierToFeatureListTransformer
Flattens a Tier by getting its features and if sub-ProductPackages exist then getting their features as well, recursively.
flipMap(Map) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Converts keys to value and value to Keys
FlowState - Interface in com.neurosys.workflow.domain
Define a Flow State for an entity that maybe part of a Work-Flow.
FlowStatus - Interface in com.neurosys.workflow.domain
Define a generic Flow Status
FlowStatusChange - Interface in
A change Event that has a FlowStatus
FlowStatusChangeListenerWrapperTransformer<T> - Class in
A convenience extension of ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer that accepts only SynchronousOperationChange type events and if the ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.getTransformer() transformation is successful then adds a Status INFO level or ERROR level to the feedback.
FlowStatusChangeListenerWrapperTransformer() - Constructor for class
FlowStatusChangeListenerWrapperTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class
FlowStatusPredicate - Class in
A Predicate that if the input matches the #operation as is or if the input object is of type FlowStatusChange then the predicate will FlowStatusPredicate.evaluate(Object) to true; meaning allow / pass the Filter.
FlowStatusPredicate(FlowStatus) - Constructor for class
FlowStatusPredicate(String) - Constructor for class
flush() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
flushAdapter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Flush/Remove/Dispose the adapter instance
focussed - Variable in class
true : User focus is on particular/specific item (now)
folderName - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
FreeQuery - Interface in com.neurosys.dao
Allow the ability to freely query without any boiler plate complex API
from - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
from(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Reverse transform FROM transformed object
from(Date) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
fromAmountDetailsJSON - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The From amount details recorded in JSON format.
fromCurrency - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The currency from which the currency amount was derived.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum
Returns a platform enum corresponding to the given platform name.
FSContentExtractor - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.extractors
FSContentExtractor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.FSContentExtractor
fullPath(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
returns basePath + (/) + relativePath; ensures all path strings have "/" as separator.
Also if the basePath has a leading (/; which it should not ideally), this does not add additional "/" in the middle in that case.
FunctionTransformer<T,R> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A Function and a Transformer
One must override Transformer.transform(Object).


GATEWAY_NAME - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
The Gateway used to make the payment
GATEWAY_RESOURCES - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
Path where the Certificate/Key or related resources are for the Gateway
Gender - Enum in com.neurosys.user.domain
generate(R, SingleTokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenGenerator
Generate a Token based on Application defined input.
generate(M) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory
generateAndPushNewKey(Reference) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
generateAndroidPayload(String) - Method in class
Generates Payload for Android Platform
generateCoupons(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
generateCoupons(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
GENERATED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Data that has meaning in relation to the Product; like Price etc.
generateEmailOrderForm(IGenericEcomUser, Map<P, Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
generateGUID(AbstractReference) - Static method in class com.neurosys.refs.utils.RefUtils
generateInvoice(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.InvoiceService
Generate the INVOICE
generateInvoice(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
generateIOSPayload(String) - Method in class
Generates Payload for IOS Platform
generateJS(Class, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
This will generate something like the following in your HTML header:
generateKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
Uses SecurityUtils.getSecretKey() to generate a new Key
GenerateListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Generate a List or Array from a given input
Note: This will allow null values.
GenerateListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
generatePassword() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
generatePaymentLink(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
generatePaymentLink(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Generate the purchase order link for the customer using the instance set OrderProcessHelper.urlGenerator
generateSMSAttributesAndUpdateDerivedTypes(M) - Method in class
Use AmazonSNSAuthenticationDetails object to create a Map of Default SMS attributes and also update SMS.getSettings().type
Refer to for Setting SMS attributes
GenericAware<T> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Any class that extends this is aware of its Generic Type.
GenericAware() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.GenericAware
GenericAware(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.GenericAware
GenericAware(Class, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.GenericAware
GenericContentService<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service
GenericContentServiceImpl<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
GenericContentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
GenericDao<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.dao
GenericDaoImpl<T> - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
A generic DaoImpl.
GenericDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
GenericDaoImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
GenericDispatcher<M extends Message> - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers
Dispatch Messages
GenericEcomUser - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
GenericEcomUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
GenericEcomUser(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
GenericFormService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
Provide a generic service(s) that can act as a Form that performs the following in a standard manner: Accept a HTTP POST form in application/x-www-form-urlencoded The form fields are server entity field names The service will then pass the HttpServletRequest to the submit Transformer The Submit transformer result will be wrapped in a Response object and sent back synchronously to the client If there are any listeners they will be also invoked synchronously.
GenericFormService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
GenericFormService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
Generic services for AbstractContent (which is a HierarchialDomainObject)00000
This class will also generate Event with are Object[]

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Object[]{"save", content} Object[]{"new-content", content, sequence as Integer} Object[]{"publish", published-content, source-content, path as String} Object[]{"unpublish", content, published path as String} Object[]{"move", content, newParent, sequence as Integer, movedRelatedContent as Map<Status, C>} Object[]{"update-content-status", String name, Locale locale, Status oldStatus, Status newStatus} Object[]{"delete-subhierarchy", node as C} Object[]{"after-delete", name} Object[]{"save-facet", CF} Object[]{"clones", original content, clones as List of Content}
GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
GenericLink - Class in
An extension on Link, that allows direct links as <a href='...' rel='...'>link<a>
GenericLink(String) - Constructor for class
GenericLink(String, String) - Constructor for class
Convenience constructor for simple single URL links
GenericLink(String, IModel<String[]>) - Constructor for class
The model is a String[], where every alternate pair represents key value pair of attributes that will be appended in the link.
GenericObject - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
A GenericObject is capable of representing any discrete event, object, piece of data/meta-data to be called ina RESTful and Stateless transaction.
GenericObject() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
GenericObject(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
GenericObjectDao - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.dao
Data access methods for GenericObjectDao
GenericObjectDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa
GenericObjectDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
GenericObjectListWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return ResultRows
GenericObjectListWriter() - Constructor for class
GenericObjectQueryService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
Query the amorphous database
GenericObjectQueryService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
GenericObjectQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
GenericObjectUpdateService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
Update the amorphous database
GenericObjectUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectUpdateService
GenericObjectUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectUpdateService
GenericObjectWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return ResultRows
GenericObjectWriter() - Constructor for class
GenericPoppableReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
Implementation of PoppableReportResult for generic purpose.
GenericPoppableReportResult(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
GenericPoppableReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
GenericPoppableReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, MarkupContainer, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
GenericQueryableDaoImpl<T> - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Try to extend from AbstractQueryableDaoImpl directly
GenericQueryableDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
GenericQueryableDaoImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
GenericReference - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
References to other kinds of Data/Content.
GenericReference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
GenericStaticPageWrapper - Class in
Represent all Static pages to be accessible by wicket.
GenericStaticPageWrapper() - Constructor for class
GenericTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer
genRandomString(int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
GeoLocation - Class in com.neurosys.geo.domain
GeoLocation() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
GeoLocation(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
GeoLocation(Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
GeoLocation(Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
get() - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.Data
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.StringData
get(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
Will throw an exception if it did not find any matching result for the Config
Note: param matching is case insensitive
get(User, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
Get a Map of key name and corresponding IConfiguration for the specific namespace.
get(String, K) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
get(String, K, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
Will throw an exception if it did not find any matching result for the Config
Note: param matching is case insensitive
get(String, K) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
get(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
Get a Map of key name and corresponding IConfiguration for the specific namespace.
get(String, K) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSource
get(User, String, K) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSource
Get a configuration in the context to a User
get(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSource
Get a Map of key name and corresponding IConfiguration for the specific namespace.
get(String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
get(User, String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
get(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Get a Map of key name and corresponding IConfiguration for the specific namespace.
get(User, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Get a configuration in the context to a User
get(String, String, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
If an DefaultConfigurationService.authorizationService is defined it will use it, else will delegate to DefaultConfigurationService.get(String, String) and log a warning.
get(String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
get(User, String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
get(String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
get(User, String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
get(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
get(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
get(User, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
get(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.ChainableWrapper
get(Class) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Shell
Fetch a particular inner Shell based on environment type it uses
get(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
input type matches env or shell type [if environment type is not available], or is super of first sub-type that matches

Fetch a particular inner Shell based on environment type it uses
get() - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
get(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.AccessorLookUp
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
get(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap
get(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
get(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
get(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
get(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThreadLocalTransformer
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.ScheduledFeeds
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
Creates a new instance if none exists or existing is not running else return existing.
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get(U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
get(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
get(U, TC) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
For e in TokenContainer fetch any existing Token(s)
get(U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
Get user added across TokenContainers
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.CurrentTenantSupplier
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
get() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
get() - Static method in class
get() - Static method in class
get() - Static method in class
Use Java 5 covariance
get() - Static method in class
get(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
get(User, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
get(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
getAbsoluteAppPath() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
If Application hosted @ then will be returned.
getAbsolutePath(T) - Method in class
getAbsolutePath(File) - Method in class
Get a File absolute path TODO: Consider making this a web based absolute path instead?
getAcceptedClasses() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Map of Class to JSONMarshaller to nest another types filter configs.
getAcceptedFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Fields to be included/accepted.
Fields that are neither included nor excluded will be filtered based on JSONMarshaller.filterOnlyIfExcluded
getAcceptedTypes() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer
Any of these types is accepted then process the PredicateLinkedTransformer.getTransformer()
getAccessClasses() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a Constructor Class
getAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
getAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
A dot separated list of entities.
getAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
getAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
getAccessorExistsTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
While creating new records some nested entities may need to be constructed before #save(Serializable, MetaItem, Object)
getAccessorTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
Derive a Comparable that represents a comparable option for the Entity
getAccessValues() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a default Value.
If it exists it will override accessClasses for same type.
getAction() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getAction() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
An action Transformer that takes the following as input {objectId, savedPath of original file, renamedPath}
getActiveShift(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get an Active Shift by its name
getActiveShift(V, P, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get current/ShiftStatus.ACTIVE Shifts for the Venue and PlaceRef
This method may throw an exception (impl dependent), if the system maintains more than one active Shift for any location.
getActiveShifts() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all current ShiftStatus.ACTIVE Shifts in System
getActiveShifts(V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all current ShiftStatus.ACTIVE Shifts for the Venue
getActiveShifts(V, P) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all current ShiftStatus.ACTIVE Shifts for the Venue and PlaceRef
getActors() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Who all were involved in the Order workflow if it involved multiple people.
getActualDateTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Date time the transaction was conducted The String format is used to preserve in format as sent by gateway
getActualDays() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getActualPriority() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
Derives from SiteMapItem.priority; an optional field
getAdapterAlias() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The Adapter alias to fetch the real adapter from the {@link #adapterService
getAdapters() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
getAdapters() - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityContext
Get Adapters for this Context
getAdapters() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
getAdapters() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.ChainPublishAdapter
getAdapterService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Strategies can be Adapters; that can be updated @ runtime.
getAdapterService() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The AdapterService to invoke the script.
getAdapterWrapper(String, ScriptSource, Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
getAdapterWrapper(String, ScriptSource, Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
getAdded() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getAddHeaders() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter.AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor
Additional Headers to add
Example: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Arrays.asList("*")
getAdditionalCacheNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on ContentServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
getAdditionalCacheNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on GenericContentServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
getAdditionalCacheNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on ProductServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
getAddOnOverrides() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Tier
Add-On or Override Feature over standard ProductPackage.getFeatures()
getAddress() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getAddress() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getAddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getAddress(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getAddress(Order, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Convenience helper to extract the Address from an Order.
getAddresses() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getAddresses() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getAddresses(Order) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Convenience helper to extract the Address from an Order.
getAddressObj() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getAddSeconds() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
If specified will Add/Subtract (if <0) the seconds to the output Date time
getAddToCollectionSectionName(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
The add section which should have a minimum of one "addOption" component can be customized for different scenarios; by type or field name etc.
getAddToCollectionSectionName(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
The add section which should have a minimum of one "addOption" component can be customized for different scenarios; by type or field name etc.
getAdminConfiguration() - Method in class
getAdminConfiguration() - Method in class
getAdminConfiguration() - Method in class
getAdminNavigation(Map<Module, List<ModuleUI>>, Map<Module, MenuItem>, List<Module>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
getAjaxCallDecorator() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
getAjaxCallDecorator() - Method in class
getAjaxCallDecorator() - Method in class
getAjaxCallDecorator() - Method in class
getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() - Method in class
getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() - Method in class
getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() - Method in class
getAjaxSavingBehavior(AjaxLink, IAjaxCallDecorator) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
If not null will override the save behavior of the content.
getAjaxTarget(Page) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
getAjaxToHTMLTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
A transformer that takes a fully qualified Web path and converts it to HTML with the Ajax calls converted also to HTML
getAlias() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
Can be used for Login for Guest users also
getAliasForProduct(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getAliasForProduct(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
For a given Product (T) derive all its ProductAlias
getAliasForProduct(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getAliasInstanceType() - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Alias-Hierarchy Node (Alias signify alternate parents)
getAliasToPathTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
For a given key/alias return the actual path to the Resource.
getAll(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
getAll(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
Get a Map of key name and corresponding AbstractConfiguration for the specific namespace.
getAll(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Get a Map of key name and corresponding AbstractConfiguration for the specific namespace.
getAllDeliveryReports() - Method in class
Generates all Delivery Reports
getAllLogs() - Method in class
Generates all Logs
getAllPartialAmounts(O, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
For all Orders placed related to this order, return in sequence all the partial amounts, so far.<
getAllPartialAmounts(O, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
For all Orders placed related to this order, return in sequence all the partial amounts, so far.<
getAlt() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
getAlterEgos(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
For a given id, fetch all Siblings (Status & Locale) that share the same Name (implying they are alternate egos of the same content; i.e same content parents across hierarchies differentiated by Content.getStatus() and locale.
getAlterEgos(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
For a given id, fetch all Siblings (Status & Locale) that share the same Name (implying they are alternate egos of the same content; i.e same content parents across hierarchies differentiated by AbstractContent.getStatus() and locale.
getAlternateParents(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
getAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
getAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Amount charged for Delivery/Shipping only
getAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction amount
We want to maintain the details @ the transaction level in addition to Order because Orders may be modified.
We can tract at the point in time, what was the exact amount transacted.
getAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
The amount
getAmountJson() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Details about the Discount/Promotion itself like Amount, Unit, Currency etc.
This JSON is intended to be App specific where the PromotionStrategy can interpret the JSON criteria
getAmountPropertyField() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
If not null will set the property field in Amount instead of setting total (by default)
getAnnotationClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.service.AutoDetectModuleMountPoints
getAnnotationClass() - Method in class
getAnyUploadedResource() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getApiKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getAppConfiguration() - Method in class
getAPPLICATION_EXTENSION() - Method in class
getApplicationContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
getApplicationContext() - Method in class
getApplicationId() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.domain.NexmoAuthenticationDetails
getApplicationName() - Method in class
Name of which Amazon SNS Platform Application is to be created
getAppSettings() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
Its important to set this during FileToPathTransformer.init() as during execution the transformer maybe called by another Thread.
getArea() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
Any AbstractArea (area, region) related info where this cart will will go
getArea(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.service.AreaService
For an AreaType.getId() return the AreaType
getArea(String, String, C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AreaStrategy
For an AreaType.getId() return the AreaType
getArea(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
getArea() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
getAreaCode(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
get Area Code for the Order; looks in the following order: Order user contact Details - Shipping Address User Object - Shipping Address
getAreas(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.service.AreaService
Get a Map of all the areas, where the Key is defined by key for Area AreaService.getKey(AreaType)
getAreas(String, C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AreaStrategy
Get a Map of all the areas, where the Key is defined by key for Area #getKey(AreaType)
getAreas(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
For international shipping etc, area information
getAreaService() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AreaStrategy
getAreaStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getAreaType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
When looking up details for an Area what type of Area code to consider
getArn() - Method in class
ARN of the Topic or Platform for which the Attributes will be set
getArn() - Method in class
ARN of the Topic or Platform for which the Attributes will be set
getArnAccess() - Method in class
Attribute Details for Message Delivery Reports
getArtifactId() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getAspect() - Method in class
getAssignedContainer(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
getAssignedContainer(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
For a Token get the container
getAssignedShift(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
For a Token determine its assigned Shift.
getAssignedShifts(List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.dao.ShiftDao
For a List of Tokens fetch their corresponding Shifts associated with their token ids.
getAssignIndependentModel() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
In EntityDetailsTemplatePanel while form processings, some fields may share the Form Compound model.
getAssociatedTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
Used to construct a path from PageIdentifier
getAssymetricDescriptor() - Method in class
getAttachehmentSuffix() - Method in class
The suffix will be added to all attachments to make it comply with standard naming contentions
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
getAttributeName() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
Page may have additional attributes with it; like meta data, Get the value for the param.
Note this is NOT to be confused with an HTTP Requests parameters or Attributes.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
getAttributes() - Static method in class
Message Attributes depending on the Platform Type
getAttributes() - Method in class
For each Column displayName in the Reporter define any specific attributes for presentation
Key is fieldName/Column Index and value could be a String, Transformer,PARAM_META type
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
getAttributes() - Method in class
Any optional feedback properties
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Custom properties for the given meta informations that can be shared by all adapters and Transformers of this FacetMeta
getAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
getAttributes(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
getAttributes(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
Will throw RuntimeException if record does not exist
getAttributesSetter() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesMapper
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
Page may have additional attributes with it; like meta data, Get the value for the param.
Note this is NOT to be confused with an HTTP Requests parameters or Attributes.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attributes
Accessor to get the value and encapsulate how the value comes from the Attributes.Attribute
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getAttributeValue(String, P, List<P>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Get the attribute value of a Product.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
getAudioFilePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getAudioType() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
getAudioType() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getAudioType() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.TextToVoiceMessage
getAudioType() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.VoiceRecordedMessage
getAuthChallengePage(Component) - Method in class
For UnAuth access redirect to Login Page
getAuthChallengePage(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session.AuthorizationStrategy
getAuthComparator() - Method in class
getAuthDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
getAuthDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getAuthenticated() - Method in class
getAuthenticatedUserToResponseBody() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
Define the response for a given User
getAuthentication() - Method in class
Stores the Authentication Details of the user
getAuthErrorMessage(Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
getAuthFailMessage() - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
getAuthFailureHandlerDefaultBeanName() - Method in class
Default Spring Config bean name
getAuthFor(String, String) - Method in class
By default it uses an in-memory Map derived from all Role definitions.
If the combination of Roles and Authorizable.getAuthorizableId()s is large then override using something less memory intensive.
getAuthFor(String, String) - Method in interface
getAuthModule() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getAuthorizableColumns(ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
Looks for Authorizable column definitions in values of ReporterMeta.getColumnToEntityValueMapping()
getAuthorizableForConfig(String, K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
Map a namespace and key to an Authorizable instance.
By default ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs.configIdToAuthorizableMap is used for this mapping.
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
When auto detecting Authorizable objects, should the id of this instance be added to the list
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Same as Module.moduleName() some Annotations like MountModuleUI rely on Module Name
For Modules the Authorizable Id should be the same as the name
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
getAuthorizableId() - Method in interface
Every Authorizable entity should specify its key/id so that the Calling API knows which Set of Authorizations to match with
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
getAuthorizableId() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Same as Authorizable.getAuthorizableId() to relate the authorizable to its tracking data.
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in interface
Is the Authorizable.getAuthorizableId() of this instance to be considered in the global list of Authorizations.
If true, it will appear in the List of Authorizations that can be assigned to users.
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
getAuthorizableIdAssignable() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
getAuthorizableService() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
getAuthorizableService() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getAuthorizableService() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
getAuthorizationMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getAuthorizationMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getAuthorizationMap() - Method in class
getAuthorizationMap() - Method in interface
Map of entity Name to Set of Authorization.
The entity name can refer to any section that has a name, that uniquely identifies the entity.
getAuthorizationModule() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getAuthorizationModule() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
Authorizations needed to access this service
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON String to represent a Map of <String, Authorization> per module.
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in interface
Authorizations required to access the component
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
getAuthorizations() - Method in class
Map for an Authorizable what are the Authorizations this Role represents.
The Map itself is transient, if Role to be persisted then save as JSON and marshal/unmarshal to this.
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
Authorizations that can access this item
getAuthorizationService() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
getAuthorizationService() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Optional service to perform Authorization on config fetches.
getAuthorizationService() - Method in class
getAuthorizationsForUser(String, User) - Method in class
getAuthorizationsForUser(String, User) - Method in interface
Get the Authorizations granted to a user.
getAuthorizedId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiAuthorizedStateFacetMeta
getAuthorizedObject() - Method in class
getAuthorizedUnits(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
Based on context or current user get the Units the current session/request has access to.
getAuthorizedUnits(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer
Based on context or current user get the Units the current session/request has access to.
GetAuthorizedUnitsFunction<T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Simple Function that adds all User#getOrganizations() & User#getPrimaryOrganization() to derive final Set of Authorizable units.
GetAuthorizedUnitsFunction() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.GetAuthorizedUnitsFunction
getAuthStrategyDefaultBeanName() - Method in class
Default Spring Config bean name
getAuthToken() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
Any AuthenticationToken granted;
getAuthToken() - Static method in class
Access ThreadLocal
getAuthToken() - Method in interface
getAuthToken() - Method in class
getAuthType() - Method in class
getAuthUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
getAutoParagraph() - Method in class
autoParagraph : false
Whether automatically create wrapping blocks around inline contents inside document body, this helps to ensure the integrality of the block enter mode.
getAvailability() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Some products may not be available to be Sold Online or available for a specific purpose
getAwsClient() - Method in class
getAwsClient() - Method in class
getAwsCredentials() - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AmazonSNSClient
getAwsCredentials() - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AmazonSNSClientClient
getAwsLogClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
getBase() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
In the default behavior/understanding, the base price reflect the regular total of the product
getBase64EncodedStringForImage(File, String) - Static method in class
getBasePagePath() - Method in class
Prefix this to the URL's page path
getBasePagePath() - Method in class
Prefix this to the URL's page path
If supplied; will negate the path folders from the Expected URL resource path.
getBasePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
the HTMLPublisherListener.transform(Object) method will get a relative URL.
getBaseReporters() - Method in class
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet
getBaseReporters() - Method in class
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet
getBaseReporters() - Method in interface
getBaseUrlStr() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Base string for URL.
getBaseWebAbsolutePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
getBaseWebPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
getBaseWebPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getBatch() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getBatch(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Fetch a Batch by Id
getBatchId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Route
getBatchInfo() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Token
BatchInfo; ie Shift and Batch the token is associated with.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
getBCCList() - Method in class
If not using bulk and want to show BCC addresses, use this
getBCCListStr() - Method in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.BCCList but does not directly participate in any processing
getBeanId(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfiguration
getBehavior(Class<B>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
getBehaviors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
getBehaviors() - Method in interface
Optional Behaviors for custom strategies
getBehaviors() - Method in class
Optional AddOnBehaviors for custom strategies
getBehaviors() - Method in interface
Optional Behaviors for custom strategies
getBillingCycle() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getBitmask() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Optional param that allows an Application to define project specific switches (boolean flags) for an Order.
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getBitmask() - Method in class
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
getBitmask() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
getBitmask() - Method in class
getBitmask() - Method in interface
getBitMasks() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
getBitMasks() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
getBitMasks() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserStatusBitsForm
getBlackRegExPattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
getBody() - Method in class
The part of the callback URL that can carry back data from the client
getBodyId() - Method in class
Specify a Body Id, so that CSS elements that use the common id for content derive that via the inserted id within the editor.
getBookMarkablePageLink(String, Integer, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogNavigatorPanel
getBroadcastMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Message template variables {N} where N is: {0} - Displayable.getDisplayName() - Shift Display Name
getBrowser() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
getBuffer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
getBuffer() - Method in class
getBUFFER_HOLD_TIME() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
If within BUFFER_HOLD_TIME if no alert is received then it will flush the buffer.
getBuildProperties() - Method in class
Build specific properties derived from
getBulkActions() - Method in class
Any Bulk actions to perform on the Report
getBulkActionsMetaSpringBeanName() - Method in class
A Spring bean name that defines a List of FacetMeta,each defining a Button and an associated Submit action
getByModuleNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
getCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Optional cache, if provided will clear the cache fore related entries being set
getCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getCache() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
getCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
Set using Spring SPEL like #{cacheManager.getCache('myCacheName')}
getCache() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
getCache() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getCacheDef() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
Define a Service specific CacheControl definition.
By default this is , override to suit any service specific implementation.
getCacheKeyAccessorTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
If Not null, will assume input not to be an array and will assign the cache key to be the name derived from this transformer.
getCacheKeyName(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
getCacheKeyTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
If not null will extract the key from the input; if null will use the Object.hashCode()
getCacheManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getCacheManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
getCacheManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
getCacheManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getCacheName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
getCacheName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
getCallback() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
Callback to the end of the asynchronous process
getCallbackScript(boolean) - Method in class
getCallbackUrl(boolean) - Method in class
The Script that is called when the button is clicked to relay info back to the Server via Ajax
getCallDecorator() - Method in class
getCampaignPropertyName() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
getCancelledStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
Cancelled states
getCart(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Fetch the Cart for a user
getCartForSession(S, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
getCartForSession(SESSION, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Some carts like Shopping may exist in Session or persisted.
getCartForUser(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
getCartForUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Some carts like a WishList maybe persistent so allow to retrieve it.
getCartFromSession(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
The Session is expected to be related to the Cart it carries.
getCartFromSession(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getCartFromSession(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getCartItemKey(CI) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
getCartProductTransform() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Handle All conversions
getCartProductTransform() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Handle All conversions
getCartService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
getCartService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
getCartSessionId(SESSION, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
A client cart is identified by its user name (primary) and a sessionId (for session based carts like shopping cart).
getCartSessionId(S, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
A client cart is identified by its user name (primary) and a sessionId (for session based carts like shopping cart).
getCartSessionId(S, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
A client cart is identified by its user name (primary) and a sessionId (for session based carts like shopping cart).
getCartUserId(SESSION, USER, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
A client cart is identified by its user name (primary) and a sessionId (for session based carts like shopping cart).
getCartUserId(S, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getCartUserId(S, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getCaseType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer
getCatalogView() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
getCategory(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentLookupService
Should be used to fetch a Category / Parent Content
getCategory(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentLookupService
Should be used to fetch a Category / Parent Content
getCategory() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getCategory(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
getCategory(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
getCategory(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
getCategory(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductMultiCategoryLookup
getCategory(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductLookupService
Should be used to fetch a Category / Parent Product
getCategory(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductLookupService
Should be used to fetch a Category / Parent Product
getCategoryBuilder() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
getCategoryListingPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages.configsAdmin
getCategoryListingPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.catalogAdmin
getCategoryName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
getCategoryPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
getCause() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
getCauseType() - Method in exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
getCCList() - Method in class
If not using bulk and want to show CC addresses, use this
getCCListStr() - Method in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.CCList but does not directly participate in any processing
getCDNLocationForResource(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
getCellStyle(int, int, int, Cell) - Method in class
getCellStyle(int, int, int, Cell) - Method in class
getChain() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ChainAware
If the processor that implements this is part of a chain, it will return a reference to the chain else null
getChain() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
getChain() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
getChainDelim() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
The delimeter within the chain
getChainElementValidator() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
getChainRegionRegExPattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
The region that defines the chain; inclusive of the literals ad delimiter
getChangeFreq() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
getChangeFreq() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive Frequency for all items generated using this transformer
getChangeFreq() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive Frequency for all items generated using this transformer
getChannel() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
Details about the channel
getCharacterSet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
getCharset() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
getCharset() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.StringToInternetAddressTransformer
See InternetAddress.setPersonal(String, String)
getCharset() - Method in class
getChildEntityParentRefFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The name of the Container Entity (Product) in the related Entity
getChildPageComponentName() - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getChildren() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbsrtactHierarchialItem
Get the List of Children in order under this Item
getChildren(A) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.service.AreaService
For a parent Area get children.
The List of children is implementation dependent.
getChildren() - Method in class
Represents the Children sub-menu items of this item
getChildren() - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class
getChoices(String) - Method in class
getCipher() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
getCipherType() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
getCity() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getClassesEntrySet() - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
getClassesInPackage(Class, String, Consumer<? super BeanDefinition>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
getClassesInPackage(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.ClasspathScanner
Return all classes within a package and all "sub packages"

Consider the following classes: x.y.a.TestClass x.y.a.b.TestClass x.y.b.TestClass Inoking getClassesInPackage("x.y.a") would return x.y.a.TestClass and x.y.a.b.TestClass

getClassForName(String, Class) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Filters out the class representing the Page.
getClassForOpenPage(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
Define the Class of the Page that is to open (on Link or Add new).
getClassForOpenPage(IModel<RM>) - Method in class
Define the Class of the Page that is to open (on Link or Add new).
getClassForResourceType(T) - Method in class
Return a CSS class name to represent the resource type (if any exists)
getClassForResourceType(File) - Method in class
getClassForType(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.ClasspathScanner
Get all classes of required type in specified package
getClassTypeToScanFor() - Method in class
getCleanMatchingRegex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
getCleanup_regex_str() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
getClientAccessKeyId() - Method in class
Access Key Id of the User
getCloneTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
Perform the clone operation
getClosestParent(Collection<Class>, Class) - Static method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Given a collection of classes, determine which is the closest parent of the provided class.
getClosestParent(Collection<Class>, Class) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Given a collection of classes, determine which is the closest parent of the provided class.
getCloud() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getCloudwatchLogs() - Method in class
Interacts with Amazon CloudWatch to retrieve logs
getClusterName() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
getClusterName() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area Code
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
getCode() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AreaType
A code to represent the region, country or area
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
A unique code for the Coupon / user combo
This can be pre-generated and a user maybe expected to match this code to avail the pre-generated Coupon
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
Zip Code
getCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in interface
A GUID of sorts that is secret and only the calling API would know and be able to trust if it matches.
getCode2FromName(String) - Static method in class
For a given Name get the 2 Letter Country Code for it
getCode3FromName(String) - Static method in class
For a given Name get the 3 Letter Country Code for it
getCollectionFetch() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
Convert a Collection Id to a Product
getCollectionName(P) - Method in class
getCollectionRefId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.CollectionMetaItem
getCollectionTypeEvaluator() - Method in class
getCollectionTypeName(P) - Method in class
getColors() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Comma separated values of Colors
getColsMerged() - Method in class
getColumnFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper from Tuple Column Index/Field Name to a particular field (one to one); index # starts @ 0
getColumnFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
getColumnIndex(CELL) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getColumnIndex(ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer.Cell) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
getColumnIndex(Cell) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getColumnNames() - Method in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
getColumnNames() - Method in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
getColumnNames() - Method in class
The Exporter may change the original columns, or names etc.
getColumnNames() - Method in interface
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
Useful function to derive All Columns in the report
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
Useful function to derive All Columns in the report
getColumnNumberToFieldNameMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap
getColumns(TUPLE) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getColumns(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
getColumns(Row) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getColumns() - Method in class
getColumnToEntityValueMapping() - Method in class
Each column position (starting @ 0) needs to be mapped to the entity name or a Transformer(entity) or even a FacetMeta to tell the presentation layer which Column maps to which field / value(output from the Transformer, in case on complex relations)

Additionally a FacetMeta (value object) can be Authorizable also
getCommandPath() - Method in class
Absolute path to the command like D:/tmp/test.bat
getComments(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.comments.dao.BasicCommentDao
getComments(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
getComments(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentService
getComments(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentServiceImpl
getComments() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getComments() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
getComments() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getComments(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ratings.service.RatingService
getComparator() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SimpleEditorAdapter
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponent(String, MetaItem, IModel, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.TextAreaAdapter
Some fields/attribute may require display of options for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components.CollectionTypesReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.CustomerDataReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.PromotionReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, RM) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
By default converts every cell data into a Label
getComponentForCell(String, Object, Object, int, String, ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components.VisitorDataReportResult
getComponentForFacet(ContentDescriber, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.MockTemplatePage
getComponentForFacet(C, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
Called by and added to page my iterateAndAddContentFacetsToPage().

Note: Addition contextual info about Locale & ContentContext can be derived by the Component.getLocale() & TemplatePage.getPageContext() methods.
getComponentForFacet(C, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Called by and added to page my iterateAndAddContentFacetsToPage().

Note: Addition contextual info about Locale & ContentContext can be derived by the Component.getLocale() & TemplatePage.getPageContext() methods.
getComponentForFocussedItem(T) - Method in class
The first item is the Focussed item If it returns null, then it will not be added the the list
getComponentForItem(T, int, AbstractRepeater) - Method in class
Get the item for Item in the selection Panel.
getComponentForType(MetaItem, String, IModel, MarkupContainer, P, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getComponentForType(MetaItem, String, MODEL, CONTAINER_COMPONENT, T, User) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter
getComponentForType(MetaItem, String, IModel, MarkupContainer, T, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
One can override to customize specific components or impose some manual override over what is dynamically generated.
getComponentForType(MetaItem, String, IModel, MarkupContainer, T, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter
One can override to customize specific components or impose some manual override over what is dynamically generated.
getComponentForType(MetaItem, String, IModel, MarkupContainer, T, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getComponents(M, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
getComponents(M, ListItem<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
Get a component
getComponents(M, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Called by and added to page my processItemList().

An entity can define native field UI support using Type.
getComponents(P, ListItem<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Main rendering method; adds components to the container
getComponents(T, ListItem<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Main rendering method; adds components to the container
getComponentsForCollectionType(P, MetaItem, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getComponentsForCollectionType(T, MetaItem, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getComponentsForType(P, MetaItem, IModel, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getComponentsForType(T, MetaItem, IModel, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getConfig() - Method in class
Override for custom configs
getConfig() - Method in class
If EntityJSONWriter.entityToJSON is defined then Use the return that else null
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
getConfig(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
getConfig(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
getConfig(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
getConfig(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getConfig(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getConfig() - Method in class
If EntityJSONWriter.entityToJSON is defined then Use the FacetToJson.getJsonConfig() else use the default FacetToJson.JSON_CONFIG

Content is related to AbstractContentAttribute via attributes.
getConfig() - Method in class
If EntityJSONWriter.entityToJSON is defined then Use the FacetToJson.getJsonConfig() else use the default FacetToJson.JSON_CONFIG

AbstractContent is related to AbstractContentAttribute via attributes.
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class
If #productToJSON is defined then Use the ProductToJson.getJsonConfig() else use the default ProductToJson.JSON_CONFIG

Product is related to ProductAttribute via attributes.
getConfig() - Method in class
If #productToJSON is defined then Use the ProductToJson.getJsonConfig() else use the default ProductToJson.JSON_CONFIG

Product is related to ProductAttribute via attributes.
getConfig(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
getConfig(Class, Class...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Gets a bare-bone non-nonsense config that can exclude nulls and certain types of properties
getConfig() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
getConfigForNumberFields(Class, Map<String, Class<Number>>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSON marshalling of Number types can be tricky; and while in JDK 1.8 JSONObject.toBean(JSONObject) is smart enough to introspect and determine the correct type, in JDK 9, there are some issues and we have explicitly ensure the type is the intended type.
getConfigIdToAuthorizableMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
getConfigProperty(String, Object, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
Derive property config for modelId (if defined) else default from
Class name .
getConfigProperty(String, ProductReference, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
Scans hierarchy for config property as SpringStaticConfigurations and then finally in adminProperties for the key.
getConfigProperty(String, List<P>, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getConfigProperty(String, P, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getConfigProperty(Object, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
getConfigProperty(Object, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
getConfigProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
getConfigProperty(String, Object, Map, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
Derive property config for modelId (if defined) else default from
Class name .
getConfigProperty(String, Map, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
A simple alternative that checks defaultProperties and if none found then applies a given default value
getConfigs(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
getConfigs(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
Get configurations for a namespace and nested namesapces, as a collection of C
getConfigs(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getConfigs() - Method in class
getConfigService() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
getConfigSource() - Method in class
getConfigTypes() - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
getConfigTypes() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.neurosys.markdown.etl.MarkDownToHTMLTransformer
getConfigurationSources() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
Will iteratively look for the requested configuration from the specified sources
getConfirmationCode() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenRequest
An optional confirmation code.
Example: A mobile payment system initiates a payment and gets a code.
getConnection() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getConnection() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getConnection() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
getConnection() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getConnectionPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
getConnectionPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
getConnectionPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getConnectionPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
getConnectionPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
getConsumer() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Consumer for items being written
getConsumer() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Consumer of the object that came from the event
getConsumer() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenRequest
getContainer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
By default the container for all the elements added to this component
getContainer() - Method in class
Name of the MenuItem which is the container of this.
getContainer() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
getContainer() - Method in class
getContainerForFacet(MarkupContainer, FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
One can add components in a hierarchy using a FacetMeta.getAttribute(String) with attribute FacetMeta.ATTRIB_NAMESPACE with a.b.c convention or a List a > b > c.
getContainerName() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Name of the Distributed List or Map
getContainerName() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Name of the Distributed List or Map
Note: Dont confuse containerName for groupName
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentFacet
getContent(String, Locale, Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Get content for Default name and specified locale and Status
getContent(String, Locale, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
getContent(T, ContentContext) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ContentExtractor
Get Content.
getContent(URI, ContentContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.FSContentExtractor
getContent(Map, ContentContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
getContent(URI, ContentContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentDescriberModel
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Get current content being rendered by this page
getContent() - Method in class
Content for the State the MenuItem is in
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
getContent() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
getContent() - Method in class
getContentAsString(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
Marshal content from an Email (IMAP) to a MessagePart
getContentDescriber() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
getContentDescriber() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
getContentDescriber(Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
This method does not guarantee the Entity from the DataStore neither does it guarantee a valid mapping; it simply guarantees an Identity Object that can Identify the ContentDescriber by name and Status.
getContentDescriber(Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
This method does not guarantee the Entity from the DataStore neither does it guarantee a valid mapping; it simply guarantees an Identity Object that can Identify the ContentDescriber by name and Status.
getContentEditorAjaxSavingBehavior(AjaxLink, IAjaxCallDecorator, MetaItem, T, ContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
If The Adapter uses a Content Editor which is capable of independent facet update hence it requires a FieldAjaxEventBehavior to define how that editor will behave on actions like onClick
getContentFacet() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
The FacetMeta in the Content the file will relate to
getContentFacetInstance(Comment, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
getContentFacetInstance(C, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
getContentFacetInstance(C, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
getContentFacetInstance(C, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getContentFacetInstance(C, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
getContentFacetInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.PublishableMarkupContentModel
getContentFacetInstance(Post, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
getContentFacetInstance(Post, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
getContentFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.AbstractPublishAdapter
getContentFromMail(Message) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getContentHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
getContentManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
getContentName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomMenuItem
getContentPathConstructor() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
getContentPathTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
If there is a name from raw data, ensure its converted to a proper formal suitable to be a link/URL
getContentProxyObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentServiceImpl
getContentProxyObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
getContentProxyObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.service.PostServiceImpl
getContents(String, Locale) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Get content for specified name and locale.
getContents(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Get Content for all the locales this content exists for.
getContents(String, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getContents(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getContentsCss() - Method in class
All the CSS path that should be imported into the editor
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
Override Source in case content from an auxiliary Data Source
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.contentAuthorAdmin
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Override Source in case content from an auxiliary Data Source
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
Override Source in case content from an auxiliary Data Source
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel
Override Source in case content from an auxiliary Data Source
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PermaLinkTransformer
getContentService() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
getContentsList(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Get contents across Status, Locales etc.
getContentsList(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getContentSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getContentSource() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
getContentSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getContentSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
getContentStatusCriticalForMove() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
While ContentServiceImpl.move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) the service will move the content across all Status types.
getContentStatusCriticalForMove() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
While #move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) the service will move the content across all Status types.
getContentTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
Apply this Transformer over the extracted content, before passing it back
getContentTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
Apply this Transformer over the extracted content, before passing it back
Accepts a String and returns a String.
getContentTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
getContentTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Extracts the content from input entity.
getContentTransformer() - Method in class
One can override WicketExtendInput.contentTransformer with a Chain or another Transformer.
To use the default Transformer in a chain you can refer to WicketExtendInput.getDefaultContentTransformer().
getContentTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
getContentType() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
getContentType() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Message
If used ensure ContentType.getType() BaseType is filled.
getContentType() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentModel
getContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
An existing context
getContext(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
Default context supplied to the ExpressionParser
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
getContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
Any specific services or beans we want to inject into the Context
getContext() - Method in class
Additional context that maybe provided by the user in the Session.
Note: CONTEXTS can be processed further, in the default design this is intended to be the raw CONTEXT set directly by the client

Difference between UserShell.setEnvironment(Object) nad ContextualWebUserShell.setContext(Object) is that context is set by user, while environment is set by the system and should be immutable.
getContext() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in class
Additional context that maybe provided by the user in the Session
Note: CONTEXTS can be processed further, in the default design this is intended to be the raw COMTEXT set directly by the client
Example: PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy's use context for more advanced and custom scenarios

NOTE: THIS IS SAME AS ContextualWebUserShell.getContext() by default
getCONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH() - Method in class
getContextMarkupEnd() - Method in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
getContextMarkupStart() - Method in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
getContextName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
If the input (context) is an Object then one can refer to this object in the Velocity context as the value of this variable.
getContextNameSpace(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
getContextNameSpaceConfig(Function<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
Override, to override all Context based namespace derived config behavior.
getContextObjectAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
If null, the Object from the ContextExtractorTransformer.context will be retrieved using the ContextExtractorTransformer.mapper
If Not null then the input to the ContextExtractorTransformer.transform(Object) will act as an accessor in an EntityChainAccessTransformer
getContextParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
Optional context params to inject into the scripting object (context)
getContextProviderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getContextProviderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getContextProviderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getContextType() - Method in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Get the ContextType for this pre defined enum
getContextType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
The type of context maintained by the ContextualSession.getContext()
getControllable() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getConversionMetaData() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
Details about currency conversion (if any).
Implementation is Application dependent.
Preferably the rate value or in JSON format.
getConverter(Class, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class
getConverter(Class<?>) - Method in class
Ensure the data conversions are not handled by Wicket
Example Double types will introduce commas etc; in our case not desirable as we control custom Model conversions via Transformer and TwoWayTransformers already
getConvertToCategoryTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getCookie(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
getCopyright() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getCoreFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
These are the fields that define the core data to be captured.
For example in a class, for every student.
getCoreFieldTransformers() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
An optional Map of Transformer for each field in JSONGridRenderAdapter.coreFields by FacetMeta.getName()
Any mapping with null key implies applying that Transformer to all cells in the grid, if no override exists for it.
getCount(Object[], Transformer) - Method in class
getCount(Object[]) - Method in class
getCount(Object[]) - Method in interface
getCount() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
An optional COUNT to supplement the message
getCount(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
getCounter() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Token
The counter name that will serve.
getCounter() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenRequest
getCountQuery() - Method in class
Run a count query for the DataSourceReporter.dataGenerator
getCountry() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getCountry() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Country or Region.
getCountry() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getCouponCode(CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
By default uses context[0][1]
getCreated() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getCreated() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getCreated() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getCreated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date of creation.
Useful if Order.purchaseDate is not same as Order.created date
getCreated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
getCreated() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowState
Date when the flow state was created.
getCreateDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getCredentialEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getCredentials() - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AWSLogsClient
getCredentials(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Fetch Credentials for a given userId.
getCredentials(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getCriteriaJSON() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Project dependent JSON representing Deliver
getCriteriaJson() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Any additional Data to describe the Promotion meta-data criteria like who, how many times can the same user use it, how is a user identified, and how people are eligible for it etc.
This JSON is intended to be App specific where the PromotionStrategy can interpret the JSON criteria
getCss() - Method in class
All the CSS path that should be imported into the editor
getCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
The preferred currency for the user cart
getCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
getCurrency() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.IAmount
getCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
The currency
getCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
getCurrencyStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getCurrent() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Progress
getCurrent() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
Current position relative to the front most in the TokenPosition.container
TokenPosition as position (>=0)
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
getCurrentIndex() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.ResourceAwareRealTimeLineReader
Depending on the resource the ResourceAwareRealTimeLineReader.size() may factor in redundant rows also that maybe filtered by the reader if it uses some sort of filter.
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getCurrentInventory() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getCurrentProposedOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
getCurrentRawIndex(Row) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
getCurrentRawIndex(TUPLE_IN) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Get the raw index/position on the source; BaseIterativeProcessor.getCurrentIndex() only tracks the relevant position.
getCurrentRawIndex(TUPLE_IN) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
getCurrentRawIndex(Void) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
getCurrentRawIndex(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
getCurrentRef() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.OrderableByRef
Get the reference of the current node
getCurrentSelectedRootNode() - Method in class
getCurrentState(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class
Overrides IMenuStateLogic method to supply null to the method that takes the User param.
getCurrentState(MenuItem, MenuItem, User) - Method in class
Apart from User param (that is used to check is the User is auth to see/use a MenuItem, the rest is same as super#getCurrentState(MenuItem, MenuItem).
getCurrentState(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class
getCurrentState(MenuItem<M>, MenuItem<M>) - Method in interface
Derive the State for a given MenuItem
getCurrentState(MenuItem, MenuItem, User) - Method in class
getCurrentTemplate(PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
getCurrentTupleIdentifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
{BaseIterativeProcessor.getCurrentIndex() keeps track of the number or index, but for many readers it maybe useful to have some Name or description define the current Tuple.
getCurrentTupleIdentifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
getCurrentUserAuths() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getCurrentValue() - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
getCustomConfig() - Method in class
Suppose you copied the config.js file to a folder named custom in the root of your website.
getCustomField(String, C, MetaItem, IModel, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
Determine any Value type field override in configs.
getCustomFieldForMetaData(String, CF, MetaItem, IModel, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Determine any Value type field override in configs.
getCustomFieldMeta(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
Get the MetaItem that will back the custom component to be rendered
getCustomItemRenderAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Customize how an Item is rendered within the form.
getCustomMergeAction(String, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Look for any Custom Merge actions defined.
getCustomMergeActions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Map fieldName (String) or value type (Class) to a Transformer that accepts an Array of {existing stored entity, new transient object} and returns the final Object.
The mapper can also result in null (No transformer) in which case it implies to ignore any copy/merge actions.
getCustomSortableDataProvider() - Method in class
getCustomTemplateRenderAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Any custom way to render a field in a template (In Edit mode), not final rendering
getCycle() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.TrackCycle
getCycle() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
What is the billing Cycle for the Feature
getCycleEndDate(DateCycle) - Static method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils.DateCycleUtils
getCycleStartDate(DateCycle) - Static method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils.DateCycleUtils
Start date of a Cycle based on current date.
If DateCycle.getDayOfMonth() is null, then it defaults to 1st
getCycleStartDate(DateCycle, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.utils.DateCycleUtils
Start date of a Cycle based on current date and numberOfCyclesAhead
getDanglingDelimRegEx() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
Used by StringConcatTransformer.cleanDangligngDelimets(String) to clean any dangling delimiters at the end of the join process
getDao() - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
Dao backing this service
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
DAO backing this service
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
AbstractQueryableDaoImpl type dao to support Query by object
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsServiceImpl
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
getDao() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
The Actions on the service layer can trigger events.
Useful if we want to easily create intermediate save points without having to worry about triggering events.
getDao() - Method in class
getDao() - Method in interface
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DaoWrapperTransformer
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
A Transformer capable of returning an object for an id and updating the object if the input to it is the object itself.
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
getDao() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
getDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Avoid using this from any API call; if a final project is for sure DB dependent then only use this for convenience.
getDao() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get any DAO backing this service
getDao(ChangeGenerator) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
getDataGenerator() - Method in class
Generate the Source tuples from the Data Source; the Transformer should return a List of objects (see JPAQueryTransformer)
getDataList(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel
getDataList(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
getDataList(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
getDataList(ProductReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
getDataList(T) - Method in class
Fetch the Data as a Data List.
getDataList(Object, MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Provides Lookup Data Model for {#getLookupComponent(com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem)
getDataPanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Access the DataTable directly
getDataProvider() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
getDataProvider() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
The core Data Source provider as IDataProvider
getDataProvider() - Method in class
getDataProvider() - Method in class
getDataRelatedComponents(Class<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
All elements added to the dynamic panel maybe added within wrapper elements and nested hierarchies.
getDataRelatedComponents(Class<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getDataRelatedComponents(Class<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getDataTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
The actual Model for List rendering and the model for the data field may not be the same.
getDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getDate(T) - Method in class
getDate(File) - Method in class
getDateCycle() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
getDateFormat() - Method in class
Date format for Date Cells
getDateTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
When the system got the response and recorded it
Should be set as soon as the Transaction flow returns control to the API that called the transaction and gets the Response Code.
getDateTimeFromCronExpr2(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Process CRON expr to a Date/Time with all digits PADDED (2 digit) ..
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
getDayStartHours() - Method in class
Like Check in time
getDeclaredField(Class, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Get a field for the Class or return null
getDeclaredFields(Class) - Static method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
getDeclaredFields(Class) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Get Class.getDeclaredFields() for the class and its parents
Will contain all static and non-static fields of all visibility.
getDecodeEditorTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Allows to decode the encoding done by FacetMeta.encodeEditorTransformer when loading in the CMS Editor
getDEFAULT_DISPLAY_PAGE_SIZE() - Method in class
getDEFAULT_LOCALE() - Method in class
getDefaultAmtForMissingData(Price) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
If any amount is null due to data missing; then what should be returned.
getDefaultCompressionEncodingParam(Float) - Method in class
Generate a default encoding param that will be used over the image.
getDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getDefaultContent(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentFilterService
Get a FacetMeta.TemplateAttributes.DEFAULT_VALUE, if it exists for the FacetMeta this object is related to by PublishableMarkupContentModel#facetMeta
getDefaultContentTransformer() - Method in class
getDefaultCountryCode() - Method in class
Country Code of the recipient
getDefaultEntityAlias() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
If the field names in FacetMeta dont contain any alias; the SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer.defaultEntityAlias will be prefixed.
getDefaultLandingPage(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
If no lading page specified on login, then goto Default.
getDefaultLandingPage(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
getDefaultLandingPageParameters() - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
(Optional) @nullable true; if not null then the parameters to supply to the landing page
getDefaultOrderField() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
getDefaultPaymentOption(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
getDefaultPaymentOption(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PaymentOptionsStrategy
Get default PaymentOption
getDefaultResourceLocations() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
If the system is unable to derive the path for a given resource where should it be placed Each key corresponds to a file based ContentType Property name from FacetMeta or A Field that is Annotated with Type and has a File based ContentType Note: These paths must be absolute always and may employ the variable; example with AppSettings.get().CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH.
getDefaults() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
Default bean for the configs/settings, if nothing else is found it will default to this.
getDefaults() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
Default bean for the configs/settings, if nothing else is found it will default to this.
getDefaultService() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The default target service if Scripting not available
getDefaultStaus(Status...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
What is the default Status to pick.
getDefaultToCurrency(U, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CurrencyStrategy
During the conversion process, if the application wants to imply a default without any context to the final currrency all amounts will be converted to.
getDefaultTrackingServiceType() - Method in class
getDefaultUnit() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If no dimensions are available and this is not null then this will be set as the default unit
getDefaultUnit() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If no dimensions are available and this is not null then this will be set as the default unit
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
In any Transformation or Lookup, if the default value is sent then instead of null or causing an exception, it will return the default value
getDefaultValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
The Default Value
getDefaultValue(Cell) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getDefaultvalue() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Static Object or Transformers (that consumes ModelObject), applied if the value is null and only null (Blanks etc will not demand a default value substitution)
If Data Type is a Collection then the type should be a Collection type to match the required model
getDeleteLink() - Method in class
getDelim() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
getDelim() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
getDelimeter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
If specified will join the elements using the delimiter.
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
getDeliveryDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getDeliveryReportsFromLogGroup(String) - Method in class
Generates Delivery Reports from a specified LogGroup
getDeliveryReportsFromLogGroupNamePrefix(String) - Method in class
Generates Delivery Reports from a specified LogGroup containing the LogGroupNamePrefix
getDeliveryReportsFromLogStream(String, String) - Method in class
Generates Delivery Reports from a specified LogStream of specified LogGroup
getDeliveryReportsFromLogStreamNamePrefix(String, String) - Method in class
Generates Delivery Reports from a specified LogStream of specified LogGroup
getDeliveryStatus(OutputLogEvent) - Method in class
Retrieves Delivery Status from a given Report
getDepth(T, boolean) - Method in class
Get depth of tree.
getDeriveContextNameSpacePrefix() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
An optional Function that converts super.request HttpServletRequest into a default context namespace, and prefixes it to any namespace specified.
getDerivedPathPrefix() - Method in class
A prefix added to the path to determine relative Folder path to the actual pages.
Example: /admin/html folder relative to WebApp root, contains the pages for some admin context pages
getDesc() - Method in enum com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment.BIT_MASKS
getDesc() - Method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent.BIT_MASKS
getDesc() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.BIT_MASKS
getDesc() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getDesc() - Method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.Product.BIT_MASKS
getDesc() - Method in enum com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating.BIT_MASKS
getDesc() - Method in enum
getDescribe() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.ContentPagesToRSS2Items
Get/Derive description for Content
getDescription() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
getDescription() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getDescription() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Description for reference purposes
getDescription() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getDescription() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
getDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getDetailsPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages.configsAdmin
getDetailsPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.catalogAdmin
getDirectory() - Method in class
getDiscount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Should be a (-) quantity if discount is being offered.
getDiscountStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getDispatchDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getDispatcher() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.BatchInfo
Reference dispatching the Tokens
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getDisplayName() - Method in class
Display Name corresponding to the Reporter
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Display Name
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
Display Name
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Displayable
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
Display Name (Can contain HTML)
If you want to display the name without HTML use MarshalUtils.regexReplace(safeDisplayName, HTMLUtils.html4Replacer)
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.LocaleDisplayable
Get the display name for a given Locale.
One can construct a Locale using one of the existing constants or BaseLocale.createInstance(String, String) where country code can be blank "" and variant null.
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AreaType
Human readable Name of region / area
getDisplayName() - Method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentMethod
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
User friendly name for the promotion
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.ISection
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
getDisplayName(Product, boolean, int) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CategoryListTransformer
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Display Name
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName(H) - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
Name to show for field on User interfaces
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
User friendly display name : Useful in Admin view etc.
getDisplayTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
During Rendering of the data one can apply this; The transformer can be applied on non String objects also.
getDistributionId() - Method in class
getDistributionId() - Method in class
getDob() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getDob() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
Date Of Birth
getDocs() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getDocumentFieldsToQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
The document fields to query, should be same or a SubSet of the fields specified in the Indexing Query
The name should also match that of the alias specified in the Query (for indexing)
getDocuments(ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer<P, Void>, P, Void, Document) - Method in class
getDocuments(ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer<P, Void>, P, Void, Document) - Method in class
getDocumentToIdTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
For a Document in an index identify the Id
getDocumentViewerLink(String, FeedbackPanel, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
getDocumentViewerLink(String, FeedbackPanel, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
getDownloadableVersion(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getDownloadableVersion(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get a downloadable version of the Template as a File or some object that can be represented as a download option
getDownloadPath(String) - Method in class
Based on site.resources.folder.mode.relative config being absolute or relative; it constructs a 'DownloadServlet?file=' path, if absolute paths are being used.
getDropHeaderRows() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
Usually Sheets have a header, drop MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter.dropHeaderRows from the top.
getDuplicateCheck() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getDuration() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
Duration in Days.
getDynamic(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
getEarthDistance(GeoLocation, GeoLocation) - Static method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
Return Earth distance between 2 GeoLocations; accounting for altitude as well (if present)
getEditLink() - Method in class
getEditorModelValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
Interface implementation to standardize how to extract the value within the core editor.
getEditorModelValue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetEditor
The Content as String held by the Editor
getEditorModelValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CustomContentEditorWrapper
Extract the model value as String from the wrapped Editor.
getEditorPageHeader() - Method in class
We may want to insert some common scripts etc in the Header of the page itself where the CkEditor is being used.
getElementTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
getElementTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
If specified will apply the Transformer to each individual element
getElementTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
getEm() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
getEmail() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getEmail() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getEmailDispatcher() - Method in class
getEmailFrom(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
The userNameId maybe a user name or an email.
getEmailOrderpublisher() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
getEmailParts(Publisher[], File[], File[], byte[][], String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.MailerService
Convenience method to construct mail parts from basic constructs like Publishers, Files and InputStreams
if the content refers to any images, files then the content published by Publishers should refer to it by cid:Base-File-Name.
getEmailPattern() - Method in class
getEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Check related Module that this belongs to, if it is enabled or not.
getEnclosure() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getEncodeEditorTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Due to dynamic nature of content, security etc.
getEncodeParam() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
To apply an encoding on the core value if, this value is not null
getEncoding() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getEndDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.DateRange
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getEngagementSummary() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
JSON Summary of comments statistics, and other engagement Data
Note: The Post data model will not maintain references to various related data like comments etc.
getEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
getEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
getEngine() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
getEnterMode() - Method in class
For example the following prevents content from being enclosed in <p> tags enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
getEntities() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
List of classes representing entities to bind the request to.
getEntities(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Override to implement custom services that will execute the Query and return result(s)
getEntities(Query<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
getEntitiesLookup() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Uses this as to extract the entities (List) from the raw input type, that relate to the input
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
getEntity() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
Reference to the entity this Attribute is part of
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
getEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingAreaLookup
Core method to identify and fetch the record that matches the in record
getEntity(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
getEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
Core method to identify and fetch the record that matches the record
It will return null if not an existing record or an Exception in case there is any problem in trying to figure it out
getEntity() - Method in class
entity, on which the Change is occuring
getEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
Core method to identify and fetch the record that matches the in record TODO: Add test case to ensure return type is exactly same as input type
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
getEntity(P, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
getEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
getEntityAccessTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Allow query sub-properties etc if provided (A clone of this is used in AbstractEntityTransformer.getValue(Object, Object, Mapper))
getEntityClass(DynaBean) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
getEntityClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
getEntityClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
getEntityClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
Main entity Class
getEntityFieldSetters() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map form field to an EntityFieldSetter where conventionally BeanUtils cannot work over the entity field to set it
getEntityGUID() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TrackToken
GUID for entity
getEntityGUID() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
GUID for entity
getEntityId() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Local Id for entity
Can be used for ref-integrity (relation) with Token data
getEntityIdentifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
The name used to identify a fellow identity uniquely, that is part of this Entity set/group
getEntityIdentifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer
The name used to identify a fellow identity uniquely, that is part of this Entity set/group
getEntityInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
getEntityInstance() - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
The entity instance maybe an extension of the Base ensure Queries work for extensions derive the exact instance required for the Query.
getEntityInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getEntityInstance() - Method in class
getEntityInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getEntityJsonTransformersMap() - Method in class
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
Override Source in case content from an auxiliary Data Source
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostsSearchPanel
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
getEntityManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
getEntityManagerProvider() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
Since EntityManager is transient, in certain situations it may need to be re-acquired
getEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
getEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
getEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
Name of the core entity to which all the other records/entities are related
getEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
getEntityNameAliasMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
Example "Product e" and all the FacetMeta.getName()s would use the field name directly or can use p.fieldName If defining a single entity and an alias, check SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer.defaultEntityAlias.
getEntityProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
getEntityRef() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
Reference to the entity like Organization, Venue or Event etc this VMInfo is for
getEntityTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
getEntityToJSON() - Method in class
getEntityToJsonMapper() - Method in class
Function from Object to Transformer.
getEntityType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityTemplate
getEntityValue(String, T, List<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Get the field value of an Entity.
getEntryListenerId() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
getEnumTransformer(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
getEnumType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnumListTransformer
A pre-set Enum type this is expected to give a list for
getEnvironment() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Shell
Returns the system set context, instance or environment for the current Shell
getEnvironment() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
Returns the system set context, instance or environment for the current Shell
getEnvironment() - Method in class
Environment variables needed for the Shell task to execute
getEnvironmentSupplier() - Method in class
When role is active, it loads this context and supplies it to the Session.
Example: What is the default page for the Role etc.
getEnvironmentSupplier() - Method in interface
When user loads this context and supplies it to the Session.
Example: What is the default page for the Role etc.
getEnvironmentSupplier(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
getEnvironmentSupplier(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getErrorMessage() - Method in class
If not null will be used to provide Feedback error message as Status, String or Transformer on int (level of error).
If null, then the actual Throwable.getMessage() will be used.
getErrorMsg() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
getErrorStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
Error types states
getErrorTextMarkup() - Method in class
Provide HTML markup to mark some text next to the error field
Example: <class='field-error-text'> *</span>
getEstimatedDays() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getEstWaitTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
Estimated wait time in minutes
getEvent() - Method in class
The event over which we are getting feedback
getEventName() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
eventName within the namespace
getEventSenderId() - Method in class
The user, process or container Id that owns the event
getException() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getException() - Method in class
Any Exception
getException() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessageResponse
Any Exception that occured
getExceptions() - Method in exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
If a Process wishes to finish before throwing the exception; all other exceptions can be trapped
getExceptions() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
If not in fail fast mode, will collect the exceptions and we can always query the exceptions
getExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
List or Map of Field to its fields that are included or excluded depending on the EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode

To support complex nested exceptions, the Map is recursive in nature for each nested field.
getExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Used if failFast is off (false) to get the exceptions that occurred in the run/load
getExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Used if failFast is off (false) to get the exceptions that occurred in the run/load
getExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
getExcludedFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Set of names of fields whose values will not be included in ResultSet.
getExcludedFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Fields to be excluded.
Fields that are neither included nor excluded will be filtered based on JSONMarshaller.filterOnlyIfExcluded
getExistingLast(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
Get the existing last SubOrder entity for the shares root Order between the new (as param) and any existing suborders for that root.
getExportableFormats() - Method in class
The export process may require some additional information supplied by ExportMeta

Map of Key is ExportType and Value of type ExportMeta
getExpression() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
The expression to parse against
getExpressions() - Method in class
getExtension() - Method in class
The export type is associated with the file extension
getExtension() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
AppSettings.get().APPLICATION_EXTENSION depends on a Wicket Request Cycle.
A lot of Feeds may needs URL generation also, so cannot depend on Request cycle; directly use appConfiguration."site.ext"
getExtension(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Returns the extension (including .) at the end of the path else return a blank String
getExtent() - Method in class
getExtraButtonsContainer(String, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentEditorPanel
getExtraButtonsContainer(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
An empty container is provided next to the last button to add new buttons via API if needed dynamically
getExtractedNameTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Once the name is extracted from FileToEntityLookup.extractionPattern we can apply any custom Transformer over it before it is compared to the values in the database.
getExtractionPattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
In a File name, extract part of the name that matches this pattern
getFacet() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
getFacet() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentFacetModel
getFacet() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
getFacetArray(Long, String, Collection<Integer>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Fetch specific facets in order of their natural index.
getFacetArray(Long, String, Collection<Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacetArrayIndeces(Long, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
The indeces is guaranteed to be in order of its index position which can be any positive, 0 or negative number even.
getFacetArrayIndeces(Long, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacetComponents(C, List<CF>, Map<String, FacetMeta>, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
getFacetContainer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
By default the container for all the facets is the template page at row level.
getFacetContainer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
By default the container for all the facets is the template page at row level.
getFacetEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
getFacetEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacetEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
getFacetEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
getFacetMeta(Template, AbstractContentFacet) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
An Override to Template.getFacetMeta(String) since that does not support Index search.
getFacetMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
getFacetMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
getFacetMeta(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
getFacets(Query<CF>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
To keep payload minimal and to support most use case scenarios, the Impl may want to lazy load the facets in the C on explicit request.
This method allows that explicit request to be fullfilled.
getFacets(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
getFacets(C, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Fetch a particular content for a AbstractContent query object; where based on how specific the details within the AbstractContent object are it will return the result.
getFacets(Query<CF>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacets(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacets(C, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getFacets() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getFacets() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getFacets(Object, String, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getFacets(Object, String, Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Convenient method for Scripts to call to get dynamic content for a AbstractContentFacet reference..
getFacets(Object, String, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
getFacets() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
What all dynamic place holders does the template have.
getFailed() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
getFailureFeedbackRoleArn() - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a failed Message Delivery
getFailureFeedbackRoleArn() - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a failed Message Delivery
getFailureGatewayResponse() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Specific reason for gateway Failure
getFailureIssuerResponse() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Specific reason for issuer Failure
getFalseState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
if input is Boolean with state Boolean.FALSE
getFeature() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getFeature(TrackCycle) - Method in class
Gets the Feature from the TrackCycle
getFeatures() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
getFeaturesForUnit(UNIT) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
Scans the register and adds any others discovered from Context using DefaultModuleService.getModule(Class)
getFeaturesForUnit(UNIT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.service.IModuleService
Get all features the UNIT is registerd with
getFee() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
An optional transaction fee
getFeed() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
getFeedback() - Method in interface
getFeedback() - Method in class
Any Feedback/callback object
getFeedback() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
getFeedback() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getFeedback() - Method in class
getFeedback() - Method in interface
getFeedback() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
getFeedbackPanel() - Method in class
getFeedbackPanel() - Method in class
getFeedItem(M) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.MenuItemToLinks
Create the FeedItem for MenuItem
getFeedItem(M) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
getFeeds() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.ScheduledFeeds
getField() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
getFieldAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
The field name or accessor, can be a String or a TwoWayTransformer.
If a Transformer then it will apply it over the input to derive the object to persist if its a new born.
getFieldClassOwner() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
If there is a Field get the Class owning the field (= entity class)
getFieldGenerators() - Method in class
Provide additional ability to generate new/additional document fields based on each product found in the Collection obtained from BaseCollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator.listForProductTransformer
getFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
getFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
getFieldMapping() - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
getFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
getFieldMapping() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer
getFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
The field the result of the mapper is intended for or Index of the Column to be mapped to if mapping is to a Tuple
If null, then the Mapper value can be applied as an Intermediate variable if the Mapper.getBehavior(Class) has IntermediateResultMapperBehavior else it would apply itself on the core Entity
getFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
The name of the field to extract the value from the set Object
getFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
getFieldNamesToMerge() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The values for field names mentioned in this Collection will be merged into the new Entity, i.e.
getFieldNameToColumnNumberMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap
getFieldOrderListing() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
List of field/attribute Names as String that govern the order of listing in the form.
getFieldPersist() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
Once the new born object is persisted the resultant entity is put back into the parent.
getFieldRenderAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
Optional CustomTemplateRenderAdapter to render fields in the grip.
getFields(ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer<P, Void>, Void, P) - Method in class
getFields(ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer<P, Void>, Void, P) - Method in class
getFields(ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer<P, Void>, Void, P) - Method in class
getFieldValueMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
The field values to override
getFile() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Get file extension exclusive of '.'.
getFileFolders(File, List<File>, List<File>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Wrapper method to derive Files and folders in the root (without recursion); and apply the optional Comparator if necessary
getFilename() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getFileName() - Method in class
Template JS file name
getFileNamePattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.FileResourceFilter
The file name Pattern the File Resource must match
getFileResourceStreamLocator(ServletContext) - Method in class
If Path of Markup is different from standard package path convention, then this will tell wicket where to find the paths to the pages/modules.
getFiles(File, Predicate) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Get a Tree in the form of List of Lists of folders from a specified root
Note: to get all files use FileUtils.listFiles(File, String[], boolean)
getFileSortComparatorSpringBeanName() - Method in class
A Spring bean name that defines a Comparator that sorts File
getFileTargetGroupName() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getFileTargetUserName() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getFileTypesRegEx() - Method in class
getFileUploadSizeMaxKB() - Method in class
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
A Predicate, if provided will be used to filter files
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
Filter tokens out if the result is false
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapCleanTransformer
If null ; entries with null values in the map will be removed
If the filter is specified and returns true for a given value then it will be removed.
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Filter lines or records that should be ignored perhaps; Records that the user may have used for formatting etc perhaps.
If the filter predicate returns false, then it will not be available in

The Predicate.evaluate(Object) may return false or even throw a RuntimeException.
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Filter Raw input and ensure its elegible for Transformeration
getFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
Will apply the filter result to remove them from the main result before producing final result.
getFilter() - Method in class
When setting multiple expressions, it maybe desired to filter which expressions should be used or not based on runtime conditions on the object being set.
getFilterHeaders() - Method in class
getFilterJsonConfig() - Method in class
Optional: Used when creating the JSONObject from raw JSON String.
getFilterNodesWithNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
We may want to exclude certain nodes/types of nodes from the Loading process while creating the Nav
Supply the unique names identifying the nodes.
getFilterParam() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
The Parameter key to use to check if the request has been made before for session or user-agent
getFilterRequestBeanName() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Predicate UserShellToThreadLocalFilter.filterRequest, to put a condition if this Filter should be invoked or not.
getFilterRequestBeanName() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Predicate WebTransformerFilter.filterRequest, to put a condition if this Filter should be invoked or not.
getFilters() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
getFilterSubjectCatchPhrases() - Method in class
getFinalButtonCount() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
Due to authorization etc All buttons passed maynot be rendered so keep count of of many were rendered finally
getFinalWeight() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Final Weight (may include weight of product, Packaging etc)
getFindTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
For an input proxy entity object , return the actual entity in DB
getFirstFertileChild(T) - Method in class
Convenience method to get the first child element (that has children) for a given list of children in the item
getFirstName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getFirstName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getFirstRecNumCurrentPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Get the global/absolute record number of the first record in the current page (starts @ 0)
getFirstToken(C, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Get the first token for a group of status
getFirstToken(S, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get the first token for a group of status
getFit() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
getFixedHeightPts() - Method in class
Optional height in Excel points.
getFlatDistance() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
Translate Latitude & Longitude in terms of a single dimensional scalar that equates to the distance from the origin.
getFlowStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getFlowStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getFlowStatus() - Method in interface
getFlowStatus() - Method in class
The FlowStatus of this change event
getFlowStatus() - Method in class
The FlowStatus type of the event itself
getFlowStatus() - Method in interface
getFlowStatus() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowState
Existing FlowStatus
getFocussedMenuItem(String) - Method in class
getFolderDetailsPanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
getFolderLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.DefaultContentLocationResolver
getFolderLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.PathLocationResolver
getFolderName() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getFolderPath(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Derive the path of the folder from the filePath.
getFolders(File) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Get a Tree in the form of List of Lists of folders from a specified root
Note: to get all files use FileUtils.listFiles(File, String[], boolean)
getForm() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
getForm(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels.LoginPanel
By Default it uses AdminLoginForm, but can override by any other type of AbstractLoginForm
getFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
Expected output DateFormat
getFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
The format
getFormat() - Method in class
getFrom() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Reverse transform FROM transformed object
getFromAddress() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
The network Address of the VM we are connecting TO; like an IP address with port#.
getFromAmountDetailsJSON() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The From amount details recorded in JSON format.
getFromCurrency() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The currency from which the currency amount was derived.
getFromExtension() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Special Strings; if Not null is Appended after the last default entity in FROM clause
getFuture() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
getFutureProcessor() - Method in class
getGatewayId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Identify the Gateway / Broker
getGatewayRequestParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
When being redirected to gateway/Service; capture the URL param details
getGatewayResponseJSON() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Capture any other flags and attributes from the gateway in a JSON String
getGatewayResultCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A response/Result mnemonic from the gateway indicating the final result of the Transaction
getGatewayTransactionId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A unique transaction Id generated by the gateway
This maybe the same as
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.service.IMenuGenerator
Generate a Menu based on context, logic and some optional/additional params
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
getGeneratedMenuItem(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
getGeneratedPageMenuMap(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
TODO: This method is common with ModuleUIAutoNav
getGeneratedPageMenuMap(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.service.IMenuPathMapper
Consume a Menu, (typically the same generated by IMenuPathMapper.getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) and generate the pageMenuMap.
The pageMenuMap ensures when the Navigation is happening, then the in Focus component knows which MenuItem is in focus and can decide the MenuItemState accordingly.
getGeneratedPageMenuMap(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
TODO: This method is common with HierarchyTypeAutoNav
getGenerationPlace() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.BatchInfo
PlaceRef where the Token was generated
getGenerator() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getGenerator() - Method in class
The instance of the generator that will produce the replacement actual MenuItems
getGenericObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
The GenericObject this GenericReference belongs to
getGeoLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
getGeoLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue.location was intended to be PointRef type.
getGeoLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
getGetKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
For the input t, get the key name; if t has to be put on a Distributed Map.
getGroovyClassLoader() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
Return the GroovyClassLoader used by this script factory.
getGroupIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
If specified its the index in
getGuid() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getGUID() - Method in interface com.neurosys.guid.GUID
getHash() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Security hash code of the record to ensure there is no local tampering of the record where the environment cannot be guaranteed against data manipulation.
getHashedId(String, int, Function<Integer, Boolean>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Convert a Sequential unique Id to a String of a specified size.
getHazelCastCollection() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
getHazelCastMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
getHeader() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
getHeight() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
getHeight() - Method in class
pixels , for % specify %
getHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
getHierarchiesSQLString(List) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
A String like: "rootId-nodeId-subnodeId-thisId"; gives the entire picture of the hierarchy to this point.
getHierarchy() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
A String like: "rootId-nodeId-subnodeId-thisId"; gives the entire picture of the hierarchy to this point.
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
Maintain a copy of Hierarchy code from HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy() incase the product is deleted
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
getHierarchy(Organization) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getHierarchy(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
Return Array of Arrays
getHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
getHierarchyCodes(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Gets the Hierarchy codes as List of the current hierarchical item, recognized by parameter node HierarchyCode.
getHost() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getHtml() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebPageTransactionRequest
getHtmlForField(P, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
For a field show any additional icons etc for fields instead of Text.
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getId() - Method in class
Handle to this ReporterMeta
getId(P) - Method in class
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
Typically same as Feature.getAuthorizableId() but can be different; if different Organization say use different Features/Restrictions using FeatureForOrganization
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
Typically same as Feature.getAuthorizableId() but can be different; if different Organization say use different Features/Restrictions using FeatureForOrganization
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPARestriction
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Tag
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AreaType
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction Id : Typically generated as a combination of
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Identifiable
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
During Error handling its useful to point @ the mapper if there is no fieldName specified
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
An optional id to identify the Process.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
A way to identify the navigator in the logs etc.
getId(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
getId(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Id with GeneratedValue.strategy() of GenerationType.AUTO
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
Id type, but manually generated.
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Batch
The Id for the batch
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Token
Identifier for Token Any type; override by impl
getId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenContainer
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
getId() - Method in interface
getId(String) - Static method in class
getId(String) - Static method in class
getId(Identifiable) - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service.IdentifiableEntityIndexSearch
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
getId() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
From the record identifies which key the node will be associated with.
If the CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer.identifier Transformer throws ContinueProcessingException then that element will not be added in the Value map (i.e.
getIdentityFieldNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
getIdFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
getIdFieldsForClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
getIdMap() - Method in class
getIdParamName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
getIgnoreQueryParam() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
When constructing the path for Published file; ignore the SEO crawler fragment
getImage() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getImg() - Method in class
getImgId(String) - Static method in class
Generates a consistent String for id and class to match on the <img> tag.
getImgId(String) - Static method in class
Generates a consistent String for id and class to match on the <img> tag.
getImmutableFieldNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The field name(s) [map of exact Type to identity fields for entity or related entity exact type], used to uniquely identify the looked up entity; note these fields will also not be overridden during any merge process in default implementation.
getImmutableFieldsForClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Get list of all fields for class that we do not want to override
getIncludeAsField() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
If we do not wish to annotate the Field in the entity, and want the TemplatePanel to pick it up as a field.
getIncludedFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
List of field Names that will only be included in the Result Set.

Note: included and excluded fields are mutually exclusive (Optional)
getIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
If this ContentFacet is part of an Array (list), then this will not be null and have the index number (starts from 0)
getIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getIndexToRemove() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
getIndicator() - Method in class
getInOrderOfRestriction(Collection<Authorization>, boolean) - Method in class
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return a new List of Authorization.
Max weight, i.e.
getInOrderOfRestriction(Collection<Authorization>, boolean) - Method in interface
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return a new List of Authorization.
Max weight, i.e.
getInPriceRange(Double, Double, List<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getInPriceRange(Double, Double, List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.ProductDao
Get products in Price Rang,e across Categories if specified.
getInProcess(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Tokens that out of the Q but being processed
getInProcess(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Tokens that out of the Q but being processed
getInProcessStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
that are considered to be in process.
getInputFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
If input is a String type then this must be supplied else can be null DateFormat
getInputFromContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
getInputParamsMetas() - Method in class
The REPORTER may demand input parameters; we can define the input parameters and present them using additional info from PARAM_META (like FacetMeta)
Example for a SEARCH PANEL to accept INPUT Search terms for "First Name":
PARAM_META = com.neurosys.template.model.Template$FacetMeta
<property name="name" value="0" /> <!-- Index in params array, since Entity is Object array type -->
<property name="displayName" value="First Name" />
<property name="type" value="INPUT" />
<property name="submitTransformer"><bean class="com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer"> <!-- To support LIKE clause -->
<property name="prefix" value="%" />
<property name="suffix" value="%" />
getInputParamsMetas() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
getInputSet() - Method in class
getInputStream() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getInputStream() - Method in class
getInputTemplatePanel(String, IModel, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
Define the Template panel responsible for rendering the Input params
getInputTemplatePanel(String, IModel, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
Define the Template panel responsible for rendering the Input params
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.etl.DefaultToJsonTransformer
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.SecurityContextFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.etl.comparators.IdentifiableIdComparator
getInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.GetAuthorizedUnitsFunction
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
getInstance() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
getInstanceFactory() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
For a namespace or null return an AbstractConfiguration type
getInstanceId(MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
getInstanceId(MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Javascript code needs to target its component so each instance will need an instanceId.
getInstanceName(VMConnectInfo) - Static method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
Generate a handle from VMConnectInfo so that if one wants to retrieve the actual Hazelcast.getHazelcastInstanceByName(String), then they both agree and a raw instance can be fetched from the native HazelCast API.
getInstanceName(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
Generate a handle from VMConnectInfo so that if one wants to retrieve the actual Hazelcast.getHazelcastInstanceByName(String), then they both agree and a raw instance can be fetched from the native HazelCast API.
getInstances() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
getInstanceType() - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Hierarchy Node
getInterMediateResults() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
getInterMediateResults() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.UsesIntermediateObject
getInterpart_delimiter() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
A product can be identified by Name, SKU etc.
getIntrapart_delimiter() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
A product name or part can have several words; so what is the delimited to be used between the words of the same part.
getInvalidMobile() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getInvoiceId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
The Invoice ID/Number generated
Clients maybe picky about Invoice Number formats etc, hence a special field provided so it does not HAVE TO be same as Order or Transaction Number.
getInvoiceType() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.InvoiceService
Mime type/Extension etc if any
getInvoiceType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
getIpaddress() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getIsNavigableTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
A simple transformer that should return a boolean true/false if the item should be MenuItem.isNavigable() or not.
getIssuerResultCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A response/Result mnemonic from the Issuer indicating the final result of the Transaction
getIssuerTransactionId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
If multiple parties are involved, then the gateway maybe an intermediate party.
getItem() - Method in class
getItemAuthState(MenuItemState, User) - Method in interface
Determine the Authorization State of a Menu Item after reading its Auth Configuration (If its MenuItem is of type AuthorizableMenuItem).
getItemAuthState(MenuItemState, User) - Method in class
getItemListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
getItemRefId(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getItemRefId(MetaItem) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter
When rendering Items, for Feedback we may want to target messages to sections in the form.
getItemRefId(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
A way to identify the panels/components for feedback on submit etc.
getItemRefId(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter
getItemRefId(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getItems() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
getItems() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getItems() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
getItems() - Method in class
getItemsSuppliers() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Collection of Suppliers that provide The items to be supplied for this channel
getItemsSuppliers() - Method in interface com.neurosys.feeds.etl.Feed
Collection of Suppliers that provide The items to be supplied for this channel
getJavaMailProperties() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getJavaScriptWaitSecs() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
getJobParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
Input / Job parameters
getJoinClauses() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
Example: = OR =
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
getJsonConfig() - Method in interface
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
JsonConfig used to convert JSONObject to the final Bean
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
Optional JsonConfig to apply on the Page#getPage() elements
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
getJsonConfig() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
Optional JsonConfig
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
getJsonConfig() - Method in class
getJsonTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
If provided; will attempt to convert a String intermediate-input in chain; and extract the JSON property directly
Performance Note: Using a JSON transformer for a Field maybe convenient; however it also results in a conversion cost.
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Entry
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
Since there is no clear indication of which field(s) can be used as a Key Provide an abstraction.
getKey(A) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.service.AreaService
A consistent definition of what a key is for an Area.
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
A key value or a Map
getKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
getKeys() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
getKeys() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
getKeyTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
Key Transformer
getKeywords() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getLabelModel(ProgressionModel) - Method in class
Create the model for the label on the bar.
getLang() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
getLanguage() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getLanguage() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Language code
getLanguage() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getLanguage() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getLastAvailed() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
When the promotion was last availed by this user
getLastChildHierarchyCode(T, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
WARN : Code not written for multiple processes trying to get the Max for the same category; will lead to collision or possibly return of a number already alloted to another process
getLastChildHierarchyCode(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
Get the last existing/current child Hierarchy code
getLastChildHierarchyCode(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
getLastChildHierarchyCode(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getLastChildHierarchyCode(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Re-defining parent signature to satisfy CGLIB proxies
Avoid : Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/neurosys/content/service/ContentServiceImpl$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$1f9fbe23_24, method: CGLIB$getLastChildHierarchyCode$5 signature: (Lcom/neurosys/domain/IHierarchialReference;)Ljava/lang/String;) Incompatible argument to function at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName( at net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils.defineClass( at net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator.create(
getLastChildHierarchyCode(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
getLastChildHierarchyCode(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
Get last childs hierarchy code
getLastChildHierarchyCode(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Get last childs hierarchy code
getLastChildHierarchyCode(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getLastInvoiceDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date the last invoice was sent for this Order
An order amount can be changed and hence Invoices can be re-sent or for other reason Invoices can be sent multiple times.
getLastLogin() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getLastLogInDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
getLastLogOutDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
getLastModDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getLastName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getLastName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getLastPageNum() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Get the last page number (accounts for the initial index/option base)
getLastRecNumCurrentPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Get the global/absolute record number of the last record in the current page (starts @ 0)
getLastState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
The last state encountered
getLastStatusDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getLastStatusReason() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
What was the reason for the last status Update.
getLastToken(C, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
In Some situations a token may need to be put end of Q in a particular State(s).
getLastToken(S, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
In Some situations a token may need to be put end of Q in a particular State(s).
getLastUpdated() - Method in class
The time the status was changed.
getLat() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
getLaunchDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
For Search, ordering etc.
getLaunchDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
For Search, ordering etc.
getLbhOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
getLbhOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
getLbhOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
getLbhOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
getLeastRestrictive(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return the least restrictive Authorization
getLeastRestrictive(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return the least restrictive Authorization
getLength() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
getLength() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
getLevel() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbsrtactHierarchialItem
Indicate how down in the hierarchy is this.
getLevel() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
getLevel() - Method in class
Indicate how down in the hierarchy is this.
getLevel() - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in class
Indicate how down in the hierarchy is this.
getLevel() - Method in enum com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy.SyslogFacility
getLevelMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
getLevelpathMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
getLevels() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
getLibraryName() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getLicenseKey() - Static method in class com.neurosys.usage.UsageManager
getLikeName() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
getLimit() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Restriction
Limitation value
getLimitValue() - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
getLink(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
Create the FeedItem for PageIdentifier
getLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
getLink(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.ContentPagesToRSS2Items
Create the FeedItem for PageIdentifier
getLink(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
Create the FeedItem for PageIdentifier
getLink(String, MenuItemState, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
Create a Link or a container containing the Link part of the Menu item.
getLinkPrefix() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
The links derived are relative.
getListComponentName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
getListeners() - Method in class
getListeners() - Method in interface
Get list directly.
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
getListeners() - Method in class
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
getListeners() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getListForCollectionType(P, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Get a List to represent the Collection of values to presented to the UI by #getComponentsForCollectionType(Product, com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem, MarkupContainer)
getListForCollectionType(T, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Get a List to represent the Collection of values to presented to the UI by #getComponentsForCollectionType(Entity, com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem, MarkupContainer)
getListForProductTransformer() - Method in class
Transformer that will act on the entity to generate the List of Products for a collection
Note: If the transformer throws a ContinueProcessingException or a BreakChainException then the result of this generator will be null.
getListingPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.admin.wicket.pages.configsAdmin
getListingPanel(IModel<ProductReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.catalogAdmin
getListOfETLJobs() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
getLiveSessionInfo() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
getLoadPoints() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
getLoadPoints() - Method in interface
getLoadPoints() - Method in class
getLoadPoints() - Method in class
getLoadPoints() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
getLocale() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getLocale() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
getLocale() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
getLocale(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
getLocale() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Localizable
getLocation(I, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.ContentLocationResolver
Get the location of content
getLocation(PageIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.DefaultContentLocationResolver
Get the location of content
getLocation(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.PathLocationResolver
Get the location of content
getLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
The PlaceRef of the Venue itself

This also serves as the default location for the venue itself
getLocationResolver() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.CacheFlushPublishAdapter
Define a Custom ContentLocationResolver based on how its populating the cache and flush it on publish.
getLocationResolver() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
Derive URI location for the published HTML files
getLocators() - Method in class
getLockId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
getLocksForProducts(Collection<P>, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
getLocksForProducts(Collection<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
getLocksForProducts(Collection<P>, U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
Get LockStrategy.Lock for a Product
getLocksForProducts(Collection<P>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
Get LockStrategy.Lock for a Product
getLocksForUser(U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
getLocksForUser(U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
Get the LockStrategy.Locks for a User
getLockStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
An optional LockStrategy
getLockStrategy() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
Is there any LockStrategy behind the SaleStrategy
getLockTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
getLog() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
getLogicalFocussedItem(MenuItem, String) - Method in class
getLogicalFocussedPage(String, Map<String, MenuItem>, String, boolean) - Method in class
Gets the logical path name from the page parameters; if not its extracts it from the end of the path.
getLoginId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getLogisticsService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
If we wish to supply multiple payment Options then supply a LogisticsService
If null; only PaymentMethod.ONLINE_SERVICE_PROVIDER will be available.
getLogsFromLogGroup(String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from a specified LogGroup
getLogsFromLogGroupNamePrefix(String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from a LogGroups containing the LogGroupNamePrefix
getLogsFromLogStream(String, String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from a specified LogStream of specified LogGroup
getLogsFromLogStreamNamePrefixOfAllLogGroup(String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from a specified LogStream of all LogGroups
getLogsFromLogStreamOfAllLogGroups(String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from a specified LogStream of all LogGroups
getLogsFromLogStreamPrefix(String, String) - Method in class
Generates Logs from LogStream containing the logStream Prefix of specified LogGroup
getLogStringTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
A Template that allows using String.format, use %s to denote actual log substitution
getLogTag() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
A log tag to report issues in the log file as this as the handle
getLookup() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Transformers (that consumes ModelObject and produces a List) and/or List of Strings or List of FacetMetas
The calling API should process any Transformer to produce a List
getLookup(MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
getLookupById() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
getLookupByName() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
getLookups() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
getMacroLibraries() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
macroLibraries is a list of template files containing macros to be used when merging
getMailbox() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getMailBoxReader() - Method in class
getMailContent(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
getMailContent(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
getMailerService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getMailerService() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
getManagingEditor() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
Define a Map of key values; namespace is part of the key in format <namespace>.key
getMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
Define a Map of naneSpace string to Map of configurations for that namespace
getMapInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
getMapInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
getMapper() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
The mapper to reverse-map / extract the value from the Context
If the mapper is not specified then the input is used as a key
getMapper() - Method in class
getMappers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
List of Mappers that will act on the input to create context variables
getMarkupLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
In addition to reference, if there is a specific location we want to offer to override or change default path, configure alternate location of the template markup.
getMask() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
A mask with the BIT ON and rest off; for the position bit it represents
getMatcherValues() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
If any of the this matches the input (including null values) it will result in the state change to the latest matching value in matcherValues
getMatchRegEx() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Replacer
getMatchSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If there is a BitsToStringTransformer.wordMap defined then; it will extract at a time BitsToStringTransformer.matchSize characters from right in increment by this amount also/ The key will contain these many characters.
getMax() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.DeliveryCriteria
getMax() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The max possible score for this rating
getMAX_BUFFER_SIZE() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; when count exceeds this amount it splits a batch out
getMaxLenToParse() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If specified will only consider upto {@link #maxLenToParse significant positions from the Right
This makes it convenient to remove any padded significant bits or positions that are not in use.
getMaxResultSize() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
To ensure no overload of systems, the maximum # of tokens that can be fetched for any type of request for container.
getMaxWeight() - Method in enum
getMaxWeight() - Method in interface
If all the Authorization types available to this what is the max weight.
This must >=0
getMedium() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
If the medium of sending the link is email, newsletter etc.
getMenu() - Method in class
getMenuAdapter() - Method in class
getMenuAdapter() - Method in class
getMenuByRef(String, MenuItem) - Static method in class
Search for a MenuItem by references from the root MenuItem
getMenuByRef(String, Map<String, MenuItem>) - Static method in class
Search for a MenuItem by references from a map
getMenuHelper() - Method in class
getMenuIdTranslator() - Method in class
It maybe possible that the identifiers of 2 nodes may not match but imply the same node.
getMenuItem() - Method in class
getMenuItemForName(MenuItem, String) - Method in class
getMenuLogic() - Method in class
getMenuMap() - Method in class
Reverse mapping of MenuItem names to the actual Object
getMergedItems() - Method in class
Merged items Per grid Layout
getMessage() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
getMessage() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
A message or JSON representation of a message
getMessage(TokenEvent.TokenEventType, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Message template variables {N} where N is: {0} - Displayable.getDisplayName() - Shift Display Name {1} - Displayable.getDisplayName() - Token Display Name
getMessage(TokenEvent.TokenEventType, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
getMessage(String, Map<String, String>, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessageFactory() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
getMessageId() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
getMessageId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Message
A representative Id that can link to the actual Message
getMessageId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessageResponse
Message Id of the message we went the response back for
getMessageIdDeliveryReportFromList(String, List<OutputLogEvent>) - Method in class
Retrieves Delivery Report of given Message Id from a given list of Log Events
getMessageIdDeliveryReports(String, String, String) - Method in class
Generates Delivery Reports of given Message Id
getMessageModel(ProgressionModel) - Method in class
Create the model for the message label on the bar.
getMessagePriorityThresholdSecs() - Method in class
If less than this amount of seconds then treat message as priority.
Priority = MessageType.TRANSACTIONAL else MessageType.PROMOTIONAL
getMessages() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
Any updates/messages that are not Error like
getMessages() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Messages generated during the process
getMessages() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Messages generated during the process
getMessages() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
getMessageSettings() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
getMessageType() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
getMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Meta Data like Description etc.
getMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
getMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
Additional generic info about the record.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
JSON Object String, that can store many content level properties in one string.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON Object String, that can store many facet related properties in one string.
getMetaData() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
JSON Object String, that can store many content level properties in one string.
getMetaData() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
getMetaDataFacets() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentTemplate
Define additional ContentDescriber.setAttributes(Map) and fields on ContentDescriber

Standard Template.getFacets() are reserved for the CONTENT Facets associated with the content.
getMetaJSON() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getMetaJSON() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Any additional contextual information to attach as meta data in JSON String format
getMiddleName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getMiddleName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getMimeTypeString() - Method in class
For export, the accurate MIME description needs to be passed in Headers for the client to verify he type of resource being exported
getMin() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.DeliveryCriteria
getMinutesForLockExpire() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
Default time to keep a Lock alive; from last user Action
Ideally, this value should match session time out value
If value is < = 0 then no locks will be applied.
getMobile() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getMobile() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
The Mode for which only the wrappedMpper will be invoked.
If null, it will execute everytime, however as good as not using this Wrapper
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
The Mode for which only the wrappedMpper will be invoked.
If null, it will execute everytime, however as good as not using this Wrapper
getMode() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ModeAware
The processing logic of the Reader may differ based n the fact it is intended to Update or Insert or Delete
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mode ; defaults to Mode.INSERT.
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
getMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
getModel() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
getModel() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.ProductCatalogPanel
getModel() - Method in class
getModel() - Method in class
getModelCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A code that identifies a product's model.
getModelForFieldOrAttribute(C, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsTemplatePanel
getModelForFieldOrAttribute(P, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
get the value from the Field or Attributes.
getModelForFieldOrAttribute(Object[], MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReporterInputTemplatePanel
Report input params don't rely on any pre-existing values other than any defaults (if specified) so cut through all the derivatives and just assign a blank model or one set with default value
getModelForFieldOrAttribute(T, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
get the value from the Field or Attributes.
getModelTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
An OPTIONAL Transformer or a TwoWayTransformer that knows how to Marshal the data model to presentation, and in the case of a TwoWayTransformer then back from presentation to Data model.
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
Depends on the mapper
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
Depends on the mapper
getModesSupported() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ModeAware
Get the Modes supported by the instance
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
getModesSupported() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
getModified() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getModifier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
getModule() - Method in class
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
getModule() - Method in class
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
getModule() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IModuleFeature
The Module this object belongs to
getModule() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
The Module this object belongs to
getModule() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
getModule(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
Looks out for MountModuleUI; and returns the Module the class belongs to.
getModule(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
- @see IModuleService & DefaultModuleService; use the method from the Service instead
getMODULE_EXTENSION() - Method in class
getModuleForPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
Derive which Module this page belongs to.
getModuleForPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
Derive which Module this page belongs to.
getModuleForPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
Derive which Module this page belongs to.
getModuleFromContext(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
Fetch a Module from the ApplicationContext
getModuleFromContext(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
- @see IModuleService & DefaultModuleService; use the method from the Service instead
getModuleName() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getModuleName() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
getMonthlySpendLimit() - Method in class
The maximum amount in USD that you are willing to spend to send the SMS message.
getMonthOfYear() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
getMostRestrictive(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return the most restrictive Authorization
getMostRestrictive(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
When confronted with multiple Authorizations return the most restrictive Authorization
getMountPathReLoader() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getMountPathReLoader() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getMovesForInterLinkingTokens(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
For ReQueableTokens lnk them.
getMovesForLinkingTokensAfter(List<T>, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Link the internal tokens in order after the "tokenAfter".
getMovesForMovedTokens(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
The positions from which the tokens move (create spaces), patch them.
getMultiPartMessage(EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part.MultiPartType) - Method in class
getMutation() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperMutate
getMutation() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Mutate
What is the nature of Override @ the field level, for the fields being merged into the input(parent) object.
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getName() - Method in enum
Name of the Platform
getName() - Method in class
This type will be referred to by this Name; should be unique
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
This type will be referred to by this Name; should be unique
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbstractAttribute
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Tag
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Name of Area / Locality
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AreaType
System name for the area
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
A name to identify the promotion / campaign

Note: Details and rule of how the promotion impacts Quantity for any given user or type of user can be defined by the application in the form of Rules etc.
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Name / id
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.ISection
Name is case sensitive
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Name is case sensitive
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Alternate/Overrides Module Name, if provided
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
getName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenContainer
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
The unique name to identify the reference
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName(T) - Method in class
getName(File) - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
Convenience method to Extract name from facetMeta (attribute) or fieldName
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Unique identification name
getName() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
getNameFrom2Code(String) - Static method in class
Get Name from 2 Letter Code
getNameFrom3Code(String) - Static method in class
Get Name from 3 Letter Code
getNameFromCode(String) - Static method in class
Get Name from 2 or 3 Letter Code
getNameOfIdentifier() - Method in class
Name of the parameter is is the identifier
getNameOfItem(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
Get the name of the link/list item for the row
getNameOfItem(IModel<RM>) - Method in class
Get the name of the link/list item for the row
getNameOfKey() - Method in class
Name of the parameter that is the key
getNamePathMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Specific paths for specific#fieldName.
getNameSetter() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Set a AbstractContent.setName(String) if not specified from other variables
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
Typically a ConfigurationSource.NAMESPACE_DELIM separated concatination of names.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
The namespace from the ConfigurationSource to fetch the property from
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
Namespace for which to fetch values
getNamespace() - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
getNamespace() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.NamespaceEntity
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
Search for Spring bean by the name; prefix tenant/org OR sub-tenant/org name before the namespace name, delimited by a .
getNameSpace() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
Search for Spring bean by the name; prefix tenant/org OR sub-tenant/org name before the namespace name, delimited by a .
getNamespace() - Method in class
Namespace for all Beans referred to that this factory will pick from Environment
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
An optional namespace to categorize our events being tracked
getNamespace() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
getNameSpaceDeriveTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getNamespaces() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
getNamespaces() - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
Get list of namespaces
getNamespaces() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
getNameToProductCategoryTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
This can be derived from the dao also, but its a chance to implement a common cache/lookup strategy for fetching Categories for performance reasons
getNativeEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
getNativeEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
getNativeEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
getNativeEntityName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
Calling dao methods calls some native DB calls that executes EntityManager.createNativeQuery(String).
getNativeEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
getNativeEntityName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
Calling parent class Dao methods calls some native DB calls that executes EntityManager.createNativeQuery(String).
getNestedObjectInitMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
(Optional) Map that allows to instantiate an object for a nested property in the main Entity.
getNew(List<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getNew(List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.ProductDao
Get New Products, across Categories if specified.
getNewContentInstance(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
getNewEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer
Supplier of a new instance of the Entity
getNewEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
getNewEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.excel.ExcelRowToUserTransformer
getNewHierarchySequence(String, String, int, List<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyHelper
GetNewHierarcyLookup<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Given a parent HierarchialDomainObject, derive next Hierarchy code under its immediate parent
GetNewHierarcyLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.GetNewHierarcyLookup
GetNewHierarcyLookup(ProductService<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.GetNewHierarcyLookup
getNewItem() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product a new Item
getNewProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingProductLookup
getNewProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
getNewProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
getNewProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
getNewToken() - Method in exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenSwitchedException
A switch occured with a new Token
getNewTrackingServiceInstance(TrackCycle) - Static method in class
getNewUserEntity() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
Implement the Base User type object here.
Example: an extension of BasicUser
By default it looks-up site.admin.user.type for Class type to instantiate
getNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
In the sequence of Orders created, the next SubOrder
The first most element may or may not be the parent.
getNextNToNotify() - Method in class
getNextNToNotify() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Smart notifications > Ripple effect : If >0 means N other people who are impacted by a status update of someone else will also be notified.
access.q.user.notify.nextNToNotify <=0; means this is false else true
getNexTokens(T, Collection, int) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.dao.ShiftDao
getNextReadyToProcessTokens(T, int) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get the next N tokens for tokens in the Same Shift that are Ready to be processed.
getNextRef() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.OrderableByRef
The Reference to the Node After this one.
To add more meaning by convention typically Next or After means, the next will be pushed to the right.
getNextRef() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.ReQueableToken
A Reference to the next token (higher/later sequence in a Q)
getNextTokensAction() - Method in class
An action that will act on the next token(s), to automate any sequence of events that result as action due to current event.
getNodeChildStates(MenuItemState, boolean) - Method in class
Override to dictate custom strategies on what child elements can be loaded for a given parent MenuItemState
getNodeChildStates(MenuItemState) - Method in class
Override to dictate custom strategies on what child elements can be loaded for a given parent MenuItemState
getNodeComponent(String, IModel, IModel, BaseTree, File) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
getNodeTextModel(IModel<Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel.ContentTree
This will extract the Label for the Node
See LabelTree.getNodeTextModel(IModel nodeModel)
getNodeTextModel(IModel<Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel.ProductTree
This will extract the Label for the Node
getNoKeyReturn() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
If while looking up, the final generated or passed key does not exist in the Map, then apply this over the input.
If null (by default), will return null.
getNonAssiciatedMappers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper that uses the tuple/Row to extract data to map to particular column
getNonAssociatedMappers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper that uses the tuple/Row to extract data to map to particular column
getNoParamsCountQuery() - Method in class
getNoParamsDataGenerator() - Method in class
An optional no param based data generator.
getNoParamsReporterMeta() - Method in class
If ReporterMeta.inputParamsMetas is not null; then by default to generate a Report params are needed.
getNoRollbackExcepotions() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
getNotes() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
User generated Notes about the content
getNotes() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Additional notes for Human consumption
getNotes() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getNotificationCountTracker() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
getNotificationHelper() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
getNotifyMessagesKeyPrefix() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
getNotifyMsgResource() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
getNullBasicSessionTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketWebToShellTransformer
If not null then if there is no backing BasicSession this will be invoked with the given input.
By default it will return a null for a null session.
getNullDefault() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
If input is null then this is returned
getNullSet() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Set of names of fields which if null will still be compared against
getNullValueSupplier() - Method in class
Supply a default Null value
getNullValueSupplier() - Method in class
Supply a default Null value
getNumberType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
Optional : If provided will force the result to conform to the given DataType
getNumEmailsPerBatch() - Method in class
For a given set of Recipients, how many will be clubbed in one batch
getNumOfWarningsAllowed() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
getObjClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
If Provided will be used to convert JSON string to this object.
If type String then will return a JSON String.
getObject() - Method in exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
getObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
getObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
getObject() - Method in class
getObject() - Method in class
getObject() - Method in class
getObjectFromDynaBean(DynaBean, Class<U>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
as it converts the DynaBean to a string and does String manipulations; for objects with complex compositions this fails. Example: Date conversions etc.
Use JSONObject.toBean(JSONObject.fromObject(dynaBean), entityClass) directly.
getObjectFromSession(S, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
getObjectFromSession(S, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Get an Object from the Session
getObjectFromSession(S, String) - Method in class
getObjectIdNumberType() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
The object Id provided is number type and will suffix this for use in NumberUtils.createNumber(String) to specify the type
getObjectType() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
getObjectType() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
getObjectWithFieldValue(String, T, List<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Get the Object with the field value != null.
getOccured() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Date time the event occoured
getOnExceptionTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
(Optional) If provided will execute on an Exception.
getOnFieldErrorbehavior(WebMarkupContainer, FeedbackPanel) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Form Field validations @ a feild level ; where the fields can add this Behavior as long as they are decorated by a Border (namely FormComponentFeedbackBorder)
getOnFinalTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
(Optional) If provided will execute in the finally clause.
getOnlyVerify() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getOperand() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
getOperand() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() EqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the EqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
getOperand2() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
An Optional input; if supplied will ignore the provided ignore and compare against this
If null will be ignored
getOperation() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getOption() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
Unique name of the option for that Payment Method
getOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
getOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
getOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
getOrder() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.OrderPlacementException
The Order that triggered/caused the Exception
getOrderDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
getOrderFieldNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.ExtendedJPAQuery
getOrderIdParamName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
getOrderInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Override for custom Order type
getOrderItemWiseBreakUp() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
If we want to capture the delivery charges for all OrderItems within an Order
JSON Array String that has <orderId>:<base amount in same currency as that of DeliveryDetails.amount>
getOrders(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
getOrders(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
getOrders(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
Generic Reporting Query
getOrders(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
Generic Reporting Query
getOrdersCount(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
getOrdersCount(OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
Generic Reporting Query Count
getOrderService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
For Audit and attached listeners etc; use the service than try to persist directly
If the OrderService is provided then it will call ChangeGenerator.notifyAllListeners(Object) before calling its own DefaultTransactionService.notifyAllListeners(Transaction)
getOrderService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getOrderService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.DefaultCODImpl
getOrderService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getOrderService() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.OrderStrategy
Access to the underlying OrderService
getOrderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getOrderString() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
ORDER BY clause without the words 'ORDER BY '
getOrderTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
getOrdinal() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
getOrg() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getOrg() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
Linked to a Primary Organization
getOrganization(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getOrganization(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
getOrganizations(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getOrganizations(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
getOrigin(S, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
getOrigin(S, R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Source the request/session
getOrigin() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Origin of the cart.
getOrigin(S, R) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Get the origin of the user Request
getOrigin(S, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getOrigin(S, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getOrigin(S, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
getOutInstance(Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
getOutPath() - Method in class
getOutput(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
getOutput(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
getOutputStream() - Method in class
getOutputType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
By default will generate a Date object but one can choose between Date, Calendar and String types
getOverrideFromClause() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
Optional override of FROM clause over the default Query From to be optimized by specifying one.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getOwnerOrganization() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
getOwnerRef() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Reference type or a simple ID.
getPackagePaths() - Method in class
getPackagingAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on packaging for ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
getPackagingData() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Packaging related info.
getPackagingStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getPackagingStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getPageCanonicalLink(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.SEOPage
Ensure Duplicate content all use the same Canonical page link and remove redundant parameters to ensure multiple page versions imply the same page technically.
getPageContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Get ContentContext for current page
getPageHeadCaption() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
getPageInfo() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
getPageInfo() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
getPageInfo() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
If null, implies all records
getPageInfoForReport(Reporter<Object[]>, int, PageInfo) - Method in class
If the the data is is only a page then we should override and return the appropriate PageInfo
getPageInfoForReport(Reporter<Object[]>, int, PageInfo) - Method in class
If the the data is is only a page then we should override and return the appropriate PageInfo
getPageKeyWords() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.SEOPage
What are the keywords that the page represents
getPageLocale() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
getPageName(PageIdentifier) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
A standard way to identify a Page
getPageName(PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
For Override
getPageNameFromURL(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Define a uniform way of deriving a page name from the URL
getPageNameFromURL(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
The page name is constructed using this#pageNameConstruct(PageIdentifier, boolean).
getPageNameFromURL(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
getPageNum() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
getPageParameters(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Filters out any additional page parameters
(extracts all URL query values after ?)
getPageParamsForNewItem() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
Define the Parameters of the page to Open when an Item is Added.
getPageParamsForNewItem() - Method in class
Define the Parameters of the page to Open when an Item is Added.
getPageParamsForOpenItem(IModel<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
Define the Parameters of the page to Open when an Item is selected.
getPageParamsForOpenItem(IModel<RM>) - Method in class
Define the Parameters of the page to Open when an Item is selected.
getPagePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
A page path that will be applied as a Prefix.
If null then the page name itself will be the path from the root context.
getPagePath() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
A page path that will be applied as a Prefix.
If null then the page name itself will be the path from the root context.
getPagePath() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
Path excluding the name
getPagePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
The path of the page; pre decided.
getPagePathLookup() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Allows for an algorithm to determine the path of the product page
The Transformer is expected to take in CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference type as input and give the path as String
getPagePathTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
Convert PageIdentifier to URL String
getPages(Collection<Template>, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.PostTemplateServiceImpl
getPages(Collection<Template>, Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Get pages, categorized by the requested Templates
getPages(Collection<Template>, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
getPageSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
getPageTitle() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.SEOPage
Ensure the Server thinks of a consistent title for the page that contributes to SEO
getPageToTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
A Function that can derive the Template form the PageIdentifier.
getPageTypesProtected() - Method in class
Get the Class of the type of page/panels/web components this Strategy is supposed to protect
getPageTypesProtected() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.components.session.AuthorizationStrategy
getPaginationHandler() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Address to represent the handler of for Pagination
getParamNames(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToEntitiesTransformer
getParamNames(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
getParamNames(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.ServletRequestToEntitiesTransformer
getParams() - Method in class
use real arguments instead where possible. Only provided if we want to pre-configure some params or test
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Using Where extension we can put parameters that can be set as objects instead of hard coded strings.
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
A comma or JSON defined parameter String that allows an Application to define project specific params for an Order.
getParams() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ParamsAware
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Additional Params for the ETL Process
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Additional Params for the ETL Process
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
Supply the Reporter additional params, if supported/necessary
getParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Supply the Reporter additional params, if supported/necessary
getParamsAsCollections() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
If any param name in this Set it will be treated as a collection else the result will be returned as single value if a collection is passed (0th element only).
If the main data structure is a List then index positions starting from 0 as Integer can be set.
getParamsForReport(Reporter<Object[]>, int, Object[]) - Method in class
If there are conditions/parameters for the report; then supply them in accordance to what is required by the Data generating Reporters
getParamsForReport(Reporter<Object[]>, int, Object[]) - Method in class
If there are conditions/parameters for the report; then supply them in accordance to what is required by the Data generating Reporters
getParent(Long, List) - Static method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyHelper
Do a DFS on the List-Tree and find the matching parent.

TODO: consider replace with method in DAO that will fetch this data directly? For Small trees this is fine, but for large data sets Tree traversal maybe more expensive than a database call.
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
getParent() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IChild
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Name of Parent Area / Locality
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
getParent(A) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.service.AreaService
For a subArea A, what is the Area containing it.
getParent() - Method in class
see MenuItem.children : Not sufficient use cases currently to support that this is required. It adds overhead to maintain this field that may not be required.
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
getParent() - Method in class
The parent TokenEvent that triggered this one
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
if this Reference has any parent (main) association.
Example: A.R Rahman is a "Music Director".
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
if this Reference has any parent (main) association.
Example: A.R Rahman is a "Music Director".
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
A List of References OR a Transformer that dynamically generates a parent Reference for each String token.
getParent() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Some FacetMeta may contain FacetMeta's recursively (child components).
getParentEntityFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The name of the field of the related entity in the container entity (Product)
getParentHierarchyCode(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Gets the Hierarchy code of the parent of current hierarcihal item, recognized by parameter nodeHierarchyCode
getParentHierarchyCodes(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Gets the Hierarchy codes as List of the parent of current hierarchical item, recognized by parameter node HierarchyCode.
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
getParentId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
getParentId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Batch
Each Batch operates within a Shift or some owning concept.
Return its id
getParentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
getParentName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
getParentPanelClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserAttributesDetailsTemplatePanel
The parent containing this Panel, with the User model.
getParentProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getParents(T, boolean, String, QueryOptimizer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
getParents(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentLookupService
For a given Content fetch all its parents
The first element in the List is the immediate parent, the last the root node
getParents(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
getParents(Organization) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getParents(T, boolean, String, QueryOptimizer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getParents(T, boolean, String, QueryOptimizer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Get parents for the product.
getParents(P) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductLookupService
For a given product fetch all its parents
The first element in the List is the immediate parent, the last the root node
getParents(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
getParents(T, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Get all parents for product, where immediate parent is first node, and last node is either top most or the DEFAULT product.
getParents(T, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Get parents in the hierarchy for this product.
Note: param includeDefault is for convenience; however in a loop its more optimial to query it separately and then add to list.
getParents(T, boolean, String, QueryOptimizer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getParentTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
getPartialAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Amount the SubOrder is worth / Partial Payment Amount
getPartialMatchTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
If defined, this will be applied over the value of the FileToEntityLookup.getRelatedFieldName() just before it is searched on the DB.
For example if SKU's = "0102-37", "0102-38" etc; and we want the same file mapped to all SKU that match ="0102-".
Hence in this example, by having a transformer that applies partialMatchTransformer("0102-37") ~> "0102-%" and then the partial match will match SKU values that start with 0102-
If not partialMatchTransformer is supplied then the match is conducted with %fieldValue%.
If FileToProductLookup.partialMatchTransformer is used then it is the role of the transformer to also provide the DB like match characters '%'
getParts() - Method in class
getParts() - Method in class
getPassed() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
getPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractUserLoginForm
Get password for user id
getPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Get password for user id
getPassword() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in interface
getPassword() - Method in interface
getPassword() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
Get password for user id
getPassword(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Fetch password for a given userId.
getPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
getPast() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
getPastStatus() - Method in class
The FlowStatus type ; before event occoured.
getPath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate
getPathConstructor() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
getPathDynamicKeyGenerator() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Use this to derive the dynamic aspect of the Path from the input type T, which is expected to not be null
Override to derive any value of choice
getPathParams(String, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Read path params separated by '/', upto '?' OR end of path.
getPaths() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Path by which the UI is referred, by the app or external world
getPathSupplier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
Supplier of the path where the File is to be written
getPathToPrivateKey() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.domain.NexmoAuthenticationDetails
getPathTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
For the given File/resource; derive the appropriate path to the resource
getPattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
The Pattern to check against
getPayableTotal() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Payable Total for a SubOrder = (if it exists) else Payable Total for a SubOrder = - any
The method is provided to define a consistent meaning of a payable total for the SubOrder.
getPayload() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
An optional payload that maybe passed like a Return
getPayLoad() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PayLoadException
getPayload() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
An optional payload that maybe passed like a Return
getPayload() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
getPayload() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Message
The actual message payload
getPaymentCod() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Is COD payment option supported for this Area Code
getPaymentContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
getPaymentMethods(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
getPaymentMethods(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PaymentOptionsStrategy
Get a List of possible PaymentMethods for the Order of a user
getPaymentOnline() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Is ONLINE payment option supported for this Area Code
getPaymentOptions(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
getPaymentOptions(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PaymentOptionsStrategy
Get a List of possible PaymentOptions for the Order of a user
getPaymentOptionsStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getPermissableAuths() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getPermissableAuths() - Method in interface
Of the Authorizable.getAuthorizations() what is the possible restricted set or list of Authorizations we can expect for this Authorizable instance.
getPermissableBatchSize() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
How many tokens to support per Batch
getPersistCritera() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
Checks the field specified by EntityBabyPersistTransformer.fieldAccessor if this needs to be persisted or not.
getPersistDateTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
The time when the Token was actually persisted/tracked Vs when functionally the state was modified
getPersistKeyTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
getPersistTrackCycleTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
If an out of Cycle TrackCycle is found, then it is made inactive and persisted
getPersistTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Some dependent entities may depend on the core Entity and may need to be persisted/updated/cleaned with (after) it in the same save operation.
This accepts the Entity instance as an input
getPersistTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
The underlying Transformer to persist to data source
getPersistTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
getPhone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getPhone() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getPhone() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
getPhoneListFilePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getPhoneNumbers() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getPlace() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getPlaces(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getPlaces(Venue) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getPlaces() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
The PlaceRefs within a venue with multiple entry points.
getPlaces(V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
Get venues for an Organization.
getPlaces(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
getPlatformDetails() - Method in class
Details generated from Platform to which the Push Notification is to be published
getPlatformDetails() - Method in class
Details generated from Platform to which the Push Notification is to be published
getPlatformPrincipal() - Method in class
Platform Principal is received from the notification service.
Platform Principal Value for different Services are
APNS/APNS_SANDBOX : "SSL certificate". GCM : not applicable. ADM : "client id".
getPlatformType() - Method in class
Platform to be used for sending Push Notification.
Supported push notification services
getPoint(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.LocationService
getPolicy() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
getPolicyId() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
getPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
getPool() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
getPositions(List<T>, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Get the TokenPosition of a Token within its container .
getPositions(List<T>, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Get the TokenPosition of a Token within its container .
getPost() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
getPost() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
getPostAction() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
Action transformers that take File as input pre and post FileTemplateStoreService.updateTemplate(File, String)
getPostDetailsPanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
getPostOrderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
getPostService() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.postsAuthorAdmin
getPreAction() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
Action transformers that take File as input pre and post FileTemplateStoreService.updateTemplate(File, String)
getPrecision() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
When storing decimal numbers or fractions, recurring decimals could be rounded or truncated at some point.
getPredecessor() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ChainAware
Get the item before this one in the Chain
getPredecessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
getPredecessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
getPredicate() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
Optional Predicate.
getPredicate() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then ProcessFieldMapperBehavior.process(E, V) should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
getPredicate() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then #process should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
getPredicate() - Method in class
An optional Predicate that can filter events before they reach the ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.transformer.
If null then no filteration will apply.
getPreEventProcess() - Method in class
When tokens are assigned to this Event, then pre-action on tokens before the event is processed.
getPreEventProcess() - Method in interface
When tokens are assigned to this Event, then pre-action on tokens before the event is processed.
getPreferredAddress(Address, Address...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Get the preferred Address from a List
getPreferredBean(Class<T>, String, ApplicationContext, Exception) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
A utility method to select the Bean from the context right for the job
Use then when there are situations of multi module configurations which may supply the context with multiple or no beans of the given type.
getPreferredBean(Class<T>, String, ApplicationContext, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
A utility method to select the Bean from the context right for the job
Use then when there are situations of multi module configurations which may supply the context with multiple or no beans of the given type.
getPrefix() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
getPrefix() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
Server host info including protocol to be used.
getPreOrderStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
getPreProcess(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Tokens that are not yet eligible to be in Q but are being considered.
getPreProcess(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Tokens that are not yet eligible to be in Q but are being considered.
getPreProcessStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
that are considered in pre-processing phase.
getPrevious(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
getPrevious() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
In the sequence of Orders created, the previous SubOrder
The first most element may or may not be the parent.
getPreviousRef() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.OrderableByRef
The Reference to the Node Previous this one.
To add more meaning by convention typically Before or Previous means, this node will be pushed to the right.
getPreviousRef() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.ReQueableToken
A Reference to the previous token (lower/recent sequence in a Q)
getPrice(P, U, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
Override to customize which price is used, in case of multi-currency variable pricing etc.
getPricePerUnit() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
getPrimaryTenant() - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
The Primary Tenant/Organization the user is associated with.
getPrincipal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
There can be many methods, session, cookie etc..
getPrincipal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
getPrincipalTypeRequired() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
If Principal user derived is not of type principalTypeRequired then IAuthorizationService.AuthState.DENY
getPriority() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
A Optional floating point; this value will be divided by 10 for actual output.
getPriority() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive SiteMapItem.setPriority(int) for all items generated using this transformer
getPriority() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive SiteMapItem.setPriority(int) for all items generated using this transformer
getPriority() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
getPriority() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Message
getProcess() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getProcessed(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Tokens that out of the Q and processed
getProcessed(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Tokens that out of the Q and processed
getProcessedStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
that are considered to have been processed Being served by the system.
Those who are out of Q and have been served.
getProcesses() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
getProcessId() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then ProcessFieldMapperBehavior.process(E, V) should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
getProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
Takes in the main Entity type of the transformation process and initializes whatever fields are require and then sets it
getProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
The processor that will perform the processing activity.
getProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
The Transformer that will be called in a separate thread with the original input as input to it.
getProcessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper
The Transformer / Lookup that will do the actual transformation on the Intermediate Object
getProcessors() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Chain
Gets the List of processors in the chain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperChain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
getProcessors() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
getProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
WARNING : After an Order is complete or periodically, ORDER ITEMS product should be nullified if the PRODUCT should be removed over time; since due to REF INTEGRITY it will make it difficult to remove PRODUCTS from the SYSTEM.
getProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
getProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
getProduct() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
OneToOne = product_id
getProduct(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
A Convenience method that can identify a Product uniquely by any unique key.
getProduct(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getProductCode() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.domain.IProductReference
getProductCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A code uniquely identifies a product and has a one to one mapping with SKU.
However this is optional and a more human readable way to recognize the product in the system.
getProductCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Product Code unique for all products
getProductDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
getProductId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
getProductKey(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
getProductListing(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
getProductNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
@see #getItems()
getProductPagePathLookup() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
Allows for an algorithm to determine the path of the product page
The Transformer is expected to take in ProductReference as input and give the path as String
getProductPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
getProducts(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
For a given list of Product Names produce a Collection of Products matching those Names.
getProducts(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
For a given list of Product Names produce a Collection of Products matching those Names.
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getProductService() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
getProductsForKeys(Collection, EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
Convert CartItem keys into actual Products
getProductsInCart(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
getProductTemplate(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductTemplateServiceImpl
Derive a detail ProductTemplate
getProductTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
getProductWithAttribute(String, P, List<P>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Get the Product with the attribute != null.
getProgress() - Method in class
getProgressBar() - Method in class
getProgression() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getProgression() - Method in class
Return the progress in form of a Progression value object.
getProgressMessage() - Method in class
getProgressMonitor() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
ProgressMonitor to monitor the upload progress
getPromotion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
The Promotion name
getPromotionDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
getPromotionNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
List of any Promotion unique Names applicable
Maintaining the promotion names, since Promotions maybe removed from the DB and we want the relation to be weak and not require a referential integrity constraint in the data model.
getPromotions() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
getPromotions(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
getPromotions(Map<P, Number>, U, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
Note: Default implementation looks for any item not on SALE to grant the Discount.
getPromotions(Map<P, Number>, U, Amount, Number, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.PromotionStrategy
Get a List of PromotionForUser for the Order of a user
getPromotionService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
getPromotionStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getPromotionStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getProperties() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
JSON String
getProperties() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
getProperties() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa.NeurosysOJPAEntityManagerFactory
getPropertiesInCart(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
getProperty() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Get a property from the settings (static or dynamic).
getProperty(String) - Method in class
Derive class name from the environment configuration
getPropertyAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getPropertyBindings() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map of Request field name to the ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding binding(s).
getPropertyFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
A property of the Entity to be transformed
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getPropertyPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
getProtocolStrict() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
If specified will ensure it uses this protocol (replaces default) for the generated URL.
getProvideApplicationRelPathRegEx() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
Parent class isWicketRequest() is private however it does not provide Wicket Application to all request threads.
getProxyFor() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
AdminUser can be created from non AdminUser objects also, In such cases, AdminUser becomes a proxy for that actual user object.
getPublishAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
getPublishDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getPublisher() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
getPublisher(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
Get Publisher for each instance request
getPublisher(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
Get Publisher for each instance request
getPurchaseDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getPurchaseDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date when the order was purchased.
getQStatesStrategy() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
A lot of the Service API internally depend on Token states/status
getqStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
getQuantity() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.ExtendedJPAQuery
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
getQuery() - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
Query to process.
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
JPA QL default Query String for this instance
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
getQuery() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
If Query not set then construct a new one and return a Query
getQueryInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.FileToProductLookup
getQueryInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Construct Query Object; get base instance entity for Query
getQueryInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
getQueryObject(Query<C>, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Create a {javax.persistence.Query} object based on conditions and criteria (input domain based Query)
getQueryObject(Query<T>, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Create a {javax.persistence.Query} object based on conditions and criteria (input domain based Query)
getQueryObjectName() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getQueryOptimizer() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
QueryOptimizer to JPAQueryTransformer.optimize() the set JPAQueryTransformer.query

If JPAQueryTransformer.isQueryIsNative() is true then the Optimizer should ensure it can work on native queries else on entities.
getQueryOptimizer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
Uses a QueryOptimizer to limit the joins and fields required for hierarchical records
getQueryOptimizer() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Uses a QueryOptimizer to limit the joins and fields required for hierarchical records
getQueryOptimizerEntityAlias() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Since the query will not change, within the Query what is the Alias of the entity/table
getQueryService() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
A service that can be passed context params and will return a Result Set in the format, where NAME uniquely identifies the Tuplet:
TUPLE1 as Object[3]: <Name1>,<Display Name 1>,<Parent Category Name 1>
getQueryString(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Gets the Query String (after ?).
getQueryTrackCycleTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
getQueryTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
getQueryTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
If defined, will fetch T from query from the input
getQueryTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
Accepts an Array of category names.
getRadix() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
Radix: Binary (2), Hex (6), Octal (8)
getRate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
Rate of conversion applied to the ConvertedCurrencyOrder.fromCurrency to derive the BaseOrderItem.getAmount().currency.
getRate(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CurrencyStrategy
Provide the rate defined by double value.
getRating() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The actual score given
getRatings(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
getRatings(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ratings.dao.RatingDao
getRawConfig() - Method in class
A raw String that will be sent/appended to config
getRawDataModel(IModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
The actual Model for List rendering and the model for the data field may not be the same.
getRawFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
getReader() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ReaderAware
getReader() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getReadyAndRecentyProcessed() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
For error correction; sometimes we need to look through recently processed tokens, to reconsider them for processing incase of client API failures / drops; that may cause what should be in READY states ideally, as processed since it was polled but did not reach client.
getReadyToBeProcessed(B, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Get tokens ready to be processed; from lastToken (excluding it)
getReadyToBeProcessed(C, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
getReadyToBeProcessed() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
Suitable to be Q'd and be processed.
Those who are In the Q or even Re-Qd.
getReadyToBeProcessed(S, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get tokens ready to be processed; from lastToken (excluding it)
getRealized() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
If the order was realized or not.
getReason() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getRecipient() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
User or Page or Instance applicable intended to show t
getRecipientId() - Method in class
The id of the recipient of the event that is transmitting this feedback
getRecipients() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
getRecipients() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Message
getRecipientsTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Extracts a List of InternetAddresss from input entity.
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.inventoryAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.customerDataAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userListAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
Define a Record Details Panel(s); since there maybe different Details type panels on different columns
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel(s); since there maybe different Details type panels on different columns
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel(s); since there maybe different Details type panels on different columns
getRecordDetailsPanels() - Method in class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.visitorDataAdmin
Define a Record Details Panel
getRecordNumber() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
getRecords() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
getRecordsForReProcessing() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
Whichever records require lookup of data that may not exist yet can be queued up
getRecordTransformer() - Method in class
Provide an optional; transformation over the generated records
getRecordTransformer() - Method in interface
Provide an optional; transformation over the generated records
getRecordType() - Method in class
What is the nature of the records returned.
getReDial() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getRedialInterval() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getRef() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
getRefDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
A class name or URL or any other reference information
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Default physical Page or component reference that represents this Module UI
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
The reference that we wish to check has mapping to which other references
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
getReference() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
The reference to the class that will construct the template (A factory or a self instantiating bean)
The template is bound a Type of class reference which has the actual implementation and wiring to the native framework.
getReferences() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
References this Object has.
getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.service.IMenuPathMapper
A MenuItem.getRefId() points to the raw resource that the menu points to (like classpath name).
getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
getReferenceToPathMapping(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
The Context can maintain a Strong Reference (null), WeakReference or SoftReference to the elements in it.
Define the class if we explicitly want to dictate the type.

Note: If ContextMapperTransformer.threadSafe is true, it is recommended that the either a WeakReference or a SoftReference be adopted.
getReferredId() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
The id of the referred object
getRefId() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ResultRow
getRefId(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
getRefId() - Method in class
A String that denotes where the item Points to.
getRefId(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Custom algorithm to figure the destination from the Item reference of Type IHierarchialReference
getRefId(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
An implementation of the reference to a node
getRefId(ProductReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
Override this method and customize it to App Page specific path
Default it will only return the product name suffixed to CatalogAutoNav.productPagePathLookup
getRefMenuMapping() - Method in class
getRefreshDuration() - Method in class
getRegex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
RegEx matching Pattern to extract
getRegex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
getRegEx() - Method in enum
getRegion() - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
getRegion() - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
make sure that the operation to be performed is supported in the region
getRegion() - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
getRegion() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getRegion() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Country or Region.
getRegion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
getRegions() - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
getRegister() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
getRegisterClasses() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
getRegisterClasses() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
Providing a type, ensures that the class is registered with OObjectDatabaseTx
getRegisteredAdapter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Get an Adapter from this service.
getRegisteredEntities() - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
getRegularPrice() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
getRegularPrice() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getRelated() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
Any references this object has in ReferenceAlias.
However will not be persisted; for that use ReferenceAlias explicitly.
NOTE: This is a Transient field currently, and one must explicitly populate it.
getRelated() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Any references this object has in ReferenceAlias.
However will not be persisted; for that use ReferenceAlias explicitly.
NOTE: This is a Transient field currently, and one must explicitly populate it.
getRelated() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
The Reference this ref is related to.
getRelated() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
getRelated() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
A List of References OR a Transformer that dynamically generates a List of References for each String token.
The List of Reference represented by this can be related using ReferenceAlias where ReferenceAlias#setReference(Reference) refers to the reference being created and ReferenceAlias#setRelated(Reference) refers to one of the ReferencePersistTransformer.related references.
getRelatedAttribute(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
getRelatedAttributes() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
getRelatedEntities() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
A 2D Array of entity (table) and the field that is related to Core entity (Product).
Array[0]=entity name, Array[1]=Related Field name in the related entityy
Optionally: One can add Array[2]=update clause on Delete Operations to support logical delete.
Example: field_1='xyz'

Used while operations like Delete where Cascade may not be enforced and Ref.Integrity is valid.
getRelatedEntityClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The type of the related entity to persist or remove
getRelatedField() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
The FacetMeta for the field, in the entity that will be updated and sequence number derived (if FacetMeta.isCollectionType()).
If the context provides it and this is null then the context FacetMeta (key name facetMeta), will be used.
getRelatedFieldName() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Field name of the entity to be looked up the extracted pattern will relate to
This field should be Queryable
getRelatedGroups() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A JSON string of the format ["sku":[.,.,.],"modelCode":[...],"productCode":[.,.,.]]
This defines a collection/group related to this product.
getRelatedNavigations() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getRelatedNavigations() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getRelatedNavigations() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Navigations & menus associated with Product Data that we want to refresh on ProductServiceImpl.clearCache()
getRelatedOrders(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
Get Sub-Orders or related orders in a multi part order work flow.
getRelatedOrders(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
getRelativeClassPathToWicketPage() - Method in class
Relative path to pages referred by wicket (classpath to base Page package).
getRelativePath(T) - Method in class
The relative path so it can be viewed from the outside world.
getRelativePath(File) - Method in class
Get a relative path that can be used from the Web
getRelativePath(String) - Method in class
Get path of the resource relative to the base folder.
getRelEntitiesDelTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
getRelEntitiesDelTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
getRelPath() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
If not null will append this to the RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer.baseWebAbsolutePath
getRemoteUser() - Method in class
getRenderComponentName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
An optional String that is used to represent which UI Component will be responsible for rendering this FacetMeta.
getRenderHead() - Method in class
getReplacement() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReplaceNullTransformer
getReplacePattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
getReplaceTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
getReplaceWith() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
getReplaceWith() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
getReport(Object[], PageInfo, Transformer) - Method in class
getReport(Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class
getReport(Object[], PageInfo) - Method in interface
getReport(Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
getReporter() - Method in class
The actual backend service / component responsible for Reporting
getReporterMeta() - Method in class
Reference to ReporterMeta
Can be used to refer to original details about various columns in the Report.
getReporterMeta(AUTHORIZATION_UNIT) - Method in class
getReporterMeta(String) - Method in class
getReporterMeta() - Method in interface
Reference to ReporterMeta
Can be used to refer to original details about various columns in the Report.
getReporterMeta(AUTHORIZATION_UNIT) - Method in interface
Get ReporterMeta for a given AUTHORIZATION_UNIT
getReporterMeta(String) - Method in interface
getReporterMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
Reference to ReporterMeta
Can be used to refer to original details about various columns in the Report.
getReporterMetaMap() - Method in class
getReporterMetasForCurrentModule(Request) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
getReporterMetasForCurrentModule(Request) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
getReporterMetasForCurrentModule(Request) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
getReportQuery(String, OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.inventoryAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.customerDataAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userListAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportResult(List<WebMarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.visitorDataAdmin
Define a ReportResult; and hook it up with Container to handle Record Details in the Report
getReportWriter() - Method in class
The actual Writer that will write the report
getReportWriterProperties() - Method in class
If a reportWriter is not defined then a default writer can be instantiated and these properties to customize settings for the report
getRepresentativeProduct(P, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
The value or Setting of the attribute/field maybe defined in a parent Product.
getReQStates() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
Re-Q States
getRequestPoint() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenRequest
This is the place the Token was REQUESTED (may or may not be same as serviced)
getRequestUrl() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get the complete Browser request URL
getRequired() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
getResetPasswordEmailMessageSettings() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getResetPasswordMailPublisher() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getResource() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
getResource() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
Specified Resource
getResource(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Resolve the script source for URL or Files.
getResource(URI) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Resolve the script source for URL or Files.
getResource(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ResourceFetcher
getRESOURCE_FOLDER_BASE_PATHS() - Method in class
getRESOURCE_REL_TO_WEB_CNTXT() - Method in class
getResourceContent(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getResourceContent(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get the contents of the template
getResourceFolderAbsolutePaths() - Method in class
Irrespective of web-relative or not, it derives the absolute path for the resources base folder(s).
getResourceFolderbasePaths() - Method in class
Default configured to property from admin configs : site.resources.folder.base
getResourceFolderBeanName() - Method in class
Default Spring Config bean name
getResourceListView(WebMarkupContainer, List<? extends File>) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
getResourceListView(WebMarkupContainer, List<? extends T>) - Method in class
Override to specify which type of ResourceListView will be used to render the resources
getResourceLocationMap(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getResourcePath(String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class
Get path for resource
getResourcePaths() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getResourcePaths() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getResourceSourceSelector() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.templateManagerAdmin
getResourceSourceSelector() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
This is the source selector for the Document list view.
getResourceSourceSelector() - Method in class
An Optional Panel that provides a source to pick the resources for this panel.
getResourceUploader() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
Figure Web-relative paths for uploads etc from absolute path
getResourceUploader() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getResourceUploader() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getResourceUploadForm() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
Override to do nothing if you dont need a progress bar, or even something fancier based on your needs
getResourceUploadForm() - Method in class
getResourceUrl(Attributes, String, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Resource definitions that are comma separated or singular.
getResourceUrl(Attributes, FacetMeta, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Resource definitions that are comma separated or singular.
getResourceUrls(Attributes, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Resource definitions that are comma separated or singular.
getResourceUrls(Attributes, FacetMeta) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Resource definitions that are comma separated or singular.
getResponseCallback() - Method in class
getResponseCallback() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.AsynchronousMessage
Callback when message has been processed
getResponseCallback() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.AsynchronousSMS
getResponseCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse
A code that can help derive the new reset password.
getResponseFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getResponseMessage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse
Un secured message to display / convey
getRestrictionLevel() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
LINIENT - only warns when limit is approaching STANDARD - does not break when value is compromised, but throws LimitExceededException when over limit STRICT - throws SecurityException when value is compromised and LimitExceededException when over limit
getResultDesc() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Result Description if any provided by the gateway to supplement the #resultCode
getResultName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.IntermediateResultMapperBehavior
Other Mappers that use an IntermediateResultMapperBehavior result can refer to the result object (in the scope of the current iteration for the record); by this name
Note: nulls will not be kept in the intermediate result map
getResultNamesThatAreOptional() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
getResultNamesThatAreOptional() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.UsesIntermediateObject
By default matching using UsesIntermediateObject.getResultNamesUsed() is strict.
getResultNamesUsed() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
getResultNamesUsed() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.UsesIntermediateObject
name(s) of the result variable used (optional & mandatory)
getReturnType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
The expected return type of the expression
getRoleNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getRoleNames() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getRoleNames() - Method in class
getRoleNames() - Method in interface
getRoles() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
Comma separated list of Roles
Use a String operation to search for a role or add one
getRoles() - Method in interface
Get the role
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
JSON String to represent List of Role Names
getRoles() - Method in class
List of Roles recognized by this service.
An Authorization that carries roles with it can derive its Authorizations using ConfigurableRoleService.getAuthFor(String, String)
getRoles() - Method in interface
Get all the Roles recognized by this Service
getRoleService() - Method in class
getRoleService() - Method in interface
getRollOverImg() - Method in class
getRoot() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
Parent/Root order that generates this SubOrder
If the Parent is of SubOrder type, then the parent of it will be null.
getRoot(T) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
For any Wicket Component get root (top-most parent MarkupContainer).
getRootCause(E, Integer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Get innermost cause upto maxDepth level.
getRowDecorators() - Method in class
A Row Decorator mentions the fieldName(s)/Column(s) whose value will be used to change the state of the row, like highlight etc.
getRows() - Method in class
getRowsMerged() - Method in class
getRowStyle(int, int, Row) - Method in class
getRowTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
Apply transformation to each row
getSale(List<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
getSale(List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.ProductDao
Get Products on Sale across Categories if specified.
getSale() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
getSale() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getSalePrice() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
getSalePrice() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product on Sale; true implies it is
If on Sale the sale price can be offered, but this depends on the service layer.
getSaleStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
When allowing to add items to cart, if a AbstractCartService.saleStrategy is provided it will rely on it rather than actual inventory data available from persistence
getSaleStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getSaleStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getSaltLength() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
getSanitize() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
The StringToReferenceTransformer.splitter is only applicable for collections, hence sanitization is a pre-process step that can be combined within this for convenience as a Lot of Reference data will need screening and sanitization before it can be entertained.
getSaveAudio() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getSaveTrackCycleTransformer() - Method in class
getScheduledShift(V, P, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get next scheduled Shift
getScheduledShifts(V, P) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all next scheduled Shifts for the Venue and PlaceRef
getScheduleTime() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getScriptComponentId() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
getScriptedObject(ScriptSource, File, Class[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.scribble.domain.ScriptFactory
Loads and parses the script via the GroovyClassLoader.
getScriptedObject(ScriptSource, File, Class[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
Loads and parses the Groovy script via the GroovyClassLoader and provide it Spring Context.
getScriptEntryMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
The method to execute as the entry point for the script that accepts a single or varargs param
getScriptFactory() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
getScriptInitMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
An optional no parameter void return method in the script that serves as an initializer
getScriptObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
getScriptSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
File or Text or ScriptSource
getScriptTemplateFileName() - Method in interface
Resources to be found in the folder matching the package name of JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior.
getScriptTemplateFileName() - Method in interface
Resources to be found in the folder matching the package name of JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior.
getScriptTemplateFileName() - Method in class
Resources to be found in the folder matching the package name of JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior.
getScriptTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
A Transformer that converts this components state into markup or script and appends it to the component DOM.
getSearchable() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product searchable.
Since multiple objects for the same model are present, we may not want to show all SKU's and only some
We can explicitly turn this off for a particular SKU to omit from the search result.
getSearchBy() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
Field name to search by for the lookup
getSearchMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getSearchMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getSearchMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Map of Index Name to the ProductIndexSearch Default ProductIndexSearch is mapped to null key
getSearchService(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getSearchService(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
getSearchService(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getSearchService(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
getSearchService(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
getSecretAccessKey() - Method in class
Secret Access Key of the User
getSecretKey(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This method generates a new Key each time it is called Create a key for use in the cipher code
getSecretKey() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
This method generates a new Key each time it is called Create a key for use in the cipher code
getSecretKeyString() - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Generate a 7 byte (56-bit) String
getSecs() - Method in enum com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DefaultPriority
Time within seconds the message should be sent
getSecs() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Priority
Seconds within which the message should be sent
getSecurityContext(ContextType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.SecurityContextFactory
Provide SecurityContext that caters to the ContextType needs generally speaking.
getSeed() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
getSelectedItemHierarchy(T, T) - Method in class
Check if selectedItem is in item's hierarchy.
getSelectorTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConditionalTransformer
A Transformer that is expected to take the input and return a Transformer that will finally process the input
getSelectOverride() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
If we are using Joins via Query.whereExtension; and say we want the Select to get only data from the Join.
getSender() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
getSenderId() - Method in class
A custom ID that contains up to 11 alphanumeric characters, including at least one letter and no spaces.
getSendLimitDurationUnit() - Method in class
MailerService.serverMailLimitPerLongDuration is the number of Mails that can be sent in a UNIT of time.
getSendMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
getSendMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getSendMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.TextToVoiceMessage
getSendMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.VoiceRecordedMessage
getSeq() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getSeq() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
Unique ID - Auto gen sequence #
getSequence(P, int) - Method in class
getSequence(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
getSequence() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
Sequence of names to map to the variables in the order of the index of the name
getSequence(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Batch
Get the index of the Token in the Batch if it exists.
getSequence(C, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Get the index of a Token ready To be served within its container .
getSequenceBeforeSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
getSequenceBeforeSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
getSequenceCode(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
Default impl simply checks size.
getSequenceSubOrderTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
getSequenceSubOrderTransformer() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
getServerAPIKey() - Method in class
Server API Key generated from the Google API Project
getServerHostInfo() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
getServerMailLimitPerLongDuration() - Method in class
Number of mails that can be sent in MailerService.sendLimitDurationUnit of time
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingAreaLookup
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.GetNewHierarcyLookup
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
- Not really used anymore
getService() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
getService(String) - Static method in class
Creates an instance of DefaultTrackingService and stores the TrackCycle with namespace parameter.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Service used to deliver/ship
getServicePlace() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.BatchInfo
PlaceRef where the consumer will avail the services associated with the Token
getServiceTrackingId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Tracking ID provided by the service that handles the delivery
getServletReqKeyName() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebMapToEntitiesTransformer
In the input Map what key is used to define the original ServletRequest
getServletRequestContextAccessor() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
Expected name of the key/accessor in the input Map that will contain the HttpServletRequest context variable
getSession() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
getSession() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
getSession() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
getSession() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
getSession() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
getSession(Request) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
getSessionId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
getSessionId(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Get the web session id for the Session object
getSessionId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
getSessionId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Get the Id associated with the Session
getSessionId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getSessionId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getSessionId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
Same user could have multiple sessions; so allow locking @ session level
getSessionId(S) - Method in class
getSessionUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
getSetting() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
getSetting() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory
Default settings for SMSGatewayeCenter messages
getSettings() - Method in class
getSettings(M) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.GenericDispatcher
A mild enforcement of a common method to getSettings() for a Dispatcher
getSevere() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
Higher the value, the more the severe
getSeverity() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
A string that indicates the severity of the Notification.
getSHA1DigestHash(byte[]) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Get a HexaDecimal Hash Code (SHA1 Digest) for a stream of bytes
getSHA1DigestHash(InputStream) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Get HEX String (SHA1 Digest) for the stream
getShareablePageHeader(E, List<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.ShareablePage
For a given entity derive its Shared content header script
getSheet(int) - Method in class
getShell() - Method in interface
Some sessions may want to discourage access to the shell itself
As a best practice avoid working with the shell directly, and create methods that internally call the shell from your session.
getShell() - Method in class
Some sessions may want to discourage access to the shell itself
As a best practice avoid working with the shell directly, and create methods that internally call the shell from your session.
getShellForThread() - Static method in class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
getShift() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Route
getShift(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get Shift from Id.
getShift(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Fetch a Shift by Id
getShifts(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.dao.ShiftDao
getShipping() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Do shipments happen to this area
getShippingAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on shipping for ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
getShippingData() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Shipping related info.
getShippingStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
getShippingStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getShippingTariff() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Any additional Shipping tariff detail.
getShoppingCart() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
Shopping Cart
getShoppingCart() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
getSingleEnclosureSymbols() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
Single enclosures like ', ""
getSize(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
getSize(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Size - Measurement, Dimensions, Fit
getSize(P) - Method in class
getSize(P) - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getSize(P) - Method in class
getSize(P) - Method in class
getSizeFitToCodeTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
Optional transformer, if provided will bypass standard SizeFit conversion to using this.
getSizeKB(T) - Method in class
getSizeKB(File) - Method in class
getSkipDays() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getSkipHours() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getSku() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
getSku() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.IProductReference
getSku() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit, uniquely identifies a product in stock
In face this product represents a collection then also this maybe null since business may not have defined this for a group of products.
getSku() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.ProductReference
SKU unique for all products
getSnsClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
getSnsClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
getSnsClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
getSnsClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
getSnsClient() - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
getSort() - Method in class
An Optional Sorting algorithm to apply on merged children
getSort() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Allow Sorting of children (nodes of type CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference)
getSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
The ConfigurationService to fetches the configs from
getSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
getSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getSource() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
A Transformer that takes in the input and generates a raw Collection of M of Data or a Message Object
getSourceAddress() - Method in class
getSourceLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
getSourceLocation() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
getSourceLocation() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getSpacedName(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Insert Spaces to make them more user friendly to read
getSpecialTags() - Method in class
{@literal get the Special Tags like tag value.
getSpecificEntityFields(Class<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Get fields that should be excluded for a Query so that the resultant fields are common between T & SUB_T.
getSpecificTypeNumber(Number, Class<? extends Number>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
getSpecificTypeReaders() - Method in class
getSplitter() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
A StringToListTransformer that will ensure following: Any String input that is delimited is tokenized with the tokens processed The output will be a List is String
getSpringAppContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
getSpringBean(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters.SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter
getStaff() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getStartCol() - Method in class
Optional fields that allow the writing from an index other than 0
getStartDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.DateRange
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getStarted() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
Date the Cycle actually started or meant to start
getStartRow() - Method in class
Optional fields that allow the writing from an index other than 0
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Current state of Delivery
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
Operation state:
null - It will simply fetch the state of the bit as a Boolean result
true - It will switch ON the bit in the input and return a Number with the bit ON
false - It will switch OFF the bit in the input and return a Number with the bit OFF
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
getState() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
Get current state of process
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessageResponse
Get any state for the original Message
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
getState() - Method in class
If it matches the AuthorizationService should return this as a result
getState() - Method in exception
getState() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Meta data typically in JSON format or an Id or name of a Rule to describe context around current
getStatelessHint() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getStatelessHint() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
getStatelessHint() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
getStatelessHint() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
getStateMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiStateFacetMeta
getStaticPageTemplate() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getStatus() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
getStatus() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.PageIdentifier
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Any status for record keeping
getStatus() - Method in class
Present status as FlowStatus type Note: incase Feedback.exception is no null then the tokenStatus may reflect the same as Feedback.pastStatus or be null.
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
Optional status.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Token
getStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getStatusDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
The Date when the AbstractContent.status was updated, or would be changed (incase of a scheduled change)
getStatusDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
The Date when the #status was updated, or would be changed (incase of a scheduled change)
getStatusDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
getStatusDate() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowState
Date when the FlowStatus was changed
getStatusFrom() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentFacetRevert
Status from which the facet value will be copied
getStatusQueue() - Method in class
getStaus(String, Map<String, String[]>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
Convenience method to check for status in the Page or Param Map.
getSteps() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
In a multi-step Work Flow, the steps are captured that were performed.
getStorageRelativePath(T) - Method in class
This path is a path that is indicative of where it is stored on the system relative to some common reference that sis configured.
getStorageRelativePath(File) - Method in class
getStrategiesVersion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Track the Strategy.getVersion() of all strategies involved that provide their version id.
getStrategiesVerson() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
JSON Map String of all Strategies version used for the order.
getStrategy() - Method in class
getStringAtIndexFromDelimittedString(String, int, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
From a String that represents say a comma separated value or some other delimiter.
getSubAmounts() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
A Transient field, if NOT null, will also track any sub-calculations (AAmount) used in cumulative operations while calculating this Amount.
getSubFeedConsumers() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
These consume this Feed and add to it.
getSubFeedSuppliers() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
A sub-feed in the format.
getSubject() - Method in class
getSubMenuContainer(MenuItemState, WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
Optional override that returns a wrapper sub menu container over children produced by RecursiveListBasedMenuPanel.recurseAdd(Fragment, MenuItemState)
getSubmitTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
Takes a List of entities defined in sequence by #entities and validates them.
getSubmitTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
During Submission of the data one can apply this.
getSubmitTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Entity level submission; the entity is the input to the Transformer During Submission of the entity backing the template one can apply this.
The exact order of the calling is usage dependent, but typically it will be @ the end of the process after all the fields FacetMeta.getSubmitTransformer() are processed.
getSubModules() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
getSubTenantsFromPrimaryOrgTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.user.service.LogonChangeListener
Assuming the tenant is a Hierarchy we will need to resolve it to its sub-tenants also to ensure, a person with access to parent tenant can also access sub-tenants.
getSucceded() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
If another RelatedOrder is created for this one that succeeds it.
getSucceded() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
If A SubOrder is created for this one that succeeds it.
This reflects both (linear or hierarchical) succession.
getSuccess() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Was the transaction successful or Not
Note: A Transaction may have two aspects.
getSuccessFeedbackRoleArn() - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a successful Message Delivery
getSuccessFeedbackRoleArn() - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a successful Message Delivery
getSuccessFeedbackSampleRate() - Method in class
Stores the percentage of successful SMS deliveries for which Amazon SNS will write logs in CloudWatch Logs.
getSuccessFeedbackSampleRate() - Method in class
Stores the percentage of successful SMS deliveries for which Amazon SNS will write logs in CloudWatch Logs.
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class
If not null will be used to provide Feedback success message as Status, String or Transformer on int (level of error)
getSuffix() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
getSuperAdmin() - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
Whether the extends Organization> is allowed to have access to all Organizations.
getSupportedSizeTypes() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
getSupportedType() - Method in class
The Class and its child types, this MessageBodyWriter will work for
getSupportPartialMatchOn() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
If Pattern set; it will see if the value being looked for contains FileToProductLookup.supportPartialMatchOn as a subsequence using Matcher.find(); and then if FileToEntityLookup.getRelatedFieldName() matches the file name partially also, if so it will include it in the Lookup for Products.
getSymmetricEnclosureSymbols() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
Symmetric enclosures like (),{},[]
Defines as List of Pairs (Arrays of 2 elements)
getSynched() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
If and when the record was synched (ACKNOWLEDGED) with a central or peer system.
getSystemDateTime() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenDispatcher
Client systems that access this need to synchronize clocks, If they want to communicate with server.
getSystemDateTime() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Client systems that access this need to synchronize clocks, If they want to communicate with server.
getTagAttributes() - Method in class
Any attributes on the tag
getTags() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
Comma separated list of tags
getTags() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
Useful in grouping notifications in categories and sub-categories
getTags() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Comma separated list of tag Ids
getTagType() - Method in class
The name of the HTML tag
getTargetClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
getTargetMethod() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
getTargetObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
getTargetPostDetailsPanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
getTargetProductDetailsPanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
getTargetUpdatePanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
getTargetUpdatePanel() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getTax() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
getTaxData() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Taxation related Info.
getTaxDataForProduct(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultTaxStrategy
Taxes are ususally applicable to all components So provide convenient reusable method for getting Tax Data
By Default this matches DefaultTaxStrategy and gets data for #getRepresentativeProduct(Product, "taxData")
getTaxDataForProduct(P) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.TaxStrategy
Taxes are usually applicable to all components So provide convenient reusable method for getting Tax Data
By Default this matches DefaultTaxStrategy and gets data for #getRepresentativeProduct(Product, "taxData")
getTaxReverseCaculated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
In some cases the tax maybe already included in the product/item value.
getTaxReverseCaculated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultTaxStrategy
If true implies any Taxation amount should not be Added to the Amount.getTotal() and that for all calculations the tax is inclusive, but the calculation available in Amount.getTax()

If false; one should Add include the tax over the Amount.getBase() to get the Amount.getTotal()
getTaxReverseCaculated() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.TaxStrategy
If Tax is calculated reverse from Total; then true
getTaxStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
Tax can be factored into any other Strategy, so providing by default
getTaxStrategy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
getTempDelayBetweenBatches() - Method in class
During bulk mailing operations, what is the delay in milli-secs between any 2 consequitive batches
getTempFilePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
getTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
getTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
getTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Get the associated Template with this component.
getTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
A template to Construct Notification messages from
getTemplate() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
getTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getTemplate(Query<Template>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Get the Template based on a Query
getTemplate(Query<Template>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
getTemplate(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get Template from id and/or path
getTemplateByName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Matches Template.getName() to get the associated template
getTemplateByName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
getTemplateByRefId(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Use whatever reference identifier is used to refer to the template like name or bean-name (if templates defined in Spring configs) etc
Note, the Ref-id is not the same as Template.getId() or Template.getName(); but can be different yet unique based on the implementation scheme of creating templates and referring to them.
getTemplateByRefId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
getTemplateForChild() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.CategoryTemplate
For the rendering of the Child elements on this Page, what template will be Used and so the Child will be defined as per the facets in this template

One can derive from each child.
getTemplateHistoryAsMarkup(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getTemplateHistoryAsMarkup(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get the history of the template edits (if possible) as Markup (HTML) or JSON
getTemplateId(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getTemplateId(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get system id for the template
getTemplateInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
proxy a given TemplateInstance
getTemplateNameIdForContent(String, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.PostTemplateServiceImpl
This method was created for pages to derive which Template they belong to.
getTemplateNameIdForContent(String, Locale) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Helps identify which Template is used for which Page/ContentDescriber.
getTemplateNameIdForContent(String, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
This method was created for pages to derive which Template they belong to.
getTemplatePageClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
getTemplatePageClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
getTemplatePanelClass() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
getTemplatePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
Template Path as per velocity conventions
getTemplatePath(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getTemplatePath(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get the system path for the template
getTemplatePattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
A pattern defined by Velocity Template Language (VTL) that uses variables.

Variable types can be entity.<name of field> or <context variable> or sequenceCode.
sequenceCode a special variable as int type, that is determined based on the last sequence if paths are already assigned to EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer.relatedField.
getTemplates(Class...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateService
Get all templates available to context.
getTemplates(Class...) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
getTemplateService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
getTemplateService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getTemplateService() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getTemplateService() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageLocator
getTemplateService() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
getTemplateType(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getTemplateType(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get a type that the template represents.
getTenantEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
Which JPA entity is Tenant/Organization representing
getTenantId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.domain.MultiTenantRecord
Immediate tenant Id this record belongs to
Typically for example this could be an Organization.getId()

Also, because this method is expected to be derived in some cases a setter is optional.
getTenantJoin() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
If not null will add to the end of the query
AND <org=venue.owenerOrganization> OR {@code OR {@code
getTenantName(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
System wide unique name per tenant
getTenantName(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
System wide unique name per tenant
getTenantName(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer
System wide unique name per tenant
getTenants() - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
All Tenant/Organizations the user is intended to have access to.
getTestString() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
getTestString() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
Test method to see if service is up and running
getTestString() - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
Test method to see if service is up and running
getTestString() - Method in class
Test method to see if service is up and running
getTestString() - Method in interface
Test method to see if service is up and running
getTestVoice() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getText() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
getText() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getTextFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getTextSupplier() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
Supplier of the text content of the file.
Format can be String, StringBuffer
getThisAndParents(ProductReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getThisAndParents(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
getThisInstancePort() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
What is the port# of this VM instance
getThisInstancePort() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
What is the port# of this VM instance
getThreadLocal() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
An optional ThreadLocalTransformer that allows Web stats (from WebAnalyticsTransformer) to be passed for the thread
getThreadLocal() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThreadLocalTransformer
getThrowableToMessage() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Marshal errors to just their messages
getTIMEOUT_LOAD_IO_SECONDS() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
The time it should load the file in
getTimeZone() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getTitle() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
getTitle() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
getTo() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Standard forward transform
getToAddress() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
The network Address of the VM; like an IP address with port#.
getToken() - Method in exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
The current token on which the Exception occoured
getToken() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
getToken() - Method in class
getToken() - Method in interface
getTokenEventSupplier() - Method in class
getTokenPriority(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStrategy
A Number where higher denotes more important and lesser denotes lesser importance.
getTokens() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Batch
Gets the current tokens in the Batch
Please note that the state of tokens can keep changing real-time.
getTokens() - Method in class
getTokens() - Method in interface
getTokens() - Method in interface
getTokens(B, T, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Fetch tokens across multiple states @ once
getTokens(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Get all tokens ever
getTokens(C, T, T, Collection, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
getTokens(C, T, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
getTokens(C, Collection, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
For a given Token Field name, where each element in the Collection matches the Token field value; fetch Token
Example: If we wish to get all tokens with GUIDs in a set.
getTokens(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
getTokens(S, T, T, Collection, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all tokens since a last token (including it)
getTokens(S, T, Collection, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all tokens since a last token (including it)
getTokens(S, T, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all tokens since a last token (including it)
getTokens(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all Token
getTokenSequenceId(C, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
A Raw sequence#/position for a Token in the order it was added.
getTokensFrom(C, T, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Get all Tokenss in sequence till (excluding) the token
getTokensFrom(S, T, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all Tokenss in sequence till (excluding) the token
getTokensTill(C, T, Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Get all Tokenss in sequence till (excluding) the token
getTokensTill(S, T, Collection) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Get all Tokenss in sequence till (excluding) the token
getTokenToTrack() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.track.transformers.TrackTokenTransformer
Transform a Token type to Track type
getToolbar() - Method in class
Custom Toolbar Name
It is a toolbar name or an array of toolbars (strips), each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items.
getTopic() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
Topic the Comment belongs to / Artifact the comment was made on
getTopic() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Topic the Comment belongs to / Artifact the comment was made on
getTopicType() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
The topic can be a Article, an Order etc.
Ideally, this is the entity type (class name) or a category to identify the topic
getTopicType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The topic can be a Article, an Order etc.
Ideally, this is the entity type (class name) or a category to identify the topic
getTotal() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Progress
getTotal() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
getTotal() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.IAmount
getTotal() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
getTotalDiscount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
In the SubOrder the discount has 2 components.
getTotalPages() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Get total number of pages (counting always starts from 1)
getTotalResults() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
getTrackChange() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
Track changes to a Token or Tokens
getTrackCycle() - Method in class
Gets the TrackCycle from the ThreadLocal
getTrackCycleToFeatureTransformer() - Method in class
getTrackingLink() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Service providers may offer a way to track the product; the details of the link
getTransaction() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Last associated successful online Transaction that occoured to fulfill this order
getTransaction() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.TransactionException
The Order that triggered/caused the Exception
getTransaction() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebPageTransactionRequest
getTransaction() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebURLPageTransactionRequest
getTransactionDef() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
getTransactionDef() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
getTransactionDef() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
getTransactionDef() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
getTransactionId(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
Used to derive Transaction Id TODO: Add unit test case
getTransactionId() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
getTransactionIds() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
An order may have multiple Transactions ; incase there are issues and failures to purchasing the same order a few times.
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
getTransformer() - Method in class
Takes in a message body as String
getTransformer() - Method in class
A Transformer that returns a String or null to write to the Response BufferedWriter
getTransformer() - Method in class
Can the report be exported in any format; if an Export format exists with a Transformer then that will be applied to the Report tuple for the final format.
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
If the PredicateLinkedTransformer.predicate result is true, then pass input to this Transformer
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
The actual Transformer that will act upon the property defined by EntityPropertyTransformer.propertyName
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
(Optional) if provided, applies the Transformer to the value of the map before adding it to the Collection
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
Value Transformer
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MergeCols
If provided will transform the input Map of intermediate results.
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
Main transformer to process the given input
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToLookup
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Converts raw record TUPLE_IN Object to type RECORD_OUT
getTransformer() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.TransformAwareReader
Converts raw record Object to type RECORD
getTransformer() - Method in class
On ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.predicateed event, call this for action
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
Core Transformer that will fetch the data based on input
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
The Transformer that will take the input and get the results if no cache or result is available for the requested key defined by #getCacheKeyName()
getTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
getTransformerBeanName() - Method in class
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Transformer KeyBasedSecurityFilter.transformer.
getTransformerBeanName() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Transformer WebTransformerFilter.transformer.
getTransformerMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
getTransformers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
getTransformers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
getTransformers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
getTransformers() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
The Number of elements in the output List / Array depend on the numebr of Transformers used
getTransformPropertyBindings() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map Form field name to a Transformer, whose transformed value will be supplied to the Field name mentioned in bindings
getTree(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
getTree(String) - Method in class
getTrialEndDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getTrialStartDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getTrueState() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
if input is Boolean with state Boolean.TRUE
getTtl() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getTuple(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getTuple(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
The input to this Transformer is expected to be Object[] type
getTuple(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getTuple() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
getTupleColName() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
An HTML friendly name for the tuple column
getTupleFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
These are the fields that define the group of the primary fields, that belong to the secondary field.
The ISection.getName() define the keys in a JSON / Map and the ISection.getDisplayName() the display tuple name
For example in a class, for every student.
getTupleIndex(TUPLE) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getTupleIndex(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
getTupleIndex(Row) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getTupleIndexFromCol(CELL) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getTupleIndexFromCol(ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer.Cell) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
getTupleIndexFromCol(Cell) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getTxManager() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
Categorization by type
getType() - Method in class
If provided, will check the Entity or Collection for type.
getType() - Method in class
The type.
getType() - Method in class
The type.
getType() - Method in class
The type of message to be sent
getType(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
If not null then, then will try to convert output row into Object type
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToAreaTransformer
Any specific type of Product
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area Type PIN, Or some other type.
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
getType() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AreaType
Type of Area/Region
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
A type to specify the type of order.
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction type details/code
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
Type Class of expected Output from the mapping operation
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
if provided and input is null then return instance of type T
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
Collection type
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
Intended result entity type
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToEnumTransformer
Enum Class type
getType() - Method in class
A sub-type
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
The Type
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
Any specific type of Product
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
The Type to return, incase we want to define a Custom extension of one of the types.

The custom type must support a default constructor if its SizeDimensions type or a Constructor that accepts a String if its unlreated to any existing Size type.
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Type of Product
getType() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Type of TokenContainer this service represents
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
The Reference type
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
Convenience method to Extract type from facetMeta or field
getType() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.excel.ExcelRowToUserTransformer
The type of User being created.
getType(Collection) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Utility to get type for collection that is assumed homogenous
getTypes() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
getTypesRequireDeepCopy() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
While copying from new Entity to existing one, if it matches any of the types here it will scan the object recursively to dig out properties and sent back in the original persisted object if that already exists.
getUnauthorizedRedirectUrl() - Method in class
Absolute path for redirected url with KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfIdentifier appended to it.
getUnit() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
If not null and price is not null then it means price/unit
getUnit() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
getUnits() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
getUnitsInStock(P, U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
getUnitsInStock(P, U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
Get the number of units in Stock available for purchase.
getUnmappedNameTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
Any index not in sequence; the index will be passed to this and the output will be the variable name. If this is null; then the index itself will become the key as Integer.
getUnsubscribeAction() - Method in class
Allow the user to un subscribe from the email; usually used with Bulk mails and considered good practice to provide the user the ability to un-subscribe.
getUpdatableContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Last Date when this was updated
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Date/Time when the original record tracking was updated @ source.
getUpdated() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
getUpdated() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowState
Date the state was changed (any change to the entity representing the {@link FlowState)
getURI() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getURL() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
getURL(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
getURL(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
For the content get the URL
getURL(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
getURL(String, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
getUrl() - Method in exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebURLPageTransactionRequest
getUrl() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
getUrl() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
getUrl() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
getUrl(MenuItem) - Method in interface
Get the URL String or null (Convert MenuItem to URL)
getUrl(MenuItem) - Method in interface
Get the URL String or null (Convert MenuItem to URL)
getUrl(MenuItem) - Method in class
Get the URL String or null (Convert MenuItem to URL)
getUrlFormat() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Whatever is set via the WicketURLGeneratorTransformer.base wrap and format that using Formatter
getUrlGenerator() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getURLs(Collection<String>, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
getUrlSafeName(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
getUseCount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Number of times the Promotion was used by this user
getUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
Get User for the current HttpServletRequest
getUser(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
getUser(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Get User for Session
getUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
getUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
getUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
getUser(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Get the User associated with the Session
getUser(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getUser(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Orders may contain Order.userContactDetails and hence for GuestUsers in particular, user maybe optional
getUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
getUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
getUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
getUser() - Method in interface
getUser() - Method in class
getUser(S) - Method in class
getUser(String, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Quick lookup on the system to check if any user exists with the value for a given Field Name on the User object
getUser(String, Object, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Same as UserDao.getUser(String, Object), except here one can override the default Entity type being searched for
getUser(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getUser(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getUser(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get User from request.
getUser(HttpSession) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get User from request.
getUserActivityMap(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
getUserActivityMap(Session) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
getUserAttribute(String, String, Class<U>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
getUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
getUserAttribute(String, String, Class<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
getUserAttributeDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
getUserAttributeDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
getUserAttributesDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
getUserAttributesDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
getUserAuths(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
getUserContactDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
In addition to the default User Address and contact details; an order may define/override default Address with its own.
getUserDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
getUserDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
getUserDao() - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
getUserDao() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
getUserDetailsToLoadInSession(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractUserLoginForm
getUserDetailsToLoadInSession(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
On successful login, load the User details into the Session
getUserDetailsToLoadInSession(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
getUserDetailsToLoadInSession(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Create exact User type
getUserEmailOrId(CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
By default uses context[0][0]
getUserEntityName() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getUserEntityType() - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
getUserEntityType() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
getUserForLocalUse(String, WebRequest, Class<? extends GenericEcomUser>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Guarantees a IGenericEcomUser for the session; and clones the User object if its a RegisteredUser to ensure the session user variable is not affected.
getUserFromSession(Request, Class<U>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
When user is switching between multiple context, the session type or user type may not match expected/intended type.
getUserFromSession(BasicSession, Class<U>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
When user is switching between multiple context, the session type or user type may not match expected/intended type.
getUserId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
getUserId(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Get the userid for the given Session
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
Use Comment.getUser() instead
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
getUserId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Get the User Id associated with the Session
getUserId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
getUserId(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Identify the user who got the promotion
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
getUserId() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
To maintain session information Its transient by nature and only valid for the session; could be SessionId or a reliable Id for a Registered user.
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Use Rating.getUser() instead
getUserId() - Method in interface
User Id
getUserId() - Method in class
getUserId() - Method in class
getUserId() - Method in interface
getUserId() - Method in interface
Get the userId for the Session.
getUserId() - Method in class
Get the userId for the Session.
getUserId(S) - Method in class
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
getUserId() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
A unique user name or Id
getUserId(Request) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get User.getId() if available from Session else get the Session.getId().
getUserId(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get a String use id that is either a SessionID or User's id associated with the session (represented by the request).
getUserId(HttpSession) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get a String use id that is either a SessionID or User's id associated with the session.
getUserId(BasicSession) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Now supplied for util completeness and null check only. Use BasicSession.getUserId() instead.
getUserIdFromAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Sometimes we have to identify the userId from some attributes like email, phone number etc.
getUserIdFromAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
Sometimes we have to identify the userId from some attributes like email, phone number etc.
getUserIdParamName() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
getUsername() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractForgotPasswordForm
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractUserLoginForm
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Handle to the UserService backing this
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
getUserService() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
getUserSessionAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
getUserSessionAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
getUserSessionAdapter() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
getUserShell() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
The WebUserShell will be available to the script to FacetMeta.getDisplayTransformer(), while rendering of final content
getUserToCookie() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
Session based Auth-Token (Cookie)
getUserTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
getUserType() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
If provided will ensure AbstractSessionAuthService.getUserDetailsToLoadInSession(String) will return this type.
getVal(ConfigurationSource, User, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
getValidationRedirectUrl() - Method in class
Absolute path for redirected url with KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfIdentifier and validaton exception cause appended to it.
getValidationTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
Takes a List of entities defined in sequence by #entities and validates them.
getValidityEnd() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
The validity start Date range and end date range
getValidityStart() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
The validity start Date range and end date range
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
Its own Content
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ResultRow
String to represent the Response String/Reason
getValue() - Method in enum com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment.BIT_MASKS
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
getValue() - Method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent.BIT_MASKS
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
getValue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbstractAttribute
getValue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
getValue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.BIT_MASKS
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Entry
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
If the accessor equals the value then true is returned
If the value is a Transformer or Predicate, then that will be applied on the accessor value to EntityChainAccessCheckFilter.checkCriteria(Object).
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
The value that if matches the result from the process using Mapper.getProcessor() will be skipped and not applied to the final entity.
getValue(Object, NODE, Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Extract the value from the Entity.
If an EntityChainAccessTransformer is defined then that is used or else default PropertyUtils.getProperty(Object, String) is used.
getValue(Object, ENTITY, Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
getValue(CELL, Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
Value to compare the input with
getValue(Map, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToEntitiesTransformer
getValue(ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer.Cell, Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
Ignores Mapper
getValue(T, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
getValue(Cell, Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
getValue(R, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.ServletRequestToEntitiesTransformer
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.Product.BIT_MASKS
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
getValue() - Method in enum com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating.BIT_MASKS
getValue() - Method in enum
getValue() - Method in enum com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta.TemplateAttributes
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
The actual current tracked value
getValue(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
For a given user and attribute name load the UserAttribute
Note: UserAttributes have to have a unique attribute name and userId combination.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
Will throw RuntimeException if record does not exist
getValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
getValueMap() - Method in class
getValues(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
getValues(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
Will throw RuntimeException if record does not exist
getValueTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
(Optional) Apply over the object to obtain the value in the map
getVariant() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
getVariant() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
getVenue(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getVenue(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
getVenue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.BatchInfo
getVenue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Shift
getVenue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenRequest
getVenues(Organization) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getVenues(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
getVenues(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.LocationService
getVenues(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
Get venues for an Organization.
getVenues(GeoLocation) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.service.MultiOrgService
getVersion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
Strategies change; it may be important/required in most applications to know a result based on which version of a particular strategy.
getVersion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
Strategies change; it may be important/required in most applications to know a result based on which version of a particular strategy.
getVersion() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
Strategies change; it may be important/required in most applications to know a result based on which version of a particular strategy.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.Strategy
Strategies change; it may be important/required in most applications to know a result based on which version of a particular strategy.
getVersion() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
A ContentType version, if there are multiple messages of different types
getVersion() - Method in interface com.neurosys.strategy.service.Strategy
Strategies change; it may be important/required in most applications to know a result based on which version of a particular strategy.
getVersionIds(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getVersionIds(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get the version ids for all the templates.
getVersions(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
getVersions(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Get the versions for all the templates
getViolations() - Method in exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
getViolations() - Method in exception
getVisit() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
getVmConnectInfosSupplier() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
getVmId() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
Fully qualified Id/name for the entity that defines the connection by a common name on both sides
getVMInfo() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
getVmInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Context Supplier of HazelcastInstance.
This allows us to pass a instance via context in a more dynamic multi instance environment or one configured directly into this instance.
getVmInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Context Supplier of HazelcastInstance.
This allows us to pass a instance via context in a more dynamic multi instance environment or one configured directly into this instance.
getVmTemplatePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
getWarnings() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
getWarningThresholdPct() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
getWebAppRelativePathToStaticPages() - Method in class
getWebComponent() - Method in class
getWebMaster() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
getWebRelativePath(String) - Method in class
Get path to display to user which they can use.
getWebSpecificAbsolutePath() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
An absolute path that is relative to SiteApplication#CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH will remove any reference to the SiteApplication#CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH part and keep the path relative to the Web Context specified by this path.
getWebUserShell(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get WebUserShell from request.
getWebUserShell(HttpSession) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Get WebUserShell from request.
getWeight() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Weight of a Product in a unit understood/assumed/set @ a project level.
getWeight() - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Weight of the score in relation to others
getWeight() - Method in enum
Follows the ordnial of this enum.
getWeight() - Method in interface
Every IAuthorizationType can have a weight for numerical comparisons.
getWhereExtension() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Special Strings; if Not null is Appended after WHERE or last Query statement.
Example(s): "OR ent.fieldName = :fieldValue"
"ent.fieldName = :fieldValue"
Note: if no conjunction is provided, AND is assumed by default and if there is no Conditions already then its prepended by WHERE in the final SQL
getWhiteRegExPattern() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
getWicketSession(HttpServletRequest, Class<S>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
From a Standard HttpServletRequest derive the existing Wicket Session.
getWicketSession(HttpSession, Class<S>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
From a Standard HttpSession derive the existing Wicket Session.
getWidth() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
getWidth() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
getWidth() - Method in class
pixels , for % specify %
getWordDelimeter() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If there is a BitsToStringTransformer.wordMap then this delimiter will be used between words
getWordMap() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
Optional word map to map key (characters extracted) to a meaningful Word.
getWorksheet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
check if a Sheet has been set
getWorksheet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetFilterChain
getWorksheet() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetPredicate
getWorksheet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
getWorksheetIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
One reader can be assigned to one worksheet.
getWrappedComponent() - Method in class
getWrappedSubmitTransformer() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
getWriteBufferSize() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.SimpleBufferedConnector
getWwwStrict() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
If specified true, will ensure it uses "www" convention is used for the link
GOOGLE_AJAX_CRAWL_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters.SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter
As per Google specs the crawler will convert all != (Ajax Pages) to URL's with param _escaped_fragment_ and expect the server to render back the pure HTML version.
gotoPage(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
Grid<T> - Class in
A RepeatingView with the following sample structure:
Grid(String, String, ListModel<T>, Integer) - Constructor for class
Grid(String, String, List<T>, Integer) - Constructor for class
GroovyAdapterService - Class in com.neurosys.scribble.groovy
Execute Scripting plugins
GroovyAdapterService(MultipleGroovyScriptFactory) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
GuestUser - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Guest Users Only
GuestUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
GuestUser(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
GuestUser(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
GuestUser(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
GUID - Interface in com.neurosys.guid
A Globally Unique Identifier is a String that uniquely identified any concept in the system.


handleAuthState(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Method in class
handleAuthState(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
Ensure user is authorized and no hacking on page.
One can override this to redirect to say a page, run some service, log etc.
handleAuthState(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
A Consumer/Handler for AuthState; define custom action.
Ensure user is authorized and no hacking on page.
One can override this to redirect to say a page, run some service, log etc.
handleCollectedExceptions(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
ETLRunnerOptions.isFailFast()=false then the exceptions per tuple collect, at the end of the process one can hook into them here.
handleException(RuntimeException) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
handleFileUpload(FileUpload, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class
Helper to tidy up file Upload code.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter.AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor
handleMiscException(RuntimeException) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Can override if we want to insert audits and other handlers for misc exception handling
handlePartException(Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.MailerService
By Default if there is an issue in any part break the process and report it.
handleRequest(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionResponseHandler
Handle the Reqest response from the Gateway
handleTupleException(Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
How to handle an Exception @ a tuple level (only if ETLRunnerOptions.isFailFast() or critical exceptions.
hasAnyDirectRelatedOrders(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
By default check if its SubOrder type and either has a root or has a SubOrder.getPartialAmount() specified (0 included).
hasAnyDirectRelatedOrders(Order) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
A light methods to check if the Order related to any SubOrder(s).
Basically check if the Order exits by itself or has SubOrder relations with it.
hash(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Hashes the string with MD5 algorithm
HASH_ALGO - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Hash - MD5
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
hashcode() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
hashcode() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
hashCode() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
hasLink(PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.CategoryContentPathTransformer
If it returns true, it will assume path to have a link.
hasLink(PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
If it returns true, it will assume path to have a link.
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
hasNext - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
If turned off then hasNext wont work and processes will terminate
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
hasNext() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
True if there is another record that can be read by the parser, false implies end of parse/read
hasNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
hasNext(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
If there are any tokens pending that are in #getReadyToBeProcessed(TokenContainer, Token).
hasParam(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.util.Utils
Function will calculate whether parameters are required by the Query on the basis of results obtained from calling 'countQuestionMarkInQuery()' and 'countQuestionMarkAsStringInQuery()'.
headerMeta() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
HIDDEN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Hidden; the element will be used but not displayed.
hidden - Variable in class
true: The item exists in cincept but is not show to the user.
HierarchialDomainObject - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A MappedSuperclass implementation of IHierarchialReference objects.
HierarchialDomainObject() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
HierarchialDomainObject(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
HierarchialDomainObjectToParentTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.domain.transformers
For any HierarchialDomainObject gets the parent hierarchy code.
By default this is the root parent.
HierarchialDomainObjectToParentTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.HierarchialDomainObjectToParentTransformer
HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes<E extends HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes,EA extends EntityAttribute<E>> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
HierarchialItemState<T> - Class in
State for a Hierrchy
HierarchialItemState() - Constructor for class
HierarchialItemState(T) - Constructor for class
HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Takes a HierarchialDomainObject or Object[name,hierarchy,...] or String[name,hierarchy,...] and determines if it should be Navigable or not
HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer.levelMap specific Where each level will point to.
HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
HierarchicalPagePathTransformer<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Takes a HierarchialDomainObject or Object[name,hierarchy,...] or String[name,hierarchy,...] and gives a corresponding Path as output
HierarchicalPagePathTransformer.levelpathMap specific Where each level will point to.
HierarchicalPagePathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
hierarchy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
hierarchy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
HIERARCHY_COUNT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
HIERARCHY_COUNT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
HierarchyContentSource<C extends Content<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.dao
Describes a Content Source / Adapter (DAO) that can fetch content
hierarchyFilter(List<T>, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleHelpers
From a flat list creates a List of List & IHierarchialReferences (as nodes).
HierarchyHelper - Class in com.neurosys.common.hierarchy
HierarchyHelper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyHelper
HierarchyMultiParentBuilder<H extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.spider.indexer
HierarchyMultiParentBuilder(Class<H>, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
HierarchyService<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Interface in com.neurosys.common.hierarchy
Common service / DAO methods that are needed by Hierarchy implementations for Domain objects that implement IHierarchialReference

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Event Type as String} Hierarchical Entity OR Id of the Entity as Long
hierarchyTransformer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert the List of HierarchialDomainObject to a Comma separated Query consumable String of hierarchies
Usage :StringUtils.join(CollectionUtils.transformedCollection(List<HierarchialDomainObject>, this), ',')
HierarchyTypeAutoNav<T extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
This service automatically converts all IHierarchialReference hierarchy into MenuItem & AuthorizableMenuItems and insert/appends them to the menu & pageMenuMap (see navigation.xml) (Which page Item refers to which menu Item to determine current focused page/item).
HierarchyTypeAutoNav() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
HierarichicalUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Utilities for IHierarchialReferences
HierarichicalUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.HierarichicalUtils
home - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages
Home Page (Place holder for common stuff, help, video links, etc)
home(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.home
HOST_IP - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
Setup Host IP (since a computer can have multiple addresses, the preferred address should be specified) If "localhost" then it will derive the host / default from the System.
hostname - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy
HTML - Static variable in class
HTML - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Content that needs to be displayed as HTML.
HTML - Static variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
html4Replacer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.HTMLUtils
HTMLPublisherListener - Class in com.neurosys.seo.ajax
For on call this listener will publish a given working URL to a HTML page using AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer do that a crawler may access the published file as per Google Specs

Note: How the Crawler will may the ugly URL (with _escaped_fragment_ param) to the published file is open to implementation.
HTMLPublisherListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
HTMLUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Handles HTML encoding.
HTMLUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.HTMLUtils


IAdminPanel - Interface in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
Some Admin classes may not able to directly extend AdminPanel so priving a Identity Marker Interface for them
IAmount<T extends IAmount> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
An amount type
IAuthorizationService - Interface in
Perform basic Role based Authorization
IAuthorizationService.AuthState - Enum in
IAuthorizationType<A extends IAuthorizationType> - Interface in
Authorization Type marker
IBasicSession<U extends User,S extends Shell> - Interface in
Definition of a Basic User Session
IChild<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Identity Interface to mark the object as a Child of something that knows its parent
IClientMenuAdapter - Interface in
Defines an adapter that will do conversions Between Menu data structure and the JavaScript data structure.
IClientScriptMenuAdapter - Interface in
Defines an adapter that will do conversions Between Menu data structure and the JavaScript data structure.
IClientScriptWicketMenuAdapter - Interface in
Allow Wicket based components to provide infrastructure support to Adapters.
IClientWicketMenuAdapter - Interface in
Allow Wicket based components to provide infrastructure support to Adapters.
IConfiguration<K,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.configs
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
id - Variable in class
Special content Id String.
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
id - Variable in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
idempotent - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
By default if run changes will propogate
IdempotentAware - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Reader, Transformer or Mapper is aware that the process is only to verify the process than make any permanent changes.
If #isIdemponent() is true, all operations are idempotent.
Identifiable<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Any process thats identifiable
IdentifiableEntityIndexSearch<I extends Identifiable> - Class in com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service
Can be used for any Flat search for Identifiables Content, AbstractContentFacet etc.
IdentifiableEntityIndexSearch() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service.IdentifiableEntityIndexSearch
IdentifiableIdComparator - Class in com.neurosys.etl.comparators
IdentifiableIdComparator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.comparators.IdentifiableIdComparator
IdentifiableTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
During processing it maybe required to identify the Transformer associated with a process.
IdentifiableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
IdentifiableTransformer(T, Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
identifyEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Identify an entity; for log purposes etc
identifyNode(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
identifyNode(NODE_IDENTIFIER) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Identify a node/cell that is being processed.
identifyNode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer
Allow identification of Node, so that the name can be passed in Exceptions etc.
identifyNode(CELL) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
identifyTenant(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.user.service.LogonChangeListener
identityDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
identityDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
identityDetails() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
idFieldName - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
idParamName - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
IEventsQueryService<E extends AbstractEvent> - Interface in
Query the events via Web Service
IGenericEcomUser - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Generic Definition of GenericEcomUser
IGenericObjectQueryService - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
Query the amorphous database
ignore(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
To ignore the Consumer or contact.
ignoreConnectionExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
ignoreConnectionExceptions() - Method in interface com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.RestrictionStrategy
ignoreNavigableNodeChildren - Variable in class
If true, will optimize by removing children of nodes that are navigable.
ignoreNullsForPrimitiveTypes - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true and a field is a primitive type, it will prevent updating the resultant object from un-wanted null values from a partial input object.
IHierarchialReference<I> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
An instance that can act as a reference to some Hierarchial item.
Image() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
ImageCompressor - Class in
Performs image compression

TODO: Thought about shifting class to "domain" JAR instead of keeping in "site".
ImageCompressor(File) - Constructor for class
Read original file and replace original file
ImageCompressor(File, String) - Constructor for class
Read original file and output as per outPath param
ImagePart() - Constructor for class
imageType - Variable in class
jpeg, gif etc
IMailerService - Interface in
A Service to send EmailMessages
IMAPMailBoxReader - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers
Reads a Mail Box using IMAP protocol
IMAPMailBoxReader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
IMenuAuthLogic - Interface in
Decides the MenuItemState for a given MenuItemState; based on certain Authorization configured on AuthorizableMenuItem.
IMenuAutoNav - Interface in com.neurosys.module.service
IMenuGenerator - Interface in com.neurosys.module.service
Services that Automatically generate MenuItem
IMenuPathMapper - Interface in com.neurosys.module.service
Services that provide mapping for generated MenuItem (pageMenuMap)
IMenuStateLogic - Interface in
Decides the MenuItemState for a given MenuItem
IMG - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Any image + Upload of image
IMG_REF - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Any image (referece).
immutableFieldNames - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The field name(s) [map of exact Type to identity fields for entity or related entity exact type], used to uniquely identify the looked up entity; note these fields will also not be overridden during any merge process in default implementation.
ImmutableValueHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Once a value is written it cannot be replaced.
ImmutableValueHashMap(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ImmutableValueHashMap
IModuleAware - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
Instance is aware of the name of the Module it represents
In the event it is part of Module hierarchy, it represents the name of "current" element.
IModuleFeature<T extends IModuleFeature> - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
This marker interface implies that the class implementing it is a Feature of Some Module.
To keep design simple, any API/feature/artifact can only belong to one Module
IModuleService<UNIT> - Interface in com.neurosys.module.service
importAsString() - Method in class
Imports the contents of the url of the model object.
importAsString() - Method in class
INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
includeProductPriceForDiscount(P, PromotionForUser, String, Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
If this returns a double then in cases where the Discount is variable on the Cart amount; this will contribute.
incrementPersistence(int) - Method in class
Override and implement based on persistence mechanism used to save the update count by the given count
index - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
If this ContentFacet is part of an Array (list), then this will not be null and have the index number (starts from 0)
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
index() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Re-Index all the Content using Spider
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Re-Index all the Product data
index - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
Re-Index all the Product data
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
index() - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Re-Index all the Products using Spider
index() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveList
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
IndicatingAjaxLinkTree - Class in
An equivalent of IndicatingAjaxLink; but this is for LinkTree Component
IndicatingAjaxLinkTree(String) - Constructor for class
IndicatingAjaxLinkTree(String, TreeModel) - Constructor for class
informAdmin(String, String) - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
Initialize the Amazon SNS Client using AWSCredentials Regions
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in interface
Initialize the Export Writer
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.filters.DefaultSecurityFilter
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in interface
Any policy init or re-init
init(Row, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToAreaTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects with core entities
init(Row, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToEcomProductTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects with core entities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
init(ENTITY, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects (nested objects) with core entities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
init(NODE, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects (nested objects) with core entities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
init(E, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntitySelfTransformer
init(ENTITY, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToListTransformer
init(ENTITY, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToObjectArrayTransformer
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
init(Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
init(Row, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToAbstractEntityTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects with core entities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Sets all BaseIterativeProcessor processes with a BaseIterativeProcessor.getResource() if not defined
Additionally it checks if the process has been RealTimeLineReader.isInitialized().
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
init() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
Allow lazy initialization of Reader in cases where the resource may not be known @ PostConstruct time
init(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, ETLMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
All Thread/Reading init based activities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Bind this Listener to its Hazelcast ListenItemOnHazelCast.vmInstance
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
Bind this Listener to its Hazelcast ListenItemOnHazelCast.vmInstance
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
Create instance
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
All Thread/Reading init based activities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesMapper
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
init(Row, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
Create the core Entity and also initialize intermediateObjects with core entities
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
init(T, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.service.PostServiceImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
init() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Load/Refresh any state for the token management service
init() - Method in interface com.neurosys.scribble.domain.Adapter
Certain resources may need to live in the context of the script and not just the local execution cycle.
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.service.IdentifiableEntityIndexSearch
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
Wrap the incoming transformer in a TransactionalTransformer
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
init() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
initAllRequestCycleUsers(RequestCycle) - Method in class
initCatalog() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
initContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
initDataProviderInstance(IModel<Query<User>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
The Data provider may select list on the panel based on a criteria.
initDataProviderInstance(IModel<PM>) - Method in class
The Data provider may select list on the panel based on a criteria.
initDI() - Method in class
Dependency Injection init of Application wide stuff
initEnd(ApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
initEnd(ApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Method in interface
Initialize immediately prior to the default initialization activities in the SiteApplication
The method is provided with any context information it may need like Spring Context of the Application & the Servlet Context.
initEnd(Application) - Method in class
Override to insert anything at End of init process.

Any override should call super.initEnd() (unless you explicitly want to disable all IOnApplicationStartup services)
Any override should NEVER call this#init() - infinite recursion
initEvent(String, String, P) - Method in interface
A process that will initiate the process Asynchronously/Offline and return a String as UID to identify the result of the process.
initFilterBean() - Method in class
initFilterBean() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
initFilterBean() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
initFilterBean() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
Initializable - Interface in
Allowing Wicket components to be initialized by external API by making Initializable.onInitialize() public.
initialize(Request, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
initPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
initStart(ApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
initStart(ApplicationContext, ServletContext) - Method in interface
Initialize immediately prior to the default initialization activities in the SiteApplication
The method is provided with any context information it may need like Spring Context of the Application & the Servlet Context.
initStart(Application) - Method in class
Override to insert anything at Start of init process

Any override should call super.initStart() (unless you explicitly want to disable all IOnApplicationStartup services)
Any override should NEVER call this#init() - infinite recursion

Mount Resolution Strategy : If there is an XML entry defined for mounting that also has an annotated entry for path.
initStaticVariables() - Method in class
initSubOrder(O, O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSubOrderStrategy
Convenience method that Initializes an instance with calculations like remainder payable, sequencing SubOrder for a given root if not already sequenced.
Persists the created order also.
initUserWithAddressTypes(IGenericEcomUser, List<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
For a user preinitialize any Address fields to ensure the Address types are not null
initWithRequestCycle(RequestCycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
If WicketURLGeneratorTransformer.base is defines and we want to derive WicketURLGeneratorTransformer.baseUrlStr then providing an opportunity for the Calling API with the RequestCycle ThreadLocal to initialize this instance with the correct equivalent path.
initWithRequestCycle(RequestCycle) - Method in interface
Some Services or components may need to refer to the RequestCycle while it may not be available in context or need it on boot/load.
injectContext(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Inject context data into ParamsAware and ReaderAware like transformer implementation.
injectContext(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
Inject context data into ParamsAware and ReaderAware like transformer implementation.
INPUT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
INPUT_AUTO_SUGGEST - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
An input box with Auto Suggest ability
INPUT_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Access the raw input to this Transformer
INPUT_PREDECTIVE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Input with Predective Text
InputStreamDataSource - Class in
InputStreamDataSource(String, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class
InputStringToSizeTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convert a raw String input to Size object.
InputStringToSizeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
insertCart(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Insert cart to server; will replace existing cart items in Session with params supplied
instance - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserToJson
instance - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.UserToJson
INSTANCE - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class
instanceType - Variable in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Hierarchy Node.
instantiate(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeTypeInitMapperTransformer
instantiate(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SubTypeInitMapperTransformer
Default implementation will return the fieldValue.
This is because in many cases like JPA, the sub-type maybe instantiated already if it has a value.
IntermediateResultMapperBehavior - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
The result of this Mapper is used to produce a result capable of being consumed by other Mappers; defined by {IntermediateResultMapperBehavior.getResultName().
IntermediateResultMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.IntermediateResultMapperBehavior
IntermediateResultMapperBehavior(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.IntermediateResultMapperBehavior
intermediateResults - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
intersection(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in class
Get the intersection (as an Event) between 2 Events.
intersection(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in interface
Get the intersection (as DateRange) between 2 DateRanges.
intersection(DateRange, DateRange) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
Get the overlap of event e1 in e2, including bound conditions

Example: If there are 2 Date ranges
intersects(DateRange, DateRange) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DateRangeUtils
Check if 2 Date Ranges Overlap; including bounds
InvalidationASynchTransformer - Class in
<<<<<<< HEAD Invalidate Amazon Cloud CDN files Asynchronously; returns the ID for the Invalidation Request generated by this.
The synchronous response is a alphanumeric handle to the Asynch request sent.
InvalidationASynchTransformer(AmazonCloudFrontAsyncClient, String) - Constructor for class
InvalidationSynchTransformer - Class in
Invalidate Amazon Cloud CDN files Synchronously; returns the ID for the Invalidation Request generated by this.

Exception handling Notes
Will result in either a CreateInvalidationResult or In the case of a connection problem, the nested cause would be AmazonClientException and if there is a fault in the connection configuration the cause would be a AmazonServiceException.
InvalidationSynchTransformer(AmazonCloudFrontClient, String) - Constructor for class
inventoryAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
inventoryAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.inventoryAdmin
InventoryReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Inventory
InventoryReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.components.InventoryReportResult
inverseMode - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
By default, the exceptions are the fields in the entity that are EXCLUDED.
In EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode, the exceptions list are the only ones included in the copy.
InvertFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Boolean inversion of the result of another wrapped Predicate
InvertFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.InvertFilter
InvoiceChangeListener<O extends Order,INVOICE> - Class in
Listen to events related to Invoice generation.
InvoiceChangeListener() - Constructor for class
InvoiceService<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem,INVOICE> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Generate Invoices from Orders
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
invoke(FilterInvocation) - Method in class
invokeMapper(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
Invoke is the Readers Mode matches any of ModeAwareMapperBehavior.getModesSupported()
invokeMapper(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
Invoke is the Readers Mode matches any of SkipValueMapperBehavior.getModesSupported()
invokeMapper(Mode) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.ModeAwareMapperInvoker
For a given mode if the Mapper should be invoked or not
IOnApplicationStartup - Interface in
Allows modules to define startup services/objects that need initialization.
There may be a need to call a service on Startup of the Application (Servlet API Based Application) rather than Dependency Injection (PostConstruct.
IPageLocator - Interface in
Helps Wicket load certain types of Pages.
IPageParams - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
Support some common page parameter conventions
IPathLoader - Interface in
Allow mounting of resources and mapping them to the application.
IProductReference - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain
Ensure Product & ProductReference have a common interface
IProductReference - Interface in com.neurosys.products.domain
Ensure Product & ProductReference have a common interface
IPublisherAdapter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
Wraps the service activities of consolidating content/entity, preparing data-maps, calling a Publisher and refreshing the Cache for ContentExtractor for items that are being refreshed/replaced in the publish activity.
IQueryService<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.service
Generic Query API
IS_NEW_SESSION - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
In the result stats array the index of boolean value; if the session is new
IS_NEW_USER_AGENT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
In the result stats array the index of boolean value; if the user-agent is new
IS_WEB_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
In the result stats array the index of boolean value; if the request is a web one.
isAbsolute() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileToNameTransformer
If true will return the absolute path of the file
isAbsolute() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
isAcceptable(String) - Method in class
isAcceptNulls() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
If true then; a non matching sequence can return null else it will throw an IllegalArgumentException
isAcceptRawNonMatchingStrings() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If true will accept any input as SizeString else throw an exception if it cannot categorize it as SizeFit or SizeDimensions
isAcceptRawNonMatchingStrings() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If true will accept any input as SizeString else throw an exception if it cannot categorize it as SizeFit or SizeDimensions
isActionAuthorized(Component, Action) - Method in class
isActive() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
If cycle is currently active or not
isActive() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
isActive() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Way to switch on or off area without having to update other data to turn it off
isActive() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Is the promotion currently marked active
Useful if we want to disable the promotion temp.
isActive(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Check if a Shift is active or not
isAdmin() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
isAjaxRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
isAllowAttachments() - Method in class
Allow or filter any Attachments
isAllowDelete() - Method in class
isAllowEdit() - Method in class
isAllowHtml() - Method in class
Keep or remove any HTML content
isAllowMultipleParents() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
While inserting a record, if the record already exists and has a legitimate parent, then create a ProductAlias for it
isAllowNulls() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
isAllRows() - Method in class
The Grid will represent all rows from the Data Provider
isAnyError() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
isApplicable(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.EntityFieldSetter
A check if the EntityFieldSetter is applicable on the entity.
isApplicable(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer.UserIdSetter
isApplyFilter() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Filter un accepted fields out TODO: May make the field redundant or deprecated
isAscending() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
isAscending() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
isAttachImagesAsFiles() - Method in class
All image parts will be added as attachments.
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface
isAuthenticated() - Method in class
isAuthorized(FacetMeta, Map<String, Field>, ContentType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
isAuthorized(FacetMeta, Map<String, Field>, ContentType...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
isAuthorized(Collection<Authorization>, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
Check if userAuthsForFeature satisfies any one of the featureRequiredAuths
isAuthorized(Authorization, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
featureRequiredAuth is the Minimum required Authorization from the Collection of user auths
isAuthorized(Collection<Authorization>, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
Authorize the Users Authorizations against the Authorizations required by the feature.
This is completely left to implementation as a general rule the user must satisfy one of the roles demanded by the feature (but some implementation may choose to upset this rule if required)
isAuthorized(Authorization, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
Authorize the Users Roles against the Authorization required by the feature
isAuthorizedAccessToAllOrgs(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
isAuthorizedCreate(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
isAuthorizedCreate(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
isAutoConvertNonRefType() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToStringTransformer
If true will entertain non Reference type as String using Object.toString()

This is useful when using common code for processing datasource data for Pure Reference type and non-ref alike.
isBindModelToRawData() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
The model to the component is what is provided as an Object to the whole component.
isBitOn(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Convenience method
isBitOn(int) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
Convenience method
isBitOn(Integer, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BitMaskUtil
Checks if a particular bit is on or not
isBlank() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
isBlockOrders() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
A quick set flag if we wish to block taking orders due to any reason like maintenance etc.
isBulk() - Method in class
If set to true, The message will be a Bulk blast / optimize accordingly and set appropriate RFC headers Example see
isCacheExpression() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true will use SpELTransformer.expressionInstanceto cache the Expression for frequent use.
isCanReply() - Method in class
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
isCategory(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
If it returns true, it will assume it to be a category (menu-item has children and hence cannot be a link itself by default def.)
isChainOutput() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true, the output from previous transformation becomes input for the next.
isClear() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
If true will clear the EntityManager
isCloneCollection() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
If true will return a new Collection of the same type
isCloneElementInCollection() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
If true will clone every element within the collection
isCollectExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
isCollectExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
isCollectExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
isCollectionType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
The facet has a collection and the ContentType is implied on the elements in the collection and not the collection itself.
When this is true, for each element in the Collection a separate Component is rendered.
isCollectionType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
Is the type of this meta a collection of inner Content type.
isCommitPossible(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
isCommitPossible(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Any commit specific implementation available
isConfirmDelete() - Method in class
isConsiderStringBlankCellsAsEmpty() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
When filtering if row is found to have Cells String but BLANK then also consider them to be empty.
Note: A Blank is none or more SPACE characters
isControllable() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
isConvertBlankCellToNullValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
When dealing with Numbers, if this is false then 0 is returned as per Cell#getNumericCellValue().
isConvertBlankCellToNullValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
When dealing with Numbers in the tuple, if this is false then 0 is returned as per Cell.getNumericCellValue().
To avoid conversion to 0, one can set this to true.

To override @ a columns level see OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
isCopy() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
If true will make a copy of the original Collection and modify that.
isCreateRefIfNotExist() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
isDataSecure(TrackCycle, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
isDataSecure(TrackCycle, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.RestrictionStrategy
Check that encrypted for of the value matches the hash value and throw SecurityException accordingly
isDetails() - Method in class
If true will bind the Full exception object to the Response
isDisabled() - Method in class
true: The menu is not usable although it maybe shown
This can be due to authorization reasons
isDone() - Method in class
isDontPropagateExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
Sometimes persist is a fail safe and we dont care about subsequent failures.
isDropRowsWithOnlyFirstColumn() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
Usually some rows maybe delimited by a Delimiter Row that can only have one value in its 0th col, drop them
ISection - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
Defines a Functional Objective.
isEmbedImages() - Method in class
All image parts will be embedded in the email
isEmpty() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
isEmpty() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IModuleFeature
Check if the Feature instance is enabled or disabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Check if the Feature instance is enabled or disabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
isEncode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
isEqual(Authorization, Authorization) - Method in class
Authorization.equals(Object) is not expected to be commutative.
isEquals() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If false will convert this Equals to Not-Equals (inverse condition)
isEquals() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If false will convert this Equals to Not-Equals (inverse condition)
isErrorPage() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.adminError
isExecute() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
If the Procedure is not expected to return anything and uses DML then set to true.
isExecuteUnderTransaction() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
If true, will execute persist under 1 transaction and will apply EntityPersistTransformer.transactionDef.
isExemptFromProcessing(MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Some elements maybe processed exceptionally outside the automated process, determine which to leave out
isExistingRecord(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
isExistingRecord(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
isExistingRecord(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class
The Ajax save works on updating Content using Ids that identify the content record.
isExists(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
isExists(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
Check to see if an Order exists or not
isExists(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
isExists(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Check to see if an Order exists or not
isExistsAsParent(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
A quick check to see if the current node is a parent
isExistsAsParent(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
isExistsAsParent(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
isExistsAsParent(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
isExistsAsParent(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
isExistsAsParent(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
isExpandedState() - Method in class
isExpectSingleResult() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
isExpectSingleResult() - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
If true, query will return only one result, which will be returned without being wrapped in a List else return results in a List
isExpectSingleResult() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
One should use the LIMIT keyword in query when setting this to true.
isFailFast() - Method in class
Decides whether to continue with execution of code when a error occurs or simply throw the error
isFailFast() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
In failFast (true) mode, any failure will immediately break the chain and not look to carry on with the process.
isFailFast() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
isFailFast() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
isFailFast() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
isFailFast() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
isFieldType() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Can be a field or an other (like Attribute type)
isFileRef(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util
isFilterNulls() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
If false will NOT filter out nulls
isFilterOnlyIfExcluded() - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
If true will only filter whats in the JSONMarshaller.excludedFields.
isFlush() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
If true will flush the EntityManager
isFocussed() - Method in class
true : User focus is on particular/specific Item (now)
isFullPage() - Method in class
isGenerateArray() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
If true will generate an Array as an output instead of a List
isHaltOnJSError() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
If false will ignore JavaScript errors
isHash() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
isHidden() - Method in class
true: The Item exists in concept but is not show to the user.
isHypothetical() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Hypothetical facets are derived (read only) facets that cannot participate in the submission process.
They are NOT properties of the template entity.
isIdempotent() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.IdempotentAware
isIdempotent() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
By default if run changes will propogate
isIgnoreConnectionExceptions() - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
isIgnoreEntityFieldsInWhere() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
If true will Not add the Query entity fields to the WHERE clause
isIgnoreInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true it will only consider SpELTransformer.context as input to the Expression parser
isIgnoreNavigableNodeChildren() - Method in class
If true, will optimize by removing children of nodes that are navigable.
isIgnoreNulls() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
If true, will ignore any null values in the collection type input.
isIgnoreNullsForPrimitiveTypes() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true and a field is a primitive type, it will prevent updating the resultant object from un-wanted null values from a partial input object.
isIgnoreUnMappedFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
If true; the binding process will ignore any fields that are specified in the input form post and not mapped on server
isInclUnits() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
If true, for SizeDimensions will include units at the end else it wont.
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
isInitialized() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
Allow the calling API to determine if the reader has been initialized via RealTimeLineReader.init() or PostConstruct phase
If not RealTimeLineReader.init() should be called upon the instance.
isInitialized() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.writers.RealTimeWriter
Check if Writer is already Initialized
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
isInitialized() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
isInputAsTargetObject() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If true then MethodInvokingTransformer.targetObject will be ignored and the input will be assumed to be the target object.
isInputEqualsOperand() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() EqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the EqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
isInsert() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
If true, will insert
isInstantiationAuthorized(Class<T>) - Method in class
isInverse() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
If true then null result will produce true was TransformerToPredicate.evaluate(Object) result
isInverseMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
By default, the exceptions are the fields in the entity that are EXCLUDED.
In EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode, the exceptions list are the only ones included in the copy.
isJSON(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
isJSONArray(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
isJSONObject(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
isKeyFor(String, T, FlowStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
isKeyFor(String, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
isKeyFor(String, Shift<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
isKeyFor(String, U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
isKeyFor(String, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
isKeyFor(String, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
isLinkEncode() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
Encode URL
isLoadLeaves() - Method in class
isLockValid(LockStrategy.Lock) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
isLockValid(LockStrategy.Lock) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
While processing locks, check if a LockStrategy.Lock is valid or not @ the given instance of time By default a LockStrategy.Lock more than #minutesForLockExpire minutes is invalid.
isLogOnServer() - Method in class
If true will log the error on server
isMaintainContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true, will create a Context as a List of outputs generated by each transformer per mutually exclusive chain, including the original input as the first (0th index), element.
So for TransformerChain.chainOutput true, the context list will contain the first input and then every subsequent output produced in the chain.
isMenuItemsEqual(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class
For logic that needs to identify if a menu Item should be focussed on or not.
isMerge() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
If true it will Scan the entity object for existing changes in data model and merge the current field JSON with that.
JSON tends to be fluid with multiple attributes being re-used across or littered across form.
isMergeFieldMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true, will merge the fields from the Excel (override in case of conflict) with the existing field values else all the values for the entity will be afresh.
isMergeWithCurrentSessionUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
If true The form input are assumed to represent the user with the Current Web Session.
isModifyExistingCollection() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DeDupeFilterTransformer
If true will update / rearrange the input Collection
isModifyInstance() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
If true, attempt modification of the input Object
isModifyOriginal() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
If true, then the trim operation will be performed on the original List passed, else a copy will be returned.
isMultiCastConfigEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
isMultiCastConfigEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
isMultipleValues() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
If true will indicate that the values to the Map are a Collection and not a singular Object
If false the last value matching the id will be the value
isMutable(X, X, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
To modify or not modify the field in storedEntity.
isMutablePrimitive(X, String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
To modify or not modify a primitive field in storedEntity.
isMuteNullValuesInDims() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
If true will simply not show the part of a dimension that is null.
If false will show a 0.
isNameCharSetSafe(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
If true it will not attempt to make the name safe, if not then it will make the name safe.
This checks if the characters used are in safe character set (default defined by ProductNameTransformer.cleanup_regex_str
isNameDirty() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfiguration
isNative - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
Is the Query and related entities native.
This should be ideally set by an overriding class based on the types of DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer.relatedEntities it sets.
isNavigable() - Method in class
true indicates that if refId is available then one can navigate using this item.
isNavigatable() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
If the UI can be/will be available on a navigation.
Note a false value will still reverse-map it.
isNoArguments() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If the method name conflicts with another and we wish to invoke a No argument method then make this flag true
isNodeNavigable(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
isNodeNavigable(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
isNodeNavigable(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
isNodeNavigable(ProductReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
isNotificationEnabled() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
true if notifications enabled else false for global shut
isNotify() - Method in class
isNotifyOn(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Generic service method for notification on any action.
isNotifyOthers() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
Smart notifications > Ripple effect : If true means other people who are impacted by a status update of someone else will also be notified.
isNullToAmount() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
Convert a null input to an Amount object if true
isOpen() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
isOperandEqualsOperand2() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the operand Object#equals() ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand2 else Checks if the ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand2 Object#equals() operand
isOrder() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then order the file names in case an array is used
isOutputToString() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Convenience method to produce a String output that mentioned the recipients the mail was sent to.
isPackAsArray() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
isParamAsSingleInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If the input is a List of Collection and we wish to process it as a single parameter make this true OR wrap it in an Object Array.
isParamAsSingleInput() - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
If true, will take whole input to transformer as a single parameter and pass it in query.
isParamAsSingleInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
isParamsAdded() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
isPartialMatch() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
If true, and the input CONTAINTS the pattern then RegExCheckFilter.checkCriteria(Object) will stil return true
isPaused() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
isPaused() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
isPaused() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
isPaused() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
isPersist() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
If true will EntityManager.persist(Object) else will use EntityManager.merge(Object)
isPersist() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
If true will persist the reference graph
isPersistSessionCarts() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
If true, will persist session carts until they are cleared (On Action where cart is null or blank).
isPortIncrement() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
isPortIncrement() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
isPost() - Method in class
isPostponseLookup() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
If true, will throw a RequireLookAheadException instead of a null when an Entity is not found.
isPrefixRequired() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
If true will prefix the protocol and Server Host name to the WebURLGeneratorTransformer.baseUrlStr to ensure its an absolute path
isPreviewImages() - Method in class
If true will enable preview of images in the listing
isProcessFields() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
If true will Consider the core entity field definitions while preparing the MetaItem list for the Entity.
isProductAvailableToBeSold(P, U, String, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
The product is not for sale, if Product.getCurrentInventory() <= 0 or the Product.getRegularPrice() is 0 or null.
isProductAvailableToBeSold(P, U, String, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.SaleStrategy
Is Product available to be sold
isProoceedToOriginalInFailure() - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
If there is a failure in the adapter then only proceed to Original service
If true, will require ScriptableInterceptor.defaultService to exist (not null)
isQueryIsNative() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
isQueryIsNative() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
isReadable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isReadable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isReadable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isReadable() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
isRecognizeFullPathKeys() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
If true, it will also recognize property references that use <namespace>.<key> references.
isRecurse() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
If true, will recurse through sub-folders and drill down
isRecurse() - Method in class
isRecursive() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
isRelatedFieldAsList() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
If true will convert paths into one comma separated String or else it will be a List.
isRemoveNoSelectionOption() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
If true will remove default AbstractSingleSelectChoice.NO_SELECTION_VALUE option.
isRequestForAuthKeyValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
Check request for query param AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter.authKeyParamName.
By default will compare to a valid session id.
isRequestForSessionValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
Check if the request targeted to the Service, is bound to a valid session.
isRequestValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Check if the request is valid based on the user logged in, or authentication/authorized to use this service.
isRequestValid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
isResourceImageType(T) - Method in class
isResourceImageType(File) - Method in class
isResourceRelativeToWebContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
isResourceRelativeToWebContext() - Method in class
isRetainOriginalInputParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
If true will also add the original raw input params in the transformed output Map
isReturnAsList() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
By default will return a Map of namespace-key to value mapping
isReturnInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If true, the output of this instance will return the input (for chaining purposes)
isReturnMultiple() - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
If true and the input is a Collection then each element in the input Collection is a candidate for a separate UserNotification
isReturnNullOnException() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
If true return null as output for this transformer on an Exception rather than throw an Exception
isReturnNullOnException() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
If a property or value is not found should exceptions be allowed to propagate or mute and return null
isReturnNullOnException() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
isReverseNext() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
If true will observe all {next & current as --> current & previous}
isRevertPossible(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
isRevertPossible(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Is there a revert point to go back to for the given template
isRollOverOnSelect() - Method in class
If true, will Show rollover even on selection (not just focus)
isRollOverOnSelect() - Method in class
If true, will Show rollover even on selection (not just focus)
isRunAsynch() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
If true will send Asynchronously
isScanHierarchy() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
If true will scan the hierarchy for a value set for an entire category in AbstractStrategy.getRepresentativeProduct(Product, String)
isSecureURLUsingSalt() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Appends a parameter called salt.
isSelected() - Method in class
true : Item is part of the selected hierarchy
isSetValueInSameModel(FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
While saving if the value should be set back in the same model passed by the Entity (like CompoundPropertyModel or assigned a new Model
Also a FacetMeta an explicitly opt-out of being part of CompoundPropertyModel by setting FacetMeta.setAssignIndependentModel(Boolean) to false.
isSetValueInSameModel(FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
While saving if the value should be set back in the same model passed by the Entity (like CompoundPropertyModel or assigned a new Model
Also a FacetMeta an explicitly opt-out of being part of CompoundPropertyModel by setting FacetMeta.setAssignIndependentModel(Boolean) to false.
isShowProgressPercent() - Method in class
If false, will not show the number and only the message
isSingleThread() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
If true it will execute it as part of the original thread sequentially, but the process is still forked from original
isSingleton() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
isSingleton() - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
isSpecifyDims() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If true, will need the dimensions to be specified within the input
isSpecifyDims() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If true, will need the dimensions to be specified within the input
isSslSupportMandatory() - Method in class
isStatic(Field) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Check if a Field is static or not
isStatus() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.Response
true means success; false means failure.
isStrict() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
If strict then it will ensure the input matches the type and only that type and not any generalization (child) of it.
isStrict() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
Strict true means ==, else .equals() is applied on the input
isStrictTypeChecking() - Method in class
If true, will ensure JSONConfigBasedReader.type is exactly same as the Type CXF looks for
isStrictTypeChecking() - Method in class
If true, will ensure TransformerReader.type is exactly same as the Type CXF looks for
isStrictTypeChecking() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
Strict implies if an OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior is defined; and the actual type does not match expected then the native error will not be handled..
isSupplement() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
The FacetMeta supplements some other form/carrier and hence should be merged if there is a situation where multiple meta information are applicable.
isSupported(String, U, CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.CurrencyStrategy
Check if the currency specified is supported by the application for the given CONTEXT (or null).
isSupportInsecureSSL() - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
Connect to servers that have any SSL certificate
isSupportsVerifyOnly() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
Some processes may run as verification without committing or making changes.
isTagBody() - Method in class
If the Component is an open tag like TextArea that has a body; the {FormComponent.getValue() will automatically be set in the body then
isTestExpression() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true will self test expression on startup.
isThreadSafe() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
If true, ten for each thread a new context is provided
isThrowContinueOnStateChange() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
If true, if the input triggers a State change (based on the result of LastStateLatchTransformer.matches(Object)); then throw a ContinueProcessingException
Useful if we want to exclude the cause of the state change itself
isThrowException() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
If true the filter will reject the record by means of an Exception (not a BreakChainException), if being used as a Transformer then a ContinueProcessingException will be thrown if true
isThrowExceptionOnNull() - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
If no result is found it will throw an exception instead of returning a null
isTodayWithInCurrentCycle(Cycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
isToLower() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
If true will ensure all names are in lower case for consistency
isToLower() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
If true will ensure all names are in lower case for consistency
isTrackMultipleIndeces() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementIndexTransformer
If true, will return a Map with List of indeces for each element
isTransformInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
if true will apply the #transformer over the input rather than the property itself
isTransformInput() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
if true will apply the EntityPropertyTransformer.transformer over the input rather than the property itself
isTransientLost() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.TransientAwareModel
If returns true means all transient values were lost.
isTransientLost() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
isTrustEntityTimestamp() - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
If the entity has an update timestamp/date then should we trust that or assign the time of tracking when this code is called.
isUnique() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then file names are unique in case an array is used
isUpdateMode() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
If true will not modify and persist the collection, will rather read from the collection.
isUsePathAsParams() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
If true will assume to join /../../ in Path Style
isUser() - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
isValidOrPrimitiveFieldType(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
isValidOrPrimitiveFieldType(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
If primitive, String, Date or Calendar type, will return true
isValueAsList() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.ImmutableValueHashMap
isVerifyOnly() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
isVersioned() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.adminError
isWaitForProcessEnd() - Method in class
isWriteable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isWriteable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isWriteable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
isWriteable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in class
item - Variable in class
itemAdded(ItemEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
itemAdded(ItemEvent<EntryEvent<String, T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
itemRemoved(ItemEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
itemRemoved(ItemEvent<EntryEvent<String, T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
itemsSuppliers - Variable in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Collection of Suppliers that provide The items to be supplied for this channel
IterableElementCountTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
For a Iterable [B,A,C,A,A,B] return a Map of Count for each element as {B:2, A:3, C:1}
IterableElementCountTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementCountTransformer
IterableElementIndexTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
For a Iterable [B,A,C,B] return a Map of Position of the elements in the index {B:0, A:1, C:2}
If an Element is repeated and IterableElementIndexTransformer.trackMultipleIndeces is false; the last encountered index will be the one that is counted.
If IterableElementIndexTransformer.trackMultipleIndeces is true then [B,A,C,B] --> {B:[0,3], A:[1], C:[2]} will be returned

This works for any Iterable input however the order relies on assumption that the input has a consistent order.
IterableElementIndexTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementIndexTransformer
IterableToMapTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Based on a expected order of elements in IterableToMapTransformer.sequence; where each element can be mapped to a name in a map due to predictability of its order index.
IterableToMapTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
IterableToMapTransformer(String[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
iterateAndAddContentFacetsToPage(MarkupContainer, ContentDescriber, Collection<? extends FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
Iterates over the collection of ? extends FacetMetas and adds them using {@link #getComponentForFacet(ContentFacet)} to the {@link TemplatePage}.
iterateAndAddContentFacetsToPage(MarkupContainer, C, Collection<? extends FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
Iterates over the collection of ? extends ContentFacetMetas and adds them using {@link #getComponentForFacet(ContentFacet)} to the {@link TemplatePage}.
iterateAndAddFacetsToPage(MarkupContainer, M, Collection<? extends FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
Iterates over the collection of ? extends FacetMetas and adds them to the TemplatePanel.
iterator(int, int) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
iterator(int, int) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
iterator(int, int) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
Fetch records Note if first or count < 0 then it will not consider pagination and hence get all records
iterator(int, int) - Method in class
IUpdateService<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.service
Generic Query API


JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior - Class in
A Basic implementation of AbstractBehavior to write JavaScript variables.
JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior() - Constructor for class
JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
JavaScriptMapWriterBehavior(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class
join(T, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
Join results of type T
join(List, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListConcatTransformer
Join results of type T
join(Map, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapConcatTransformer
Join results of type T
join(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
Join results of type T
joinDelimet(T, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
In Join operations it maybe desired a delimeter is needed between joins of two JoinTransformer.processors in sequence.
joinDelimet(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
joinDelimet(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
JoinTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Joins multiple Transformers result as input in a Serial fashion (order of the List of Transformers provided)
If no processor is provided (null value); then the output is the same as input.
JoinTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
JoinTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
JPACallableStatementTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Call to a Stored procedure.
JPACallableStatementTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
JPAExecuteTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Fire any JPA DML and return the number of records affected.
JPAExecuteTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
JPAExecuteTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
JPAFeature - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
A Feature is like a Product
JPAFeature() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
JPAFeature(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
JPAFeature(JPAFeature) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
JPAFeature(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
JPAFeatureForOrganization - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
A Feature for an Organization
JPAFeatureForOrganization() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
JPAFeatureForOrganization(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
JPAFeatureForOrganization(JPAFeatureForOrganization) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
JPAFeatureForOrganization(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
JPAFlushTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Will flush and clear the EntityManager
JPAFlushTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
JPAPersistTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Simple EntityManager.persist(Object) and EntityManager.merge(Object) operations.
JPAPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
JPAPersistTransformer(EntityManager) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
JPAProductPackage - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
A Package is like an Order
JPAProductPackage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
JPAProductPackage(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
JPAProductPackage(JPAProductPackage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
JPAProductPackage(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
JPAQueryTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Fire any JPA Query and return the the fields as an Object[]; so the transformer itself will return List<Object[]>
Any params supplied will be applied sequentially in the input is an Object[] or a List.
JPAQueryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
JPAQueryTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
JPARestriction - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
JPARestriction() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPARestriction
JPARestriction(Restriction) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPARestriction
JPARestriction(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPARestriction
JPATier - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa
JPATier() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
JPATier(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
JPATier(ProductPackage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
JPATier(Tier) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
JSON - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
A JSON ContentType that describes the content.
JSON_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Format specifies the Array but in Json format; ideal for Array of Objects
JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class
JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class
JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class
jsonAuthTransformer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
JSONConfigBasedReader<T> - Class in
Use a Transformer to read the message body String and convert it into an Obeject
JSONConfigBasedReader() - Constructor for class
JSONConfigBasedReader(JsonConfig) - Constructor for class
JSONGridRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
A CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter that supports rows and columns to support JSON Maps

The corresponding HTML fragment in the EntityDetailsTemplatePanel type should be like:
JSONGridRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
JSONGridRenderAdapter(JSONGridRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
jsonify(Object) - Static method in class
Convert Message Map to a JSON
JSONMarshaller - Class in com.neurosys.utils
JSON Marshalling Object for a particular type of Object

JSON to Java, Sample usage:
JSONMarshaller(List<String>, Class, List<Class>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSONMarshaller(String[], Class, Class...) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSONMarshaller() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSONMarshaller(JsonConfig) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSONMarshaller(Class, Map<Class, JSONMarshaller>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
JSONMarshaller.DisplayDateFormatJsonBeanProcessor - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Standard Format is long and lousy : Convert to DomainUtils.DATE_FORMAT_DISPLAY
jsonMarsheller - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
jsonMarsheller - Static variable in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToJson
jsonMarsheller - Static variable in class com.neurosys.user.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
JsonQuery - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A Query specially used to address external query requests in JSON.
JsonQuery() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JsonQuery(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JsonQuery(String, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JsonQuery(String, String, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JsonQuery(String, Class, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JsonQuery(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
JSONRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Convenient JSON implementation for MapRenderAdapter
JSONRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
JSONRenderAdapter(JSONRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
JSONTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert JSON String/Object to an Object.
JSONTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
JSONTransformer(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer


keepCount(T, FlowStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.DefaultTokenNotificationTrackerService
keepCount(T, FlowStatus) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service.TokenNotificationTrackerService
Update and return latest count
Key() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
KEY_NAME - Static variable in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
The Salat parameter name
KeyAsSessionIdTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter.KeyAsSessionIdTransformer
KeyBasedSecurityFilter - Class in
For a given value of KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfIdentifier match if the provided value of KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfKey matches.
KeyBasedSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
keyGen(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
keyGen(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
keySet() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
kill() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
Kill a process
kill() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
kill() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
kill() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
kill() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
killProcess(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
Applicable when processing streams, if false then the stream processing will end and so will the lifecycle of the object


LABEL - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Display Label; Read Only
LANG - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
language - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
language - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
What is the language for the Region.
LAST_START_TIME - Static variable in class
Allow keeping track of when the instance was rebooted.
lastConnection - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveList
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
lastModified() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
lastName - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
LastStateLatchTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
If we have a List or Set of records that are delimited or separated by some logically identifiable variables then it is desireable to have a state-ful mechanism that can tell us what state does the current record belong in based on its delimited position.
| DELIM 1 | Rec1 | Rec2 | Rec3 | DELIM 2 | RecA | RecB | RecC |
LastStateLatchTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
lastStatusReason - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
What was the reason for the last status Update.
launchDate - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
For Search, ordering etc.
level - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
Define the level
see FeedbackMessage#INFO etc.
levelMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
levelpathMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
liberalEquals(Venue) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
Id or name matches
liberalEquals(Venue) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Id or name matches
LICENSE_EXPIRES - Static variable in class
LICENSE_ISSUER - Static variable in class
LICENSED_TO - Static variable in class
LicensedUsage - Class in
Ensured the product version if it requires licensing from manufacture carries the proper license and can be tracked.
LicensedUsage() - Constructor for class
LimitApproachingException - Exception in com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions
When a tracking service is tracking an a Limit is approaching.
LimitApproachingException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitApproachingException
LimitApproachingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitApproachingException
LimitApproachingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitApproachingException
LimitApproachingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitApproachingException
LimitedUserDetailsToJson - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers
Limit Data of User going out.
LimitedUserDetailsToJson() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
LimitedUserDetailsToJson - Class in com.neurosys.user.transformers
Limit Data of User going out.
LimitedUserDetailsToJson() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
LimitExceededException - Exception in com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions
When a tracking service is tracking an a Limit is Exceeded.
LimitExceededException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitExceededException
LimitExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitExceededException
LimitExceededException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitExceededException
LimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitExceededException
LimitException - Exception in com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions
LimitException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
LimitException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
LimitException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
LimitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
LimitReachedException - Exception in com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions
When a tracking service is tracking an a Limit is reached.
LimitReachedException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitReachedException
LimitReachedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitReachedException
LimitReachedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitReachedException
LimitReachedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitReachedException
LINK - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Link is same as , the only difference is a REF may have multiple aspects like the display of the link and the actual Action.
linkedRevNextIds - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
linkTokens(C, List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Re-Q / Move the tokens
linkTokens(C, List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Re-Q / Move the tokens
ListArrayTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert Array to a List and a List to an Array.
ListArrayTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListArrayTransformer
ListConcatTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Joins (merges) Lists or processors that result in a List, into a List in the order they are configured.
If an input is provided then that input is passed on in parallel to all processors.
ListConcatTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListConcatTransformer
ListConcatTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListConcatTransformer
listeners - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
listeners - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
listeners - Variable in class
listeners - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
listeners - Variable in class
listeners - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
ListeningProcess<PROCESS> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.process
A process that listens to other Processes
ListenItemOnHazelCast<T> - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
For items that are added to IList type structure

Code sample:
ListenItemOnHazelCast() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
ListenItemOnHazelCast(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
ListenItemOnHazelCast(HazelcastInstance, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast<T> - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
Listen for IMap events on HazelCast
ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast(HazelcastInstance, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
ListRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Renders a List from a data model (expected to be a List).
ListRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
ListRenderAdapter(ListRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
ListTrimTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convenience transformer to Remove elements from a List or Array by index.
ListTrimTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
ListTrimTransformer(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
ListViewTemplatePanel<T extends Template<TemplatePanel>,M extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel
Allow Dynamic content via Template to create the UI component for the template using a ListView
This is a ListView adaptation of TemplatePanel
ListViewTemplatePanel(String, IModel<M>, T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
load(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.IQueryService
load(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
load(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
load(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
load() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentDescriberModel
load() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentFacetModel
load() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
load() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.PublishableMarkupContentModel
load(Object, Class) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.GenericDao
In some situations the DAO represents an Interface or perhaps a parent of the actual Entity./ The exact type of the entity would have to be Supplied.
load(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.GenericDao
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
load(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
load(Collection<PromotionForUser>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
load(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
load(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
load(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
load(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
load(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Load an existing Order
load(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
Load by Promotion Name
load(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionService
Load the Transaction with the given Id
load(Object, Class) - Method in class
load(Object) - Method in class
load(Object, Class) - Method in class
load(Object) - Method in class
load(Long) - Method in class
load(Long) - Method in interface
load(WebApplication) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
Allows us to inject interesting strategies on our own WicketStuff MountPath Annotation
This is for situations of dynamic mount/load point generation and loading which may be assumed by the caller on the interface.
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
load(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
load(WebApplication) - Method in interface
Allows us to inject interesting strategies on our own WicketStuff MountPath Annotation
This is for situations of dynamic mount/load point generation and loading which may be assumed by the caller on the interface.
load(WebApplication) - Method in class
Allows us to inject interesting strategies on our own WicketStuff MountPath Annotation
This is for situations of dynamic mount/load point generation and loading which may be assumed by the caller on the interface.
load(WebApplication) - Method in class
Allows us to inject interesting strategies on our own WicketStuff MountPath Annotation
This is for situations of dynamic mount/load point generation and loading which may be assumed by the caller on the interface.
load(WebApplication) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
load(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
For a given user and attribute name load the UserAttribute
Note: UserAttributes have to have a unique attribute name and userId combination.
load(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
load(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Due to the abstract nature of User the actually entity class is not known to load the actual User object.
load(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
load(Object, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
load(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
loadArea(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa.LogisticsDaoImpl
loadArea(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.LogisticsDao
loadArea(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsService
loadArea(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsServiceImpl
loadByFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
loadByName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
loadContent(Long, Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
Load Content only with that facet
loadFacetArray(Long, String, Collection<Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
loadFacets(Long, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Fetch ContentFacet for specific types
loadHierarchy(T, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
loadHierarchy(ContentDescriber, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
loadHierarchy(C, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
loadHierarchy(String, Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
loadHierarchy(ProductReference, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Same as #loadHierarchy(Product, boolean), but supports ProductReference version
loadHierarchy(T, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
loadHierarchy(ProductReference, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
loadHierarchyFlat(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
Load list of nodes under the root in order of hierarchy but does not to a structural hierarchial conversion (Homogeneous list)
loadHierarchyFlat(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
loadHierarchyFlat(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
loadHierarchyFlat(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
loadHierarchyFlat(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
loadHierarchyFlat(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Queries the list as a flat list but does not to a structural hierarchical conversion (Homogeneous list)
loadLeaves - Variable in class
loadNav(String, Boolean, String) - Method in class
loadPage(Query<Audit>) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.dao.jpa.AuditDaoImpl
loadPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
loadPage(Query<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
See Implementation/Implementing Source Adapter for more details on how to construct the query.
loadPage(Query<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Simple define requirement attributes fir condition in the entity and additionally if LIKE / pattern match required on hierarchy then we can set the Related Arribute ContentDao#ATTRIB_HIERARCHY_STARTS_LIKE also.
loadPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
loadPage(Query) - Method in interface com.neurosys.multiorg.dao.MultiOrgDao
loadPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
loadPage(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Load data in paginated fashion.
loadPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
loadPage(Query<U>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Load data in paginated fashion.
loadPage(Query<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
loadPageRaw(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericQueryableDaoImpl
loadPageRaw(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
loadPageRaw(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
loadProduct(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
loadUserByUsername(String) - Method in class
loadUserByUsername(String) - Method in class
Locale - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Entity version of Locale (extend this and embed or make relation to), use wherever we need multiple values for each Locale.
Locale() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Locale(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Locale(Locale) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
Locale(Locale) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
LocaleDisplayable - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
When there are multiple Locales available; then return the Displayable.getDisplayName() corresponding to the Locale
A LocaleDisplayable will not guarantee a different value for each locale, value is always only one in most cases.
Localizable - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Allows an object to have a Locale value
locate(Class<?>, String, WebApplication) - Method in class
Will return the first found resource in order that gives a reference to the given path
locate(Class<?>, String, WebApplication) - Method in interface
Locate the page
locate(Class<?>, String, WebApplication) - Method in class
If it cannot the path then return null
locateMarkupPath(Class<?>, ServletContext, String) - Method in class
Locate the Markup for the component
locateMarkupPath(Class<?>, ServletContext, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageLocator
Locate the Markup for the component
locateResourceForProduct(T, String...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
A product may have associated resources; this tells us where one can find the resources for that product
locateResourceForProduct(T, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Get the configuration from the parent folder name and its parent.
location - Variable in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService.AdapterWrapper
locationResolver - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
LocationService<R> - Interface in com.neurosys.multiorg.service
Lock(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
One of the params should not be null.
LockException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.LockException
LockException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.LockException
LockException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.LockException
lockProductsForOrder(O, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
lockProductsForOrder(O, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Orders maintain referential integrity over Products that are used by them.
lockStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
LockStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
A Support strategy on how concurrent purchases will be handled using LockStrategy.Lock
SaleStrategy and OrderStrategy would be typical consumers of this Strategy; as opposed to other Strategies that find direct business use cases.
LockStrategy.Lock - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
An abstract concept for Locking some units
LockStrategy.LockException - Exception in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Exception regarding LockStrategy.Locks
lockUnitsForUser(P, U, String, Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
lockUnitsForUser(P, U, String, Number) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
During the purchase process allow the ability to lock away certain units for a User.
log - Static variable in class
log(int, SysLogProxy.SyslogSeverity, String, String, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy
login - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
login() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.login
login(BasicAuthPrincipal) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
loginAjax(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
login for AJAX Post style request.
LoginPanel<Principal> - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A Panel to represent simple basic Auth Login
LoginPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels.LoginPanel
LogisticsDao - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao
DAO for Logistics
LogisticsDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa
Default implementation for LogisticsDao
LogisticsDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa.LogisticsDaoImpl
LogisticsService - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service
Service for Logistics
logisticsService - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
If we wish to supply multiple payment Options then supply a LogisticsService
If null; only PaymentMethod.ONLINE_SERVICE_PROVIDER will be available.
LogisticsServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service
Default Logistics Service
LogisticsServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsServiceImpl
LogonChangeListener<T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.user.service
LogonChangeListener that ensures; user Organization(s) are also loaded on login.
LogonChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.user.service.LogonChangeListener
LogonChangeListener<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
ChangeListener that updates the AdminUser's #lastLogInDate or #lastLogOutDate properties when the UserService is notified of LogonChangeListener.EVENT_LOGIN and LogonChangeListener.EVENT_LOGOUT .
LogonChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
logout - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages
Logout Action
logout() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.logout
logout() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
LogTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Log the input to the logger and return the input unchanged.
Useful for debugging or intercepting Transformer, Lookup flows and Chains

If Logger.isDebugEnabled() then log will happen @ debug level or @ info level.
LogTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
LogTransformer(Logger) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
logValidationError(String, Amount, List<CartItem>, U, String, Collection<String>, EComSession, String, Throwable) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Lookup - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Support Lookups during the ETL Process; useful when mapping Fields
lookup(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
lookup(C, Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Lookup using custom query defined in a proxy Object in tokens that are #getReadyToBeProcessed(TokenContainer, Token).
lookupById - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
lookupById(C, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
lookupById(C, Object, Supplier<Query>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
lookupById(C, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Lookup token(s) in a token container, using any of the following identifiers.
lookupById(S, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Lookup token(s) in a token container, using any of the following identifiers.
lookupByName - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
lookupBySequence(C, Map<Number, T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
For each Number in the indeces, provide a Token, if it exists.
lookupBySequence(C, Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
lookupBySequence(C, Map<Number, T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
UPDATE a Map with multiple tokens by lookup-sequence number in tokens that are #getReadyToBeProcessed(TokenContainer, Token).
lookupBySequence(C, Number) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Lookup a token in a Container by sequence number in tokens that are #getReadyToBeProcessed(TokenContainer, Token).
lookupBySequence(S, Number) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Lookup a token in a Container by sequence number in tokens that are #getReadyToBeProcessed(TokenContainer, Token).
lookupCache(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
LookupChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Allow chaining of multiple Lookups
TransformerChain.isChainOutput() is ignored for this implementation, as lookup operations are sequential and the next depends on previous.
LookupChain() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
LookupChain(List<Lookup>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
LookupChain(Lookup) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
LookupMapper - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Mapper that uses a Lookup
LookupMapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.LookupMapper
LookupMapper(LookupMapper) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.LookupMapper
lookups(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService


mailbox - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
MailerService - Class in
A mailer service that can mail an email template based on
MailerService() - Constructor for class
MailerService - Class in com.neurosys.messenger
A MailerService more suited for ecom integration scenarios of using templates & ContentDescriber from CMS.
MailerService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.MailerService
mailSender - Variable in class
MailSenderTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.etl
For a given Content, using a MailSenderTransformer.mailerService and MailSenderTransformer.messageSettings; the Transformer will return the input for chaining if #outputTransformer is null
MailSenderTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
main(String...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
main(String...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
makePoppable(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
Provide a Poppable Link that calls javascript:popup('dialog-container') to invoke the JQuery Dialog.
makePoppable(String, Long, Long, FlowStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
Provide a Poppable Link that calls javascript:popup('dialog-container') to invoke the JQuery Dialog.
makePoppable(String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.PoppableReportResult
Simply provide a Poppable Link that calls javascript:popup('dialog-container') to invoke the JQuery Dialog.
makeResponseCachable(WebResponse) - Method in class
Make the wicket response cachable
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(T, T, Integer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
WARN : Code not written for multiple processes trying to get the Max for the same category; will lead to collision or possibly return of a number already alloted to another process
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(C, C, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(C, C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(T, T, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(T, T, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
makeSpaceForNodeInParent(T, T, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
makeTag(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.XMLUtils
makeTag(String, Object) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.XMLUtils
makeTag(String, String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.XMLUtils
ManagedAuthorizable - Interface in
Some Authorizables may want to specify what Authorizations they support and what they will not.
MapCleanTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Remove unnecessary elements from a Map.
MapCleanTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapCleanTransformer
MapConcatTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Joins multiple Maps or Map.Entrys in sequence (best as can supported by LinkedHashMap).
MapConcatTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapConcatTransformer
MapConcatTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapConcatTransformer
MapConfigurationSource<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Define a ConfigurationSource wrapper for accessing Maps and Properties
Each property is a Key with the namespace included in format <namespace>.key
MapConfigurationSource() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
MapConfigurationSource(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
Mapper<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Maps a column(s) to an entity column with some optional lookup or a Transformation process.
Mapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
Mapper(Mapper) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
MapperBehavior - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Mapper can exhibit multiple behaviors.
MapperChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Mapper to Chain different types of Chains in a List
Note: For the most; different types of Chain take in an Object and return an Object.
MapperChain(List<Chain>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperChain
MapperChain(MapperChain) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperChain
MapperMutate<T extends Mapper> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Allow an Override for a Mapper.
MapperMutate(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperMutate
MapRenderAdapter<M extends Map> - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Adapter to render a Map as a series of Key-Value inputsSelect (single or multi-select depends on the ContentType in MetaItem)
If the core input Object is not a Map then one should ensure that the core input type is converted to Map and back by setting CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.setModelTransformer(org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer) with a TwoWayTransformer
The list and sequence of fields used depends on #getLookup() if not MapRenderAdapter.entityTemplate is provided.
MapRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
MapRenderAdapter(MapRenderAdapter<M>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
MapRenderSubmitTransformer<M extends Map> - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
An optional Submit Transformer.
Because this MapRenderAdapter encapsulates inner components, this allowsTransformations on inner objects during a submission process.
MapRenderSubmitTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderSubmitTransformer
MapRenderSubmitTransformer(EntityTemplate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderSubmitTransformer
MapToCollectionTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert a Map's Entry values to a Collection
The order is determined by the order Map.entrySet() iterates.
By default the collection type is ArrayList
MapToCollectionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
MapToEntitiesTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
MapToEntitiesTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToEntitiesTransformer
MapTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Take a Map and apply Transformer that matches each Key.
MapTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
MapTransformer(Map<Object, Transformer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
MapValueLookupTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
For a key key-map (MapValueLookupTransformer.key) fetch the value using the input as a key OR For a passed in Map, lookup a Key
One can optionally apply a transformation on the looked up value or even a MapValueLookupTransformer.keyTransformer on the key to derive the final key value to do the lookup.
MapValueLookupTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
MapValueLookupTransformer(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
markComponentHidden(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
markComponentReadOnly(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
markComponentReadOnly(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
markComponentReadOnly(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
markComponentReadOnly(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
MarkDownToHTMLTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.markdown.etl
Converts input into MD (markDown) format and converts it to HTML.
Expects any of the following kinds of input: String ..
MarkDownToHTMLTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.markdown.etl.MarkDownToHTMLTransformer
MarkDownToHTMLTransformer(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.markdown.etl.MarkDownToHTMLTransformer
MarkErrorFieldBehavior<T> - Class in
This class defines a behavior so that in Feedback (on validation errors) individual fields can be marked by the markup provided by the this#getErrorMarkup()

It will append a class called field-error to the component with the error and will suffix HTML next to the field defined by MarkErrorFieldBehavior.getErrorTextMarkup()
MarkErrorFieldBehavior() - Constructor for class
MARKUP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Content that should not be escaped; and the markups have their literal meaning.
MARKUP_ATTRIB_ACTION - Static variable in class
Script to be executed after the click on the UI.
MARKUP_ATTRIB_ACTION - Static variable in class
Script to be executed after the click on the UI.
MARKUP_ATTRIB_PRE_ACTION - Static variable in class
Script to be executed before the click on the UI.
MARKUP_ATTRIB_PRE_ACTION - Static variable in class
Script to be executed before the click on the UI.
MARKUP_SCRIPT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
A Markup based Script, use for web.
MarkupContentModel<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
A Content Model; based on raw markup content (picked from data source).
MarkupContentModel(C, FacetMeta, ContentContext<C, CA, CF>, Map<String, List<String>>, GenericContentService<C, CA, CF>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
marshalToCollection(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience method to extract a collection type of Strings from a delimited String (, or ; or new line) and each returned token will be trimmed.
If the input is null then output is also null.
The list is appended is the string that is converted.
marshalToCollection(String, Collection, MarshalUtils.Transformer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience method to extract a collection type of Strings from a delimited String (, or ; or new line) and each returned token will be trimmed.
If the input is null then output is also null.
The list is appended is the string that is converted.
marshalToJSON(Object) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
marshalToList(String, MarshalUtils.Transformer<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience method to extract a list of Objects from a delimited String (, or ;) and each returned token will be trimmed.
If the input is null then output is also null.
marshalToList(String[], MarshalUtils.Transformer<T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convenience method to marshal array to Specific Type and each returned token will be trimmed.
If the input is null then output is also null.
marshalToString(Collection<?>, Character, MarshalUtils.Transformer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
For a not null Collection of String's it will return a comma separated String, with the elements optionally quited if the element is not null.
MarshalUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
For marshalling of strings, collections etc.
MarshalUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<V,T> - Class in com.neurosys.utils
MarshalUtils.Replacer - Class in com.neurosys.utils
use this to pass to regexReplace for implementing custom RegEx replacements.
It will allow the regexReplace to dynamically substitute the pattern matching RegEx with substitute(String) of this class.
MarshalUtils.Transformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.utils
matches(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
matches(String, boolean) - Method in class
matches(Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePanelPageMatcher
All panelFacetNames should be in pageFacetNames
matches(TemplatePage, Template) - Static method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePanelPageMatcher
matchKey(Function<K, Boolean>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.StoreHashMap
matchKey(Function<K, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.StoreMap
Find the Key that matches the keyQuery
matchRegEx - Variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Replacer
matchSubject(String) - Method in class
matchValue(Function<V, Boolean>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.StoreHashMap
matchValue(Function<V, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.StoreMap
Find the Key for a given value.
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
MAX_UNSIGNED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Menu - Class in
Represents a Menu
Menu(MenuItemState) - Constructor for class
menu - Variable in class
MenuHelper - Class in
Helper Methods that allow for convenient MenuItem & MenuItemState traversal.
MenuHelper() - Constructor for class
menuHelper - Variable in class
MenuItem<M extends MenuItem> - Class in
Represents a Generic Menu Item.
MenuItem() - Constructor for class
MenuItemComponent - Class in
MenuItemComponent(String, IModel<MenuItem>) - Constructor for class
MenuItemState - Class in
A MenuItem is simply a definition.
MenuItemState() - Constructor for class
MenuItemState(MenuItem) - Constructor for class
MenuItemToLinks<M extends MenuItem<M>,L extends FeedItem> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
Convert MenuItem to FeedItems
MenuItemToLinks() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.MenuItemToLinks
MenuItemToSiteMapItems<M extends MenuItem<M>> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl
MenuItemToSiteMapItems() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
MenuJSONTransformer - Class in
Converts a Menu or MenuItemState or MenuItem representation into JSONArray String
Format : [node, [children]] ; where children follow the same format to represent a nested hierarchy

For input that are MenuItemState or Menu type one can provide an optional param ignoreNavigableNodeChildren; which will ignore the path below the current node selection if it is selectable to optimize and reduce the tree.
MenuJSONTransformer() - Constructor for class
menuLogic - Variable in class
menuMap - Variable in class
Reverse mapping of MenuItem names to the actual Object
MenuPanel - Class in
Handles rendering of MenuItemState from a defined MenuItem (menu)
MenuPanel(String, IModel<Menu>) - Constructor for class
MERCHANT_ID - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
Setup Merchant Id
merge(M, M, Set<String>) - Method in class
Merge two MenuItem; merge the second hierarchy into the first (Fold Left operation).
merge(Map, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
merge(Object, Object, String[], Set<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Merge fields from one Object into the other, where the fieldNames is a white list
mergeCarts(S, String, Cart, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Some operations require sub-carts to be added/merged with an existing Cart.
mergeCarts(SESSION, String, Cart, Cart) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Some operations require sub-carts to be added/merged with an existing Cart.
mergeCellStyles(CellStyle, CellStyle) - Method in class
mergeCellStyles(CellStyle, CellStyle) - Method in class
CellStyle replaces another CellStyle.
mergeCollections(List, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Algorithm to merge Lists of existing values and new values.
mergeCollections(List, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Algorithm to merge Lists of existing values and new values.
MergeCols - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
During an ETL transformation merge multiple columns in a tuple, into a Map OR JSON (if MergeCols.transformer is a JSONTransformer.
MergeCols() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MergeCols
MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters
Filters an Excel Row that is a bunch of merged columns or the header row or is an Empty Row (Empty row is where all cells in the row are empty)
By default it assumes 0th row to be the Header and skips.
MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
mergeFieldMode - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true, will merge the fields from the source (override in case of conflict) with the existing field values else all the values for the entity will be afresh.
mergeFields(T, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Records from the new Source sheet maybe merged with existing values in store (current)
If mergeFieldMode is true, it will keep original values (where the looked-up one is null) and only override with the ones supplied by the looked-up one else except for the Identifier fields, other fields will all be overwritten.
MergeMenus<M extends MenuItem<M>> - Class in
Given multiple MenuItems hierarchies; perform a Merge on them.
MergeMenus() - Constructor for class
mergeWithCurrentSessionUser - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
If true The form input are assumed to represent the user with the Current Web Session.
message - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
Message<R,T> - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Any Message
MessageDeliveryAttributes - Class in
Details Regarding roles to store CloudWatch Logs of Message Deliveries
MessageDeliveryAttributes() - Constructor for class
MessageDeliveryAttributes(String) - Constructor for class
MessageDeliveryAttributes(MessageDeliveryAttributes) - Constructor for class
MessageDeliveryAttributes(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
messageId - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
MessagePart<T,C> - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Simple Data Structure to store content & type in free flow String format
MessagePart() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
MessagePart(T, C) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
MessageResponse<S> - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Specially useful for async.
messages - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Messages generated during the process
messages - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
MessageTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Class in
A BasicTokenEvent that also carries a message
MessageTokenEvent() - Constructor for class
MessageTokenEvent(String) - Constructor for class
MessageTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, String) - Constructor for class
MessageTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, T, String) - Constructor for class
MessageTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Collection<T>, String) - Constructor for class
MessageTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Supplier<Collection<T>>, String) - Constructor for class
MessageType - Enum in
META - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Information that describes content; but is never meant for actual display or UI processing.
metaData - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
JSON Object String, that can store many content level properties in one string.
metaData - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON Object String, that can store many facet related properties in one string.
MetaDataException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
An exception with a JSONObject (map) of fieldName and error value or message.
Note: Though a map it follows JSON convention; which means adding a null value will result in no key-pair.
MetaDataException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
MetaDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
MetaDataException(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
MetaDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
MetaDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
MetaItem - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
Meta Data to describe a field-value of Content for rendering purposes.
MetaItem(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
MetaItem(FacetMeta, Field) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
Merge Field & FacetMeta definitions into one MetaItem
MethodInvokingTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Spring MethodInvokingFactoryBean Transformer.
MethodInvokingTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
MethodInvokingTransformer(Class, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
MethodInvokingTransformer(Object, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
middleName - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
mimeType - Variable in class
Mime Type, example: application/pdf Note: be sure the mime type is valid if you set this as a validation may cause an exception on an unrecognized mime type.
MIN_BUFFER_SIZE - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
minSizeForCompression - Variable in class
MockTemplatePage<T extends Template<TemplatePage>> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages
Mock implementation for TemplatePage
MockTemplatePage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.MockTemplatePage
mode - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
Mode - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.common
Mode in which Readers and Mappers can execute
mode - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mode ; defaults to Mode.INSERT.
mode - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
mode - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
ModeAware - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Reader, Transformer or Mapper is aware of an update mode.
ModeAwareMapperBehavior - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
Allows a Mapper to be aware of the Mode and a convenient way for the Mapper to define the method for common YES / NO (Accept Mode or no), type operations based on Mode
ModeAwareMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
ModeAwareMapperBehavior(List<Mode>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
ModeAwareMapperInvoker - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Mappers that are aware and sensitive to Mode
Note: A ModeAwareMapperInvoker will only be responsive when called from a ModeAware
ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Persist a Product/Product(s) and return the Persisted Entity
ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Persist a Product/Product(s) and return the Persisted Entity
ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
model(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
model(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
model(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
model(T) - Method in class
ModelObject - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Any object that will experience Marshalling and unMarshalling from one medium to another over and above any Serialization needs.
ModelObject() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ModelObject
ModelObject(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ModelObject
To Support unmarshalling directly from any String data.
ModelObject(ModelObject) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.ModelObject
modelTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
An OPTIONAL Transformer or a TwoWayTransformer that knows how to Marshal the data model to presentation, and in the case of a TwoWayTransformer then back from presentation to Data model.
ModelWrapperTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.template.model.transformers
Wraps a/extracts Model Object to a IModel
ModelWrapperTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.transformers.ModelWrapperTransformer
modesSupported - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
What all modes does this Reader support
Default All defined in Mode
modesSupported - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
What all modes does this Reader support
Default All defined in Mode
modesSupported - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
What all modes does this Reader support
Default All defined in Mode
modify(Query<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
Override to implement any further modification to the Query.
modifyColumns(List<IColumn<?>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
modifyColumns(List<IColumn<?>>) - Method in class
Can add new coloumns (in addition to ID & Name), can drop also from pre defined columns list etc.
modifyNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode, T) - Method in class
Allow overriding and manipulating of a Node
Module - Class in com.neurosys.module.model
A convenient definition/constants of all the Modules in the site
Module() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
MODULE_EXTENSION - Variable in class
Any default extension to apply to the admin/module based site/pages defined by AppSettings.adminConfiguration module.ext
ModuleHelpers - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
Helper methods that can be used across modules
ModuleHelpers() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleHelpers
moduleName() - Method in class
moduleName() - Method in class
moduleName() - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IModuleAware
moduleName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
moduleName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
MODULESMAP_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
ModuleUI<T> - Class in com.neurosys.module.model
Represents any sort of Module UI that is useful to automatically link Module UI (face for a Module.
Any Module may have one or more ModuleUI.
ModuleUI() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
ModuleUI(Module) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
For Proxy mappins.
ModuleUI(T, Module, String[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
ModuleUI(T, Module, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
ModuleUIAutoNav - Class in com.neurosys.module.service
This service automatically converts all context-available ModuleUI's into MenuItem & AuthorizableMenuItems and adds them to the main adminMenu (Menu DataStructure) & adminPageMenuMap (Which page Item refers to which menu Item to determine current focused page/item) into the context.
ModuleUIAutoNav() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
In FHF, dates in format mm/yyyy are parsed as dd/mm/yyyy by adding 01 in them
MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer
MonthYearToStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
In FHF, this transformer is used to display date in MM/yyyy format during reverse ETL.
MonthYearToStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthYearToStringTransformer
morph(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EnumMorpher
morphDynaBeanToAuthTransformer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
morphQuery(Query) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryOptimizer
Allow compatibility with Query object.
morphQuery(Query) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
morphsTo() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EnumMorpher
mount(ContentDescriber, Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Mount a page so its accessible on the webite.
mount(C, Template) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Mount a page so its accessible on the webite.
mount(C, Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
Mount a page so its accessible on the webite.
MountModuleUI - Annotation Type in com.neurosys.module.model
Mark a WebPage as a WicketModuleUI and make the context aware that the page is an ModuleUI for a Module.
mountPathReLoader - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
MountPathReLoader<T> - Class in com.neurosys.content.service
It Creates mount paths and also updates mount-paths in application.
MountPathReLoader() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
MountUI - Annotation Type in
Mark a WebPage that is automatically Mounted by SiteApplication
move(T, T, Integer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
move(T, T, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.HierarchyService
Move a content under a parent.
move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Ensures the move as defined in super#move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber) is across Preview & Publish.
This operations will also update the passed node with the latest IHierarchialReference.getParentId() and IHierarchialReference.getHierarchy().
move(C, C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
move(T, T, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
move(T, T, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
move(T, T, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
move(C, List<T>, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
move(C, List<T>, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
There can be many ways to move / prioritize tokens this implementation will not be supported in the future. Each service will define its own moving strategy, and from that we may infer a common Move strategy in the future. For now rely on TokenContainerService.update(TokenContainer, List, TokenEvent) and the Token itself will contain details of where its being moved.
moveHierarchyOnly(Comment, Comment, Integer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentServiceImpl
moveHierarchyOnly(C, C, Integer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
moveHierarchyOnly(Post, Post, Integer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.service.PostServiceImpl
moveParent(C, C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
MULTI_LINE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Display Multi Line Label Label; Read Only
MULTI_SELECT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Field value should be a comma separated list of Strings
MultiAuthorizedStateFacetMeta - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
MultiAuthorizedStateFacetMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiAuthorizedStateFacetMeta
MultiCategoryLookup<T extends HierarchialDomainObject> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Searches for a category to match a criteria defined by MultiCategoryLookup.queryTransformer.
MultiCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
MultiMapConfigurationSource<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Not really in use
MultiMapConfigurationSource() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
MultiMapConfigurationSource(Map<String, Map<K, V>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
MultiOrgDao - Interface in com.neurosys.multiorg.dao
MultiOrgService<O extends Organization,V extends Venue,P extends PlaceRef> - Interface in com.neurosys.multiorg.service
Common services for multiple organizations
MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
MULTIPART_MIXED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
MULTIPART_RELATED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
MultipleGroovyScriptFactory - Class in com.neurosys.scribble.groovy
Does not need a default script in the constructor and does not respect about the cache any created object; unlike GroovyScriptFactory
MultipleGroovyScriptFactory() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
MultipleStatusTrackingProgression - Class in
A Progression that also keeps track of multiple Status
The additional Status Queue is not intended to be Serialized.
MultipleStatusTrackingProgression(int, Queue<Status>) - Constructor for class
MultipleStatusTrackingProgression(int, String, Queue<Status>) - Constructor for class
MultipleTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in
MultiPropertyModel<T> - Class in
A PropertyModel allows set multiple expressions (properties) in a model.
MultiPropertyModel(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Construct with a wrapped (IModel) or unwrapped (non-IModel) object and a property expression that works on the given model.
MultiPropertyModel(Object, String[]) - Constructor for class
Construct with a wrapped (IModel) or unwrapped (non-IModel) object and a property expressions[0] that works on the given model.
MultiStateFacetMeta<S> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
Based on the State present a different FacetMeta.
MultiStateFacetMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiStateFacetMeta
MultiTenantRecord - Interface in com.neurosys.saas.domain
A record that is to be isolated from the view of other tenant's
Mutate<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Mutates an object of type T, to merge its values into the input (parent) object and produce a resultant Object of type T.
The resultant object is implementation dependent if its an existing modified object or a clone modified.
Mutate.Mutation - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.common
myAccount - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages
myAccount(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.myAccount


name - Variable in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Unique (for a language/locale/variant & status) Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
The Name in facet is the same as refName
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
Name of Area / Locality
name - Variable in class
name() - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.domain.Priority
The name of the state
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
name - Variable in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
name() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
name() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowStatus
The name of the state
NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util
namePathMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Specific paths for specific #fieldName.
namespace - Variable in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
NAMESPACE_DELIM - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSource
NamespaceEntity - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Any entity that belongs within a namespace.
A namespaced entity, would have a name.
nameToProductCategoryTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
This can be derived from the dao also, but its a chance to implement a common cache/lookup strategy for fetching Categories for performance reasons
NavigationModule - Class in
NavigationModule() - Constructor for class
NavQueryService - Class in
Web Service Layer to Query Product Database
NavQueryService() - Constructor for class
NavQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class
nestedInit(Object, String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
(Optional) Map that allows to instantiate an object for a nested property in the main Entity.
nestedObjectInitMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
(Optional) Map that allows to instantiate an object for a nested property in the main Entity.
NeurosysOJPAEntityManagerFactory - Class in com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa
NeurosysOJPAEntityManagerFactory(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa.NeurosysOJPAEntityManagerFactory
newEmptyItem(String, int) - Method in class
Create a Item which represents an empty cell (there is no model for it in the DataProvider) Can be null if we do not want the empty cell added to the Grid at all.
newNodeComponent(String, IModel<Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel.ContentTree
newRequestCodingStrategy() - Method in class
newRequestCycleProcessor() - Method in class
newRowItem(String, int) - Method in class
Create a new Item which will hold a row.
newWebRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
NexmoAuthenticationDetails - Class in com.neurosys.nexmo.domain
Authentication details for Nexmo API
NexmoAuthenticationDetails() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.nexmo.domain.NexmoAuthenticationDetails
NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher - Class in com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer
BulkDispatcher to create a recorded voice call using Nexmo API.
NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher - Class in com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer
BulkDispatcher to create a text to speech call using Nexmo API.
NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
next() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
next() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Fetch only next Valid filtered record else it may/will return a RuntimeException
This method has been marked final by the public API, please refer to if you wish to override its functionality
next() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.RealTimeLineReader
Read line from Source, on Record construction complete return the Record.
next() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
NextNToNotifyBehavior - Class in
If not null then based on the QStrategy; notify next N.
NextNToNotifyBehavior(int) - Constructor for class
nextRecord() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
nextRecord() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
nextRecord() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Locates the position of the next Record based on BaseIterativeProcessor.nextRecord() of the active process.
nextRecord() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
nextRecord() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
NextTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Class in
A BasicTokenEvent that also factors in automation of next token(s) based on a post current action scenario described by NextTokenEvent.nextTokensAction.
NextTokenEvent() - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(String) - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(Transformer) - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Transformer) - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, T, Transformer) - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Collection<T>, Transformer) - Constructor for class
NextTokenEvent(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus, Supplier<Collection<T>>, Transformer) - Constructor for class
nextTupleResult() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
nextTupleResult() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.TupleContextAwareReader
Get the next Output entity but also return the original Input tuple that resulted in the Output.
NO_CACHE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
NO_CYCLE_JSON_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Prevents Recursive Data Structures
NO_FILES - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
A Predicate that filters out files; returns true if File is a File Type and false if its a Folder
NO_MAP_DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
This value if put in the BitsToStringTransformer.wordMap, will provide the corresponding value as Default for words/positions that are not mapped.
nonAssociatedMappers - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper that uses the tuple/Row to extract data to map to particular column
NonSerializableTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
NonSerializableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NonSerializableTransformer
NonSerializableTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NonSerializableTransformer
normalize(M) - Method in class
normalize(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
If not null then normalize (by default this means lowercase)'
normalizer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
normalizeTime(Calendar) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Set Hour, Min, sec, msec to 0
normalizeTime(Date) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Return a Date object with all time related fields normalized to 0.
NoSearchInternalErrorPage - Class in
Inspired by Internal Error shows up in Google Cache have created an abstract base class for internal error pages that will not be cached by Search Engines.
NoSearchInternalErrorPage() - Constructor for class
notes - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
User generated Notes about the content
nothing - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter
Nothing() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter.Nothing
Notification - Interface in com.neurosys.guid
A manifestation of GUID that can be communicated
notificationCountTracker - Variable in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
notificationHelper - Variable in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
NotificationsContainer<T extends UserNotification<?>> - Class in com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components
A container for UserNotifications that uses a CompoundPropertyModel over each "notification" Fragment

Sample HTML for component:
NotificationsContainer(String, List<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components.NotificationsContainer
NotificationsPanel<UserNo> - Class in com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components
NotificationsPanel(String, List<UserNotification<?>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.NotificationsPanel
NotificationTools - Class in
Contains list of functions to be used while sending Push Notification Create Platform Application
Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services
NotificationTools(AmazonSNS, PlatformDetails) - Constructor for class
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
notifyAllListeners(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
notifyAllListeners(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
notifyAllListeners(List<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
notifyAllListeners(Void) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
notifyAllListeners(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
notifyAllListeners(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
notifyAllListeners(List<String>, Promotion, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
Allow notifications using the coupon Id notation; notify all users of the Coupons about something.
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
notifyAllListeners(T) - Method in class
notifyAllListeners(T) - Method in interface
Whenever a node is selected/updated, it also notifies its listeners.
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
notifyAllListeners(CallEvent) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
notifyAllListeners(CallEvent) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
notifyAllListeners(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
Notify all listeners with updates to TokenEvent.
notifyAllListeners(Supplier<Collection<T>>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Convenience default method that allows basic mandatory actions like fetching all the tokens and apply AbstractTokenChangeGenerator.trackChange(Object) with asynchronous considerations
notifyAllListeners(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
notifyAllListeners(T) - Method in class
Whenever a node is selected, it also notifies its listeners.
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Whenever a node is selected, it also notifies its listeners.
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
notifyAllListeners(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
notifyChange(String, U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
Any change in User object, notify the change using the changed object
notifyChange(String, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
NullFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Filter nulls or empty values.
NullFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
nullFilterConfig - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
NullifyEmptyObjects - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
If there is an empty String, Map, Collection,JSON etc.
NullifyEmptyObjects() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NullifyEmptyObjects
NullToBooleanTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
NullToBooleanTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NullToBooleanTransformer
nullValueSupplier - Variable in class
Supply a default Null value
nullValueSupplier - Variable in class
Supply a default Null value
NUMBER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
NUMBER_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
NumberTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts a String to a Number; it extracts the number and cleans out characters.
Example: INR 4,000 = 4000.0, or 4,00$ = 400.0

If there are multiple numbers then the first one is picked up
You can set the Number Class Type also; or let NumberUtils.createNumber(String) decide the type
NumberTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
numEmailsPerBatch - Variable in class


ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert Object[] into an Entity.
Useful to convert raw data bindings from an OR result (Object[]) to an Entity.
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer(ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
Internally will AbstractEntityTransformer.setColumnFieldMapping(Map) using the field names.
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>, Map<Integer, Mapper>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
ObjectFieldValueTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Extracts the Field value of an Object.
ObjectFieldValueTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
ObjectListWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return ResultRows
ObjectListWriter() - Constructor for class
ObjectToArrayTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Package an Object in a Object[] array.
ObjectToArrayTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectToArrayTransformer
ObjectToJson - Class in
ObjectToJson() - Constructor for class
ObjectToListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Package an Object in a List.
ObjectToListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectToListTransformer
ObjectToRowReverseTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer that exports to an Array of Objects.
One can use UsesIntermediateObject (available via intermediateObjects Map), that refer to the input entity as "entity" and to the tuple being written as "tuple"
ObjectToRowReverseTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
ObjectToRowReverseTransformer(ObjectToRowReverseTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
ObjectToRowReverseTransformer(AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer<Object[], ?, T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory - Class in com.neurosys.odb.core.db
A wrapper class for Spring, that combines some API steps to open (in the process optional create) an Orient Database + Pool
ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory(String, String, String, String, ODatabaseType) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory(String, String, String, String, ODatabaseType, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
ODatabasePoolFactory - Class in com.neurosys.odb.core.db
A wrapper class for Spring, that combines some API steps to open (in the process optional create) an Orient Database + Pool
ODatabasePoolFactory(String, String, String, String, ODatabaseType, Map<OGlobalConfiguration, Object>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
ODatabasePoolFactory(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
ODatabasePoolFactory(String, String, String, String, ODatabaseType, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
ODBDetachTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.object.etl
ODB creates Lazy loaded objects connected to the DB.
ODBDetachTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
ODBExecuteTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.odb.document.etl
Transformer : Orientdb Execute transformer : Fire any OrientDb DML query to manipulate records and classes of ODB database.
ODBExecuteTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
ODBExecuteTransformer(ODBExecuteTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
ODBExecuteTransformer(String, OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
ODBPersistTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.document.etl
Object persisting Transformer

ODBPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
ODBPersistTransformer(ODBPersistTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
ODBPersistTransformer<E,T> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.object.etl
Object persisting Transformer

ODBPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
ODBPersistTransformer(ODBPersistTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.document.etl

Orientdb query transformer : Fire any OrientDb SQL query and return the records stored in database.
ODBQueryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(String, OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(ODBQueryTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer<E,T> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.etl
ODBQueryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(String, OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(ODBQueryTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer<E> - Class in com.neurosys.odb.object.etl
ODBQueryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(String, OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
ODBQueryTransformer(ODBQueryTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
of(T) - Static method in class com.neurosys.domain.ChainableWrapper
OK - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.Response
ON_SAVE_EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
The FacetMeta Requires a EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer to be called on, MetaItem, Object)
The value of this attribute is expected to be either a EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer or a Boolean value.
onAjaxClone(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
onAjaxConvertProductToCategory(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
onAjaxDelete(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
onAjaxDeleteHierarchy(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
onAjaxSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Called by the Ajax Save buttons
onAjaxUpdateRefresh(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
A callback hook for this component to update any components that maybe in the calling component
OnApplicationStartup - Annotation Type in
Annotation equivalent of IOnApplicationStartup; but this is at the method level and any method annotated with this will be called on startup with the options specified.

All beans that use this annotations must be available in the application Spring context.
Currently the annotation version does not bind context parameters like the pure interface does.
OnApplicationStartup.State - Enum in
onAuth(String) - Method in class
This is a overridable method, intended for any framework to extend and use in case of login.
onAuth(String) - Method in class
This is a overridable method, intended for any framework to extend and use in case of login.
onBatchEnd(int, List<InternetAddress>) - Method in class
After a batch is dispatched and any waits are oever
onBatchException(int, List<InternetAddress>, Exception) - Method in class
While batch processing if there is any Exception
onBatchStart(int, List<InternetAddress>) - Method in class
Before a batch is dispatched
onBeforeRender() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
onBeforeRender() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogNavigatorPanel
onBeforeRender() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
onBind() - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Object[]>, Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
onChange(ChangeGenerator, AbstractConfiguration) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
On selecting a Template from the listing/tree
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Void>, Void) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
onChange(ChangeGenerator<File>, File) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Object>, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartUpdateStockChangeListener
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Object[]>, Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
onChange(O, INVOICE) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Object[]>, Object[]) - Method in class
onChange(ProcessState, Process.Event, Process.EventPoint) - Method in class
For ETL Operations
onChange(ChangeGenerator, Object[]) - Method in class
For UI, Single record based interactions
onChange(ChangeGenerator, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Allow Strategies that are ChangeGenerators to modify the session via ContextualSession.setPartialContext(Object)
onChange(ProcessState, Process.Event, Process.EventPoint) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ListeningProcess
If this Process has registered with another Process, then this serves as a CallBack; where the calling process will pass the event details and itself to this method, so on the given change event the current process may now how to react.
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in interface
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<SynchronousFlowStatusChange<T, List<Status>>>, SynchronousFlowStatusChange<T, List<Status>>) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<T>, T) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<List<Post>>, List<Post>) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
onChange(ChangeGenerator<CE>, CE) - Method in class
onChange(ChangeGenerator<SupplierTokenEvent<T>>, SupplierTokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
onChange(ChangeGenerator<Object[]>, Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
onChange(ChangeGenerator, String, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.user.service.LogonChangeListener
onChange(ChangeGenerator, Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
onChange(ChangeGenerator, Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
If event type is "login" or "logout" and the user is an AdminUser, then the user is loaded up using UserDao, #lastLogInDate or #lastLogOutDate are updated and then saved.
onChange(ChangeGenerator, String, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.LogonChangeListener
Override this method for any further customizations

By default simply passes on the AdminUser.getLastLogInDate() and AdminUser.getLastLogOutDate() to the persisted entity.
onChange(ChangeGenerator, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
onChangeHandler(Process.Event, Process.EventPoint) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
onClick(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
onClick() - Method in class
onComplete() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
On Complete of all submission activities
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Ensure this Form action goes to HTTPS controller only
onComponentTag(Component, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(Component, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(Component, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
Define the Alternate text, Title and any additional content to the MenuItemState
One can add additional tags to the Component tag based on MenuItemState and its specific type.
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTag(ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream, ComponentTag) - Method in class
This only gets executed during rendering
onConfigure(Component) - Method in class
onDelete() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
When we want to change Order, only
onDelete(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
Override to define onDelete Action
onDenied(String) - Method in class
This is a overridable method, intended for any framework to extend and use in case the user cannot login and we want something custom intended.
onDenied(String) - Method in class
This is a overridable method, intended for any framework to extend and use in case the user cannot login and we want something custom intended.
onEdit(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
Override to define onEdit Action
OneLoadReader<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.readers
Reads some Data Source and returns a List
onEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Callback on creation/conversion of Entity from Tuple
onError(MessageTokenEvent<T>, T, Throwable) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
On error while sending notification
onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
Server handler code, that is executed after {@link this#getCallbackUrl(boolean) executes on client
onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
onEventFail(String, String, Exception) - Method in interface
When the process of validation completes this method is called.
onEventSuccess(String, String, R, String) - Method in interface
When the process of validation completes/success this method is called.
onEventSupplierGenEvents(Supplier<List<PE>>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class
onEventSupplierGenEvents(Supplier<List<MessageTokenEvent<T>>>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
onFail(AjaxRequestTarget, Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
onFinished(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
Override this method for custom action on finish of the task when progression.isDone() This could be cleaning up or hiding the ProgressBar for example.
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.collectionTypesAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor.SimpleEditorPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.inventoryAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CustomerDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DeliveryDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractForgotPasswordForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetails
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetailsAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userList
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DynamicConfigsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
onInitialize() - Method in interface
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize(List<T>) - Method in class
Initialize using some external list, liek a Search result or Authorized filetered list
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.DeleteUserForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserIdForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserStatusBitsForm
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ResetPasswordPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.myAccount
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserAttributesDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserPropertiesDetailsPanel
onInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels.VisitorDetailsPanel
Allow panel to be updated in Ajax situations (on re-Init)
OnlinePayment<T extends Transaction,O extends Order> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods
Online payments
onMailSend(int, List<InternetAddress>, long) - Method in class
Just after a batch is dispatched
onMetaProcessor(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Callback on post processing of the entity; output of ETLMeta.getEntityProcessor()
onMove(Long, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
When a Move operation is attempted, with a selected parent in the hierarchy; it also can handle ordering by virtue of the service method supporting it.
onMove(P, Product, Integer, IModel<P>, ProductService) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
When a Move operation is attempted, with a selected parent in the hierarchy; it also can handle ordering by virtue of the service method supporting it.
onNodeClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
onNodeLinkClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel.ContentTree
onNodeLinkClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentTreePanel
When a node is clicked in the Tree then this is called.
onNodeLinkClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
When a node is clicked in the Tree then this is called.
onNodeLinkClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
When a node is clicked in the Tree then this is called.
onNodeLinkClicked(Object, BaseTree, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel.ProductTree
onOrderComplete(O, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
When an Order is successfully Completed; then some actions should be taken.
onOrderComplete(O, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.OrderStrategy
When an Order is successfully Completed; then some actions should be taken.
onPublish() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components.CollectionTypesReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.catalog.admin.wicket.pages.components.InventoryReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.CustomerDataReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.PromotionReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
The target panel is set and added.
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.PoppableReportResult
onRecordClick(AjaxRequestTarget, String, Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components.VisitorDataReportResult
onRendered(Component) - Method in class
onReportChange(ReportResult, ReporterInput, IModel, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
Action on A report change selection on interface
onReSequence(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
When we want to change Order, only
onReSequence(P, Product, Integer, IModel<P>, ProductService) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
When we want to change Order, only
onResetFail(String, Exception) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword
Due to some reason the requested action to reset password for user with ud = userNameId failed.
onResetFail(String, Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
onResetSuccess(String, R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword
For a valid userNameId the password was successfully reset, allow other action to be taken on success status
onResetSuccess(String, R) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
onSave() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
Save regular fields
onSave() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.TemplateManagerForm
Save regular fields
onSave(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.OrderProcessStrategy
onSave(I) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.OrderProcessStrategy
onSearch(List<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
Updates the session with the Submitted Cart details
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
onSubmit(ReporterMeta<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.DeleteUserForm
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserIdForm
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserStatusBitsForm
onSubmit() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
helper implementation that will process the fields in this Container during Submit
onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget, Form<?>, List<FacetMeta>, List<Component>, List<ChangeListener<Object>>, List<Component>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
onSuccess(Object, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
onSuccess(MessageTokenEvent<T>, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
On notification successfully sent
onSynchChange(ChangeGenerator<TokenEvent<T>>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class
onSynchChange(ChangeGenerator<CE>, CE) - Method in class
To Override
onSynchChange(ChangeGenerator<SupplierTokenEvent<T>>, SupplierTokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
onTokenChange(SupplierTokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenEventSupplier
When a token changes (in any way and namely status), what else can it impact.
This represents the business logic that determines a response to the change.
onUnauthorizedInstantiation(Component) - Method in class
onUnPublish() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
optimize() - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If JPAQueryTransformer.queryOptimizer is set then optimize the #query.
optimizeOnLocale(String) - Static method in class
The first time the locator runs it searches through file names and suffixes Locale code and Country code (trial & error).
order - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
Order<I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Maintains details about an Order.
Order() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(Order) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Order(GenericEcomUser, PaymentContext, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
order - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then order the file names in case an array is used
OrderableByRef<R> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
An object that can be ordered by its OrderableByRef.getCurrentRef(), OrderableByRef.getNextRef() or OrderableByRef.getPreviousRef().

For example if Id is Long type; then OrderableByRef.getNextRef() can refer to the Id that will follow this, similarly OrderableByRef.getPreviousRef() will refer to the Id that is before/previous to this.
orderAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages
Order Admin Page

We can extend the Actions available by configuration by defining the following optional beans in Spring: orderListingExtraActions : Bulk actions for all Orders
orderAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
OrderByRefList<O extends OrderableByRef<Number>> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A list, when OrderableByRef types are added then they are automatically ordered in the correct order on Add

OrderByRefList(Collection<O>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
Add nodes from the Collection c, in the order of OrderableByRef.getNextRef() or OrderableByRef.getPreviousRef().
If no reference data exists then rely on natural order of the given collection.
OrderByRefList(Collection<O>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
Add nodes from the Collection c, in the order of OrderableByRef.getNextRef() or OrderableByRef.getPreviousRef().
If no reference data exists then rely on natural order of the given collection.
OrderDao<O extends Order> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa
OrderDaoImpl<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa
Order related DAO
Order queries can be complex; for most practical purposes the DAO will never fully suffice and hence not interface is provided.
Just a basic service provider with access to the EntityManager
OrderDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
OrderDaoImpl(Class<O>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa
OrderDetailsPanel<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display Order Details

The Panel relies on the following predefined bean services: ecomOrderService as OrderService productService as ProductService mailerService as MailerService (Optional) invoiceService as InvoiceService (Optional) invoiceEmailSettings as EmailMessage The Panel relies on the following defined beans for various parts: orderDetailsTemplate - defines core order fields as EntityTemplate orderItemReporter - Report for List of OrderItems in this Order as Reporter.
OrderDetailsPanel(String, IModel<Order>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
OrderDetailsTemplatePanel<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the Order Details template Panel are delegated to this
OrderDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<O>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<O, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsTemplatePanel
orderIdParamName - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
OrderItem<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Maintains details about an Order Item
OrderItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
OrderItem(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
OrderItem(OrderItem) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
OrderItem(Order, P, Amount, Double) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
OrderItem(Order, P, Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
OrderItemProductChangeListener - Class in
OrderItem.getProduct() enforces a nullable Ref-Integrity.
OrderItemProductChangeListener() - Constructor for class
OrderListWriter<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in
OrderListWriter() - Constructor for class
OrderPlacementException - Exception in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception
Describes the nature of Exception while placing an Order
OrderPlacementException(Order) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.OrderPlacementException
OrderPlacementException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.OrderPlacementException
OrderPlacementException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.OrderPlacementException
OrderProcessHelper<O extends Order<?>> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket
Some common Oreder processing activities and methods that are provided as Helpers in the context of Wicket Components / View Layer
Also ensure to check if the helper being called has any message resource needs from the container calling it.
OrderProcessHelper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
OrderProcessHelper(OrderStrategy, OrderService, PaymentOptionsStrategy, EcomUserDaoImpl<GuestUser>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
OrderProcessHelper(OrderStrategy, OrderService, EcomUserDaoImpl<GuestUser>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
OrderProcessStrategy<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
A hook to process and Order before, the actual process, post-order.
OrderQueryService<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer to Query Order Database
OrderQueryService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
OrderQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
OrderReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Order
OrderReportResult(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
OrderReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
OrderService<O extends Order<? extends I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Handle all requests related or Order management
This class will also generate Events (See implementation for specifics)
orderService - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
OrderStatus - Enum in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Status of the Order
OrderStrategy<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser,O extends Order<? extends I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Strategy for Order
OrderToJson<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in
Handle special parts of Product that need to be marshalled to String + remove/filter any unwanted attributes Convert Product to JSON & also specially handle the size attribute and marshal it to
OrderToJson() - Constructor for class
OrderToMapTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Converts an Order to a Map supports all the fields in the Order and additionally:
"shipping" as Address object TODO: Add unit test case
OrderToMapTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderToMapTransformer
orderTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
A Transformer that accepts a Order and can return a any Object back.
OrderURLGeneratorTransformer<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
A Transformer that accepts Order and produces a Payment Link for it.
This class does not validate if the link will result in a success if the user clicks it, that depends on App logic like the State of the Order etc thats usually present in an OrderChangeListener or ChangeListener hooked to ChangeGenerator.setListeners(java.util.List)

Note: A more secure version using a SALT can override this Class.
OrderURLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
OrderURLGeneratorTransformer(Class<Page>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
OrderViaEmail<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods
Payment Method : Order via Email (not really a payment method, allows users to Send a auto-populated email with their order and user details)
Uses a Publisher to publish an email using the following default DataMap that is provided to the Publisher.addContext(Map) user - IGenericEcomUser productQuantityMap - Map<P, count as Integer> shippingAddress - user.getAddress(Type.SHIPPING) billingAddress - user.getAddress(Type.BILLING) Note: You may modify OrderViaEmail.emailOrderpublisher after its populated by overriding OrderViaEmail.updatePublisher()
OrderViaEmail() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
OrderWriter<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in
User EntityJSONWriter directly
OrderWriter() - Constructor for class
ordinal() - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
ordinal() - Method in interface com.neurosys.workflow.domain.FlowStatus
The order in which the Flow proceeds represented by an integer
Organization - Class in com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
Represent any Organization (entity)
Organization() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
Organization(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
OrganizationAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
Attributes / Non re-curring features of an Organization
OrganizationAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationAttribute(OrganizationAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationAttribute(MorphDynaBean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationAttribute(String, String, Organization) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
OrganizationRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
This represents a Reference to an Organization
OrganizationRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.OrganizationRef
OrganizationRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.OrganizationRef
OrganizationRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.OrganizationRef
OrganizationRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.OrganizationRef
OrganizationRef(OrganizationRef) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.OrganizationRef
OrgFeature - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain
Represents the relation between the Organization and the Feature
OrgFeature() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
The output type of the Mapper is known, in case its a Lookup or a Transformer
OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
overlaps(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in class
Check if 2 Date Ranges Overlap
overlaps(DateRange, DateRange) - Method in interface
Check if 2 Date Ranges overlap
OverridableHashMap(Map, Map) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap
overridableMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
Override Mappers that are required to explicitly provide a Reverse Transformation process
overrideFinalQuery(String, Query) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Opportunity to override any thing in the final generated Query Query in the JPAQueryTransformer.transform(Object) process.
overrideFinalQuery(String, Query) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
Opportunity to override any thing in the final generated Query Query in the JPAQueryTransformer.transform(Object) process.
overrideFinalQueryWhenNoContext() - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer


packagingAmount - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on packaging quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
packagingStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
pad(String, int, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
padChar(String, int, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Pad chars infront of a String; useful for textual indentation scenarios
padZero(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Represent numebers as 01, 02, ...etc instead of 1,2,...
padZero(long, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
For a given length fixed, put in the number and pad the rest with 0's
padZero(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Default to 2 Digits (single padding)
Page<T> - Class in com.neurosys.pagination.domain
Represents a Page of Records
Page() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
Page(PageInfo) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
PAGE_ID - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PAGE_MODE_MOBILE - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PAGE_MODE_POPUP - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PAGE_NUM - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PAGE_PARAM - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
Prefer to Use PAGE_NAME or PAGE_ID instead
PAGE_PARENT - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
Parent Name

This page belongs to a parent in a flow.
PAGE_PARENT_ID - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
Just used for display; incase a product belongs to multiple Parents then this can be used to show which parent it belongs to.
PAGE_REFERRER - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
The page whoch referred this page; from where it came
PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
PAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PageIdentifier - Interface in com.neurosys.content.domain
Marker Class for the most, with support for a Page Name
PageIdentifiersToLinks<P extends PageIdentifier,L extends FeedItem> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
PageIdentifiersToLinks() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
PageInfo - Class in com.neurosys.pagination.domain
Generic Page info domain object
PageInfo() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
PageInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
PageInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
PageLocator - Class in
Locate pages/resources that map to application context.
PageLocator() - Constructor for class
PageLocator(String, String) - Constructor for class
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Get mount path location/name
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Get mount path location/name
Paths constructed here should be compatible with MountPathReLoader#getStaus(java.util.Map)
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
Get mount path location/name
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
Get mount path location/name
pageNameConstruct(Template, PageIdentifier, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
Get mount path location/name
Paths constructed here should be compatible with MountPathReLoader#getStaus(java.util.Map)
pagePath - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
A page path that will be applied as a Prefix.
If null then the page name itself will be the path from the root context.
PageToTemplate - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Derive a Template from its PageIdentifier
PageToTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
PageWriter - Class in
A JSON reader; for the WebServices that sends a PageInfo
PageWriter() - Constructor for class
paginate(Query, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
Create Page from the result
PARAM_CONTENT_ID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.documentViewerPopup
PARAM_FACET_ID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.documentViewerPopup
PARAM_INDEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
Value of the content Facet as String
PARAM_OID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
URL parameter identifier for Order
PARAM_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityParamQueryLookup
PARAM_UID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
URL parameter identifier for User
PARAM_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetails
PARAM_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetailsAdmin
PARAM_VALUE - Static variable in class
Value of the content Facet as String
paramAsSingleInput - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
If true, will take whole input to transformer as a single parameter and pass it in query.
params - Variable in class
use real arguments instead where possible. Only provided if we want to pre-configure some params or test
params - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Additional Params for the ETL Process
params - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
paramsAdded - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
ParamsAware - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
If the class is aware that it can accept parameters
ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Creates a Mapping of 'Param type class' representing the entity to the actual entities instance.
ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
parent() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Shell
Access to a parent (wrapped shell), unless there is no parent (null)
parent() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
Access to a parent (wrapped shell), unless there is no parent (null)
ParentCategoriesContainer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components
Code related to showing parent categories for a Product
ParentCategoriesContainer(String, IModel<P>, ProductService<Product>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
parentId - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
parentIdTransformer - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert the List of HierarchialDomainObject to a Comma separated Query consumable String of parent Ids
Usage :StringUtils.join(CollectionUtils.transformedCollection(List<HierarchialDomainObject>, this), ',')
parentTemplate - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
Ideally one would want to extend this Class from a Custom template so that all the template properties are inherited.
parseDateTime(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Convert String representation of Date/Time to Calendar.
parseDateTime(Calendar, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Convert Calendar to String.
parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Convert String representation of Date/Time to Calendar.
parseDateTime(Calendar) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Convert Calendar to String.
parseDateTimeForDisplay(Calendar) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
parseForSpecialTags(String) - Method in class
Part() - Constructor for class
partialAmount - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Amount the SubOrder is worth / Partial Payment Amount
PartialTransactionException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Some events/transactions like say a content Publish is a NON-Transactional event.
PartialTransactionException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
PartialTransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
PartialTransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
PartialTransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
password() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
PasswordChangeListener - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
Communicate any change in mail, based on even Model that is of structure : Object[]{userNameId, ResetPasswordResponse}
PasswordChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
pathDynamicKeyGenerator - Variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Use this to derive the dynamic aspect of the Path from the input type T, which is expected to not be null
Override to derive any value of choice
PathLocationResolver - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers
URL ContentLocationResolver locates published files from the local File System
based on the path on the web.
PathLocationResolver() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.PathLocationResolver
pathTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
For the given File/resource; derive the appropriate path to the resource
pattern - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PermaLinkTransformer
pause() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
Pause till resume
pause() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
pause() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
pause() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
paused - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
payload - Variable in exception com.neurosys.exception.Continue
payload - Variable in exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
payload - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
PayLoadException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Exception on a a Bean/PayLoad
PayLoadException(Object, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.PayLoadException
paymentContext - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
PaymentContext - Enum in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Was the payment full, discounted, etc.
paymentMethod - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
PaymentMethod - Enum in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Method of payment Card, cash etc
PaymentOption - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
PaymentOption(PaymentMethod, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
PaymentOptionsStrategy<O extends Order> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
What are the possible payment options for an Order
PDF - Static variable in class
PermaLinkTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
For a Given input String (content) (typically but not restricted to a AbstractAttribute.getValue() or even AbstractAttribute, it allows content to refer to Page URL's dynamically so that if the URL changes then automatically it will apply the change in URL to avoid broken links.
PermaLinkTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PermaLinkTransformer
persist() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentDescriberModel
persist() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentFacetModel
persist(TR) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
Due to overriding concerns the persist mechanism is separated out
persistMoves(C, List<Object[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
persistReference(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
Handle Persistence of the core Relation entity
persistReference(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
persistRelation(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
Handle Persistence of Relation type, Reference#setParent(Reference) or Reference.setRelated(List)
persistSessionCarts - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
If true, will persist session carts until they are cleared (On Action where cart is null or blank).
PersistTrackTransformer<E,TR extends Track> - Class in com.neurosys.track.transformers
PersistTrackTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
PersistTrackTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
PersonOrgRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
This represents references that can be a PersonRef or an OrganizationRef.
PersonOrgRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonOrgRef
PersonOrgRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonOrgRef
PersonOrgRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonOrgRef
PersonOrgRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonOrgRef
PersonOrgRef(PersonOrgRef) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonOrgRef
PersonRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
This represents all people that we maintain ref-integrity with other entities.
A Reference to a PersonRef can have Reference.getParent() as OrganizationRef and Reference.getRelated() as DesignationRef
PersonRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonRef
PersonRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonRef
PersonRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonRef
PersonRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonRef
PersonRef(PersonRef) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PersonRef
ping(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
A way the User-Agent / Browser can let the server know the user is active and update its last active state
ping(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
A way the User-Agent / Browser can let the server know the user is active and update its last active state
ping(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
A way the User-Agent / Browser can let the server know the user is active and update its last active state
PlaceRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Reference to a place , venue etc.
PlaceRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PlaceRef
PlaceRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PlaceRef
PlaceRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PlaceRef
PlaceRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PlaceRef
PlaceRef(PlaceRef) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PlaceRef
Platform - Enum in
Platforms Supported by Amazon SNS to send Push Notifications
Supported push notification services
PlatformDetails - Class in
Contains Amazon SNS Platform Specific Details which are dependent on the service used by Amazon SNS Server API Key is generated from Google API Project

Application Name refers to the Name of Amazon SNS Platform Application to be created

Platform Type refers to the service to be used for sending Push Notification by the Amazon SNS Service.
Supported push notification services

Message Attributes refers to the service specific details to be defined for the message

PlatformDetails(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes - Class in
Details Regarding roles to store CloudWatch Logs of Message Deliveries
PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes() - Constructor for class
PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes(String) - Constructor for class
PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes(PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes) - Constructor for class
PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
POINTER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Similar to thisContentType.REF, however while REF is usually a Data Item, that is fixed, a Pointer can point to a Shared Item like another Object reference (by Id, Sku etc).
PointRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Represents the Reference of a PlaceRef with GeoLocation of any Place.

WARN : A PointRef should not have the same reference name as any order place
PointRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
PointRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
PointRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
PointRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
PointRef(PlaceRef) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
POLICY_RES_LOCATION - Static variable in class
poll(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
Poll then next token READY to be served.
poll(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
poll(C, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
poll(C, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
poll(C, Integer, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
poll(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Poll then next token READY to be served.
poll(C, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Based on Last Token return next Token in TokenContainer.
This is for fail safe to ensure if a Token is lost in network errors, then the server knows last point of rollback.
poll(C, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
An optimized Poll with N number of Tokens in one go.
poll(C, Integer, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Based on Last Token return next set of Tokens (of size), in Shift.
This is for fail safe to ensure if a Token is lost in network errors, then the server knows last point of rollback.
poll(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Poll then next token READY to be served.
poll(S, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Based on Last Token return next Token in TokenContainer.
This is for fail safe to ensure if a Token is lost in network errors, then the server knows last point of rollback.
poll(S, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
An optimized Poll with N number of Tokens in one go.
poll(S, Integer, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Based on Last Token return next set of Tokens (of size), in Shift.
This is for fail safe to ensure if a Token is lost in network errors, then the server knows last point of rollback.
PoppableReportResult<T extends Serializable,RM extends ReporterMeta> - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
TODO: Shift to a base layer or Modules More advanced version of ReportResult which allows Ordering of Grid and opening a record from the Grid in a PopUp / Dedicated Record details Panel
PoppableReportResult(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.PoppableReportResult
PoppableReportResult(String, IModel<RM>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.PoppableReportResult
populateBulkButtonItem(IModel<P>, ListItem<FacetMeta>, Form) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Bulk buttons override option for more cool buttons.
populateBulkButtonItem(IModel<Collection<Long>>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
Bulk buttons override option for more cool buttons.
populateBulkButtonItem(IModel<Collection<Long>>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Bulk buttons override option for more cool buttons.
populateChild(ListItem<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
Can override further based on any custom rendering requirements
populateEmptyItem(Item<T>, int, int) - Method in class
Add component to an Item for which there is no model anymore and is shown in a cell.
populateExtraButtonItem(WebMarkupContainer, IModel<CF>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
Define Extra Buttons if needed by defining List of FacetMeta is Spring bean contentExtraActions & contentFacetExtraActions
populateExtraButtonItem(WebMarkupContainer, IModel<T>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
Define Extra Buttons if needed by defining List of FacetMeta is Spring bean contentExtraActions & contentFacetExtraActions
populateExtraButtonItem(WebMarkupContainer, IModel<ContentFacet>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.orderAdmin
Define Extra Buttons if needed by defining List of FacetMeta is Spring bean orderListingExtraActions
populateExtraButtonItem(WebMarkupContainer, IModel<Order>, ListItem<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
Define Extra Buttons if needed by defining List of FacetMeta is Spring bean orderExtraActions
populateFragmentForNotificationType(Class<T>, Fragment) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components.NotificationsContainer
By default cater to UserNotification type; put all data in DynamicFormField variables
populateItem(ListItem<PARAM_META>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
Populate Item.
populateItem(ListItem<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.wicket.components.NotificationsContainer
populateItem(Item<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.CatalogPanel
Populate an Item in the Catalog Grid
populateItem(ListItem<T>) - Method in class
populateItem(ListItem<T>) - Method in class
populateItem(WebMarkupContainer, CompoundPropertyModel) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
Model of the input data to the Component
If MapRenderAdapter.entityTemplate is provided then it will render a Dynamic EntityDetailsTemplatePanel; using Template.getReference().
Post - Class in com.neurosys.posts.domain
Blog Post
Post() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
Post(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
post - Variable in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.posts.domain
Describes a content Attribute.
PostAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostAttribute(PostAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostAttribute(String, String, Post) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
PostDao - Interface in com.neurosys.posts.dao
PostDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa
PostDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
PostDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels
PostDetailsPanel(String, IModel<Post>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostDetailsPanel
PostFacet - Class in com.neurosys.posts.domain
PostFacet() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
PostFacet(Post) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
PostFacet(Post, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
PostFacet(Post, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
PostFacet(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
PostListingPanel - Class in com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels
PostListingPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
PostListingReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Order
PostListingReportResult(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
PostListingReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
PostOrderProcessStrategy<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
A hook thats executed after saving/updating the Order
Could be a new or existing Order.
postponseLookup - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
If true, will throw a RequireLookAheadException instead of a null when an Entity is not found.
postsAuthorAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages
postsAuthorAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.postsAuthorAdmin
PostService - Interface in com.neurosys.posts.service
Service for Post
PostServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.posts.service
PostServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.service.PostServiceImpl
PostsSearchPanel - Class in com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels
PostsSearchPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostsSearchPanel
postSubmitActions() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
Sending notifications & refreshing various related panels etc after Submit.
PostTemplate<T> - Class in com.neurosys.posts.domain
Further sub-classification of Template type for possible filteration usage.
PostTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostTemplate
PostTemplateServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.template.service
Implementation of the TemplateService for Posts.
PostTemplateServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.service.PostTemplateServiceImpl
PreDefinedContextType - Enum in com.neurosys.cluzo.service
Pre-Defined Context Types, if caller does not want or know to customize things.
predicate - Variable in class
An optional Predicate that can filter events before they reach the ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.transformer.
If null then no filteration will apply.
PredicateLinkedTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
If the Predicate or PredicateLinkedTransformer.evaluate(Object) returns true then only the Transformer is executed
PredicateLinkedTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
PrefixSuffixTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
PrefixSuffixTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
preInitialize() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
preInitialize() - Method in class
ResourceManagerPanel.onInitialize() calles super.onInitialize and some other methods.
PreOrderProcessStrategy<T extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy
A hook thats executed before saving/updating the Order.
prepareCSV(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert a raw record to a format acceptable for CSV output
prepareNewProduct(T, Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Prepares a new product entity for sequence, hierarchy etc based on the parent set
Persistence depends on the implementation.
prepareNewProduct(T, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Prepares a new product entity for sequence, hierarchy etc based on the parent set
Persistence depends on the implementation.
preProcess(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
For Absolute URL's we can determine the genuine host name (or pick from config) and sanitize those out from the input.
preProcessNotificationEvents(List<MessageTokenEvent<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
Opportunity to update tokens with things like missing contact Consumer data etc.
PREVIEW - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IPageParams
PREVIEW_BASE_URL - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
A String or a Transformer that accepts PageIdentifier to generate a URL
Price - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain
A convenient representation of all price variables
Price() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
Price(Double, Double, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
principal - Variable in class
Principal - Interface in
Principal for authentication
PrincipalRequestWrapper - Class in
We cannot directly set things in the Request, do wrap it and pass the wrapped object down the filter.
PrincipalRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest, Principal) - Constructor for class
printCatHierarchy(String[]) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
priority - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
Priority - Interface in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
process(O) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.COD
process(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.DefaultCODImpl
process(E, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
process(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
Override this method if we wish to persist it or do something with it within
Process - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.process
Marks any activity that is an ETL Process
process(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Add properties from the Map and marshal them to the client using the menu adapter.
process(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Process.Event - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.process
Process.EventPoint - Enum in com.neurosys.etl.process
ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer<C extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.collection.transformers
Process a Collection and check if its Product.BIT_MASKS is not Product.BIT_MASKS.DISABLED and then if the collection is private or not.
ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
processAnnotation(Annotation, Class<WebPage>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.service.AutoDetectModuleMountPoints
processAnnotation(Annotation, Class<WebPage>) - Method in class
processArrayValue(Object, JsonConfig) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller.DisplayDateFormatJsonBeanProcessor
processBatch(List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.BufferSplitter
Callback on the batch created as a result of this process
processBatch(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
Callback on the batch created as a result of this process
processBatch(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
Callback on the batch created as a result of this process
processContext(O, Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
processContext(O, Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
Can process order to derive other intermediate context variables and put them in the context Map.
processElement(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
ProcessFieldMapperBehavior<E,V> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
@see SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
ProcessFieldMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
ProcessFieldMapperBehavior(List<Mode>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
processGeneratedEntity(T, AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, ETLMeta, ETLRunnerOptions) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Process the final Entity produced from the ETL Process.
This is a convenient way to simply provide Transformer based processing over input/reader produced output as AbstractReader are not required at times.
processGeneratedEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
Process the final Entity produced from the ETL Process.
This is a convenient way to simply provide Transformer based processing over input/reader produced output as AbstractReader are not required at times.
processInvalidQuery(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
processInvalidQuery(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
processInvalidQuery(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
processItem(P, MetaItem, Component, User, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
processItem(T, MetaItem, COMPONENT, User, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
processItem(T, MetaItem, Component, User, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
processItem(T, MetaItem, Component, User, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter
processItem(T, MetaItem, Component, User, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
processItemList(MarkupContainer, M, List<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
processItemList(MarkupContainer, M, List<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
A list sorting, pre-processing, filtering etc can be performed here.
processNameValue(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
Used by WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter.processParams(Data)
In the case of File matching, if the value is not a ref to a file, ignore else Match it against the RegEx
processNameValue(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
processNum(Number, String, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Simple Number processing utility to convert Numbers to Strings
processObjectValue(String, Object, JsonConfig) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller.DisplayDateFormatJsonBeanProcessor
processOrderItem(I, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Customize OrderItem data based on properties
processOriginalMapperValue(Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
Mapper is from AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.tupleToEntityTransformer then do not apply any Transformations as they are opposite of whats required, other than any TwoWayTransformation process.
processOriginalMapperValue(Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
Default Processing
processors - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
List of processor Transformers or type T (direct result), objects
processOverrideMapperValue(Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
Mapper an override (an Override implies this instance) and any Transformers provided in it are intended for this process.
processParams(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
If there are param pairs then process them pair wise
processSessionOnLogin(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Opportunity to process, override session on login.
processSessionOnLogin(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
Opportunity to process, override session on login.
processSessionOnLogin(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Opportunity to process, override session on login.
processSpecialTags(WicketExtendInput, MarkupContainer) - Method in class
processState - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
ProcessState<P extends Process,B,T,F> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.process
A process state defines the exact state of a process where it is in terms of: Process that owns the state Current Batch/Buffer (if applicable/loaded) Tuple/Node (if loaded) Property/Field (if loaded)
ProcessState(P) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
processStaticPage(MarkupContainer, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.components.wrappers.CacheableGenericStaticPageWrapper
processStaticPage(MarkupContainer, String) - Method in class
processStaticRequests(MarkupContainer, String) - Method in class
processSubmit(P, Form<P>, P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Intended for processing of the part of the data thats generated by this panel only.
Elements belonging to this panel must update the product object based on input from the Form.
processSubmit(T, Form<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Intended for processing of the part of the data thats generated by this panel only.
Elements belonging to this panel must update the modelObject based on input from the Form.
processSubmit(MetaItem, Component, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Call on submit of component.
processSubmit(MetaItem, Component, Object, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
Call on submit of component.
processThumbnailLink(T, GenericLink, String, Float) - Method in class
processUnprocessedRows() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
processValue(Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Process field data for Chains, Transformers, Predicate filters etc
processValue(Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
Process field data for Chains, Transformers, Predicate filters etc

Check if Mapper is an override from this instance or used from AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.tupleToEntityTransformer and call the respective processor.
processValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
Process the output for a Job step.
Product - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain
An E-Com extended version of the Product
Product() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Product(Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Product(ProductReference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Product - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Master Object for Product
An entity with a default Inheritance.strategy() as InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE and a default DiscriminatorValue default
Product() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Product(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Product(Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Product(ProductReference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Product.BIT_MASKS - Enum in com.neurosys.products.domain
PRODUCT_LOOKUP_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.lookups.CacheLookups
Cache for looking up Categories, top level Products that are called often in the project
On save the cache is updated (ideally, check admin code

Key: Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getParentId() or Product.getName()
PRODUCT_LOOKUP_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Cache for looking up Categories, top level Products that are called often in the project
On save the cache is updated (ideally, check admin code

Key: Product.getId() or HierarchialDomainObject.getParentId() or Product.getName()
PRODUCT_NAME_CLEAN_REGEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
PRODUCT_NAME_CLEAN_REGEX - Static variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
PRODUCT_SEARCH_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.lookups.CacheLookups
Cache results of recently Search results.
For instance Home page default catalog results etc.
PRODUCT_SEARCH_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Cache results of recently Search results.
For instance Home page default catalog results etc.
ProductAlias - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
A mapping to allow a Product to belong to multiple Categories (under different parents) with alternate properties for that mapping if required.
ProductAlias() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
ProductAlias(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
ProductAlias(ProductAlias) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
ProductAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Describes a product Attribute.
ProductAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
ProductAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
ProductAttribute(ProductAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
ProductAttribute(String, String, Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
ProductAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
ProductCatalogPanel - Class in com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels
Clunky structure! Get rid off.
ProductCatalogPanel(String, IModel<ProductSortableDataProvider>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.wicket.panels.ProductCatalogPanel
ProductCategoryLookup<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Lookup Wrapping for com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup so it can be used in Chains and Mappers easily.
ProductCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup(EntityManager) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Lookup Wrapping for com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup so it can be used in Chains and Mappers easily.
ProductCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.lookup
Lookup a Category to get Category Product by using any unique field in it
It also caches the result
ProductCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup(EntityManager) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
ProductCategoryLookup(ProductService<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
- Service, Not really used anymore
ProductCategoryPanel - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A Product specific implementation for CategoryPanel
ProductCategoryPanel(String, IModel<ProductReference>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
ProductCategoryPanel.ProductTree - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
ProductCategoryTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Converts a Product to a Category
A category has following main characteristics: Has Children : The adapter will insert a dummy record if it has no children already
ProductCategoryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
ProductCategoryTransformer(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
ProductContextUtils<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
A bunch of ContextUtils that help in deriving Catalog module related Context / configurations and customizations

Note: Since this class relies on Spring Context, any call to its members should happen only after bootstrap
ProductContextUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
ProductDao<T extends Product> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao
E-Commerce extension to regular DAO.
ProductDao<T extends Product> - Interface in com.neurosys.products.dao
DAO for Product related data model
ProductDaoImpl<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa
E-Com implementation of ProductDao
ProductDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
ProductDaoImpl(Class<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
ProductDaoImpl<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa
Default MySQL-JPA implementation for ProductDao

Even though written with JPA there are some slight My-SQL bindings like case name of entity/table etc.
ProductDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
ProductDaoImpl(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
productDetails<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
Fetch a Product and display it by id or any valid Product attribute name as parameter FIXME : Feedback messages from ProductDetailsPanel not coming !
productDetails() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.productDetails
ProductDetailsPanel<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
This panel represents all the details of the Product to View & Update (and maybe delete)
ProductDetailsPanel(String, IModel<Product>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
ProductDetailsPanel.ThisUIOperation - Enum in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Represents the dynamically generated Panel for Product and used by/embedded on ProductDetailsPanel
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<P>, Template, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<P, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<P>, ProductTemplate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
productFetch - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
Convert a Product Id to a Product
ProductIndexSearch<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
A Service API wrapper for Indexing and Searching Product
TODO: Map Attributes for indexing without DUPLICATING the row data in the query

Will search across all searchable fields (defined in search config)
ProductIndexSearch() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
productListCalcs(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
A JSON object that contains all data from various strategies available to this service; over the Products in the Session-Cart
ProductListingPanel<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
List all the products for a given root category
Note: The DataTable is made a listener to the TemplateSearchParams

Looks for additional beans on Spring context: adminConfiguration : site.admin.catalog.list.fields.
Example property value = -id,-hierarchy,sku,state,longDisplayName:Title of Product.
ProductListingPanel(String, IModel<ProductReference>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
ProductListWriter - Class in
ProductListWriter() - Constructor for class
ProductLookupService<P extends Product> - Interface in com.neurosys.products.lookup
Common operations on Product Lookup
ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Define a EditorAjaxSaveBehavior for Product related MetaItem type data.
ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior(String, String, String, Component, Map<String, String[]>, Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
Create behavior to allow to Save data.
ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior(String, String, String, Component, Map<String, String[]>, Object...) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
ProductMultiCategoryLookup<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
This was the original CatgegoryLookup, however its query is sloppy and specific. Simply use MultiCategoryLookup with a Tramsformer defined to run the Query
ProductMultiCategoryLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductMultiCategoryLookup
ProductNameTransformer<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Product Name has some restrictions like being unique etc, it cannot be always what is supplied raw; so it is combines with the Product.getProductCode() to ensure it is unique.
ProductNameTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductNameTransformer
ProductNameTransformer<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Product Name has some restrictions like being unique etc, it cannot be always what is supplied raw; so it is combines with the Product.getProductCode() to ensure it is unique.
ProductNameTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
ProductPackage<F extends Feature> - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
A Package is like an Order
ProductPackage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
ProductPackage(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
ProductPackage(ProductPackage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
ProductPackage(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
ProductPageNavigableTransformer<T extends IProductReference> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.service
Takes a HierarchialDomainObject or Object[name,hierarchy,...] or String[name,hierarchy,...] and gives a corresponding Path as output
The #getLevelpathMap() uses some more Special Keys, in the order of precedence:
Any Sellable product (has SKU) = -4 Any Non-Sellable (not have SKU) product = -3 Any Actual product (has a product Code) = -2 Any Category or Product (any level) = -1 Default path is defined by key = 0 (as in parent class)
ProductPageNavigableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.service.ProductPageNavigableTransformer
ProductPageNavigableTransformer<T extends IProductReference> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
Wrapper code for HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer; for future to add anything Product specific
ProductPageNavigableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductPageNavigableTransformer
ProductPagePathTransformer<T extends IProductReference> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.service
Takes a HierarchialDomainObject or Object[name,hierarchy,...] or String[name,hierarchy,...] and gives a corresponding Path as output
The HierarchicalPagePathTransformer.getLevelpathMap() uses some more Special Keys, in the order of precedence:
Any Sellable product (has SKU) = -4 Any Non-Sellable (not have SKU) product = -3 Any Actual product (has a product Code) = -2 Any Category or Product (any level) = -1 Default path is defined by key = 0 (as in parent class)
ProductPagePathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.service.ProductPagePathTransformer
ProductPagePathTransformer<T extends IProductReference> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
Wrapper code for HierarchicalPagePathTransformer; for future to add anything Product specific
ProductPagePathTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductPagePathTransformer
ProductPersistTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Persist a Product/Product(s) and return the Persisted Entity
ProductPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
ProductPersistTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Persist a Product/Product(s) and return the Persisted Entity
ProductPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
ProductQueryService - Class in com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer to Query Product Database
ProductQueryService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
ProductQueryService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
ProductReference - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain
ProductReference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.ProductReference
ProductReference - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
A light weight Object that would be used to pass back n forth the UI (specially in AJAX), to allow passing a complete reference of the Product (without other details).
ProductReference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
ProductSearchInputTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A Generic input search panel for Products
ProductSearchInputTemplatePanel(String, IModel<Object[]>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<Object[], IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductSearchInputTemplatePanel
productService - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
productService - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
productService - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
ProductService<T extends Product> - Interface in com.neurosys.products.service
Added service methods over basic DAO ones
ProductServiceImpl<T extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
Added service methods over basic DAO ones
This class will also generate Event with are Object[]

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Object[]{"before-delete", Product} Object[]{"before-delete", id as Long} Object[]{"before-deletes", ids as List of Long} Object[]{"after-delete", Product} Object[]{"after-delete", id as Long} Object[]{"save", Product} Object[]{"new-product", product} Object[]{"save-attribute", ProductAttribute} Object[]{"move", Product node, Product parent, Integer sequence} Object[]{"before-delete-sub-hierarchy", category as Product} Object[]{"after-delete-sub-hierarchy", category as Product} Object[]{"make-space-parent-node", Product node, Product parent, Integer sequence}
ProductServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
productsInSetOfIds(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
ProductSortableDataProvider<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.products.wicket.model
ProductSortableDataProvider() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
ProductSortableDataProvider(ProductDao<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
ProductTemplate<REF> - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Markup associated with Products.
ProductTemplate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductTemplate
ProductTemplate(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductTemplate
ProductTemplate(ProductTemplate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductTemplate
ProductTemplateServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.products.service
ProductTemplateServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductTemplateServiceImpl
ProductToJson<P extends Product> - Class in
Handle special parts of Product that need to be marshalled to String + remove/filter any unwanted attributes Convert Product to JSON & also specially handle the size attribute and marshal it to
ProductToJson() - Constructor for class
productTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
A Transformer that accepts a Product and can return a any Object back.
ProductTree(String, TreeModel) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel.ProductTree
ProductURLGeneratorTransformer<P extends Product> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A Transformer that accepts Product Id/sku or any identifier that ProductURLGeneratorTransformer.productFetch accepts or Product and produces a Link for it.

The ProductURLGeneratorTransformer.idParamName part of the URL is encoded in UTF-8 TODO: Add Unit test case
ProductURLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
ProductURLGeneratorTransformer(Class<Page>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
ProductURLGeneratorTransformer(ProductURLGeneratorTransformer, ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
Allow to create a submit transformer from a ReadOnly (display) version or visa versa.
ProductWriter - Class in
User EntityJSONWriter directly
ProductWriter() - Constructor for class
Progress - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Current Progress
Progress(Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Progress
ProgressBar - Class in
The ProgressBar component displays a horizontal progress bar that is updatable via AJAX and displays the progress of some task.
ProgressBar(String, ProgressionModel) - Constructor for class
progressCallback(int, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Progression - Class in
The progress of a task is encapsulated as a Progression value object.
Progression(int) - Constructor for class
Create a new Progression value object from a percentage progress value.
Progression(int, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new Progression value object from a percentage progress value and a message describing the current task
ProgressionModel - Class in
Typed model that returns the current progress for the ProgressBar component.
ProgressionModel() - Constructor for class
ProgressMonitor - Class in
Panel for a Progress bar with feedback
ProgressMonitor(String, Progression) - Constructor for class
Promotion - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Define any promotions or discounts
Promotion() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Promotion(Promotion.Type, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Promotion.Type - Enum in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
PROMOTION_STRING_TRANSFORMER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
Create a Notation - PromotionName:UserId:CouponCode
promotionAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
Implements ChangeListener to listen to changes in PromotionDetailsPanel
promotionAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.promotionAdmin
PromotionDaoImpl<T extends Promotion> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa
Basic Promotion related DAO's
Promotion queries can be complex; for most practical purposes the DAO will never fully suffice and hence not interface is provided.
Just a basic service provider with access to the EntityManager
PromotionDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
PromotionDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display Order Details
Implements ChangeGenerator to notify listener promotionAdmin

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Save - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#ADD, Promotion, AjaxRequestTarget} Delete - new Object[]{StandardOperation.#DELETE, Promotion, AjaxRequestTarget}
This panel allows synchronous feedback notification via the Template it depends on using event type SynchronousOperationChange
PromotionDetailsPanel(String, IModel<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
PromotionDetailsTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the Order Details template Panel are delegated to this
PromotionDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<Promotion>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<Promotion, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsTemplatePanel
PromotionForUser - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Track Which Promotion was granted to which user.
PromotionForUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
PromotionForUser(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
PromotionForUser(String, String, Promotion) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
promotionNames - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
List of any Promotion unique Names applicable
Maintaining the promotion names, since Promotions maybe removed from the DB and we want the relation to be weak and not require a referential integrity constraint in the data model.
PromotionReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Order
PromotionReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.PromotionReportResult
PromotionService<T extends Promotion> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Service layer for Promotions and PromotionForUsers
promotionService - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
promotionStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
PromotionStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
What are the possible payment options for an Order
Note: Because Promotions are linked to users being eligible, this Strategies methods may throw ValidationException that should be explicitly handled.
PROPERTY_PAGE_HEADER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
PropertyBinding() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
PropertyBinding(Class, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
PropertyBinding(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
provideApplication(String, ServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
Parent class isWicketRequest() is private however it does not provide Wicket Application to all request threads.
proxyActionSuppliedScript - Variable in class
proxyActionSuppliedScript - Variable in class
ProxyBehavior - Class in
ProxyBehavior() - Constructor for class
ProxyInstanceTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Create a new proxy/clone object from an existing object and override it with @ProxyInstanceTransformer.fieldValueMap if its provided.
ProxyInstanceTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
ProxyInstanceTransformer(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
ProxyInstanceTransformer(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
proxyPreActionSuppliedScript - Variable in class
proxyPreActionSuppliedScript - Variable in class
publish(String, String) - Method in class
Publish a Notification Since we will be sending platform-specific payloads in messages using the Amazon SNS the data must be key-value pair strings and formatted as JSON with quotation marks escaped.
publish(Comment) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.service.CommentServiceImpl
publish(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Clone Preview C record (& related ContentFacets, attributes) to publish
publish(Collection<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Clone Preview C record(s) (& related ContentFacets, attributes) to publish
publish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Clone Preview C record (& related ContentFacets, attributes) to publish
publish(Collection<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Clone Preview C record(s) (& related ContentFacets, attributes) to publish
publish(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Performs operations needed to publish the content and its related attributes, facets etc.
publish(Collection<ContentDescriber>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Performs operations needed to publish content(s) and related attributes, facets etc.
publish(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Performs operations needed to publish the content and its related attributes, facets etc.
publish(Collection<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Performs operations needed to publish content(s) and related attributes, facets etc.
publish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Performs operations needed to publish the content and its related attributes, facets etc.
publish(Collection<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Performs operations needed to publish content(s) and related attributes, facets etc.
publish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
Performs operations needed to publish the content and its related attributes, facets etc.
publish(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
Publish to implementation specific Output and also send a copy back via Writer.
publish(Writer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
Publish output to Writer
publish(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
publish(Writer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
publish(Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.service.PostServiceImpl
publish(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
publish(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
A service method to publish content/entity that the template represents

Each Template knows how to publish its content also; will publish it if a IPublisherAdapter is provided
PublishableMarkupContentModel<C extends AbstractContent<CA,CF>,CA extends AbstractContentAttribute,CF extends AbstractContentFacet> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.model
A Content Model; based on published content (picked from a location(s)).
PublishableMarkupContentModel(C, FacetMeta, ContentContext<C, CA, CF>, Map<String, List<String>>, GenericContentService<C, CA, CF>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.PublishableMarkupContentModel
publishActions(Template, ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.CacheFlushPublishAdapter
publishActions(Template, ENTITY) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.ChainPublishAdapter
publishActions(Template, ENTITY) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.IPublisherAdapter
publishActions(Template, Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
Public the given ContentDescriber in the context of the provided Template
By default the following ContentType are processed: ContentType.MARKUP ContentType.HTML ContentType.SAFE_HTML ContentType.MARKUP_SCRIPT ContentType.TEXT ContentType.XML ...
PublishContentPanel - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel
Picks up published Content (Facet of a Content) only and displays it.
PublishContentPanel(FacetMeta, IModel<List<String>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.PublishContentPanel
Publisher<T,CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
Publish/Print input content into an output medium, given a template.
PublishTemplatePage<T extends Template<?>,C extends AbstractContent<?,?>> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages
A Simple implementation of the TemplatePage, which allows for the following of Status.PUBLISH or Status.PREVIEW'd info: Header Markup (htmlHeadContent - PublishContentPanel) Main HTML Content for the Body (htmlMainBodyContent - PublishContentPanel); body content supplied by bean in Spring by name publishableContentModel i.e.
PublishTemplatePage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
publishToSingleNumber(Message, Map<String, MessageAttributeValue>) - Method in class
Sends One message to One recipient
purchaseDate - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date when the order was purchased.
pushAndroidNoitification(PushNotificationMessage) - Method in class
Send Notification to a Android Device using FCM via Amazon SNS
pushFeatures(Reference) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
pushKey(Key, Reference) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
PushNotification - Class in
Sends a Push Notification

For sending Push Notification we require
Amazon SNS Client
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
PushNotification(String, BasicAWSCredentials, PlatformDetails, PlatformMessageDeliveryAttributes) - Constructor for class
PushNotificationMessage - Class in
Push Notification Message is an Object used to send Push Notifications which includes

Recipient stores a Instance Id i.e a Token to uniquely identify a device
This Instance Id is to be generated with every request received from the Application

Payload stores the Notification to be sent to the Recipient

Priority stores a default value of DefaultPriority.EMERGENCY

Content Type is ContentType.TEXT

Unique identifier created by the notification service for an app on a device.
PushNotificationMessage(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
PushNotificationMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class
pushTracking(Reference) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
put(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfigurationJPADaoImpl
Updates the configurations and returns the updated configuration object for chaining
put(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationDao
Updates the configurations and returns the updated configuration object for chaining
put(C, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationService
put(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Will evict the namespace hierarchy, under which this configuration exists
put(C, Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
put(String, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.CaseInsensitiveHashMap
put(K, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.ImmutableValueHashMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
put(String, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
put(HazelcastInstance, String, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
putInConfigSource(String, String, String) - Method in class
putOnceOnly(K, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.ImmutableValueHashMap


QStatesStrategy<S> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
QStrategy<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
qualityFactor - Variable in class
quantity - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
query(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.IQueryService
query(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
Fetch Query results from server based on a ExternalAccessTransformer Spring Bean name.
query(String, Class, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
query(Query<GenericObject>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
query(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
query(String, PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
query(Query<GenericObject>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
query(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
query(String, PageInfo) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.IGenericObjectQueryService
query(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.SecurableService
Fetch Query results from server based on a ExternalAccessTransformer Spring Bean name.
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
query(Query<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
query(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
query(Query<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
query(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService

query(String, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.FreeQuery
Execute a raw Query in the native implementation language.
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.FreeQuery
Execute a raw Query in the native implementation language.
query(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
query(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Derive a SubSet (claz) of T only as an queried entity.
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
Execute a raw Query in the native implementation language.
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
Execute a raw Query in the native implementation language.
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
query(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
query(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
Derive a SubSet (claz) of T only as an queried entity.
Query<T> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Allow generic queries to represent their corresponding entities.
Query() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Query(String, String, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Query(String, Class<T>, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Query(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Query(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Query(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
The Query represents the entity
Query(T, PageInfo) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Query
query(Query<Order>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
query(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService

query(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionService
Return a List of Transactions based on a Query
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class
query(Query<E>) - Method in class
query(Query<E>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in class
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class
query(Query<E>) - Method in class
query(Query<E>) - Method in interface
query(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
Implementation, to define how to query using the query object
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
JPA QL default Query String for this instance
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
Orientdb Query to process
query - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
Orientdb Query to process
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
query(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
query(Query<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
query(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService

query(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
query(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
query(String, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
query(String, String, PageInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
query(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService

Example: http://host/services/anyuser/userAction/all/contactUs?p={'fname':'xxxx','lname':'yyyy'...}

Note: This method supports JSON data as a query param and a form param.
query(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService

Example: http://host/services/anyuser/userAction/all/contactUs?p={'fname':'xxxx','lname':'yyyy'...}

Note: This method supports JSON data as a query param and a form param.
query(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService

Example: http://host/services/anyuser/userAction/all/contactUs?p={'fname':'xxxx','lname':'yyyy'...}

Note: This method supports JSON data as a query param and a form param.
Queryable - Annotation Type in com.neurosys.domain
A field level annotation that decides if a field can be queried upon.
QueryableDao<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Query driven API
QueryBasedContentExtractor - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.extractors
A ContentExtractor to extract Content using any custom definition Query with input as params

Some queries may not require any parameters; however as per ContentExtractor we need a reliable key for the toString() on the location parameter.
QueryBasedContentExtractor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
QueryByObjectTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Allows to query by a passed Object and convert it to Query or even take in a direct Query; fetch the List of entity from QueryableDao.
QueryByObjectTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
QueryByObjectTransformer(QueryableDao<T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
QueryCacheLookup<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
QueryCacheLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
queryIsNative - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
queryIsNative - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
queryOptimizer - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
An optional configurable QueryOptimizer
QueryOptimizer - Interface in com.neurosys.dao.jpa
Many times its convenient to express Queries in a general way that are left unoptimized.
queryOptimizerEntityAlias - Variable in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Since the query will not change, within the Query what is the Alias of the entity/table
queryPage(Query<C>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
queryPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
queryPage(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.AbstractQueryableDaoImpl
Derive a SubSet (claz) of T only as an queried entity.
queryPage(Query<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
Execute Query and on Queryable fields only.
queryPage(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryableDao
Derive a SubSet (claz) of T only as an queried entity.
queryPage(Query<E>) - Method in class
queryPage(Query<E>, Class<S>) - Method in class
queryPage(Query<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
queryPage(Query<T>, Class<SUB_T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
QueryReader - Class in
A JSON reader; for the WebServices that sends a Query
QueryReader() - Constructor for class
QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
An ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer that also provides a QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer.replaceEntityString(String, String) to prepare the actual Query to return the result array in the expected format as defined by AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping()
QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>, Map<Integer, Mapper>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer(Class<ENTITY>, Transformer, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
querySpringBean(String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
QueryTransformer - Interface in com.neurosys.dao
interface for Transformer that executes a query and Transformer.transform(Object)s parameters into query result.
queryWithinContext(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
Same as AbstractAnyUserUpdateService.query(String, String, String, String) except that in addition to the Query, the user object is passed automatically in session to the Array or Map of parameters.
queryWithinContext(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
Same as AbstractAnyUserUpdateService.query(String, String, String, String) except that in addition to the Query, the user object is passed automatically in session to the Array or Map of parameters.


RADIO - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Field value should be a comma separated list of Strings
rate - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
Rate of conversion applied to the ConvertedCurrencyOrder.fromCurrency to derive the BaseOrderItem.getAmount().currency.
Rating - Class in com.neurosys.ratings.domain
Rating() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Rating(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Rating.BIT_MASKS - Enum in com.neurosys.ratings.domain
RatingDao - Interface in com.neurosys.ratings.dao
Basic DAO services for all DB's to implement
RatingDaoImpl - Class in com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa
RatingDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
RatingService - Interface in com.neurosys.ratings.service
Service for Rating
rawAddedComponents - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Maintain a context of all components added for the Caller
rawAddedComponents - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
RawMarkupInclude - Class in
Allow direct insert of content
RawMarkupInclude(String, String) - Constructor for class
RawStringFeed - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
Dump raw string into a Feed
RawStringFeed() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
RawStringFeed(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
RawStringFeed(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
read(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
read(Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.OneLoadReader
read(Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.CSVMailAddressReader
Takes a File as a Param.
readBookTypeFromResource() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
Determine the resource type, from extension XLS (HSSF format) or XLSX type Defaults to XSSF format (XSSF)
readCertificate(Resource) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
ReaderAware<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE,R extends BaseIterativeProcessor<TUPLE_IN,RECORD_OUT,STATE>> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
Processor or Transformer is AbstractReader or BaseIterativeProcessor aware.
ReaderProcess<IN,T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A process for allowing AbstractReaders to read in their own thread (non blocking UI)
ReaderProcess(ConfigurableApplicationContext) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
ReaderProcess(ConfigurableApplicationContext, AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, String, Progression, Panel, Boolean, ETLMeta<FacetMeta>, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
readFrom(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, InputStream) - Method in class
readFrom(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, InputStream) - Method in class
readFrom(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, InputStream) - Method in class
ReadOnlyException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Dont allow any change
ReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.ReadOnlyException
ReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.ReadOnlyException
ReadOnlyException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.ReadOnlyException
realized - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
If the order was realized or not.
RealTimeLineReader<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.readers
From any connector that reads a stream Line by Line sequentially can pass data to the parser; the parser responds with a Generic Record type on completing one record or an Exception if something is going wrong.
RealTimeWriter<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.writers
Accepts a feed of Records from a source and writes it onto a specific format.
The writing operation could be synchronous or Asynchronous.
recipients - Variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
recordTransformer - Variable in class
Provide an optional; transformation over the generated records
recoverTransient() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.TransientAwareModel
If TransientAwareModel.isTransientLost() then a way to recover its transient values.
recoverTransient() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
recurse - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
If true, will recurse through sub-folders and drill down
RecursiveListBasedMenuPanel - Class in
Menu Panel implementation that generates a {@literal ........
RecursiveListBasedMenuPanel(String, IModel<Menu>) - Constructor for class
redirectExternal(String, Component) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Client redirect to an external URL.
RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
Block access to files
RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
REF - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Reference : A URL; Link or even a reference to a Page; Bookmark; Uploaded Document etc.
Reference - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Reference() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Reference(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Reference(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Reference(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Reference(Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
ReferenceAlias - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Allow a Reference to map other References as its alias
ReferenceAlias() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
ReferenceAlias(AbstractReference, AbstractReference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
ReferenceAliasKey - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
ReferenceAliasKey() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
ReferencePersistTransformer<R extends AbstractReference> - Class in com.neurosys.refs.transformers
Persist a Reference and all its relations like Reference#setParent(Reference) and Reference.setRelated(List).
Takes a Reference type and returns a Reference type.
ReferencePersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
ReferencePersistTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
ReferenceToJson - Class in com.neurosys.refs.transformers
ReferenceToJson() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToJson
referenceToString() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Get the reference classpath/path/URL in String.
referenceToString() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
Get the reference classpath/path/URL in String.
ReferenceToStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.refs.transformers
Reference to String
ReferenceToStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToStringTransformer
refresh() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
Refresh the configs and setup the BufferSplitter thread again.
refresh() - Method in class
Once Auto generated in AutoGenMenuItem.scanAndReplace() the proxy/dummy reference of this is removed from the main menu.
refreshConfigs() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
The thread code does not directly use the config, this may cause unexpected delays and problems depending on configs state.
RefUtils - Class in com.neurosys.refs.utils
RefUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.utils.RefUtils
reGenerate(R, SingleTokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenGenerator
Incase of any error or problem, re-generate last token.
REGEX_PROP_FILE - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityAdapter
Default properties bundled with library.
RegExCheckFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Use regular expression to validate an input
RegExCheckFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
RegExCheckFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
RegExCheckFilter(Pattern) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
RegexCleanTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and Cleans out patterns matching the Regex specified
RegexCleanTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
RegexCleanTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
RegexExtractorTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Extract first matching RegEx String
RegexExtractorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy - Class in
A QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy where the RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy.matches(String, boolean) is flexible such that RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy.regex is compared to the relative path in RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy.matches(String, boolean) will return true if the entire string matches the RegEx.
For example: If the mount path is defined as /abc[.] /MyPage will match the paths:
/abc/MyPage /abc/xyz/MyPage /abc/xyz/123/MyPage etc...
RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy(String, String, Class) - Constructor for class
regexReplace(String, MarshalUtils.Replacer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Replaces sub-sequences that match the RegEx in replacer with the dynamic ability of MarshalUtils.Replacer.substitute(String).
RegexReplaceTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts parts of string that match a pattern and applies a transformation to those parts
RegexReplaceTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
RegexWebRequestCodingStrategy - Class in
The standard WebRequestCodingStrategy checks if the IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy mount path starts with the current Request relative Path.
When using RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy, this will fail due to the limitation.
Hence we need a WebRequestCodingStrategy that uses regular expressions for comparison rather than String.startsWith(String).
RegexWebRequestCodingStrategy() - Constructor for class
Region - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain
Region() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
register(OEntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
registerAdapter(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
For a given Alias/Key register a Resource identified by its path aka resourceLocationName
registerAdapter(String, Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
For a given Alias/Key register a Resource identified by its path aka resourceLocationName
RegisterClass - Class in com.neurosys.odb.object
Allow configurable control per class in terms of DB registration.
RegisterClass() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
RegisterClass(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
Register class with RegisterClass.recursive as false by default
RegisterClass(Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
registerClasses - Variable in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
RegisteredUser<T extends RegisteredUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Registered Users Only
RegisteredUser() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
RegisteredUser(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
RegisteredUserCredentials - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain
Represents user Credentials
RegisteredUserCredentials() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUserCredentials
RegisteredUserCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUserCredentials
RegisteredUserLoginDaoImpl<U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa
Ensures there is a Dao that adheres to UserDao; which can be used for Authorization, Login etc.
RegisteredUserLoginDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa.RegisteredUserLoginDaoImpl
registerEntityClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
registerEntityClass(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
registerEntityClass(String, Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
registerEntityClass(String, Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.orient.core.entity.EntityManagerClassHandler
registerMultiple(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
If Adapters preset in #adapters Map then initialize all the Adapters automatically
The map can have the path to the Reource or the Resource object itself.
registerUnitWithFeature(UNIT, IModuleFeature) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
registerUnitWithFeature(UNIT, IModuleFeature) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.service.IModuleService
Register a unit for a Functional Feature
reInit(HazelcastInstance) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
reInit(HazelcastInstance) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenMapEntryOnHazelCast
RELATED_MODULE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
relatedEntities - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
A 2D Array of entity (table) and the field that is related to Core entity (Product).
Array[0]=entity name, Array[1]=Related Field name in the related entityy
Optionally: One can add Array[2]=update clause on Delete Operations to support logical delete.
Example: field_1='xyz'

Used while operations like Delete where Cascade may not be enforced and Ref.Integrity is valid.
RelatedEntityJSONTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allows to convert a List of String input into a format that can be flexible enough to describe the relation to other Entities using any identifier like SKU, Product Code, Model Code etc.
RelatedEntityJSONTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
RelatedEntityPersistTransformer<E extends Identifiable<?>> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
This Transformer will ensure that the entity is persisted and return back the passed in input.
RelatedEntityPersistTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allows to convert a JSON String input to a Collection , to describe the relation to other Entities using any identifier like SKU, Product Code, Model Code etc.
RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer
RelatedEntityUpdateTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Takes in an entity, and for it copies, its attributes using an EntityFieldsCopyTransformer to all its related model entities
RelatedEntityUpdateTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityUpdateTransformer
RelatedOrder<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Multi Order flow, with related Orders.
RelatedOrder() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(RelatedOrder) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentContext, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrder(O) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
RelatedOrderService<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Additional Services for RelatedOrder
RelationLinksBuilder<H extends IHierarchialReference> - Class in
A WebMarkupContainer that allows one to specify a bunch of Objects (typically Relations) and display them as Links in a delimited fashion.
RelationLinksBuilder(String, ListModel<H>) - Constructor for class
RelationLinksBuilder(String, List<H>) - Constructor for class
relativeClassPathToWicketPage - Variable in class
relativePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
By Default it converts an absolute path to a web relative URL (if the application settins are to store web relative paths instead of absolute ones)
relativePath(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Derive relative path from fullPath by subtracting the base path and cleaning the string if necessary.
relEntitiesDelTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
relEntitiesDelTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
reload(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Reload Scripts by name (in a comma separated String list)
reload(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
reloadAdapter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Flush & Re-Load the adapter instance.
reloadScripts(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Reload the strategies that can be reloaded (Scripts)
RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer(RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
remove() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
remove(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
remove(P) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
Clear entries for A Product
remove(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
remove() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
remove(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenContainer
Remove a token from the container instance
remove(C, List<T>, Consumer<T>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Remove the association of the tokenContainer from the Token
remove(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
remove(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
remove(T) - Method in class
remove(File) - Method in class
remove(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
removeFromCart(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Remove specified products names from Cart
removeQueryString(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
Removes the String after ?..
rename(S, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Rename as Shift
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.PublishTemplatePage
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SystemDetailsPanel
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.AdminPanel
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
renderMenu() - Method in class
This method is called from from the constructor of the MenuPanel.
renderMenu() - Method in class
Main render method called by MenuPanel.onInitialize
renderResponse(String, Component) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
Dumps the HTML on the client browser
reorder(List<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.ListViewTemplatePanel
Re-Order the items of the passed List
This implementation does nothing.
reorder(List<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
reorder(List<MetaItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
replace(T, U, TC) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
replace(T, U, TC) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerService
Replace (Associate E to Token), in TokenContainer
replaceable(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class
Checks on a criteria that one MenuItem is replaceable by another.
replaceEntityString(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryOptimizer
Manipulates the input Query String
replaceEntityString(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
For a given query String, replace entity with the equivalent fields in the order specified in AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping()
replaceFilter(String) - Method in class
Also due to shifting the virtual URL one or more level the resources wont be found.
ReplaceNullTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Replace Null with a replacement Object
ReplaceNullTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReplaceNullTransformer
replaceQueryParamsPlusSpace(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Query params on encoding all spaces are converted to "+" unlike non Query params that are converted to %20.
Replacer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Replacer
replaceVariables(PageIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
Replaces the variables in the String tempalte ($[var name]) by the values.
Reporter<T> - Interface in
A process that performs a Reporting activity
ReporterInput - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
A Panel to display and consume the input parameter options for a Reporter.
ReporterInput(String, IModel<ReporterMeta<FacetMeta>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
ReporterInputTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels
A Generic input panel for Reporters
ReporterInputTemplatePanel(String, IModel<Object[]>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<Object[], IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReporterInputTemplatePanel
ReporterMeta<PARAM_META> - Class in
A Report can require input and params etc; also other display meta data for rendering.
ReporterMeta() - Constructor for class
ReporterMeta(Reporter) - Constructor for class
ReporterMeta(ReporterMeta) - Constructor for class
reportingAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates
An base Class for reporting pages
reportingAdmin() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
reportingAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
ReportingAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket
A Set of common methods between ReportingAdminPanel and reportingAdmin
ReportingAdmin(Module, ReportingService<Module, FacetMeta>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.ReportingAdmin
ReportingAdminPanel - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels
ReportingAdminPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
ReportingService<AUTHORIZATION_UNIT,PARAM_META> - Interface in
A service locator for type of REPORTERs
reportingService - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.panels.ReportingAdminPanel
reportingService - Variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.pages.templates.reportingAdmin
ReportQuery() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
ReportQuery(IGenericEcomUser, Date, Date, Set<String>, Set<OrderStatus>, Set<Product>, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
ReportResult<T extends Serializable,RM extends ReporterMeta> - Class in com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components
Any listing for a report, also supports custom Bulk action buttons on report result items.
ReportResult(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Report definition ReporterMeta, passed on dynamically after construction
ReportResult(String, IModel<RM>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Report definition ReporterMeta, provided @ construction time.
ReportWriter - Interface in
ReQueableToken<T extends ReQueableToken> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
A Token aware of its neighbours in a Double linked list Q.
request - Variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
requiredDeepCopy(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
RequireLookAheadException - Exception in com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
While processing, if there is a need to Lookahead and abort or Queue the processing of a record for later, then this Exception can be used.
RequireLookAheadException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.RequireLookAheadException
RequireLookAheadException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.RequireLookAheadException
RequireLookAheadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.RequireLookAheadException
RequireLookAheadException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.RequireLookAheadException
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Allow reset of State before ProductDetailsPanel.onInitialize() is called
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
reset(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Reset/ReStart a new Shift based on data from an existing one.
reset() - Method in class
Allow overriding components to define some reset mechanism when the bar is going to be re-used
reset() - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.model.CustomTemplateRenderAdapter
During Ajax calls a Render Adapter maybe called multiple times.
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter
reset() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
ResetPassword<R extends ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse> - Interface in com.neurosys.user.service
Process to handle Forgot Password cases
resetPassword(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword
Reset the password for the User with userNameId and product a Response of type R.
Callbacks ResetPassword.onResetSuccess(java.lang.String, R) and ResetPassword.onResetFail(java.lang.String, java.lang.Exception)
resetPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
Reset Password is usually an A-Synchronous process, in the way the user is informed.
ResetPasswordPanel - Class in com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Allow user to reset password
ResetPasswordPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ResetPasswordPanel
ResetPasswordResponse() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse
resolveDynaBeans(DynaBean, Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
Resolve any DynaBean that maybe within the main DynaBean
resolveParamNameToBinding(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
This method will return a ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding name for a given parameter.
resource - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
RESOURCE_BASE_URL_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Defined by AppSettings.appConfiguration site.resources.folder.base
RESOURCE_REL_TO_WEB_CNTXT - Variable in class
If images/resources are loaded relative to Web-Context or absolute, defined by AppSettings.appConfiguration site.resources.folder.mode.relative
ResourceAwareRealTimeLineReader<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.readers
A RealTimeLineReader that is aware of other aspects of the resource it is reading in addition to just the line its reading
ResourceContentExtractor - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.extractors
A ContentExtractor to extract content from any Resource (URL, FileSystem).
ResourceContentExtractor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
ResourceFetcher - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Get a Resource TODO: Do it straight in SPEL !
ResourceFetcher() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.ResourceFetcher
ResourceFilter - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.filters
Allows filteration of resources of Resource related properties like their name or any other property
ResourceFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ResourceFilter
ResourceHandle - Class in com.neurosys.etl.connectors
sinkProperties as Map< String, String > (Handle to the Sink and its properties)
ResourceHandle(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
resourceListPanel - Variable in class
The ResourceManagerPanel this Form is linked to
ResourceListView<T> - Class in
Shows List of resources.
ResourceListView(String, List<? extends T>, ResourceListView.ViewContext, CheckGroup) - Constructor for class
ResourceListView.ViewContext - Class in
Additional params for Display
ResourceManagerPanel<T> - Class in
Panel for aggregating Resource-Upload, View, selector and feedback
ResourceManagerPanel(String, IModel<List<? extends T>>) - Constructor for class
ResourceManagerPanel.ResourceUploadForm<T> - Class in
Uploader to upload Resources
resourceUploader - Variable in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
resourceUploader - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
ResourceUploadForm(String, ResourceManagerPanel<T>) - Constructor for class
Response<T> - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
Defines an Synchronous Query Response Query calls.
This object is strictly for Output/Response scenarios.
Response() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.Response
response - Variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AnyWebService
ResponseUtils - Class in
Some standard HTTP response add-on utils.
ResponseUtils() - Constructor for class
ResponseWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that sends a Response
ResponseWriter() - Constructor for class
Restriction<L> - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
Restriction over some Authorizable object with a limitation value.
Restriction() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Restriction
Restriction(Restriction) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Restriction
Restriction(L) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Restriction
RestrictionStrategy<TC extends TrackCycle,V extends Number> - Interface in com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service
Strategy to handle when to throw LimitApproachingException, LimitExceededException and SecurityException for the updating TrackCycle
RestrictionStrategy.RestrictionLevel - Enum in com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service
resultNamesUsed - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
ResultRow<T> - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.domain
Defines a Row in a result set
ResultRow() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ResultRow
ResultRowListWriter - Class in
A JSON writer; for the WebServices that return ResultRows
ResultRowListWriter() - Constructor for class
ResultSetTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Apply Transformer on each Row of a result-set.
ResultSetTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
ResultSetTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
resultsThatAreOptional - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
resume() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
resume() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
resume() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
resume() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
resume() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
resume() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
resumeFromState(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
resumeFromState(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
Resume process from the given State provided
resumeFromState(STATE) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
resumeFromState(Void) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
resumeFromState(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
resumeFromState(Serializable) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
RetrieveCloudWatchLogs - Class in
RetrieveCloudWatchLogs(AWSCredentials, String) - Constructor for class
reverseNextToCurrentMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
ReverseTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Reverse a List, or reverse a Map key with values and visa-versa
ReverseTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReverseTransformer
revertTemplate(File, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
revertTemplate(T, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Revert to a rollback (committed) point.
Role - Class in
Role : Roll-up of various Authorizations for Authorizable components.
Role() - Constructor for class
Role(String) - Constructor for class
Role(Role) - Constructor for class
Role(Map<Authorizable, Collection<Authorization>>) - Constructor for class
Role(String, Map<Authorizable, Collection<Authorization>>) - Constructor for class
RoleService<R extends Role> - Interface in
Default Services for Role
RollOverMenuItem<M extends RollOverMenuItem> - Class in
As this maintains STATE related info and for most img related stuff should be delegated into Content.
RollOverMenuItem() - Constructor for class
RollOverMenuItemComponent - Class in
Allows rendering of RollOverMenuItem
RollOverMenuItemComponent(String, IModel<MenuItem>) - Constructor for class
ROOT - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
In some situations null is hard to figure if it represents NONE or Root (since Root does not have an Id); providing a constant to refer to its intention.
root - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
Parent/Root order that generates this SubOrder
If the Parent is of SubOrder type, then the parent of it will be null.
round(Number, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
Calculate the round/truncated Number
Route<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
Where was a Token assigned (which route)
A Token is a part of a TokenContainer.
rows - Variable in class
rowTransform(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
RSS2Channel - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain
RSS2Channel() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
RSS2Channel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
RSS2Channel.Image - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain
RSS2ChannelFeed<R extends RSS2Item> - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl
Generate the RSS2 Feed (XML) based on RSS2Channel and RSS2Items
RSS2ChannelFeed() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
RSS2Item - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain
RSS2Item() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
RSS2Item(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
RSS2Item.Enclosure - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain
run() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
run(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, ETLMeta, ETLRunnerOptions) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
run() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
run() - Method in class
runAsynch(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer


SAASUser<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.saas.user.domain
Could have extended BasicUser, however login information, like last login date needs to be stored.
SAFE_HTML - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Content that needs to be displayed as HTML.
safeDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Display Name
safeDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Display Name
safeDisplayName() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Display Name (Can contain HTML)
If you want to display the name without HTML use MarshalUtils.regexReplace(safeDisplayName, HTMLUtils.html4Replacer)
saleStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
When allowing to add items to cart, if a AbstractCartService.saleStrategy is provided it will rely on it rather than actual inventory data available from persistence
saleStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
SaleStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Strategies to sell/price a product etc based on User Details and Product
sanitize(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
sanitize(Data<Cookie>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CookieSanitizerSecurityAdapter
Returns the same cookie as the input Note: HTTP Only is controlled at the response header like response.setHeader( "Set-Cookie", "name=value; HttpOnly") or at a server level in Tomcat 6 flag useHttpOnly=True in context.xml to force this behaviour for applications For session cookie, we can set in web.xml:
sanitize(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
sanitize(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
sanitize(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSESAPIURLSecurityAdapter
sanitize(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
sanitize(Data<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityAdapter
Sanitize content, from malicious to harmless.
sanitize(Data<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
Will sanitize in order of adapters.
sanitize(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Ensure Any Content shown on Screen is sanitized for basic security & also remove formatting & markups before displaying it in a LISTING
save(GenericObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.dao.jpa.GenericObjectDaoImpl
save(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.IUpdateService
save(GenericObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectUpdateService
save(Comment) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
save(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
save(C, MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsTemplatePanel
Save the specific value associated with the MetaItem back into the C#getAttributes() defined by AbstractContentTemplate.getMetaDataFacets()
If FacetMeta.isSupplement() then will not save as attribute but call super's save method to treat it as a normal entity field.
save(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
save(CF) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentFacetAjaxSaveBehavior
save(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
save(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
save(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
save(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
save(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
save(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.GenericDao
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
save(D) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDao
save(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
save(D) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl
save(PromotionForUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
save(T, String, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
save(D, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
save(PromotionForUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
save(O, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
save(T, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Save the Order and process any Strategy @ an Order level
save(D, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Explicitly update the Delivery Details only
save(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
save(PromotionForUser) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
save(O, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionService
Update the Order and ensure the Transaction is also saved
save(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionService
Update the the Transaction only
save(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
save(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa.EcomUserDaoImpl
save(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.dao.jpa.RegisteredUserLoginDaoImpl
save(E) - Method in class
save(E) - Method in class
save(E) - Method in class
save(Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
save(P, MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Save the specific value associated with the MetaItem back into the model Object
save(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
save(ProductAttribute) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
save(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductMetaItemAjaxSaveBehavior
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
save(ProductAttribute) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
save(ProductAlias) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.dao.jpa.ProductDaoImpl
This method does a EntityManager.merge(Object) operation
If one wants to Insert a new record without merge and using an existing parent object, one may directl hack it via the EntityManager: ProductAlias pa = new ProductAlias(); pa.setProduct(existingP); Product proxyParent = new Product(); proxyParent.setId(p.getParentId()); //Avoid having to query for parent again pa.setParent(proxyParent); em.persist(pa);
save(ProductAttribute) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
Ability to update a single ProductAttribute without updating the whole Product
Useful in Ajax situations where we want to save a partial aspect of the product only.
save(ProductAlias) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.dao.ProductDao
save(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
save(ProductAttribute) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
save(ProductAlias) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
save(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
An innocent save method
save(Rating) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.dao.jpa.RatingDaoImpl
save(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class
Save the data on Action
save(T, MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Save the specific value associated with the MetaItem back into the model Object
save(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
Note: If you already have a Map of key , value where the value is of type UserAttribute then please refer to the class level JavaDoc as this will attempt to re-create the UserAttribute object.
save(U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDao
save(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
Save/Merge a set of Attributes for a user; a null attribute will result in removal
save(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
save(U, Credentials) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Save user & Credentials data in one transaction
save(Credentials) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDao
Save Credentials
save(U, Credentials) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
save(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
save(Credentials) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
save(Credentials) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.ChangePassword
save(U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
save(Credentials) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
save(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
save(M, MetaItem, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserAttributesDetailsTemplatePanel
If the value is for an existing UserAttribute then update it, otherwise add it on to the existing Map as a new UserAttribute value, with User info from the parent panel.
If the FacetMeta has #FacetMeta.getIncludeAsField set as true, then it will not saved by this panel.
saveArea(Area) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.jpa.LogisticsDaoImpl
saveArea(Area) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.dao.LogisticsDao
saveArea(A) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsService
saveArea(Area) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsServiceImpl
saveCart(String, Cart, S, R) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
saveCart(String, Cart, SESSION, REQUEST) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Save the Cart to persist so it can be retrieved using CartService.getCartForUser(String, String)
saveFacet(CF) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Save a Facet
saveFacet(CF) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
saveFacet(ContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
saveFacet(CF) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
HierarchyContentSource Override for event generation

Save a Facet
saveFacet(CF) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
saveProductAlias(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
saveProductAlias(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
Handle the process of creating/updating a ProductAlias
Create an Alias for a request of parent Hierarchy that is different that an existing one only else reject the request
saveUser(U, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserFormTransformer
saveUser(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserStatusBitsForm
saveUser(U, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
Identify if the entity is a fresh independent entity or an update of an existing one.
Persist accordingly
saveUserAttribute(UA, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserFormTransformer
saveUserAttribute(UA, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
The resultant object is a merged object to ensure an update can be performed if the userSessioObject is valid and related to this user
Persist accordingly
scanAndReplace() - Method in class
Scan for this item in the container and replace it with the auto generated version.
Use first time, like init or start up conditions.
scanAndReplaceUpdate() - Method in class
: Could only replace menu items if the hierarchical structure was not changed
scanAndReplaceUpdate(MenuItem, MenuItem) - Method in class
: Could only replace menu items if the hierarchical structure was not changed
scanDir(int, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.ClasspathScanner
Scan a directory for classes
scanForFaultyAddresses() - Method in class
Scan for faulty mails using IMAPMailBoxReader
scanHeadersForFaultyAddresses(Message) - Method in class
scanHierarchy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
If true will scan the hierarchy for a value set for an entire category in AbstractStrategy.getRepresentativeProduct(Product, String)
scanOnlyUsingSubject - Variable in class
scanOutAppSpecificReference(String) - Method in class
Special function to sniff out raw Wicket class URLs as the intended target; else it returns null
ScheduledFeeds - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.etl
Wrapper to call all feed generation @ same time.
ScheduledFeeds() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.ScheduledFeeds
ScheduledFeeds(List<Supplier>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.ScheduledFeeds
ScriptableAjaxButton - Class in
Provide a IndicatingAjaxButton that calls script on the browser.
ScriptableAjaxButton(String) - Constructor for class
ScriptableAjaxButton(String, IModel) - Constructor for class
ScriptableAjaxButton(String, Form) - Constructor for class
ScriptableAjaxButton(String, IModel, Form) - Constructor for class
ScriptableAjaxLink<T> - Class in
Provide a Link that calls script; example: javascript:popup('dialog-container') to invoke the JQuery Dialog.
ScriptableAjaxLink(String) - Constructor for class
ScriptableAjaxLink(String, IModel<T>) - Constructor for class
ScriptableBookmarkablePopupPageLink<T> - Class in
A BookmarkablePageLink that can be supplied an attribute proxyAction that will replace the onClick().
ScriptableBookmarkablePopupPageLink(String, Class<C>) - Constructor for class
ScriptableBookmarkablePopupPageLink(String, Class<C>, PageParameters) - Constructor for class
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
A CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter that will also generate an accompany the component with a Script either in the web page header within the component.
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter(ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton<T extends FacetMeta> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components
An Ajax Button that can be created from Configuration with details in FacetMeta
The following settings can be assigned FacetMeta.getDisplayName() - Display Name of Button FacetMeta.getAttributes().DESCRIPTION - Tool Tip that adds a title attribute as description + a class help-text FacetMeta.getAttributes().pre-action - ChangeListener invoked before anything else is called.
ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton(String, IModel, T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton(String, IModel, Form, T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
ScriptableInterceptor<SERVICE_TYPE> - Class in com.neurosys.scribble.proxy
Since scripting is all about making things more fluid and dynamic, it would be a shame to have to create classes that ingest scripts and hard code conventions.
ScriptableInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
ScriptFactory<SCRIPT_OBJECT> - Interface in com.neurosys.scribble.domain
Factory definition for script types
scriptingAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.scripting.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
scriptingAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scripting.admin.wicket.pages.scriptingAdmin
ScriptTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.scribble.transformers
Reads a file or a script directly and executed it with the input as the sole parameter to the script.
ScriptTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
ScriptTransformer(ScriptFactory, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
search(String, SearchParams, PageInfo, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
search(String, SearchParams, PageInfo, String...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Perform indexed/lucene based searches
search(String, SearchParams, PageInfo, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
search(SearchParams, PageInfo, String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Do a Search using the Indexing API on terms
Sample: SearchParams
search(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
search(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
search(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
search(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.PromotionDaoImpl
search(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
search(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
search(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
search(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
search(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
Search for a PromotionForUser
search(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
Fpr a given user Id get all the Active Promotions
search(List<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
For provided list of Codes, get Promotions
search(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
For provided list of Codes, get Promotions for a given userId
search(SearchParams, PageInfo, String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
Do a Search using the Indexing API on terms
Sample: SearchParams
search(PageInfo, SearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
search(SearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
search(PageInfo, SearchParams, IHierarchialReference...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
search(SearchParams, IHierarchialReference...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
search(String, SearchParams, PageInfo, String...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Perform indexed/lucene based searches
search(String, SearchParams, PageInfo, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
searchBy - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
searchCount(String, SearchParams, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
searchCount(String, SearchParams, String...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Perform indexed/lucene based searches
searchCount(String, SearchParams, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
searchCount(SearchParams, String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
Search Count
Sample: SearchParams
searchCount(SearchParams, String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
Search Count
Sample: SearchParams
searchCount(String, SearchParams, String...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.service.ProductService
Perform indexed/lucene based searches
searchCount(String, SearchParams, String...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A Search Query Transformer to map Input in a panel to query terms to construct the database JPA search query.
SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
searchMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Map of Index Name to the AbstractIndexSearch Default AbstractIndexSearch is mapped to null key
searchMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Map of Index Name to the AbstractIndexSearch Default AbstractIndexSearch is mapped to null key
searchMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Map of Index Name to the ProductIndexSearch Default ProductIndexSearch is mapped to null key
searchProperty(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
Search all properties files for property
searchQueryTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
searchResultSize(SearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
searchResultSize(SearchParams, IHierarchialReference...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
secirityLog - Static variable in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
SectionLabel - Class in
Simple Label definition of an ISection
SectionLabel() - Constructor for class
SectionLabel(String) - Constructor for class
SectionLabel(String, String) - Constructor for class
SecurableService - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs
A Service that assumes that it needs to sit in a Secured context; by some form of Auth filtering process.<
SecurableService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.SecurableService
secure(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Data may come from anywhere, including user interfaces.
secureAgainstXSS(Object) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
Data may come from anywhere, including user interfaces.
securePage(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
secureURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
Adds the CollectionAttributes#ATTRIB_COLLECTION_ACCESS_SALT as salt param and collectionId param.
secureURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
Override to secure url params
secureURL(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
secureURLUsingSalt - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Appends a parameter called salt.
secureValue(TrackCycle) - Method in class
SECURITY_XSS_BLACK_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
If any string matches this pattern in the Result, it case a SecurityException.
SECURITY_XSS_WHITE_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
If any exception to the BLACK Pattern
SecurityAdapter<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
Handles a Security Check or Sanitization process.
SecurityContext<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
A context for all security operations over T type data.
SecurityContextFactory - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.service
A basic wrapper to provide a single convenient point for calling SecurityAdapters and SecurityContext.
SecurityContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.SecurityContextFactory
SecurityException - Exception in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
Exceptions that violate Sanitization/Security policies / algorithms.
SecurityException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
SecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
SecurityException(ArrayList<? extends Serializable>) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
SecurityTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.domain.transformers
Handle encryption, decryption, hashing.
SecurityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
SecurityUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Common security related routines for Hashing & encryption
SecurityUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
SeedTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
A Transformer that does not consider the input parameter and is usually the Seed for a Chain of transformations.
SeedTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
SeedTransformer(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
SELECT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Field value should be a comma separated list of Strings
selected - Variable in class
true : If the Item is selected
Selector<T> - Class in
Selector(String, IModel<HierarchialItemState<T>>) - Constructor for class
Define a List of possible selections with one selected component.
SelectRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Adapter to render a Select (single or multi-select depends on the ContentType in MetaItem)
Should be accompanied with Select markup; typically this has a wicket:id="SELECT", you can specify this by something like this in MyDetailsTemplatePanel which is assumed to have a Fragment by the id SELECT defined in it:
SelectRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
SelectRenderAdapter(SelectRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
send(PAYLOAD, RECIPIENT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Sender
send(HazelcastInstance, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Send payload to a particular HazelcastInstance
send(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
send(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
send(String, InternetAddress) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
send(String, List<InternetAddress>) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
send(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.service.jaxrs.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceService
SEND_METHOD_BULK - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
SEND_METHOD_GROUP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
SEND_METHOD_SIMPLE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
Sender<PAYLOAD,RECIPIENT> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A generic way to send data
sendLimitDurationUnit - Variable in class
sendMail(EmailMessage) - Method in interface
Send mails directly and synchronously
sendMail(EmailMessage) - Method in class
sendMailBuffered(EmailMessage) - Method in interface
Send the mail to DisposableMessage.getRecipients()in a Buffered manner using a BufferSplitter.
sendMailBuffered(EmailMessage) - Method in class
Send the mail to DisposableMessage.getRecipients()in a Buffered manner using a BufferSplitter.
sendMethod - Variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
Accepted values simpleVoice | groupVoice | bulkVoice
SendOnHazelCast<T> - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
Send an Object over HaxelCast

Code sample:
SendOnHazelCast() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
SendOnHazelCast(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
SendOnHazelCast(HazelcastInstance, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
sendResetPasswordMail(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter - Class in com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters
If the Application uses Ajax pages that generate HTML via JavaScript and we want to make the pages also Crawler Friendly as specified in Google specs then we use this filter so that the pages Generated by HTMLPublisherListener can be accessed by the FIlter directly when the Crawler requests for them.
SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters.SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter
SEOPage - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
A check interface that reminds the user to employ and think of Best practices in their code for SEO and Digital Marketing
SequenceSubOrderTransformer<S extends SubOrder> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
For a SubOrder that has a root, we need to determine its previous position and persist that.
SequenceSubOrderTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
SerialBufferSplitter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch
A splitter that chunks up a Larger List or Stream into Smaller buffers serially and synchronously with an added option for CheckCallback before dispatching the next batch.
SerialBufferSplitter(ObjectInputStream, int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
SerialBufferSplitter(List<T>, int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
SerializablePredicate - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A Predicate that is Serializable
SerializableTransformer - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Serializable Transformer
SerializableTransformerChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Allow chaining of multiple Lookups; and supports Non-Serializable transient Transformers as well so the Chain itself is Serializable
SerializableTransformerChain() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
SerializableTransformerChain(List<Transformer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
SerializableTransformerChain(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
serializeKey(Key) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SecurityUtils
SERIOUS_MARKER_PREFIX - Static variable in exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SeriousSecurityException
SeriousSecurityException - Exception in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
A more specific classification of SecurityException

The classification may help drive logic that may want to counter act on Security issues or report them Vs Exceptions that one would prefer to ignore as long as they are kept out.
SeriousSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SeriousSecurityException
SeriousSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SeriousSecurityException
SeriousSecurityException(ArrayList<? extends Serializable>) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SeriousSecurityException
SERVER_SCRIPT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
A Script that will be executed Server side, not as markup.
serverMailLimitPerLongDuration - Variable in class
service - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
service - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
service - Variable in class
service - Variable in class
service - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
service - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
ServletAnyUserUpdateService<U extends User,E> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer for any User (Logged in or Guest) supports generic user related methods.
ServletAnyUserUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
ServletAnyUserUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
ServletCartService<P extends Product,S extends javax.servlet.http.HttpSession,U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket
Servlet implementation for CartService

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
On Any change - Object[]{String cartType, Cart, sessionId as String, (optional) CartService method name} On Any operation UPDATE/INSERT/REMOVE - Object[]{String cartType, Cart existingCart, Cart cartForOperation, sessionId as String, String operationName}
ServletCartService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
ServletCartService(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
ServletRequestToEntitiesTransformer<R extends javax.servlet.ServletRequest> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
ServletRequestToEntitiesTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.ServletRequestToEntitiesTransformer
ServletUserSessionAdapter<S extends javax.servlet.http.HttpSession,U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.amorphous.service
A pure Servlet implementation for the UserSessionAdapter
ServletUserSessionAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
SESSION_ATTRIB_CART - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
Cart object in Session
SESSION_ATTRIB_USER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
User object in Session
sessionCartCalcs(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
A JSON object that contains all data from various strategies available to this service; over the Products in the Session-Cart
SessionTimeOutCheck - Class in
Component & Associated Markup for Session checking.
SessionTimeOutCheck(String) - Constructor for class
set(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.Data
set(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.StringData
set(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
set(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
Inherit some properties from root; if root is null then leave state unchanged
set(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Inherit some properties from root; if root is null then leave state unchanged
set(E, String, V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.EntityFieldSetter
set(A, String, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesSetter
Set the entity for the field with the value
set(String, AdapterService.AdapterWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
set(String, AdapterService.AdapterWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.GroovyAdapterService
set(AppSettings) - Static method in class
set(User, String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer.UserIdSetter
setAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileToNameTransformer
If true will return the absolute path of the file
setAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
setAcceptedClasses(Map<Class, JSONMarshaller>) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Map of Class to JSONMarshaller to nest another types filter configs.
setAcceptedFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Fields to be included/accepted.
Fields that are neither included nor excluded will be filtered based on JSONMarshaller.filterOnlyIfExcluded
setAcceptedTypes(List<Class>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ClassTypePredicateLinkedTransformer
Any of these types is accepted then process the PredicateLinkedTransformer.getTransformer()
setAcceptNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
If true then; a non matching sequence can return null else it will throw an IllegalArgumentException
setAcceptRawNonMatchingStrings(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If true will accept any input as SizeString else throw an exception if it cannot categorize it as SizeFit or SizeDimensions
setAcceptRawNonMatchingStrings(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If true will accept any input as SizeString else throw an exception if it cannot categorize it as SizeFit or SizeDimensions
setAccessClasses(Map<String, Class>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a Constructor Class
setAccessor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
setAccessor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
A dot separated list of entities.
setAccessor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
setAccessor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
A string representation in a.b.c format; where any word represents a property as an entity or a map.
setAccessorExistsTransformer(EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
While creating new records some nested entities may need to be constructed before #save(Serializable, MetaItem, Object)
setAccessorTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
Derive a Comparable that represents a comparable option for the Entity
setAccessValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
For each accessor in the EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer.accessor provide a default Value.
If it exists it will override accessClasses for same type.
setAction(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setAction(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
An action Transformer that takes the following as input {objectId, savedPath of original file, renamedPath}
setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
If cycle is currently active or not
setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Way to switch on or off area without having to update other data to turn it off
setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Is the promotion currently marked active
Useful if we want to disable the promotion temp.
setActors(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Who all were involved in the Order workflow if it involved multiple people.
setActualDateTime(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Date time the transaction was conducted The String format is used to preserve in format as sent by gateway
setActualDays(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setAdapterAlias(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The Adapter alias to fetch the real adapter from the {@link #adapterService
setAdapters(List<SecurityAdapter<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
setAdapters(List<SecurityAdapter<T>>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityContext
Set the adapters that make up the context
setAdapters(List<SecurityAdapter<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
setAdapters(List<IPublisherAdapter<ENTITY>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.ChainPublishAdapter
setAdapterService(AdapterService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Strategies can be Adapters; that can be updated @ runtime.
setAdapterService(AdapterService) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The AdapterService to invoke the script.
setAdded(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setAddHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.filter.AddMapAsHeaderInterceptor
Additional Headers to add
Example: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Arrays.asList("*")
setAdditionalCacheNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on ContentServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
setAdditionalCacheNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on GenericContentServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
setAdditionalCacheNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Register additional caches, so that on ProductServiceImpl.clearCache() all registered caches can be cleared
setAddOnOverrides(ProductPackage) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Tier
Add-On or Override Feature over standard ProductPackage.getFeatures()
setAddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setAddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setAddress(Address) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setAddress(Address) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setAddresses(Map<String, Address>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setAddresses(Map<String, Address>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setAddressObj(Address) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setAddSeconds(Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
If specified will Add/Subtract (if <0) the seconds to the output Date time
setAdminConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class
setAdminConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class
setAjaxRequestTokens(String) - Method in class
Allow us to configure the filter to test HTTP Headers for specific type of requests marked for Ajax,
The filter does not assume to be a broker in the Authentication process itself,
it simply checks if the user is an authenticated user according to the system and in accordance to the request.
setAjaxToHTMLTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
A transformer that takes a fully qualified Web path and converts it to HTML with the Ajax calls converted also to HTML
setAlias(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
Can be used for Login for Guest users also
setAliasInstanceType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Alias-Hierarchy Node (Alias signify alternate parents)
setAliasToPathTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
For a given key/alias return the actual path to the Resource.
setAllowAttachments(boolean) - Method in class
Allow or filter any Attachments
setAllowDelete(boolean) - Method in class
setAllowEdit(boolean) - Method in class
setAllowHtml(boolean) - Method in class
Keep or remove any HTML content
setAllowMultipleParents(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
While inserting a record, if the record already exists and has a legitimate parent, then create a ProductAlias for it
setAllowNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
setAllRows(boolean) - Method in class
The Grid will represent all rows from the Data Provider
setAlt(Float) - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
setAlternate(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
setAlternate(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
setAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
setAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Amount charged for Delivery/Shipping only
setAmount(TransactionAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction amount
We want to maintain the details @ the transaction level in addition to Order because Orders may be modified.
We can tract at the point in time, what was the exact amount transacted.
setAmount(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
The amount
setAmountJson(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Details about the Discount/Promotion itself like Amount, Unit, Currency etc.
This JSON is intended to be App specific where the PromotionStrategy can interpret the JSON criteria
setAmountPropertyField(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
If not null will set the property field in Amount instead of setting total (by default)
setAnyUploadedResource(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setAppConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class
setAPPLICATION_ENCODING_CHARSET(String) - Method in class
setAPPLICATION_EXTENSION(String) - Method in class
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class
setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.usage.UsageManager
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.domain.NexmoAuthenticationDetails
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class
Name of which Amazon SNS Platform Application is to be created
setApplyFilter(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Filter un accepted fields out TODO: May make the field redundant or deprecated
setAppSettings() - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
Using ServletContext and ApplicationContext setup AppSettings
setAppSettings(AppSettings) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
Its important to set this during FileToPathTransformer.init() as during execution the transformer maybe called by another Thread.
setAppSettings() - Method in class
setArea(AbstractArea) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
Any AbstractArea (area, region) related info where this cart will will go
setArea(AbstractArea) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
setAreaStrategy(AreaStrategy<AreaType, CONTEXT>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setAreaType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
When looking up details for an Area what type of Area code to consider
setArn(String) - Method in class
ARN of the Topic or Platform for which the Attributes will be set
setArn(String) - Method in class
ARN of the Topic or Platform for which the Attributes will be set
setArnAccess(MessageDeliveryAttributes) - Method in class
Attribute Details for Message Delivery Reports
setArtifactId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setAscending(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.EntityComparator
setAscending(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
setAspect(T) - Method in class
setAssignIndependentModel(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
In EntityDetailsTemplatePanel while form processings, some fields may share the Form Compound model.
setAssociatedTemplate(Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
Used to construct a path from PageIdentifier
setAssymetricDescriptor(AssymetricDescriptor) - Method in class
setAttachehmentSuffix(String) - Method in class
The suffix will be added to all attachments to make it comply with standard naming contentions
setAttachImagesAsFiles(boolean) - Method in class
All image parts will be added as attachments.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
setAttribute(String, V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attributes
This method encapsulates the responsibility of ensuring the @link Attribute} can be set into the entity, including null checks, initializations, any relations between Attributes and Attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
Name of the attribute created by this transformer.
setAttributes(Map<String, MessageAttributeValue>) - Static method in class
Message Attributes depending on the Platform Type
setAttributes(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
For each Column displayName in the Reporter define any specific attributes for presentation
Key is fieldName/Column Index and value could be a String, Transformer,PARAM_META type
setAttributes(Map<String, CommentAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
setAttributes(Map<String, CA>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setAttributes(Map<String, ContentAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentDescriber
setAttributes(Map<String, EA>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObjectWithAttributes
setAttributes(ImmutableValueHashMap) - Method in class
Any optional feedback properties
setAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setAttributes(Map<String, OrganizationAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
setAttributes(Map<String, VenueAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setAttributes(Map<String, PostAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
setAttributes(Map<String, ProductAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Any attribute that is not common for most of the entities belongs to be an Attribute rather than a field.
setAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Custom properties for the given meta informations that can be shared by all adapters and Transformers of this FacetMeta
setAttributes(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
setAttributesSetter(AttributesSetter<A, V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AttributesMapper
setAttributeType(Class<A>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
Type of attribute created by this transformer.
setAudioFilePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setAudioType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setAuthComparator(Comparator<Authorization>) - Method in class
setAuthDetails(NexmoAuthenticationDetails) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
Nexmo authentication can be obtained by creating an application under your Nexmo account, follow this guide
setAuthDetails(NexmoAuthenticationDetails) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
Nexmo authentication can be obtained by creating an application under your Nexmo account, follow this guide
setAuthenticated(Boolean) - Method in class
setAuthenticated(Boolean) - Method in interface
setAuthenticatedUserToResponseBody(Function<U, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
Define the response for a given User
setAuthentication(AmazonSNSAuthenticationDetails) - Method in class
Stores the Authentication Details of the user
setAuthKeyParamName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
Allow a request param called that can pass in auth key, instead of relying on session.
This represents the name of the query param.
setAuthModule(AuthorizationModule) - Method in class
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
When auto detecting Authorizable objects, should the id of this instance be added to the list
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractAuthorizableConfiguration
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class
This wraps the Module it is linked to in terms of Authorization hence will throw IllegalArgumentException
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Same as Module.moduleName() some Annotations like MountModuleUI rely on Module Name
For Modules the Authorizable Id should be the same as the name
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in interface
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
setAuthorizableId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Same as Authorizable.getAuthorizableId() to relate the authorizable to its tracking data.
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
setAuthorizableIdAssignable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
setAuthorizationMap(Map<String, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setAuthorizationMap(Map<String, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setAuthorizationMap(Map<String, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in class
setAuthorizationMap(Map<String, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in interface
Map of entity Name to Set of Authorization.
The entity name can refer to any section that has a name, that uniquely identifies the entity.
setAuthorizationModule(AuthorizationModule<Void>) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
setAuthorizationModule(AuthorizationModule<Void>) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.AuthorizableSecurableService
Authorizations needed to access this service
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON String to represent a Map of <String, Authorization> per module.
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
setAuthorizations(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setAuthorizations(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
Any/Atleast-one of the authorizations should be with the user
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
This wraps the Module it is linked to in terms of Authorization hence will throw IllegalArgumentException
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableETLMeta
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.AuthorizableExportType
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
Authorizations required to access the component
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(String) - Method in class
setAuthorizations(Map<Authorizable, Collection<Authorization>>) - Method in class
Map for an Authorizable what are the Authorizations this Role represents.
The Map itself is transient, if Role to be persisted then save as JSON and marshal/unmarshal to this.
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableFacetMeta
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizations(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.AuthorizableTemplate
Authorizations that can access this item
setAuthorizationService(IAuthorizationService) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
setAuthorizationService(AuthorizationService) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Optional service to perform Authorization on config fetches.
setAuthorizationService(IAuthorizationService) - Method in class
setAuthorizedId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiAuthorizedStateFacetMeta
setAuthorizedObject(T) - Method in class
setAuthToken(AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
setAuthToken(AuthenticationToken) - Method in interface
setAuthToken(AuthenticationToken) - Method in class
setAuthUserService(AbstractSessionAuthService<User, S>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
setAutoConvertNonRefType(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToStringTransformer
If true will entertain non Reference type as String using Object.toString()

This is useful when using common code for processing datasource data for Pure Reference type and non-ref alike.
setAutoParagraph(String) - Method in class
autoParagraph : false
Whether automatically create wrapping blocks around inline contents inside document body, this helps to ensure the integrality of the block enter mode.
setAvailability(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Some products may not be available to be Sold Online or available for a specific purpose
setAwsClient(AmazonCloudFrontAsyncClient) - Method in class
setAwsClient(AmazonCloudFrontClient) - Method in class
setAwsCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AmazonSNSClient
setAwsCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AmazonSNSClientClient
setAwsLogClient(AWSLogs) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
setBase(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
In the default behavior/understanding, the base price reflect the regular total of the product
setBasePagePath(String) - Method in class
Prefix this to the URL's page path
setBasePagePath(String) - Method in class
Prefix this to the URL's page path
If supplied; will negate the path folders from the Expected URL resource path.
setBasePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
the HTMLPublisherListener.transform(Object) method will get a relative URL.
setBaseReporters(List<Reporter<Object[]>>) - Method in class
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet
setBaseReporters(List<Reporter<Object[]>>) - Method in class
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet
setBaseReporters(List<Reporter<Object[]>>) - Method in interface
Each Reporter will create a new Sheet/Tab/Section of Data in the Report
setBaseUrlStr(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Base string for URL.
setBaseWebAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
setBaseWebPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
setBaseWebPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
setBatch(B) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.SerialBufferSplitter
setBCCList(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in class
If not using bulk and want to show BCC addresses, use this
setBCCListStr(String) - Method in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.BCCList but does not directly participate in any processing
setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.DefaultSelectorPersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.groovy.MultipleGroovyScriptFactory
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class
setBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfiguration
If StaticConfiguration.getName() and StaticConfiguration.getNamespace() are both null it will derive the namespace to be everything before ConfigurationSource.NAMESPACE_DELIM and name to be the last token after the delim.
setBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
setBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
setBehaviors(Map<Class<MapperBehavior>, MapperBehavior>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
setBehaviors(Map<Class, Behavior>) - Method in interface
setBehaviors(Map<Class, Behavior>) - Method in class
Optional AddOnBehaviors for custom strategies
setBehaviors(Map<Class, Behavior>) - Method in interface
setBillingCycle(Cycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setBindModelToRawData(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
The model to the component is what is provided as an Object to the whole component.
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Optional param that allows an Application to define project specific switches (boolean flags) for an Order.
setBitmask(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setBitmask(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
setBitmask(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setBitmask(int) - Method in class
setBitmask(int) - Method in interface
setBlackRegExPattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
setBlank(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
setBlockOrders(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
A quick set flag if we wish to block taking orders due to any reason like maintenance etc.
setBodyId(String) - Method in class
Specify a Body Id, so that CSS elements that use the common id for content derive that via the inserted id within the editor.
setBrowser(BrowserVersion) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
setBuffer(BlockingQueue<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
Should be called by overriding class to set.
setBUFFER_HOLD_TIME(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
If within BUFFER_HOLD_TIME if no alert is received then it will flush the buffer.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.connectors.BufferedConnector
Read Buffer size number of records before committing to DataStore/Out
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.SimpleBufferedConnector
setBuildProperties(Properties) - Method in class
Build specific properties derived from
setBulk(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, The message will be a Bulk blast / optimize accordingly and set appropriate RFC headers Example see
setBulkActions(List<PARAM_META>) - Method in class
Any Bulk actions to perform on the Report
setBulkActionsMetaSpringBeanName(String) - Method in class
A Spring bean name that defines a List of FacetMeta,each defining a Button and an associated Submit action
setByModuleNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
setCache(Cache) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
Optional cache, if provided will clear the cache fore related entries being set
setCache(Cache) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setCache(Cache) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
Set using Spring SPEL like #{cacheManager.getCache('myCacheName')}
setCache(Cache) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
setCacheExpression(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true will use SpELTransformer.expressionInstanceto cache the Expression for frequent use.
setCacheKeyAccessorTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
If Not null, will assume input not to be an array and will assign the cache key to be the name derived from this transformer.
setCacheKeyTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
If not null will extract the key from the input; if null will use the Object.hashCode()
setCacheManager(CacheManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setCacheManager(CacheManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
setCacheManager(CacheManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
setCacheManager(CacheManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
setCacheName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
setCacheName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
setCacheName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
setCallback(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
Callback to the end of the asynchronous process
setCallDecorator(IAjaxCallDecorator) - Method in class
setCampaignPropertyName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
setCanReply(boolean) - Method in class
setCartItemKey(CI, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
setCartProductTransform(CartProductTransformService<P, CartItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Handle All conversions
setCartProductTransform(CartProductTransformService<P, CartItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Handle All conversions
setCartService(CartService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
setCartToSession(S, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
The Session is expected to be related to the Cart it carries.
setCartToSession(S, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.ServletCartService
setCartToSession(S, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
setCaseType(CaseTransformer.Case) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setCategoryBuilder(DefaultHierarchyBasedCategoryBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
setCategoryName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
setCategoryPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
setCCList(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in class
If not using bulk and want to show CC addresses, use this
setCCListStr(String) - Method in class
Setting comma separated EMAIL ADDRESSES in this appends to EmailMessage.CCList but does not directly participate in any processing
setChain(Chain<T, O>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ChainAware
If the processor that implements this is part of a chain, it will have a reference to the chain
setChain(Chain) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
setChain(Chain) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
setChainDelim(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
The delimiter within the chain
setChainElementValidator(SecurityAdapter<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
setChainOutput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true, the output from previous transformation becomes input for the next.
setChainRegionRegExPattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
The region that defines the chain; inclusive of the literals ad delimiter
setChangeFreq(SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
setChangeFreq(Function<C, SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive Frequency for all items generated using this transformer
setChangeFreq(Function<M, SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive Frequency for all items generated using this transformer
setChannel(RSS2Channel) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
Details about the channel
setCharacterSet(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
setCharset(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.StringToInternetAddressTransformer
See InternetAddress.setPersonal(String, String)
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class
setChildEntityParentRefFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The name of the Container Entity (Product) in the related Entity
setChildPageComponentName(String) - Method in class
setChildren(List<Long>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setChildren(List<M>) - Method in class
Represents the Children sub-menu items of this item
setChildren(List<MenuItemState>) - Method in class
setChildren(List<T>) - Method in class
setCipher(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
setCipherType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
setCity(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setCleanMatchingRegex(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
setCleanup_regex_str(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
setClear(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
If true will clear the EntityManager
setClickableFieldNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
Collection of field names for the record that will be click-able.
setClientAccessKeyId(String) - Method in class
Access Key Id of the User
setCloneCollection(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
If true will return a new Collection of the same type
setCloneElementInCollection(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
If true will clone every element within the collection
setCloneTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
Perform the clone operation
setCloud(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setCloudwatchLogs(RetrieveCloudWatchLogs) - Method in class
Interacts with Amazon CloudWatch to retrieve logs
setClusterName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
setClusterName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
Will specify cluster in which document is to be persisted
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area Code
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
A unique code for the Coupon / user combo
This can be pre-generated and a user maybe expected to match this code to avail the pre-generated Coupon
setCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
Zip Code
setCode(String) - Method in class
setCollectExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
setCollectExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
setCollectExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
If true will collect ContinueProcessingExceptions and throw a WrapperException with a LinkedHashMap of the Transformer that caused and the particular Exception
setCollectionFetch(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
Convert a Collection Id to a Product
setCollectionRefId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.CollectionMetaItem
setCollectionType(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
The facet has a collection and the ContentType is implied on the elements in the collection and not the collection itself.
When this is true, for each element in the Collection a separate Component is rendered.
setCollectionTypeEvaluator(Function<ParameterizedType, Boolean>) - Method in class
setColors(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Comma separated values of Colors
setColsMerged(int) - Method in class
setColumnFieldMapping(Map<?, Mapper>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper from Tuple Column Index/Field Name to a particular field (one to one); index # starts @ 0
setColumnNames(List) - Method in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
setColumnNames(List<String>) - Method in class
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
setColumnNames(List<String>) - Method in class
The Exporter may change the original columns, or names etc.
setColumnNames(List<String>) - Method in interface
Display names of the Columns in the report for each field in T
setColumns(int) - Method in class
Sets number of columns
setColumnToEntityValueMapping(Map<Integer, Object>) - Method in class
Each column position (starting @ 0) needs to be mapped to the entity name or a Transformer(entity) or even a FacetMeta to tell the presentation layer which Column maps to which field / value(output from the Transformer, in case on complex relations)

Additionally a FacetMeta (value object) can be Authorizable also
setCommandPath(String) - Method in class
Absolute path to the command like D:/tmp/test.bat
setComments(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setComments(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
setComments(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setComparator(Comparator) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
setConfigIdToAuthorizableMap(Map<Serializable, Authorizable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
setConfigService(ConfigurationService) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
setConfigSource(ConfigurationSource) - Method in class
setConfigTypes(List<Class>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
setConfiguration(SpelParserConfiguration) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class com.neurosys.markdown.etl.MarkDownToHTMLTransformer
setConfigurationSources(List<ConfigurationSource>) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
Will iteratively look for the requested configuration from the specified sources
setConfirmDelete(boolean) - Method in class
setConnectionPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
setConnectionPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
setConnectionPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
setConnectionPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
setConnectionPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
setConsiderStringBlankCellsAsEmpty(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
When filtering if row is found to have Cells String but BLANK then also consider them to be empty.
Note: A Blank is none or more SPACE characters
setConsumer(Consumer<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Consumer for items being written
setConsumer(Consumer<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Consumer of the object that came from the event
setContainer(MenuItem) - Method in class
Name of the MenuItem which is the container of this.
setContainer(TokenContainer<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
setContainerName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Name of the Distributed List or Map
setContainerName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Name of the Distributed List or Map
Note: Dont confuse containerName for groupName
setContent(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentFacet
setContent(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
setContent(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
setContent(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
setContent(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
setContent(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAlias
setContent(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentFacet
setContent(C) - Method in class
Content for the State the MenuItem is in
setContent(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
setContent(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostFacet
setContentDescriber(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
setContentDescriber(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
setContentDescriber(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentDescriberModel
setContentFacet(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
The FacetMeta in the Content the file will relate to
setContentFilter(ContentFilterService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.AbstractPublishAdapter
setContentHierarchy(List<ContentDescriber>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
setContentManager(ContentManagerPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
setContentName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomMenuItem
setContentPathConstructor(ContentPathConstructor) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
setContentPathTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
If there is a name from raw data, ensure its converted to a proper formal suitable to be a link/URL
setContentsCss(List<String>) - Method in class
All the CSS path that should be imported into the editor
setContentService(ContentService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
setContentService(ContentService) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PermaLinkTransformer
setContentSource(HierarchyContentSource) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setContentSource(ContentSource<C, CA, CF>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setContentSource(HierarchyContentSource<C, CA, CF>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
setContentStatusCriticalForMove(Collection<Status>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
While ContentServiceImpl.move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) the service will move the content across all Status types.
setContentStatusCriticalForMove(Collection<Status>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
While #move(ContentDescriber, ContentDescriber, Integer) the service will move the content across all Status types.
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
Apply this Transformer over the extracted content, before passing it back
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.ResourceContentExtractor
Apply this Transformer over the extracted content, before passing it back
Accepts a String and returns a String.
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Extracts the content from input entity.
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
One can override WicketExtendInput.contentTransformer with a Chain or another Transformer.
To use the default Transformer in a chain you can refer to WicketExtendInput.getDefaultContentTransformer().
setContentTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
setContentType(ContentType) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
setContext(CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
Supply a Context to the Publisher
Note: This will replace any existing context map.
setContext(VelocityContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
setContext(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
An existing context
setContext(Object, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
setContext(StandardEvaluationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
Default context supplied to the ExpressionParser
setContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
setContext(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
Any specific services or beans we want to inject into the Context
setContext(C) - Method in class
Additional context that maybe provided by the user in the Session.
Note: CONTEXTS can be processed further, in the default design this is intended to be the raw CONTEXT set directly by the client

Difference between UserShell.setEnvironment(Object) nad ContextualWebUserShell.setContext(Object) is that context is set by user, while environment is set by the system and should be immutable.
setContext(ResourceListView.ViewContext) - Method in class
setContext(Object) - Method in class
Additional context that maybe provided by the user in the Session
Note: CONTEXTS can be processed further, in the default design this is intended to be the raw COMTEXT set directly by the client
Example: PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy's use context for more advanced and custom scenarios

NOTE: THIS IS SAME AS ContextualWebUserShell.setContext(Object) by default
setCONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH(String) - Method in class
setContextMarkupEnd(String) - Method in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
setContextMarkupStart(String) - Method in class
as it inserts it in the content can can lead to complications
setContextName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
If the input (context) is an Object then one can refer to this object in the Velocity context as the value of this variable.
setContextObjectAccessor(AccessorLookUp) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
If null, the Object from the ContextExtractorTransformer.context will be retrieved using the ContextExtractorTransformer.mapper
If Not null then the input to the ContextExtractorTransformer.transform(Object) will act as an accessor in an EntityChainAccessTransformer
setContextParams(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
Optional context params to inject into the scripting object (context)
setContextProviderStrategy(ContextProviderStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setContextProviderStrategy(ContextProviderStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setContextProviderStrategy(ContextProviderStrategy<U, CONTEXT>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setContextType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
The type of context maintained by the ContextualSession.getContext()
setControllable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setConversionMetaData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
Details about currency conversion (if any).
Implementation is Application dependent.
Preferably the rate value or in JSON format.
setConvertBlankCellToNullValue(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
When dealing with Numbers, if this is false then 0 is returned as per Cell#getNumericCellValue().
setConvertBlankCellToNullValue(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
When dealing with Numbers in the tuple, if this is false then 0 is returned as per Cell.getNumericCellValue().
To avoid conversion to 0, one can set this to true.

To override @ a columns level see OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
setConvertToCategoryTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
setCookie(Cookie, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
setCookie(Cookie, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
setCopy(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
If true will make a copy of the original Collection and modify that.
setCopyright(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setCoreFields(List<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
These are the fields that define the core data to be captured.
For example in a class, for every student.
setCoreFieldTransformers(Map<String, Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
An optional Map of Transformer for each field in JSONGridRenderAdapter.coreFields by FacetMeta.getName()
Any mapping with null key implies applying that Transformer to all cells in the grid, if no override exists for it.
setCount(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
An optional COUNT to supplement the message
setCountQuery(Transformer) - Method in class
Run a count query for the DataSourceReporter.dataGenerator
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
setCountry(Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setCreated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setCreated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setCreated(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setCreated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setCreated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date of creation.
Useful if Order.purchaseDate is not same as Order.created date
setCreated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setCreateRefIfNotExist(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
setCredentials(AWSCredentials) - Method in class
Credentials required to init a AWSLogsClient
setCriteriaJSON(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Project dependent JSON representing Deliver
setCriteriaJson(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Any additional Data to describe the Promotion meta-data criteria like who, how many times can the same user use it, how is a user identified, and how people are eligible for it etc.
This JSON is intended to be App specific where the PromotionStrategy can interpret the JSON criteria
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
The preferred currency for the user cart
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
The currency
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
setCurrencyStrategy(CurrencyStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setCurrent(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Progress
setCurrent(Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
Current position relative to the front most in the TokenPosition.container
TokenPosition as position (>=0)
setCurrentInventory(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setCurrentProposedOrder(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
setCurrentSelectedRootNode(File) - Method in class
setCurrentValue(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
setCustomConfig(String) - Method in class
Suppose you copied the config.js file to a folder named custom in the root of your website.
setCustomItemRenderAdapter(CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Customize how an Item is rendered within the form.
setCustomMergeActions(Map<Object, Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
Map fieldName (String) or value type (Class) to a Transformer that accepts an Array of {existing stored entity, new transient object} and returns the final Object.
The mapper can also result in null (No transformer) in which case it implies to ignore any copy/merge actions.
setCustomSortableDataProvider(DP) - Method in class
setCustomTemplateRenderAdapter(CustomTemplateRenderAdapter) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Any custom way to render a field in a template (In Edit mode), not final rendering
setCycle(Cycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.TrackCycle
setCycle(Cycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
What is the billing Cycle for the Feature
setDanglingDelimRegEx(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
Used by StringConcatTransformer.cleanDangligngDelimets(String) to clean any dangling delimiters at the end of the join process
setDao(ConfigurationDao<String, String, C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
DAO backing this service
setDao(QueryableDao<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
AbstractQueryableDaoImpl type dao to support Query by object
setDao(LogisticsDao) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.service.LogisticsServiceImpl
setDao(EventsDao<E>) - Method in class
setDao(EventsDao<E>) - Method in interface
setDao(GenericDao<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DaoWrapperTransformer
setDao(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
A Transformer capable of returning an object for an id and updating the object if the input to it is the object itself.
setDao(ProductDao<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
setDao(ProductDao) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
setDataGenerator(Transformer) - Method in class
Generate the Source tuples from the Data Source; the Transformer should return a List of objects (see JPAQueryTransformer)
setDataProvider(IDataProvider<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
The core Data Source provider as IDataProvider
setDataProvider(SortableDataProvider<T>) - Method in class
setDataService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
setDataTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ListRenderAdapter
The actual Model for List rendering and the model for the data field may not be the same.
setDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setDateCycle(DateCycle) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class
Date format for Date Cells
setDateTime(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
When the system got the response and recorded it
Should be set as soon as the Transaction flow returns control to the API that called the transaction and gets the Response Code.
setDayOfMonth(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
setDecodeEditorTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Allows to decode the encoding done by FacetMeta.encodeEditorTransformer when loading in the CMS Editor
setDEFAULT_DISPLAY_PAGE_SIZE(int) - Method in class
setDEFAULT_LOCALE(Locale) - Method in class
setDefaultConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
setDefaultCountryCode(String) - Method in class
Country Code of the recipient
setDefaultEntityAlias(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
If the field names in FacetMeta dont contain any alias; the SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer.defaultEntityAlias will be prefixed.
setDefaultOrderField(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
setDefaultResourceLocations(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
If the system is unable to derive the path for a given resource where should it be placed Each key corresponds to a file based ContentType Property name from FacetMeta or A Field that is Annotated with Type and has a File based ContentType Note: These paths must be absolute always and may employ the variable; example with AppSettings.get().CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH.
setDefaults(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
Default bean for the configs/settings, if nothing else is found it will default to this.
setDefaults(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
Default bean for the configs/settings, if nothing else is found it will default to this.
setDefaultService(SERVICE_TYPE) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
The default target service if Scripting not available
setDefaultTrackingServiceType(Class) - Method in class
setDefaultUnit(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If no dimensions are available and this is not null then this will be set as the default unit
setDefaultUnit(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If no dimensions are available and this is not null then this will be set as the default unit
setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
In any Transformation or Lookup, if the default value is sent then instead of null or causing an exception, it will return the default value
setDefaultValue(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
The Default Value
setDefaultvalue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Static Object or Transformers (that consumes ModelObject), applied if the value is null and only null (Blanks etc will not demand a default value substitution)
If Data Type is a Collection then the type should be a Collection type to match the required model
setDelim(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
setDelim(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
setDelimeter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
If specified will join the elements using the delimiter.
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
setDeliveryDetails(DeliveryDetails) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setDeriveContextNameSpacePrefix(Function<HttpServletRequest, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
An optional Function that converts super.request HttpServletRequest into a default context namespace, and prefixes it to any namespace specified.
setDesc(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setDescribe(Function<C, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.ContentPagesToRSS2Items
Get/Derive description for Content
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
Description for reference purposes
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
setDetails(boolean) - Method in class
If true will bind the Full exception object to the Response
setDetails(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setDirectory(File) - Method in class
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class
true: The menu is not usable altough it maybe shown
This can be due to authorization reasons
setDiscount(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
Should be a (-) quantity if discount is being offered.
setDiscountStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setDispatchDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class
Display Name corresponding to the Reporter
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Display Name
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
Display Name
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
Display Name (Can contain HTML)
If you want to display the name without HTML use MarshalUtils.regexReplace(safeDisplayName, HTMLUtils.html4Replacer)
setDisplayName(String) - Method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentMethod
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
User friendly name for the promotion
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.ISection
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Display Name
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
User friendly display name : Useful in Admin view etc.
setDisplayTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
During Rendering of the data one can apply this; The transformer can be applied on non String objects also.
setDistributionId(String) - Method in class
setDistributionId(String) - Method in class
setDob(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setDob(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
Date Of Birth
setDocs(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setDocumentFieldsToQuery(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
The document fields to query, should be same or a SubSet of the fields specified in the Indexing Query
The name should also match that of the alias specified in the Query (for indexing)
setDocumentToIdTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
For a Document in an index identify the Id
setDone(boolean) - Method in class
setDontPropagateExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
Sometimes persist is a fail safe and we dont care about subsequent failures.
setDropHeaderRows(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
Usually Sheets have a header, drop MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter.dropHeaderRows from the top.
setDropRowsWithOnlyFirstColumn(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
Usually some rows maybe delimited by a Delimiter Row that can only have one value in its 0th col, drop them
setDuplicateCheck(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setDuration(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
Duration in Days.
setEditorPageHeader(String) - Method in class
We may want to insert some common scripts etc in the Header of the page itself where the CkEditor is being used.
setElementTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
setElementTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
If specified will apply the Transformer to each individual element
setElementTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
setEm(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
setEm(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setEmail(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setEmailDispatcher(EmailDispatcher) - Method in class
setEmailOrderpublisher(Publisher) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
setEmailPattern(Pattern) - Method in class
setEmbedImages(boolean) - Method in class
All image parts will be embedded in the email
setEmpty(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IModuleFeature
Enable or disable the feature.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Enable or disable the feature.
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
setEnclosure(RSS2Item.Enclosure) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setEncode(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
setEncodeEditorTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Due to dynamic nature of content, security etc.
setEncodeParam(ImageEncodeParam) - Method in class
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
To apply an encoding on the core value if, this value is not null
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.AbstractExcelRowToEntityTransformer
setEndDate(Date) - Method in class
setEngagementSummary(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.Post
JSON Summary of comments statistics, and other engagement Data
Note: The Post data model will not maintain references to various related data like comments etc.
setEngine(VelocityEngine) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
setEngine(VelocityEngine) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
setEngine(VelocityEngine) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
The Core Velocity Engine
setEnterMode(String) - Method in class
For example the following prevents content from being enclosed in <p> tags enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
setEntities(List<Class>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
List of classes representing entities to bind the request to.
setEntitiesLookup(Lookup) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Uses this as to extract the entities (List) from the raw input type, that relate to the input
setEntity(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
setEntity(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentAttribute
setEntity(E) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
Reference to the entity this Attribute is part of
setEntity(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.JsonQuery
setEntity(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
setEntity(E, String, V) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
setEntity(TUPLE, Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
Reverse of SetEntity actually, setting the value to a given position in the Tuple for Mapper.getFieldName() != null (I.e concrete Output fields)
setEntity(ENTITY, Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Set the entity with the value for the field that is mapped
setEntity(List<T>, Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToListTransformer
setEntity(Object[], Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToObjectArrayTransformer
setEntity(E) - Method in class
entity, on which the Change is occuring
setEntity(Object[], Mapper, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ObjectToRowReverseTransformer
setEntity(Organization) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.OrganizationAttribute
setEntity(Venue) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
setEntity(Content) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
setEntity(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
setEntity(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
setEntityAccessTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Allow query sub-properties etc if provided (A clone of this is used in AbstractEntityTransformer.getValue(Object, Object, Mapper))
setEntityClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
setEntityClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
setEntityClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
Main entity Class
SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior<E,V> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
Allows to pre or post process or initialize a Field and then setting it in an entity by AbstractEntityTransformer#setEntity() and similar use cases.
SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior(List<Mode>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
setEntityFieldSetters(Map<String, EntityFieldSetter>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map form field to an EntityFieldSetter where conventionally BeanUtils cannot work over the entity field to set it
setEntityGUID(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TrackToken
GUID for entity
setEntityGUID(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
GUID for entity
setEntityId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Local Id for entity
Can be used for ref-integrity (relation) with Token data
setEntityIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
The name used to identify a fellow identity uniquely, that is part of this Entity set/group
setEntityIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer
The name used to identify a fellow identity uniquely, that is part of this Entity set/group
setEntityJsonTransformersMap(Map<Class, Transformer>) - Method in class
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
setEntityManagerProvider(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
Since EntityManager is transient, in certain situations it may need to be re-acquired
setEntityName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
Name of the core entity to which all the other records/entities are related
setEntityNameAliasMapping(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
Example "Product e" and all the FacetMeta.getName()s would use the field name directly or can use p.fieldName If defining a single entity and an alias, check SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer.defaultEntityAlias.
setEntityProcessor(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
setEntityRef(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
Reference to the entity like Organization, Venue or Event etc this VMInfo is for
setEntityTemplate(EntityTemplate<Map>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderAdapter
setEntityToJSON(Transformer) - Method in class
setEntityToJsonMapper(Function<Object, Transformer>) - Method in class
Function from Object to Transformer.
setEntityType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityTemplate
setEnumType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnumListTransformer
A pre-set Enum type this is expected to give a list for
setEnvironment(E) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Shell
Returns the system set context, instance or environment for the current Shell
setEnvironment(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
See Constructor
setEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Environment variables needed for the Shell task to execute
setEquals(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If false will convert this Equals to Not-Equals (inverse condition)
setEquals(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If false will convert this Equals to Not-Equals (inverse condition)
setErrorMessage(Object) - Method in class
If not null will be used to provide Feedback error message as Status, String or Transformer on int (level of error).
If null, then the actual Throwable.getMessage() will be used.
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
setEstimatedDays(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setEstWaitTime(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
Estimated wait time in minutes
setEvent(E) - Method in class
The event over which we are getting feedback
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
eventName within the namespace
setEventSenderId(String) - Method in class
The user, process or container Id that owns the event
setException(Exception) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setException(Exception) - Method in class
Any Exception
setExceptions(List<Exception>) - Method in exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException
If a Process wishes to finish before throwing the exception; all other exceptions can be trapped
setExceptions(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
setExceptions(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
List or Map of Field to its fields that are included or excluded depending on the EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode

To support complex nested exceptions, the Map is recursive in nature for each nested field.
setExceptions(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Used if failFast is off (false) to get the exceptions that occurred in the run/load
setExceptions(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Used if failFast is off (false) to get the exceptions that occurred in the run/load
setExceptions(Collection<Throwable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
setExcludedFields(Set<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Set of names of fields whose values will not be included in ResultSet.
setExcludedFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
Fields to be excluded.
Fields that are neither included nor excluded will be filtered based on JSONMarshaller.filterOnlyIfExcluded
setExecute(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
If the Procedure is not expected to return anything and uses DML then set to true.
setExecuteUnderTransaction(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
If true, will execute persist under 1 transaction and will apply EntityPersistTransformer.transactionDef.
setExpandedState(boolean) - Method in class
setExpectSingleResult(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
setExpectSingleResult(boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
If true, query will return only one result, which will be returned without being wrapped in a List else return results in a List
setExpectSingleResult(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
If true it will attempt to return only 1 Object or null if no match to query
One should use the LIMIT keyword in query when setting this to true.
setExportableFormats(Map<ExportType, ExportMeta>) - Method in class
The export process may require some additional information supplied by ExportMeta

Map of Key is ExportType and Value of type ExportMeta
setExpression(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
The expression to parse against
setExtension(String) - Method in class
The export type is associated with the file extension
setExtent(AuthorizationExtent) - Method in class
setExtractedNameTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Once the name is extracted from FileToEntityLookup.extractionPattern we can apply any custom Transformer over it before it is compared to the values in the database.
setExtractionPattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
In a File name, extract part of the name that matches this pattern
setFacet(ContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
setFacet(ContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentFacetModel
setFacet(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.MarkupContentModel
setFacetMeta(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ScriptableFacetMetaAjaxButton
setFacets(Collection<CF>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setFacets(Collection<CF>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setFacets(Collection<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
What all dynamic place holders does the template have.
setFailed(List<Throwable>) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class
Decides whether to continue with execution of code when a error occurs or simply throw the error
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
In failFast (true) mode, any failure will immediately break the chain and not look to carry on with the process.
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
If true will exit on first exception else will collect exceptions
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
setFailFast(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
setFailureFeedbackRoleArn(String) - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a failed Message Delivery
setFailureFeedbackRoleArn(String) - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a failed Message Delivery
setFailureGatewayResponse(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Specific reason for gateway Failure
setFailureIssuerResponse(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Specific reason for issuer Failure
setFalseState(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
if input is Boolean with state Boolean.FALSE
setFeature(Feature) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setFeatures(Map<String, F>) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
setFee(TransactionAmount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
An optional transaction fee
setFeed(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.RawStringFeed
setFeedback(F) - Method in interface
setFeedback(F) - Method in class
Any Feedback/callback object
setFeedback(FeedbackPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
setFeedback(Feedback) - Method in class
setFeedback(FeedbackPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
setFeedbackPanel(FeedbackPanel) - Method in class
setFeedbackPanel(FeedbackPanel) - Method in class
setFeeds(List<Supplier>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.ScheduledFeeds
setFieldAccessor(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
The field name or accessor, can be a String or a TwoWayTransformer.
If a Transformer then it will apply it over the input to derive the object to persist if its a new born.
setFieldGenerators(List<FieldGenerator<P, Void, ObjectDocumentRowMapperIndexer>>) - Method in class
Provide additional ability to generate new/additional document fields based on each product found in the Collection obtained from BaseCollectionTypeDocumentsGenerator.listForProductTransformer
setFieldMapping(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
setFieldMapping(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
setFieldMapping(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
Map from query param name to field name or Transformer that will act on input to get param value.
setFieldMapping(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
setFieldMapping(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
The field the result of the mapper is intended for
If null, then the Mapper value can be applied as an Intermediate variable if the Mapper.getBehavior(Class) has IntermediateResultMapperBehavior else it would apply itself on the core Entity
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
The name of the field to extract the value from the set Object
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
setFieldNamesToMerge(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The values for field names mentioned in this Collection will be merged into the new Entity, i.e.
setFieldOrderListing(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
List of field/attribute Names as String that govern the order of listing in the form.
setFieldPersist(EntityFieldSetter<E, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
Once the new born object is persisted the resultant entity is put back into the parent.
setFieldRenderAdapter(CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<Object, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
Optional CustomTemplateRenderAdapter to render fields in the grip.
setFieldValueMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
The field values to override
setFileName(String) - Method in class
Template JS file name
setFileNamePattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.FileResourceFilter
The file name Pattern the File Resource must match
setFileSortComparatorSpringBeanName(String) - Method in class
A Spring bean name that defines a Comparator that sorts File
setFileTargetGroupName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
setFileTargetUserName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
setFileTypesRegEx(String) - Method in class
File types that this static loader will consider as resources worth importing.
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
A Predicate, if provided will be used to filter files
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
Filter tokens out if the result is false
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapCleanTransformer
If null ; entries with null values in the map will be removed
If the filter is specified and returns true for a given value then it will be removed.
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Filter lines or records that should be ignored perhaps; Records that the user may have used for formatting etc perhaps.
If the filter predicate returns false, then it will not be available in

The Predicate.evaluate(Object) may return false or even throw a RuntimeException.
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
Filter Raw input and ensure its elegible for Transformeration
setFilter(Query<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
Will apply the filter result to remove them from the main result before producing final result.
setFilter(Predicate) - Method in class
When setting multiple expressions, it maybe desired to filter which expressions should be used or not based on runtime conditions on the object being set.
setFilterHeaders(String[]) - Method in class
setFilterJsonConfig(JsonConfig) - Method in class
Optional: Used when creating the JSONObject from raw JSON String.
setFilterNodesWithNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
We may want to exclude certain nodes/types of nodes from the Loading process while creating the Nav
Supply the unique names identifying the nodes.
setFilterNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
If false will NOT filter out nulls
setFilterOnlyIfExcluded(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.JSONMarshaller
If true will only filter whats in the JSONMarshaller.excludedFields.
setFilterParam(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
The Parameter key to use to check if the request has been made before for session or user-agent
setFilterRequestBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Predicate UserShellToThreadLocalFilter.filterRequest, to put a condition if this Filter should be invoked or not.
setFilterRequestBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Predicate WebTransformerFilter.filterRequest, to put a condition if this Filter should be invoked or not.
setFilters(List<Predicate>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.FilterChain
setFilterSubjectCatchPhrases(Pattern) - Method in class
setFinalButtonCount(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.wicket.components.ConfigurableFacetMetaActionContainer
Due to authorization etc All buttons passed maynot be rendered so keep count of of many were rendered finally
setFinalWeight(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Final Weight (may include weight of product, Packaging etc)
setFindTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.DefaultExistingEntityLookup
For an input proxy entity object , return the actual entity in DB
setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setFirstName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setFit(SizeFit.Fit) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
setFixedHeightPts(Float) - Method in class
Optional height in Excel points.
setFlowStatus(FlowStatus) - Method in class
The FlowStatus of this change event
setFlowStatus(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus) - Method in class
The FlowStatus type of the event itself
setFlowStatus(TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus) - Method in interface
setFlush(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
If true will flush the EntityManager
setFocussed(boolean) - Method in class
true : User focus is on particular/specific Menu item (now)
setFolderDetailsPanel(ResourceManagerPanel<File>) - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
setFolderLocation(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.DefaultContentLocationResolver
setFolderLocation(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.resolvers.PathLocationResolver
setFolderName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setFormat(DateFormat) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
Expected output DateFormat
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
The format
setFormat(String) - Method in class
setFrom(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Reverse transform FROM transformed object
setFromAddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
The network Address of the VM we are connecting TO; like an IP address with port#.
setFromAmountDetailsJSON(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The From amount details recorded in JSON format.
setFromCurrency(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
The currency from which the currency amount was derived.
setFromExtension(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Special Strings; if Not null is Appended after the last default entity in FROM clause
setFullPage(boolean) - Method in class
setFuture(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
setFutureProcessor(Transformer) - Method in class
setGatewayId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Identify the Gateway / Broker
setGatewayRequestParams(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
When being redirected to gateway/Service; capture the URL param details
setGatewayResponseJSON(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Capture any other flags and attributes from the gateway in a JSON String
setGatewayResultCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A response/Result mnemonic from the gateway indicating the final result of the Transaction
setGatewayTransactionId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A unique transaction Id generated by the gateway
This maybe the same as
setGenerateArray(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
If true will generate an Array as an output instead of a List
setGenerator(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setGenerator(IMenuGenerator) - Method in class
The instance of the generator that will produce the replacement actual MenuItems
setGenericObject(GenericObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
The GenericObject this GenericReference belongs to
setGeoLocation(GeoLocation) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
setGeoLocation(GeoLocation) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue.location was intended to be PointRef type.
setGeoLocation(GeoLocation) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.PointRef
setGetKey(Function<T, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
For the input t, get the key name; if t has to be put on a Distributed Map.
setGroupIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
If specified its the index in
setGuid(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setGUID(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.guid.GUID
setHaltOnJSError(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
If false will ignore JavaScript errors
setHash(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
setHash(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Security hash code of the record to ensure there is no local tampering of the record where the environment cannot be guaranteed against data manipulation.
setHeader(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
Do things like set cache.
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
setHeaders(WebResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminDialogTemplate
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
setHeight(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
setHeight(Object) - Method in class
pixels , for % specify %
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class
true: The Item exists in concept but is not show to the user.
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
A String like: "rootId-nodeId-subnodeId-thisId"; gives the entire picture of the hierarchy to this point.
setHierarchy(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
A String like: "rootId-nodeId-subnodeId-thisId"; gives the entire picture of the hierarchy to this point.
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
Maintain a copy of Hierarchy code from HierarchialDomainObject.getHierarchy() incase the product is deleted
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
setHierarchy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
setHost(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setHypothetical(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Hypothetical facets are derived (read only) facets that cannot participate in the submission process.
They are NOT properties of the template entity.
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setId(String) - Method in class
Handle to this ReporterMeta
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAttribute
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeature
Typically same as Feature.getAuthorizableId() but can be different; if different Organization say use different Features/Restrictions using FeatureForOrganization
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAFeatureForOrganization
Typically same as Feature.getAuthorizableId() but can be different; if different Organization say use different Features/Restrictions using FeatureForOrganization
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPAProductPackage
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPARestriction
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.jpa.JPATier
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
setId(I) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Tag
setId(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction Id : Typically generated as a combination of
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setId(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Identifiable
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
During Error handling its useful to point @ the mapper if there is no fieldName specified
setId(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
setId(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
An optional id to identify the Process.
setId(Long) - Method in class
setId(Long) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
A way to identify the navigator in the logs etc.
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Id with GeneratedValue.strategy() of GenerationType.AUTO
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
Id type, but manually generated.
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in interface
setId(String) - Method in interface
setId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
setId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
setIdempotent(boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.IdempotentAware
setIdempotent(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
setIdentifier(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
From the record identifies which key the node will be associated with.
If the CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer.identifier Transformer throws ContinueProcessingException then that element will not be added in the Value map (i.e.
setIdentityFieldNames(Map<Class, List<String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
setIdFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
setIdMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
setIdParamName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
setIgnoreConnectionExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
setIgnoreEntityFieldsInWhere(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
If true will Not add the Query entity fields to the WHERE clause
setIgnoreInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true it will only consider SpELTransformer.context as input to the Expression parser
setIgnoreNavigableNodeChildren(boolean) - Method in class
If true, will optimize by removing children of nodes that are navigable.
setIgnoreNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
If true, will ignore any null values in the collection type input.
setIgnoreNullsForPrimitiveTypes(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true and a field is a primitive type, it will prevent updating the resultant object from un-wanted null values from a partial input object.
setIgnoreQueryParam(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
When constructing the path for Published file; ignore the SEO crawler fragment
setIgnoreUnMappedFields(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
If true; the binding process will ignore any fields that are specified in the input form post and not mapped on server
setImage(RSS2Channel.Image) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setImageLink(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
Also sets the
setImageLink(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
Also sets the
setImg(String) - Method in class
setImmutableFieldNames(Map<Class, List<String>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
The field name(s) [map of exact Type to identity fields for entity or related entity exact type], used to uniquely identify the looked up entity; note these fields will also not be overridden during any merge process in default implementation.
setIncludeAsField(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
If we do not wish to annotate the Field in the entity, and want the TemplatePanel to pick it up as a field.
setIncludedFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
List of field Names that will only be included in the Result Set.

Note: included and excluded fields are mutually exclusive (Optional)
setInclUnits(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
If true, for SizeDimensions will include units at the end else it wont.
setIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
If this ContentFacet is part of an Array (list), then this will not be null and have the index number (starts from 0)
setIndex(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setIndexToRemove(List<Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
setInputAsTargetObject(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If true then MethodInvokingTransformer.targetObject will be ignored and the input will be assumed to be the target object.
setInputEqualsOperand(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() EqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the EqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
setInputFormat(DateFormat) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
If input is a String type then this must be supplied else can be null DateFormat
setInputParamsMetas(List<PARAM_META>) - Method in class
The REPORTER may demand input parameters; we can define the input parameters and present them using additional info from PARAM_META (like FacetMeta)
Example for a SEARCH PANEL to accept INPUT Search terms for "First Name":
PARAM_META = com.neurosys.template.model.Template$FacetMeta
<property name="name" value="0" /> <!-- Index in params array, since Entity is Object array type -->
<property name="displayName" value="First Name" />
<property name="type" value="INPUT" />
<property name="submitTransformer"><bean class="com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer"> <!-- To support LIKE clause -->
<property name="prefix" value="%" />
<property name="suffix" value="%" />
setInputParamsMetas(List<PARAM_META>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
setInputSet(Set<InternetAddress>) - Method in class
setInsert(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
If true, will insert
setInstanceFactory(Function<String, C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
For a namespace or null return an AbstractConfiguration type
setInstanceType(Class<H>) - Method in class com.neurosys.spider.indexer.HierarchyMultiParentBuilder
Instance type of the Hierarchy Node
setIntermediateResults(CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
setIntermediateResults(CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.UsesIntermediateObject
The value(s) to set for this Before the Operation is performed.
setInterpart_delimiter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
A product can be identified by Name, SKU etc.
setIntrapart_delimiter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
A product name or part can have several words; so what is the delimited to be used between the words of the same part.
setInvalidMobile(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setInverse(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
If true then null result will produce true was TransformerToPredicate.evaluate(Object) result
setInverseMode(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
By default, the exceptions are the fields in the entity that are EXCLUDED.
In EntityFieldsCopyTransformer.inverseMode, the exceptions list are the only ones included in the copy.
setInvoiceId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
The Invoice ID/Number generated
Clients maybe picky about Invoice Number formats etc, hence a special field provided so it does not HAVE TO be same as Order or Transaction Number.
setIpaddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setIsNavigableTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
A simple transformer that should return a boolean true/false if the item should be MenuItem.isNavigable() or not.
setIssuerResultCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
A response/Result mnemonic from the Issuer indicating the final result of the Transaction
setIssuerTransactionId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
If multiple parties are involved, then the gateway maybe an intermediate party.
setItem(T) - Method in class
setItemListeners(List<ListenItemOnHazelCast>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
setItems(List<CartItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
setItems(List<I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setItemsSuppliers(Collection<Supplier<Collection<I>>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Collection of Suppliers that provide The items to be supplied for this channel
setItemsSuppliers(Collection<Supplier<Collection<I>>>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.feeds.etl.Feed
Collection of Suppliers that provide The items to be supplied for this channel
setJavaMailProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setJavaScriptWaitSecs(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
setJobParams(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
Input / Job parameters
setJoinClauses(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
Example: = OR =
setJPARawQueries(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
If provided will execute the Query directly without consulting ProductSortableDataProvider.query or ProductSortableDataProvider.filter
setJsonConfig(JsonConfig) - Method in class
JsonConfig used to convert JSONObject to the final Bean
setJsonConfig(JsonConfig) - Method in class
Optional JsonConfig to apply on the Page#getPage() elements
setJsonConfig(JsonConfig) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
Optional JsonConfig
setJsonTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
If provided; will attempt to convert a String intermediate-input in chain; and extract the JSON property directly
Performance Note: Using a JSON transformer for a Field maybe convenient; however it also results in a conversion cost.
setKey(Key) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.SecurityTransformer
setKey(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setKey(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer
setKey(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
A key value or a Map
setKey(ReferenceAliasKey) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
setKeyTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
Key Transformer
setKeyValidationTransformerBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setLang(Float) - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setLastAvailed(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
When the promotion was last availed by this user
setLastInvoiceDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date the last invoice was sent for this Order
An order amount can be changed and hence Invoices can be re-sent or for other reason Invoices can be sent multiple times.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setLastLogInDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
setLastLogOutDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
setLastModDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setLastName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setLastName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setLastState(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
The last state encountered
setLastStatusDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setLastStatusReason(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
What was the reason for the last status Update.
setLastUpdated(Date) - Method in class
The time the status was changed.
setLat(Float) - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
setLaunchDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
For Search, ordering etc.
setLaunchDate(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
For Search, ordering etc.
setLbhOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
setLbhOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
setLbhOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
setLbhOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
List of Name of property in SizeDimensions.
setLength(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
setLength(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
setLevel(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
setLevel(Integer) - Method in class
Indicate how down in the hierarchy is this.
setLevel(Integer) - Method in class
Indicate how down in the hierarchy is this.
setLevelMap(Map<Integer, Boolean>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
setLevelpathMap(Map<Integer, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
For every level maintain a Prefix Path that will be appended to the product name
A product @ root level is 1; 1_1 (level 2) etc.
setLevels(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
setLibraryName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setLikeName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
setLimit(L) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Restriction
Limitation value
setLimitValue(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
setLink(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
setLinkEncode(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
Encode URL
setLinkPrefix(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
The links derived are relative.
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.panels.CollectionTypesDetailsPanel
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
setListeners(List<ChangeListener<C>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentDetailsPageForm
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentAuthorSearchPanel
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentManagerPanel
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
setListeners(List<ChangeListener<Object>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PromotionDetailsPanel
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
setListeners(List<ChangeListener<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setListeners(Collection<ListeningProcess>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.EventAwareProcess
setListeners(List) - Method in class
setListeners(List<ChangeListener<T>>) - Method in interface
Set list directly.
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoRecordedCallDispatcher
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
setListeners(List<ChangeListener<E>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReporterInput
setListeners(List) - Method in class
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
setListeners(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
setListForProductTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
Transformer that will act on the entity to generate the List of Products for a collection
Note: If the transformer throws a ContinueProcessingException or a BreakChainException then the result of this generator will be null.
setLoadLeaves(boolean) - Method in class
setLoadPoints(List<IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
setLoadPoints(List<IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy>) - Method in interface
setLoadPoints(List<IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy>) - Method in class
setLoadPoints(List<IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy>) - Method in class
setLoadPoints(List<IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Localizable
setLocation(PlaceRef) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
The PlaceRef of the Venue itself

This also serves as the default location for the venue itself
setLocationResolver(ContentLocationResolver) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.CacheFlushPublishAdapter
Define a Custom ContentLocationResolver based on how its populating the cache and flush it on publish.
setLocationResolver(PathLocationResolver) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
Derive URI location for the published HTML files
setLocators(List<IPageLocator>) - Method in class
setLockId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
setLockStrategy(LockStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
An optional LockStrategy
setLockTime(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
setLog(Logger) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
setLoginId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setLoginPageRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class
If supplied, it will redirect on failure to the provided Authorization page.
setLogisticsService(LogisticsService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPaymentOptionsStrategy
If we wish to supply multiple payment Options then supply a LogisticsService
If null; only PaymentMethod.ONLINE_SERVICE_PROVIDER will be available.
setLogOnServer(boolean) - Method in class
If true will log the error on server
setLogStringTemplate(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
A Template that allows using String.format, use %s to denote actual log substitution
setLogTag(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
A log tag to report issues in the log file as this as the handle
setLookup(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Transformers (that consumes ModelObject and produces a List) and/or List of Strings or List of FacetMetas
The calling API should process any Transformer to produce a List
setLookupById(L) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
setLookupByName(L) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.DefaultHierarchyLookupService
setLookups(List<Lookup>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
setMacroLibraries(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
macroLibraries is a list of template files containing macros to be used when merging
setMailbox(Folder) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setMailBoxReader(IMAPMailBoxReader) - Method in class
setMailContent(MimeMessageHelper, EmailMessage) - Method in class
Set Mail content type and content based on DisposableMessage.getContentType()
Supports TEXT, HTML, Multipart (embedded images) If DisposableMessage.getContentType() is not specified then it assumes HTML type
setMailerService(MailerService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
setMailerService(MailerService) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
setMaintainContext(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
If true, will create a Context as a List of outputs generated by each transformer per mutually exclusive chain, including the original input as the first (0th index), element.
So for TransformerChain.chainOutput true, the context list will contain the first input and then every subsequent output produced in the chain.
setManagingEditor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setMap(Map<K, V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MapConfigurationSource
Define a Map of key values; namespace is part of the key in format <namespace>.key
setMap(Map<String, Map<K, V>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.MultiMapConfigurationSource
Define a Map of naneSpace string to Map of configurations for that namespace
setMapper(Mapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
The mapper to reverse-map / extract the value from the Context
If the mapper is not specified then the input is used as a key
setMapper(IMenuPathMapper) - Method in class
setMappers(List<Mapper<Transformer>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
List of Mappers that will act on the input to create context variables
setMarkupLocation(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
In addition to reference, if there is a specific location we want to offer to override or change default path, configure alternate location of the template markup.
setMask(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
A mask with the BIT ON and rest off; for the position bit it represents
setMaskOff(Integer, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BitMaskUtil
setMaskOff(int, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
setMaskOn(Integer, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BitMaskUtil
setMaskOn(int, int) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
setMatcherValues(Collection) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
If any of the this matches the input (including null values) it will result in the state change to the latest matching value in matcherValues
setMatchRegEx(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Replacer
setMatchSize(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If there is a BitsToStringTransformer.wordMap defined then; it will extract at a time BitsToStringTransformer.matchSize characters from right in increment by this amount also/ The key will contain these many characters.
setMax(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.DeliveryCriteria
setMax(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The max possible score for this rating
setMAX_BUFFER_SIZE(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.processors.batch.DaemonBufferSplitter
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; when count exceeds this amount it splits a batch out
setMaxLenToParse(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If specified will only consider upto {@link #maxLenToParse significant positions from the Right
This makes it convenient to remove any padded significant bits or positions that are not in use.
setMedium(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
If the medium of sending the link is email, newsletter etc.
setMenu(MenuItem) - Method in class
setMenuHelper(MenuHelper) - Method in class
setMenuIdTranslator(Transformer) - Method in class
It maybe possible that the identifiers of 2 nodes may not match but imply the same node.
setMenuItem(MenuItem) - Method in class
setMenuLogic(AuthMenuLogic) - Method in class
setMenuMap(Map<String, MenuItem>) - Method in class
Reverse mapping of MenuItem names to the actual Object
setMerge(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONRenderAdapter
If true it will Scan the entity object for existing changes in data model and merge the current field JSON with that.
JSON tends to be fluid with multiple attributes being re-used across or littered across form.
setMergeFieldMode(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
If true, will merge the fields from the Excel (override in case of conflict) with the existing field values else all the values for the entity will be afresh.
setMergeWithCurrentSessionUser(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
If true The form input are assumed to represent the user with the Current Web Session.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Status
setMessage(M) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
A message or JSON representation of a message
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessageFactory(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
setMessageId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
setMessagePriorityThresholdSecs(int) - Method in class
If less than this amount of seconds then treat message as priority.
Priority = MessageType.TRANSACTIONAL else MessageType.PROMOTIONAL
setMessages(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.FailFastAware
setMessages(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Messages generated during the process
setMessages(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Messages generated during the process
setMessages(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
setMessageSettings(EmailMessage) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
setMessageType(Class<? extends SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage<?, ?>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
setMeta(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Meta Data like Description etc.
setMeta(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
setMeta(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
Additional generic info about the record.
setMetaData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
JSON Object String, that can store many content level properties in one string.
setMetaData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
JSON Object String, that can store many facet related properties in one string.
setMetaData(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
JSON Object String, that can store many content level properties in one string.
setMetaData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.MetaDataException
setMetaDataFacets(Collection<FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentTemplate
Define additional ContentDescriber.setAttributes(Map) and fields on ContentDescriber

Standard Template.getFacets() are reserved for the CONTENT Facets associated with the content.
setMetaJSON(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Any additional contextual information to attach as meta data in JSON String format
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setMiddleName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setMimeTypeString(String) - Method in class
For export, the accurate MIME description needs to be passed in Headers for the client to verify he type of resource being exported
setMin(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.DeliveryCriteria
setMinutesForLockExpire(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
Default time to keep a Lock alive; from last user Action
Ideally, this value should match session time out value
If value is < = 0 then no locks will be applied.
setMobile(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setMobile(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
setMode(Mode) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ModeAware
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mode ; defaults to Mode.INSERT.
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
setModelCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A code that identifies a product's model.
setModelTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
An OPTIONAL Transformer or a TwoWayTransformer that knows how to Marshal the data model to presentation, and in the case of a TwoWayTransformer then back from presentation to Data model.
setModesSupported(List<Mode>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ModeAwareMapperBehavior
Depends on the mapper
setModesSupported(List<Mode>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
Depends on the mapper
setModesSupported(List<Mode>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
setModesSupported(List<Mode>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
setModesSupported(List<Mode>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
setModified(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setModifier(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
setModifyExistingCollection(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DeDupeFilterTransformer
If true will update / rearrange the input Collection
setModifyInstance(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
If true, attempt modification of the input Object
setModifyOriginal(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
If true, then the trim operation will be performed on the original List passed, else a copy will be returned.
setModule(Module) - Method in class
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
setModule(Module) - Method in class
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
setModule(Module) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.IModuleFeature
The Module this object belongs to
setModule(Module) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
The Module this object belongs to
setModule(Module) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
The module that this item is related to in terms of Authorization
setMODULE_EXTENSION(String) - Method in class
setModuleName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
setMonthlySpendLimit(String) - Method in class
The maximum amount in USD that you are willing to spend to send the SMS message.
setMonthOfYear(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
setMountPathReLoader(MountPathReLoader<WebApplication>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setMountPathReLoader(MountPathReLoader<WebApplication>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setMultiCastConfigEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
setMultiCastConfigEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
setMultipleValues(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
If true will indicate that the values to the Map are a Collection and not a singular Object
If false the last value matching the id will be the value
setMuteNullValuesInDims(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
If true will simply not show the part of a dimension that is null.
If false will show a 0.
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setName(String) - Method in class
This type will be referred to by this Name; should be unique
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.ContextType
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
setName(K) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
setName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
This type will be referred to by this Name; should be unique
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.ProductPackage
setName(K) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbstractAttribute
setName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
setName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Tag
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Name of Area / Locality
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
A name to identify the promotion / campaign

Note: Details and rule of how the promotion impacts Quantity for any given user or type of user can be defined by the application in the form of Rules etc.
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Method not supported for this implementation
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
Name / id
setName(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.module.model.ISection
Name is case sensitive
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
Name is case sensitive
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Alternate/Overrides Module Name, if provided
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Unique Name to refer to the record Id is an Auto generated number used by the system, but is difficult for the outside world to get a handle on it.
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
The unique name to identify the reference
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Unique identification name
setName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
setNameOfIdentifier(String) - Method in class
Name of the parameter is is the identifier
setNameOfKey(String) - Method in class
Name of the parameter that is the key
setNamePathMap(Map<?, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Specific paths for specific #fieldName.
setNameSetter(Consumer<C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
Set a AbstractContent.setName(String) if not specified from other variables
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration.ConfigurationKey
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
Typically a ConfigurationSource.NAMESPACE_DELIM separated concatination of names.
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
The namespace from the ConfigurationSource to fetch the property from
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
setNameSpace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
Namespace for which to fetch values
setNamespace(String) - Method in exception com.neurosys.crm.billing.exceptions.LimitException
setNamespace(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.NamespaceEntity
setNameSpace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
Search for Spring bean by the name; prefix tenant/org OR sub-tenant/org name before the namespace name, delimited by a .
setNameSpace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
Search for Spring bean by the name; prefix tenant/org OR sub-tenant/org name before the namespace name, delimited by a .
setNamespace(String) - Method in class
Namespace for all Beans referred to that this factory will pick from Environment
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
An optional namespace to categorize our events being tracked
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
setNameSpaceDeriveTransformer(SerializableTransformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductContextUtils
setNameToProductCategoryTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
This can be derived from the dao also, but its a chance to implement a common cache/lookup strategy for fetching Categories for performance reasons
setNavigable(boolean) - Method in class
true indicates that if refId is available then one can navigate using this item.
setNavigatable(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
If the UI can be/will be available on a navigation
setNestedObjectInitMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
(Optional) Map that allows to instantiate an object for a nested property in the main Entity.
setNewItem(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product a new Item
setNewToken(Token) - Method in exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenSwitchedException
A switch occured with a new Token
setNext(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
In the sequence of Orders created, the next SubOrder
The first most element may or may not be the parent.
setNextNToNotify(int) - Method in class
setNextRef(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.OrderableByRef
The Reference to the Node After this one.
To add more meaning by convention typically Next or After means, the next will be pushed to the right.
setNextTokensAction(Transformer) - Method in class
An action that will act on the next token(s), to automate any sequence of events that result as action due to current event.
setNoArguments(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If the method name conflicts with another and we wish to invoke a No argument method then make this flag true
setNoKeyReturn(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
If while looking up, the final generated or passed key does not exist in the Map, then apply this over the input.
If null (by default), will return null.
setNonAssociatedMappers(List<Mapper>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityTransformer
Mapper that uses the tuple/Row to extract data to map to particular column
setNoParamsCountQuery(Transformer) - Method in class
setNoParamsDataGenerator(Transformer) - Method in class
An optional no param based data generator.
setNoParamsReporterMeta(ReporterMeta<PARAM_META>) - Method in class
If ReporterMeta.inputParamsMetas is not null; then by default to generate a Report params are needed.
setNoRollbackExcepotions(Class<? extends Throwable>[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
setNotes(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
User generated Notes about the content
setNotes(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Additional notes for Human consumption
setNotes(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setNotificationCountTracker(TokenNotificationTrackerService<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
setNotificationHelper(AbstractNotificationHelper<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
setNotifyMsgResource(MessageSource) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
setNullBasicSessionTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketWebToShellTransformer
If not null then if there is no backing BasicSession this will be invoked with the given input.
By default it will return a null for a null session.
setNullDefault(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
If input is null then this is returned
setNullSet(Set<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Set of names of fields which if null will still be compared against
setNullToAmount(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
Convert a null input to an Amount object if true
setNullValueSupplier(Supplier<String>) - Method in class
Supply a default Null value
setNullValueSupplier(Supplier<String>) - Method in class
Supply a default Null value
setNumberType(Class<? extends Number>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
Optional : If provided will force the result to conform to the given DataType
setNumEmailsPerBatch(int) - Method in class
For a given set of Recipients, how many will be clubbed in one batch
setNumOfWarningsAllowed(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
setObjClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
If Provided will be used to convert JSON string to this object.
If type String then will return a JSON String.
setObject(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
setObject(List<Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class
setObject(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in class
setObject(T) - Method in class
Applies the property expression on the model object using the given object argument.
setObjectIdNumberType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
The object Id provided is number type and will suffix this for use in NumberUtils.createNumber(String) to specify the type
setObjectToSession(S, String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.ServletUserSessionAdapter
setObjectToSession(S, String, Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.amorphous.service.UserSessionAdapter
Set Object into the Session
setObjectToSession(S, String, Object) - Method in class
setOccured(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Date time the event occoured
setOnExceptionTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
(Optional) If provided will execute on an Exception.
setOnFinalTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
(Optional) If provided will execute in the finally clause.
setOperand(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
setOperand(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the input Object#equals() EqualsCheckFilter.operand else Checks if the EqualsCheckFilter.operand Object#equals() input
setOperand2(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
An Optional input; if supplied will ignore the provided ignore and compare against this
If null will be ignored
setOperandEqualsOperand2(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ConstantEqualsCheckFilter
If true Checks if the operand Object#equals() ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand2 else Checks if the ConstantEqualsCheckFilter.operand2 Object#equals() operand
setOption(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
Unique name of the option for that Payment Method
setOrder(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
setOrder(Order) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
setOrder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
setOrder(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then order the file names in case an array is used
setOrderDao(OrderDao<O>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
setOrderIdParamName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
setOrderItemWiseBreakUp(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
If we want to capture the delivery charges for all OrderItems within an Order
JSON Array String that has <orderId>:<base amount in same currency as that of DeliveryDetails.amount>
setOrderService(OrderService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultTransactionService
For Audit and attached listeners etc; use the service than try to persist directly
If the OrderService is provided then it will call ChangeGenerator.notifyAllListeners(Object) before calling its own DefaultTransactionService.notifyAllListeners(Transaction)
setOrderService(OrderService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setOrderService(OrderService<O, I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.DefaultCODImpl
setOrderService(OrderService<O, I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setOrderStrategy(OrderStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setOrderString(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
ORDER BY clause without the words 'ORDER BY '
setOrderTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
setOrdinal(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
setOrg(Organization) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setOrg(Organization) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.FeatureForOrganization
Linked to a Primary Organization
setOrigin(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
Origin of the cart.
setOutputToString(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Convenience method to produce a String output that mentioned the recipients the mail was sent to.
setOutputType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
By default will generate a Date object but one can choose between Date, Calendar and String types
setOverrideFromClause(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
Optional override of FROM clause over the default Query From to be optimized by specifying one.
setOwnerOrganization(Organization) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
setOwnerRef(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Reference type or a simple ID.
setPackagePaths(List<String>) - Method in class
setPackagingAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on packaging for ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
setPackagingData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Packaging related info.
setPackagingStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setPackagingStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setPackAsArray(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
setPageHeadCaption(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.pages.templates.commonAdminTemplate
setPageInfo(PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
setPageInfo(PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
setPageInfo(PageInfo) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
If null, implies all records
setPageNameForURL(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathConstructor
Allow the ability to tell the path constructor a name of Page/content for a given relative URL
setPageNameForURL(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.DefaultContentPathConstructor
setPagePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
A page path that will be applied as a Prefix.
If null then the page name itself will be the path from the root context.
setPagePath(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
A page path that will be applied as a Prefix.
If null then the page name itself will be the path from the root context.
setPagePathLookup(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Allows for an algorithm to determine the path of the product page
The Transformer is expected to take in CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference type as input and give the path as String
setPagePathTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
Convert PageIdentifier to URL String
setPageSize(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
setPageToTemplate(Function<PageIdentifier, Template>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
A Function that can derive the Template form the PageIdentifier.
setPaginationHandler(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
Address to represent the handler of for Pagination
setParam(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Using Where extension we can put parameters that can be set as objects instead of hard coded strings.
setParamAsSingleInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If the input is a List of Collection and we wish to process it as a single parameter make this true OR wrap it in an Object Array.
setParamAsSingleInput(boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
If true, will take whole input to transformer as a single parameter and pass it in query.
setParamAsSingleInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class
use real arguments instead where possible. Only provided if we want to pre-configure some params or test
setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Using Where extension we can put parameters that can be set as objects instead of hard coded strings.
setParams(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
A comma or JSON defined parameter String that allows an Application to define project specific params for an Order.
setParams(Object[]) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ParamsAware
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Additional Params for the ETL Process
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
Additional Params for the ETL Process
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.Exporters
Supply the Reporter additional params, if supported/necessary
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.ReportResult
Supply the Reporter additional params, if supported/necessary
setParamsAdded(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
setParamsAsCollections(Set<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
If any param name in this Set it will be treated as a collection else the result will be returned as single value if a collection is passed (0th element only).
If the main data structure is a List then index positions starting from 0 as Integer can be set.
setParent(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
setParent(ContentFacet) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
setParent(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IChild
setParent(Shell<E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
setParent(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Name of Parent Area / Locality
setParent(Region) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
setParent(M) - Method in class
see MenuItem.children : Not sufficient use cases currently to support that this is required. It adds overhead to maintain this field that may not be required.
setParent(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
setParent(TokenStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
setParent(TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class
The parent TokenEvent that triggered this one
setParent(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
if this Reference has any parent (main) association.
Example: A.R Rahman is a "Music Director".
setParent(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
if this Reference has any parent (main) association.
Example: A.R Rahman is a "Music Director".
setParent(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
A List of References OR a Transformer that dynamically generates a parent Reference for each String token.
setParent(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
Some FacetMeta may contain FacetMeta's recursively (child components).
setParentEntityFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The name of the field of the related entity in the container entity (Product)
setParentId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
setParentId(I) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.IHierarchialReference
setParentId(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.CartItem
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
setParentId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Method not supported for this implementation, as we cannot override RelatedOrder.getRoot()Order.setId(Long).
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
setParentName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference
setParentProduct(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
setParentTemplate(TemplatePage) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
setPartialAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Amount the SubOrder is worth / Partial Payment Amount
setPartialContext(Object) - Method in class
The context object may have multiple properties.
setPartialContext(Object) - Method in class
setPartialMatch(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
If true, and the input CONTAINTS the pattern then RegExCheckFilter.checkCriteria(Object) will stil return true
setPartialMatchTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
If defined, this will be applied over the value of the FileToEntityLookup.getRelatedFieldName() just before it is searched on the DB.
For example if SKU's = "0102-37", "0102-38" etc; and we want the same file mapped to all SKU that match ="0102-".
Hence in this example, by having a transformer that applies partialMatchTransformer("0102-37") ~> "0102-%" and then the partial match will match SKU values that start with 0102-
If not partialMatchTransformer is supplied then the match is conducted with %fieldValue%.
If FileToProductLookup.partialMatchTransformer is used then it is the role of the transformer to also provide the DB like match characters '%'
setParts(Collection<EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part>) - Method in class
setParts(List<EmailMultiPartBuilder.Part>) - Method in class
setPassed(List<Object>) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in interface
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setPast(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
setPastStatus(S) - Method in class
The FlowStatus type ; before event occoured.
setPathConstructor(ContentPathConstructor) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
setPathDynamicKeyGenerator(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Use this to derive the dynamic aspect of the Path from the input type T, which is expected to not be null
Override to derive any value of choice
setPaths(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Path by which the UI is referred, by the app or external world
setPathSupplier(Supplier<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
Supplier of the path where the File is to be written
setPathToPrivateKey(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.domain.NexmoAuthenticationDetails
setPathTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
For the given File/resource; derive the appropriate path to the resource
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.RegExCheckFilter
The Pattern to check against
setPayLoad(Object) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PayLoadException
setPayload(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
setPaymentCod(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Is COD payment option supported for this Area Code
setPaymentContext(PaymentContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
setPaymentMethod(PaymentMethod) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setPaymentMethod(PaymentMethod) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentOption
setPaymentOnline(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Is ONLINE payment option supported for this Area Code
setPaymentOptionsStrategy(PaymentOptionsStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setPermissableAuths(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setPermissableAuths(Collection<Authorization>) - Method in interface
Of the Authorizable.getAuthorizations() what is the possible restricted set or list of Authorizations we can expect for this Authorizable instance.
setPersist(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
If true will EntityManager.persist(Object) else will use EntityManager.merge(Object)
setPersist(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
If true will persist the reference graph
setPersistCritera(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
Checks the field specified by EntityBabyPersistTransformer.fieldAccessor if this needs to be persisted or not.
setPersistDateTime(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
The time when the Token was actually persisted/tracked Vs when functionally the state was modified
setPersistKeyTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.service.AbstractMasterTrackingService
setPersistSessionCarts(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
If true, will persist session carts until they are cleared (On Action where cart is null or blank).
setPersistTrackCycleTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
If an out of Cycle TrackCycle is found, then it is made inactive and persisted
setPersistTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Some dependent entities may depend on the core Entity and may need to be persisted/updated/cleaned with (after) it in the same save operation.
This accepts the Entity instance as an input
setPersistTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
The underlying Transformer to persist to data source
setPersistTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.PersistTrackTransformer
setPhone(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setPhone(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setPhone(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
setPhoneListFilePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setPhoneNumbers(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setPingUserData(Map<String, Object>, S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
setPingUserData(Map<String, Object>, WebSession) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
setPlaces(List<? extends PlaceRef>) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
The PlaceRefs within a venue with multiple entry points.
setPlatformDetails(PlatformDetails) - Method in class
Details generated from Platform to which the Push Notification is to be published
setPlatformDetails(PlatformDetails) - Method in class
Details generated from Platform to which the Push Notification is to be published
setPlatformPrincipal(String) - Method in class
Platform Principal is received from the notification service.
Platform Principal Value for different Services are
APNS/APNS_SANDBOX : "SSL certificate". GCM : not applicable. ADM : "client id".
setPlatformType(Platform) - Method in class
Platform to be used for sending Push Notification.
Supported push notification services
setPolicy(Policy) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
setPolicyFile(File) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
Locations can be files, urls or classpaths.
setPolicyId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
setPolicyResourceLocation(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
Locations can be files, urls or classpaths.
setPolicyUrl(URL) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
Locations can be files, urls or classpaths.
setPool(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePartitionPoolFactory
setPool(ODatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.core.db.ODatabasePoolFactory
setPortIncrement(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
setPortIncrement(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
setPost(Comment) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.CommentAttribute
setPost(Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.domain.PostAttribute
setPost(boolean) - Method in class
setPostAction(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
Action transformers that take File as input pre and post FileTemplateStoreService.updateTemplate(File, String)
setPostDetailsPanel(PostDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.panels.PostListingPanel
setPostOrderStrategy(PostOrderProcessStrategy<O, I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
setPostponseLookup(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
If true, will throw a RequireLookAheadException instead of a null when an Entity is not found.
setPreAction(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
Action transformers that take File as input pre and post FileTemplateStoreService.updateTemplate(File, String)
setPrecision(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
When storing decimal numbers or fractions, recurring decimals could be rounded or truncated at some point.
setPredecessor(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ChainAware
Get the item before this one in the Chain
setPredecessor(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
setPredecessor(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
Optional Predicate.
setPredicate(Predicate<V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then ProcessFieldMapperBehavior.process(E, V) should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
setPredicate(Predicate<V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then #process should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
setPredicate(Predicate) - Method in class
An optional Predicate that can filter events before they reach the ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.transformer.
If null then no filteration will apply.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
Server host info including protocol to be used.
setPrefixRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
If true will prefix the protocol and Server Host name to the WebURLGeneratorTransformer.baseUrlStr to ensure its an absolute path
setPreOrderStrategy(PreOrderProcessStrategy<O, I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
setPreSetConfigs() - Method in class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.DocumentManagerPanel
Set the document manager with attributes from Template & the facet, If the information is given as page param(s) templateName and facetName
setPreviewImages(boolean) - Method in class
If true will enable preview of images in the listing
setPrevious(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
In the sequence of Orders created, the previous SubOrder
The first most element may or may not be the parent.
setPreviousRef(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.OrderableByRef
The Reference to the Node Previous this one.
To add more meaning by convention typically Before or Previous means, this node will be pushed to the right.
setPricePerUnit(Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
setPrimaryTenant(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
The Primary Organization the user is associated with.
setPrincipalTypeRequired(Class<Principal>) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter
If Principal user derived is not of type principalTypeRequired then IAuthorizationService.AuthState.DENY
setPriority(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
A Optional floating point; this value will be divided by 10 for actual output.
setPriority(Function<C, Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.ContentPagesToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive SiteMapItem.setPriority(int) for all items generated using this transformer
setPriority(Function<M, Integer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.MenuItemToSiteMapItems
Get/Derive SiteMapItem.setPriority(int) for all items generated using this transformer
setPriority(Priority) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
setProcess(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setProcesses(List<BaseIterativeProcessor>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
setProcessFields(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
If true will Consider the core entity field definitions while preparing the MetaItem list for the Entity.
setProcessor(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.ProcessFieldMapperBehavior
If the Predicate.test(Object) is true then ProcessFieldMapperBehavior.process(E, V) should be called
If null will only process if value passed to this is not null.
setProcessor(EntityFieldSetter<E, V>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SetEntityFieldMapperBehavior
Takes in the main Entity type of the transformation process and initializes whatever fields are require and then sets it
setProcessor(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.Mapper
The processor that will perform the processing activity.
setProcessor(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
The Transformer that will be called in a separate thread with the original input as input to it.
setProcessor(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper
The Transformer / Lookup that will do the actual transformation on the Intermediate Object
setProcessors(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
setProcessors(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
setProduct(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
WARNING : After an Order is complete or periodically, ORDER ITEMS product should be nullified if the PRODUCT should be removed over time; since due to REF INTEGRITY it will make it difficult to remove PRODUCTS from the SYSTEM.
setProduct(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
setProduct(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAttribute
setProduct(Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
OneToOne = product_id
setProductCode(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.products.domain.IProductReference
setProductCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A code uniquely identifies a product and has a one to one mapping with SKU.
However this is optional and a more human readable way to recognize the product in the system.
setProductCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Product Code unique for all products
setProductDao(ContentService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
setProductDao(ProductDao) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
setProductId(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
setProductNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
@see #setItems(List)
setProductPagePathLookup(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CatalogAutoNav
Allows for an algorithm to determine the path of the product page
The Transformer is expected to take in ProductReference as input and give the path as String
setProductPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
setProductService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
setProductService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
setProductService(ProductService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setProductService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
setProductService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
setProductService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
setProductTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
setProgress(int) - Method in class
setProgression(Progression) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
setProgressMonitor(ProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ETLUpload
ProgressMonitor to monitor the upload progress
setPromotion(Promotion) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
The Promotion name
setPromotionDao(PromotionDaoImpl<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
setPromotionNames(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
List of any Promotion unique Names applicable
Maintaining the promotion names, since Promotions maybe removed from the DB and we want the relation to be weak and not require a referential integrity constraint in the data model.
setPromotions(List<Promotion>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
setPromotionService(PromotionService<Promotion>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
setPromotionStrategy(PromotionStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setPromotionStrategy(PromotionStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setProoceedToOriginalInFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.proxy.ScriptableInterceptor
If there is a failure in the adapter then only proceed to Original service
If true, will require ScriptableInterceptor.defaultService to exist (not null)
setProperties(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
JSON String
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.orientechnologies.orient.object.jpa.NeurosysOJPAEntityManagerFactory
setProperty(String, F) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setPropertyAttributes(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setPropertyBindings(Map<String, List<ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map of Request field name to the ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding binding(s).
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
A property of the Entity to be transformed
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setPropertyPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding
setProtocolStrict(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
If specified will ensure it uses this protocol (replaces default) for the generated URL.
setProxyFor(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AdminUser
AdminUser can be created from non AdminUser objects also, In such cases, AdminUser becomes a proxy for that actual user object.
setPublishAdapter(IPublisherAdapter) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
setPublishDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setPublisher(Publisher) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
setPurchaseDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setPurchaseDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date when the order was purchased.
setqStrategy(QStrategy<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.DefaultTokenChangeExecuteStrategyListener
setQuantity(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
setQuery(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.QueryTransformer
Query to process.
setQuery(Query<User>) - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
JPA QL default Query String for this instance
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
setQuery(Query<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
setQueryIsNative(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
setQueryIsNative(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
If the Query is to be fired in JPA or native DB SQL language
setQueryOptimizer(QueryOptimizer) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
QueryOptimizer to JPAQueryTransformer.optimize() the set JPAQueryTransformer.query

If JPAQueryTransformer.isQueryIsNative() is true then the Optimizer should ensure it can work on native queries else on entities.
setQueryOptimizer(QueryOptimizer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
Uses a QueryOptimizer to limit the joins and fields required for hierarchical records
setQueryOptimizer(QueryOptimizer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Uses a QueryOptimizer to limit the joins and fields required for hierarchical records
setQueryOptimizerEntityAlias(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
Since the query will not change, within the Query what is the Alias of the entity/table
setQueryService(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
A service that can be passed context params and will return a Result Set in the format, where NAME uniquely identifies the Tuplet:
TUPLE1 as Object[3]: <Name1>,<Display Name 1>,<Parent Category Name 1>
setQueryTrackCycleTransformer(QueryTransformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
setQueryTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
setQueryTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
If defined, will fetch T from query from the input
setQueryTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
Accepts an Array of category names.
setRadix(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
Radix: Binary (2), Hex (6), Octal (8)
setRate(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
Rate of conversion applied to the ConvertedCurrencyOrder.fromCurrency to derive the BaseOrderItem.getAmount().currency.
setRating(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The actual score given
setRawConfig(String) - Method in class
A raw String that will be sent/appended to config
setRawFormat(DecimalFormat) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
setReader(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.ReaderAware
setReader(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
setRealized(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
If the order was realized or not.
setReason(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
User or Page or Instance applicable intended to show t
setRecipientId(String) - Method in class
The id of the recipient of the event that is transmitting this feedback
setRecipients(List<R>) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DisposableMessage
One may further obtain the list by using Reader like CSVMailAddressReader.
setRecipientsTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.EntityMailSenderTransformer
Extracts a List of InternetAddresss from input entity.
setRecognizeFullPathKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
If true, it will also recognize property references that use <namespace>.<key> references.
setRecordNumber(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
setRecords(List<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.Page
setRecordsForReProcessing(Queue<Row>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
Whichever records require lookup of data that may not exist yet can be queued up
setRecordTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
Provide an optional; transformation over the generated records
setRecordTransformer(Transformer) - Method in interface
Provide an optional; transformation over the generated records
setRecordType(Class) - Method in class
What is the nature of the records returned.
setRecurse(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
If true, will recurse through sub-folders and drill down
setRecurse(boolean) - Method in class
setRecursive(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
setReDial(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setRedialInterval(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setRef(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
setRefDetails(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
A class name or URL or any other reference information
setReference(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.ModuleUI
Default physical Page or component reference that represents this Module UI
setReference(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
The reference that we wish to check has mapping to which other references
setReference(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
setReference(Class<REF>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
The reference to the class that will construct the template (A factory or a self instantiating bean)
The template is bound a Type of class reference which has the actual implementation and wiring to the native framework.
setReferences(Set<GenericReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
References this Object has.
setReferenceType(Class<Reference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
The Context can maintain a Strong Reference (null), WeakReference or SoftReference to the elements in it.
Define the class if we explicitly want to dictate the type.

Note: If ContextMapperTransformer.threadSafe is true, it is recommended that the either a WeakReference or a SoftReference be adopted.
setReferredId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
The id of the referred object
setRefId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ResultRow
setRefId(String) - Method in class
A String that denotes where the item Points to.
setRefMenuMapping(Map<String, MenuItem>) - Method in class
pageMenuMap (reference to Menu) mapping needs to be also auto generated if the menu is auto-gen.
setRefreshDuration(Duration) - Method in class
setRegex(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
RegEx matching Pattern to extract
setRegex(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
setRegion(Regions) - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
setRegion(Regions) - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
make sure that the operation to be performed is supported in the region
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
setRegions(Regions) - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
setRegions(String) - Method in class
setRegions(Regions) - Method in class
Enumeration of region names
setRegister(Map<UNIT, Collection<IModuleFeature>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.DefaultModuleService
setRegisterClasses(List<RegisterClass>) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
setRegisterClasses(List<RegisterClass>) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
Providing a type, ensures that the class is registered with OObjectDatabaseTx
setRegularPrice(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
setRegularPrice(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setRejectIfNotAjax(boolean) - Method in class
Will check header for types of ajaxRequestTokens; if it does not match and this is set to true, then the request will be rejected rejectIfNotAjax true
setRelated(List<AbstractReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
Any references this object has in ReferenceAlias.
However will not be persisted; for that use ReferenceAlias explicitly
setRelated(List<AbstractReference>) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.Reference
Any references this object has in ReferenceAlias.
However will not be persisted; for that use ReferenceAlias explicitly
setRelated(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
The Reference this ref is related to.
setRelated(AbstractReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
setRelated(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
A List of References OR a Transformer that dynamically generates a List of References for each String token.
The List of Reference represented by this can be related using ReferenceAlias where ReferenceAlias#setReference(Reference) refers to the reference being created and ReferenceAlias#setRelated(Reference) refers to one of the ReferencePersistTransformer.related references.
setRelatedAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
setRelatedAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
setRelatedEntities(String[][]) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
A 2D Array of entity (table) and the field that is related to Core entity (Product).
Array[0]=entity name, Array[1]=Related Field name in the related entityy
Optionally: One can add Array[2]=update clause on Delete Operations to support logical delete.
Example: field_1='xyz'

Used while operations like Delete where Cascade may not be enforced and Ref.Integrity is valid.
setRelatedEntityClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
The type of the related entity to persist or remove
setRelatedField(FacetMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
The FacetMeta for the field, in the entity that will be updated and sequence number derived (if FacetMeta.isCollectionType()).
If the context provides it and this is null then the context FacetMeta (key name facetMeta), will be used.
setRelatedFieldAsList(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
If true will convert paths into one comma separated String or else it will be a List.
setRelatedFieldName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
Field name of the entity to be looked up the extracted pattern will relate to
This field should be Queryable
setRelatedGroups(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
A JSON string of the format ["sku":[.,.,.],"modelCode":[...],"productCode":[.,.,.]]
This defines a collection/group related to this product.
setRelatedNavigations(List<AutoGenMenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setRelatedNavigations(List<AutoGenMenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setRelatedNavigations(List<AutoGenMenuItem>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Navigations & menus associated with Product Data that we want to refresh on ProductServiceImpl.clearCache()
setRelEntitiesDelTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
setRelEntitiesDelTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
A Transformer that accepts a String (hierarchy code), Long (id), List of Long (List of Ids) to delete from related entities.
setRelPath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
If not null will append this to the RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer.baseWebAbsolutePath
setRemoveNoSelectionOption(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SelectRenderAdapter
If true will remove default AbstractSingleSelectChoice.NO_SELECTION_VALUE option.
setRenderComponentName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
An optional String that is used to represent which UI Component will be responsible for rendering this FacetMeta.
setReplacement(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReplaceNullTransformer
setReplacePattern(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
setReplaceTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
setReplaceWith(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
setReplaceWith(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
setReporter(Reporter) - Method in class
The actual backend service / component responsible for Reporting
setReporterMeta(ReporterMeta) - Method in class
Reference to ReporterMeta
Can be used to refer to original details about various columns in the Report.
setReporterMeta(ReporterMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.DataProviderReporter
Reference to ReporterMeta
Can be used to refer to original details about various columns in the Report.
setReportWriter(ReportWriter) - Method in class
The actual Writer that will write the report
setReportWriterProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
If a reportWriter is not defined then a default writer can be instantiated and these properties to customize settings for the report
setRequired(Constructor<R>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
setResetPasswordEmailMessageSettings(EmailMessage) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
setResetPasswordMailPublisher(Publisher) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
setResource(Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
setResource(Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
Specified Resource
setRESOURCE_FOLDER_BASE_PATHS(List<String>) - Method in class
setRESOURCE_REL_TO_WEB_CNTXT(Boolean) - Method in class
setResourcePaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
Where different File type properties/fields can be stored.
setResourcePaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
Where different File type properties/fields can be stored.
setResourceUploader(FileUploadWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
Figure Web-relative paths for uploads etc from absolute path
setResourceUploader(FileUploadWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsTemplatePanel
setResourceUploader(FileUploadWrapper) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.EntityDetailsTemplatePanel
setResponseCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse
A code that can help derive the new reset password.
setResponseFormat(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setResponseMessage(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse
Un secured message to display / convey
setRestrictionLevel(RestrictionStrategy.RestrictionLevel) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
LINIENT - only warns when limit is approaching STANDARD - does not break when value is compromised, but throws LimitExceededException when over limit STRICT - throws SecurityException when value is compromised and LimitExceededException when over limit
setResultDesc(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Result Description if any provided by the gateway to supplement the #resultCode
setResultName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.IntermediateResultMapperBehavior
Other Mappers that use an IntermediateResultMapperBehavior result can refer to the result object (in the scope of the current iteration for the record); by this name
Note: nulls will not be kept in the intermediate result map
setResultNamesThatAreOptional(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
setResultNamesThatAreOptional(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.UsesIntermediateObject
By default matching using UsesIntermediateObject.getResultNamesUsed() is strict.
setResultNamesUsed(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
setRetainOriginalInputParams(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
If true will also add the original raw input params in the transformed output Map
setReturnAsList(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
By default will return a Map of namespace-key to value mapping
setReturnInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
If true, the output of this instance will return the input (for chaining purposes)
setReturnMultiple(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
If true and the input is a Collection then each element in the input Collection is a candidate for a separate UserNotification
setReturnNullOnException(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
If true return null as output for this transformer on an Exception rather than throw an Exception
setReturnNullOnException(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
If a property or value is not found should exceptions be allowed to propagate or mute and return null
setReturnNullOnException(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
setReturnType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
The expected return type of the expression
setReverseNext(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.OrderByRefList
If true will observe all {next & current as --> current & previous}
setRole(Map<String, Set<Role>>) - Method in class
setRoleNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setRoleNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setRoleNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class
setRoleNames(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
setRoles(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
Comma separated list of Roles
Use a String operation to search for a role or add one
setRoles(String) - Method in class
JSON String to represent List of Role Names
setRoles(List<Role>) - Method in class
List of Roles recognized by this service.
An Authorization that carries roles with it can derive its Authorizations using ConfigurableRoleService.getAuthFor(String, String)
setRoleService(RoleService) - Method in class
setRollOverImg(String) - Method in class
setRollOverOnSelect(boolean) - Method in class
If true, will Show rollover even on selection (not just focus)
setRollOverOnSelect(boolean) - Method in class
If true, will Show rollover even on selection (not just focus)
setRoot(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
Parent/Root order that generates this SubOrder
If the Parent is of SubOrder type, then the parent of it will be null.
setRowDecorators(List<Object>) - Method in class
A Row Decorator mentions the fieldName(s)/Column(s) whose value will be used to change the state of the row, like highlight etc.
setRows(int) - Method in class
Sets number of rows per page
setRowsMerged(int) - Method in class
setRowTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
Apply transformation to each row
setRunAsynch(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
If true will send Asynchronously
setSale(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
setSale(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setSalePrice(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Price
setSalePrice(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product on Sale; true implies it is
If on Sale the sale price can be offered, but this depends on the service layer.
setSaleStrategy(SaleStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
When allowing to add items to cart, if a AbstractCartService.saleStrategy is provided it will rely on it rather than actual inventory data available from persistence
setSaleStrategy(SaleStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setSaleStrategy(SaleStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setSaltLength(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
setSanitize(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
The StringToReferenceTransformer.splitter is only applicable for collections, hence sanitization is a pre-process step that can be combined within this for convenience as a Lot of Reference data will need screening and sanitization before it can be entertained.
setSaveAudio(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setSaveTrackCycleTransformer(Consumer<TrackCycle>) - Method in class
setScanHierarchy(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractStrategy
If true will scan the hierarchy for a value set for an entire category in AbstractStrategy.getRepresentativeProduct(Product, String)
setScheduleTime(Calendar) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setScriptComponentId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
setScriptEntryMethod(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
The method to execute as the entry point for the script that accepts a single or varargs param
setScriptFactory(ScriptFactory) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
setScriptInitMethod(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
An optional no parameter void return method in the script that serves as an initializer
setScriptObject(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
setScriptSource(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
File or Text or ScriptSource
setScriptTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
A Transformer that converts this components state into markup or script and appends it to the component DOM.
setSearchable(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Is the product searchable.
Since multiple objects for the same model are present, we may not want to show all SKU's and only some
We can explicitly turn this off for a particular SKU to omit from the search result.
setSearchBy(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
Field name to search by for the lookup
setSearchMap(Map<String, AbstractIndexSearch<Identifiable<Long>>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setSearchMap(Map<String, AbstractIndexSearch<Identifiable<Long>>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setSearchMap(Map<String, ProductIndexSearch<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Map of Index Name to the ProductIndexSearch Default ProductIndexSearch is mapped to null key
setSecretAccessKey(String) - Method in class
Secret Access Key of the User
setSecureURLUsingSalt(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Appends a parameter called salt.
setSeed(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class
true : Item is part of the selected hierarchy
setSelectorTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConditionalTransformer
A Transformer that is expected to take the input and return a Transformer that will finally process the input
setSelectOverride(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
If we are using Joins via Query.whereExtension; and say we want the Select to get only data from the Join.
setSender(Sender<String, InternetAddress>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
setSenderId(String) - Method in class
A custom ID that contains up to 11 alphanumeric characters, including at least one letter and no spaces.
setSendLimitDurationUnit(Long) - Method in class
MailerService.serverMailLimitPerLongDuration is the number of Mails that can be sent in a UNIT of time.
setSendMethod(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setSeq(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setSeq(Long) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
Unique ID - Auto gen sequence #
setSequence(String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
Sequence of names to map to the variables in the order of the index of the name
setSequenceBeforeSubmit(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.ContentManagerForm
setSequenceBeforeSubmit(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
setSequenceSubOrderTransformer(SequenceSubOrderTransformer<O>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultSubOrderService
setSequenceSubOrderTransformer(SequenceSubOrderTransformer<O>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SubOrderService
setServerAPIKey(String) - Method in class
Server API Key generated from the Google API Project
setServerMailLimitPerLongDuration(Integer) - Method in class
Number of mails that can be sent in MailerService.sendLimitDurationUnit of time
setService(ConfigurationService<String, String, C>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.service.jaxrs.DynamicConfigService
setService(GenericContentService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.jaxrs.ContentQueryService
setService(LogisticsService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
setService(LogisticsService) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExistingAreaLookup
setService(OrderService<T, I>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.jaxrs.OrderQueryService
setService(EventsService<E>) - Method in class
setService(EventsService<E>) - Method in class
setService(ProductService<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
setService(ProductService<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.GetNewHierarcyLookup
setService(ProductService<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
setService(ProductService<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
- Not really used anymore
setService(ProductService<Product>) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.jaxrs.ProductQueryService
setServiceName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Service used to deliver/ship
setServiceTrackingId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Tracking ID provided by the service that handles the delivery
setServletReqKeyName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebMapToEntitiesTransformer
In the input Map what key is used to define the original ServletRequest
setServletRequestContextAccessor(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
Expected name of the key/accessor in the input Map that will contain the HttpServletRequest context variable
setSessionFromUserDetails(R, AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.wicket.components.AbstractUserLoginForm
Chance to replace the Session Object itself
setSessionFromUserDetails(U, AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Chance to replace the Session Object itself
setSessionFromUserDetails(User, AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
setSessionFromUserDetails(U, AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Chance to replace the Session Object itself
setSessionFromUserDetails(U, AuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
Chance to replace the Session Object itself
setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
Same user could have multiple sessions; so allow locking @ session level
setSetting(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
setSetting(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory
Default settings for SMSGatewayeCenter messages
setSettings(AmazonMessageSettings) - Method in class
setSevere(int) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
Higher the value, the more the severe
setSeverity(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
A string that indicates the severity of the Notification.
setShipping(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Do shipments happen to this area
setShippingAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on shipping for ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
setShippingData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Shipping related info.
setShippingStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy<P, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
setShippingStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setShippingTariff(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Any additional Shipping tariff detail.
setShoppingCart(Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.model.EComUserShell
Shopping Cart
setShoppingCart(Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.wicket.components.EComSession
setShowProgressPercent(boolean) - Method in class
If false, will not show the number and only the message
setSingleEnclosureSymbols(List<Character>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
Single enclosures like ', ""
setSingleThread(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
If true it will execute it as part of the original thread sequentially, but the process is still forked from original
setSize(Size) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Size - Measurement, Dimensions, Fit
setSizeFitToCodeTransformer(SizeFitToCodeTransformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
Optional transformer, if provided will bypass standard SizeFit conversion to using this.
setSkipDays(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setSkipHours(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setSku(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
setSku(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.IProductReference
setSku(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit, uniquely identifies a product in stock
In face this product represents a collection then also this maybe null since business may not have defined this for a group of products.
setSku(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.ProductReference
SKU unique for all products
setSnsClient(AmazonSNS) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
setSnsClient(AmazonSNS) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
setSnsClient(AmazonSNS) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
setSnsClient(AmazonSNSClient) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
setSnsClient(AmazonSNSClient) - Method in class
Client for accessing Amazon SNS.
setSort(Comparator<M>) - Method in class
An Optional Sorting algorithm to apply on merged children
setSort(Comparator<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.CustomAutoNav
Allow Sorting of children (nodes of type CustomAutoNav.CustomHierarchicalReference)
setSource(ConfigurationService<String, String, AbstractConfiguration>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
The ConfigurationService to fetches the configs from
setSource(ConfigurationSource<K, T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceWithAuthorizableConfigs
setSource(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setSource(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
A Transformer that takes in the input and generates a raw Collection of M of Data or a Message Object
setSourceAddress(InternetAddress) - Method in class
setSpecificTypeReaders(List<AbstractReader>) - Method in class
setSpecifyDims(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
If true, will need the dimensions to be specified within the input
setSpecifyDims(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
If true, will need the dimensions to be specified within the input
setSplitter(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
A StringToListTransformer that will ensure following: Any String input that is delimited is tokenized with the tokens processed The output will be a List is String
setSpringAppContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
setSslSupportMandatory(boolean) - Method in class
setStartCol(int) - Method in class
Optional fields that allow the writing from an index other than 0
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class
setStarted(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.Cycle
Date the Cycle actually started or meant to start
setStartRow(int) - Method in class
Optional fields that allow the writing from an index other than 0
setState(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Current state of Delivery
setState(ExceptionalOrderConversation.State) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
setState(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setState(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
Operation state:
null - It will simply fetch the state of the bit as a Boolean result
true - It will switch ON the bit in the input and return a Number with the bit ON
false - It will switch OFF the bit in the input and return a Number with the bit OFF
setState(MenuItemState) - Method in class
setState(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Method in class
If it matches the AuthorizationService should return this as a result
setState(IAuthorizationService.AuthState) - Method in exception
setState(IModel<T>) - Method in class
setState(IModel<Menu>) - Method in class
setState(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Meta data typically in JSON format or an Id or name of a Rule to describe context around current
setStateMap(Map<S, FacetMeta>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MultiStateFacetMeta
setStaticPageTemplate(Class<? extends WebPage>) - Method in class
setStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.Response
true means success; false means failure.
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
setStatus(Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
setStatus(OrderStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
setStatus(OrderStatus) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Any status for record keeping
setStatus(S) - Method in class
Present status as FlowStatus type Note: incase Feedback.exception is no null then the tokenStatus may reflect the same as Feedback.pastStatus or be null.
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
Optional status.
setStatus(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Token
Status of the token
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setStatusCode(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setStatusDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
The Date when the AbstractContent.status was updated, or would be changed (incase of a scheduled change)
setStatusDate(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
The Date when the #status was updated, or would be changed (incase of a scheduled change)
setStatusDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
setStatusFrom(Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentFacetRevert
Status from which the facet value will be copied
setStatusQueue(Queue<Status>) - Method in class
setSteps(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
In a multi-step Work Flow, the steps are captured that were performed.
setStrategiesVersion(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Track the Strategy.getVersion() of all strategies involved that provide their version id.
setStrategy(RestrictionStrategy) - Method in class
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
If strict then it will ensure the input matches the type and only that type and not any generalization (child) of it.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
Strict true means ==, else .equals() is applied on the input
setStrictTypeChecking(boolean) - Method in class
If true, will ensure JSONConfigBasedReader.type is exactly same as the Type CXF looks for
setStrictTypeChecking(boolean) - Method in class
If true, will ensure TransformerReader.type is exactly same as the Type CXF looks for
setStrictTypeChecking(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
Strict implies if an OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior is defined; and the actual type does not match expected then the native error will not be handled..
setSubAmounts(List<Amount>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
A Transient field, if NOT null, will also track any sub-calculations (AAmount) used in cumulative operations while calculating this Amount.
setSubFeedConsumers(Collection<Consumer<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
These consume this Feed and add to it.
setSubFeedSuppliers(Collection<Supplier<T>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
A sub-feed in the format.
setSubject(String) - Method in class
setSubmitTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
Takes a List of entities defined in sequence by #entities and validates them.
setSubmitTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
During Submission of the data one can apply this.
setSubmitTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Entity level submission; the entity is the input to the Transformer During Submission of the entity backing the template one can apply this.
The exact order of the calling is usage dependent, but typically it will be @ the end of the process after all the fields FacetMeta.getSubmitTransformer() are processed.
setSubModules(Collection<IModuleFeature>) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.model.Module
setSubOrgsFromPrimaryOrgTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.user.service.LogonChangeListener
Assuming the tenant is a Hierarchy we will need to resolve it to its sub-tenants also to ensure, a person with access to parent tenant can also access sub-tenants.
setSucceded(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
If another RelatedOrder is created for this one that succeeds it.
setSucceded(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
If A SubOrder is created for this one that succeeds it.
This reflects both (linear or hierarchical) succession.
setSuccess(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Was the transaction successful or Not
Note: A Transaction may have two aspects.
setSuccessFeedbackRoleArn(String) - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a successful Message Delivery
setSuccessFeedbackRoleArn(String) - Method in class
Stores the IAM Role which would receive Feedback in case of a successful Message Delivery
setSuccessFeedbackSampleRate(String) - Method in class
Stores the percentage of successful SMS deliveries for which Amazon SNS will write logs in CloudWatch Logs.
setSuccessFeedbackSampleRate(String) - Method in class
Stores the percentage of successful SMS deliveries for which Amazon SNS will write logs in CloudWatch Logs.
setSuccessMessage(Object) - Method in class
If not null will be used to provide Feedback success message as Status, String or Transformer on int (level of error)
setSuffix(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
setSuperAdmin(Boolean) - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
Whether the extends Organization> is allowed to have access to all Organizations.
setSupplement(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
The FacetMeta supplements some other form/carrier and hence should be merged if there is a situation where multiple meta information are applicable.
setSupportedSizeTypes(List<Class<? extends Size>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
setSupportedType(Class<T>) - Method in class
The Class and its child types, this MessageBodyWriter will work for
setSupportInsecureSSL(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
Connect to servers that have any SSL certificate
setSupportPartialMatchOn(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductLookup
If Pattern set; it will see if the value being looked for contains FileToProductLookup.supportPartialMatchOn as a subsequence using Matcher.find(); and then if FileToEntityLookup.getRelatedFieldName() matches the file name partially also, if so it will include it in the Lookup for Products.
setSupportsVerifyOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
Some processes may run as verification without committing or making changes.
setSymmetricEnclosureSymbols(List<Character[]>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
Symmetric enclosures like (),{},[]
Defines as List of Pairs (Arrays of 2 elements)
setSynched(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
If and when the record was synched (ACKNOWLEDGED) with a central or peer system.
setTagAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Any attributes on the tag
setTagBody(boolean) - Method in class
If the Component is an open tag like TextArea that has a body; the {FormComponent.getValue() will automatically be set in the body then
setTags(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
Comma separated list of tags
setTags(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
Useful in grouping notifications in categories and sub-categories
setTags(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
Comma separated list of tag Ids
setTagType(String) - Method in class
The name of the HTML tag
setTargetClass(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
setTargetCollectionTypeDetailsPanel(CollectionTypesDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components.CollectionTypesReportResult
setTargetCustomerDetailsPanel(CustomerDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.CustomerDataReportResult
setTargetCustomerDetailsPanel(CustomerDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
setTargetCustomerDetailsPanel(VisitorDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components.VisitorDataReportResult
setTargetMethod(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
setTargetObject(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
setTargetOrderDetailsPanel(OrderDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
setTargetPanel(MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.reporting.wicket.components.GenericPoppableReportResult
Component that should be displayed when a click-able field is clicked.
setTargetPostDetailsPanel(PostDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
setTargetProductDetailsPanel(ProductDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
setTargetPromotionDetailsPanel(PromotionDetailsPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.PromotionReportResult
setTargetUpdatePanel(ProductListingPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductCategoryPanel
setTargetUpdatePanel(ProductListingPanel) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
setTax(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
setTaxData(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Taxation related Info.
setTaxReverseCaculated(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
In some cases the tax maybe already included in the product/item value.
setTaxReverseCaculated(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultTaxStrategy
If true implies any Taxation amount should not be Added to the Amount.getTotal() and that for all calculations the tax is inclusive, but the calculation available in Amount.getTax()

If false; one should Add include the tax over the Amount.getBase() to get the Amount.getTotal()
setTaxStrategy(TaxStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
Tax can be factored into any other Strategy, so providing by default
setTaxStrategy(CumulativeChargeStrategy) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
setTempDelayBetweenBatches(long) - Method in class
During bulk mailing operations, what is the delay in milli-secs between any 2 consequitive batches
setTempFilePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.nexmo.voice.transformer.NexmoTextToSpeechCallDispatcher
setTemplate(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
setTemplate(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.Publisher
setTemplate(Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
setTemplate(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
Set path according to following rules of relative paths:
Path relative to what is set in velocity.xml resourceLoaderPath If path is an absolute resource like file: or classpath: ...
setTemplate(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
setTemplate(UserNotification<M>) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
A template to Construct Notification messages from
setTemplateForChild(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.CategoryTemplate
For the rendering of the Child elements on this Page, what template will be Used and so the Child will be defined as per the facets in this template

One can derive from each child.
setTemplateInstance(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
proxy a given TemplateInstance
setTemplatePanelClass(Class<? extends EntityDetailsTemplatePanel>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
setTemplatePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
Template Path as per velocity conventions
setTemplatePattern(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
A pattern defined by Velocity Template Language (VTL) that uses variables.

Variable types can be entity.<name of field> or <context variable> or sequenceCode.
sequenceCode a special variable as int type, that is determined based on the last sequence if paths are already assigned to EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer.relatedField.
setTemplateService(TemplateService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentAutoNav
setTemplateService(TemplateService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
setTemplateService(TemplateService) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
setTemplateService(TemplateService) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageLocator
setTemplateService(TemplateService) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
setTenantJoin(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
If not null will add to the end of the query
AND <org=venue.owenerOrganization> OR {@code OR {@code
setTenants(List<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.user.domain.SAASUser
All Tenant/Organizations the user is intended to have access to.
setTestExpression(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
If true will self test expression on startup.
setTestVoice(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setText(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
setText(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setTextFormat(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setTextSupplier(Supplier) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
Supplier of the text content of the file.
Format can be String, StringBuffer
setThisInstancePort(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
What is the port# of this VM instance
setThisInstancePort(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
What is the port# of this VM instance
setThreadLocal(ThreadLocalTransformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
An optional ThreadLocalTransformer that allows Web stats (from WebAnalyticsTransformer) to be passed for the thread
setThreadSafe(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
If true, ten for each thread a new context is provided
setThrowableToMessage(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Marshal errors to just their messages
setThrowContinueOnStateChange(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
If true, if the input triggers a State change (based on the result of LastStateLatchTransformer.matches(Object)); then throw a ContinueProcessingException
Useful if we want to exclude the cause of the state change itself
setThrowException(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
If true the filter will reject the record by means of an Exception (not a BreakChainException), if being used as a Transformer then a ContinueProcessingException will be thrown if true
setThrowExceptionOnNull(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
If no result is found it will throw an exception instead of returning a null
setTIMEOUT_LOAD_IO_SECONDS(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
The time it should load the file in
setTimeZone(String) - Method in class
setting - Variable in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item
setTitle(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
setTitle(ComponentTag, String) - Method in class
setTo(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Standard forward transform
setToAddress(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
The network Address of the VM; like an IP address with port#.
setToken(Token) - Method in exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
The current token on which the Exception occoured
setToken(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
setToken(T) - Method in class
setToken(T) - Method in interface
setTokenEventSupplier(TokenEventSupplier<T>) - Method in class
setTokens(Collection<T>) - Method in class
setTokens(Supplier<Collection<T>>) - Method in class
setTokenToTrack(Function<T, TR>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.track.transformers.TrackTokenTransformer
Transform a Token type to Track type
setToLower(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentNameConsumer
If true will ensure all names are in lower case for consistency
setToLower(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
If true will ensure all names are in lower case for consistency
setToolbar(String) - Method in class
Custom Toolbar Name
It is a toolbar name or an array of toolbars (strips), each one being also an array, containing a list of UI items.
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
Topic the Comment belongs to / Artifact the comment was made on
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Topic the Comment belongs to / Artifact the comment was made on
setTopicType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
The topic can be a Article, an Order etc.
Ideally, this is the entity type (class name) or a category to identify the topic
setTopicType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
The topic can be a Article, an Order etc.
Ideally, this is the entity type (class name) or a category to identify the topic
setTotal(Long) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Progress
setTotal(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
setTotalResults(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
setTrackChange(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
Track changes to a Token or Tokens
setTrackCycleToFeatureTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
setTrackingLink(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
Service providers may offer a way to track the product; the details of the link
setTrackMultipleIndeces(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementIndexTransformer
If true, will return a Map with List of indeces for each element
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Last associated successful online Transaction that occoured to fulfill this order
setTransactionDef(TransactionDefinition) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
setTransactionDef(TransactionDefinition) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
setTransactionDef(TransactionDefinition) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
setTransactionDef(TransactionDefinition) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
setTransactionIds(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
An order may have multiple Transactions ; incase there are issues and failures to purchasing the same order a few times.
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
Takes in a message body as String
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
A Transformer that returns a String or null to write to the Response BufferedWriter
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
Can the report be exported in any format; if an Export format exists with a Transformer then that will be applied to the Report tuple for the final format.
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
If the PredicateLinkedTransformer.predicate result is true, then pass input to this Transformer
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
The actual Transformer that will act upon the property defined by EntityPropertyTransformer.propertyName
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
(Optional) if provided, applies the Transformer to the value of the map before adding it to the Collection
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
Value Transformer
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MergeCols
If provided will transform the input Map of intermediate results.
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
Main transformer to process the given input
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToLookup
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Converts raw record TUPLE_IN Object to type RECORD_OUT
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.TransformAwareReader
Converts raw record Object to type RECORD
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class
On ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.predicateed event, call this for action
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
Core Transformer that will fetch the data based on input
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
The Transformer that will take the input and get the results if no cache or result is available for the requested key defined by #getCacheKeyName()
setTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
setTransformerBeanName(String) - Method in class
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Transformer KeyBasedSecurityFilter.transformer.
setTransformerBeanName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
Bean name of the Spring instantiated Transformer WebTransformerFilter.transformer.
setTransformerMap(Map<Object, Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
setTransformers(List<Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
setTransformers(List<Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
setTransformers(List<Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
setTransformers(List<Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
The Number of elements in the output List / Array depend on the numebr of Transformers used
setTransformInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
if true will apply the #transformer over the input rather than the property itself
setTransformInput(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
if true will apply the EntityPropertyTransformer.transformer over the input rather than the property itself
setTransformPropertyBindings(Map<String, Transformer>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
Map Form field name to a Transformer, whose transformed value will be supplied to the Field name mentioned in bindings
setTrialEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setTrialStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setTrueState(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
if input is Boolean with state Boolean.TRUE
setTrustEntityTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
If the entity has an update timestamp/date then should we trust that or assign the time of tracking when this code is called.
setTtl(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setTuple(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.process.ProcessState
setTupleColName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
An HTML friendly name for the tuple column
setTupleFields(List<ISection>) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.JSONGridRenderAdapter
These are the fields that define the group of the primary fields, that belong to the secondary field.
The ISection.getName() define the keys in a JSON / Map and the ISection.getDisplayName() the display tuple name
For example in a class, for every student.
setTxManager(PlatformTransactionManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
Categorization by type
setType(Class<T>) - Method in class
If provided, will check the Entity or Collection for type.
setType(Class) - Method in class
The type.
setType(Class) - Method in class
The type.
setType(String) - Method in class
The type of message to be sent
setType(ContentType) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
setType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
If not null then, then will try to convert output row into Object type
setType(Class<A>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToAreaTransformer
Any specific type of Product
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area.Key
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
Area Type PIN, Or some other type.
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
A type to specify the type of order.
setType(Promotion.Type) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction type details/code
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.OutputTypeAwareMapperBehavior
setType(Class<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
if provided and input is null then return instance of type T
setType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
Collection type
setType(Class<ENTITY>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
Intended result entity type
setType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToEnumTransformer
Enum Class type
setType(String) - Method in class
A sub-type
setType(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
setType(MimeType) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
The Type
setType(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.MessagePart
setType(Class<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
Any specific type of Product
setType(Class<? extends Size>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
The Type to return, incase we want to define a Custom extension of one of the types.

The custom type must support a default constructor if its SizeDimensions type or a Constructor that accepts a String if its unlreated to any existing Size type.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.RegisterClass
setType(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
Type of Product
setType(Class<R>) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
The Reference type
setType(IAuthorizationType) - Method in class
setType(WicketExtendInput.Include) - Method in class
setType(ContentType) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
setType(Class<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.excel.ExcelRowToUserTransformer
The type of User being created.
setTypes(Set<Class>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityTypeFilter
setTypesRequireDeepCopy(Collection<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
While copying from new Entity to existing one, if it matches any of the types here it will scan the object recursively to dig out properties and sent back in the original persisted object if that already exists.
setUnauthorizedRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class
Absolute path for redirected url with KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfIdentifier appended to it.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then file names are unique in case an array is used
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Feature
If not null and price is not null then it means price/unit
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
setUnits(Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
setUnmappedNameTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
Any index not in sequence; the index will be passed to this and the output will be the variable name. If this is null; then the index itself will become the key as Integer.
setUnsubscribeAction(String) - Method in class
Allow the user to un subscribe from the email; usually used with Bulk mails and considered good practice to provide the user the ability to un-subscribe.
setupContextVariables(Map, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
setupContextVariables(Map, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebMapToEntitiesTransformer
setUpdatableContext(UpdatableContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Last Date when this was updated
setUpdated(Date) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.domain.Content
Last Date when this was updated
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.OrgFeature
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
Date/Time when the original record tracking was updated @ source.
setUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
setUpdateMode(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
If true will not modify and persist the collection, will rather read from the collection.
SetupHazelCastInstance<V extends VMConnectInfo> - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
Setup this VM on a single group name.
Note: The SetupHazelCastInstance.groupName derived from VMConnectInfo.getVmId() decides the cluster.
SetupHazelCastInstance() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
SetupHazelCastInstance(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
SetupHazelCastInstance(String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
SetupHazelCastInstance(VMConnectInfo) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
SetupHazelCastInstances<V extends VMConnectInfo> - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl
SetupHazelCastInstances() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
SetupHazelCastInstances(Integer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
SetupHazelCastListeners - Class in com.neurosys.hazelcast.service
Setups all instances of ListenItemOnHazelCast for provided list of VMConnectInfo.
SetupHazelCastListeners() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
setupJob(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, ETLMeta, ETLRunnerOptions) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
setupNotificationEvent(TokenEvent<T>, E, List<E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractNotificationHelper
A wrapper to make a relation between a core TokenEvent and ChildTokenEvent like MessageTokenEvent
setupQueryFromContext(SearchParams, FacetSearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
Setup all context params for the TermQueryTemplate; into a new instance.
setupResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
Please note this method is called before the newPassword is persisted.
setupResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
Please note this method is called before the newPassword is persisted.
setupSearhListCriteria(ProductReference) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
Setup the SortableDataProvider query
setupUserAndCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
setupUserAndCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserIdForm
Setup a new user and its default credentials (impl policy specific)
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.domain.FeedItem
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Item.Enclosure
setUrlFormat(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
Whatever is set via the WicketURLGeneratorTransformer.base wrap and format that using Formatter
setUrlGenerator(OrderURLGeneratorTransformer<O>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setUseCount(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Number of times the Promotion was used by this user
setUsePathAsParams(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
If true will assume to join /../../ in Path Style
setUser(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
setUser(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
setUser(IGenericEcomUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Orders may contain Order.userContactDetails and hence for GuestUsers in particular, user maybe optional
setUser(GenericEcomUser) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
setUser(User) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setUser(U) - Method in interface
setUser(U) - Method in class
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setUserAttributeDao(UserAttributesDao<UserAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
setUserAttributeDao(UserAttributesDao<UserAttribute>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.PasswordChangeListener
setUserAttributesDao(UserAttributesDao<UA>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
setUserContactDetails(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
In addition to the default User Address and contact details; an order may define/override default Address with its own.
setUserDao(EcomUserDaoImpl<GuestUser>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
setUserDao(UserDao<U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
setUserDao(UserDao) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.Cart
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
Identify the user who got the promotion
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy.Lock
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GuestUser
setUserId(String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.IGenericEcomUser
To maintain session information Its transient by nature and only valid for the session; could be SessionId or a reliable Id for a Registered user.
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
setUserId(String) - Method in class
setUserId(String) - Method in class
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
A unique user name or Id
setUserIdParamName(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
setUserService(UserServiceImpl<U, ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
setUserService(UserService<User, ?>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
setUserSessionAdapter(UserSessionAdapter<?, HttpSession, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
setUserSessionAdapter(UserSessionAdapter<?, Session, U>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
setUserShell(WebUserShell) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
The WebUserShell will be available to the script to FacetMeta.getDisplayTransformer(), while rendering of final content
setUserToCookie(Function<U, NewCookie>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
Session based Auth-Token (Cookie)
setUserTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
setValidationRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class
Absolute path for redirected url with KeyBasedSecurityFilter.nameOfIdentifier and validaton exception cause appended to it.
setValidationTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
Takes a List of entities defined in sequence by #entities and validates them.
setValidityEnd(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
The validity start Date range and end date range
setValidityStart(Date) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
The validity start Date range and end date range
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
Its own Content
setValue(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ResultRow
String to represent the Response String/Reason
setValue(Cell, int, Object) - Method in class
Handle different data types and set the appropriate type on the given value in the Cell
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
setValue(V) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
setValue(V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.AbstractAttribute
setValue(V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
setValue(V) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Entry
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.EntityChainAccessCheckFilter
If the accessor equals the value then true is returned
If the value is a Transformer or Predicate, then that will be applied on the accessor value to EntityChainAccessCheckFilter.checkCriteria(Object).
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
The value that if matches the result from the process using Mapper.getProcessor() will be skipped and not applied to the final entity.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
Value to compare the input with
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
setValue(V) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
The actual current tracked value
setValue(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
setValueMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
setValueTransformer(Transformer) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
(Optional) Apply over the object to obtain the value in the map
setVariant(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
setVerifyOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunnerOptions
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
A ContentType version, if there are multiple messages of different types
setVisit(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
setVmConnectInfosSupplier(Supplier<List<VMConnectInfo>>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.service.SetupHazelCastListeners
setVmId(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
Fully qualified Id/name for the entity that defines the connection by a common name on both sides
setVmInstance(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.ListenItemOnHazelCast
Context Supplier of HazelcastInstance.
This allows us to pass a instance via context in a more dynamic multi instance environment or one configured directly into this instance.
setVmInstance(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
Context Supplier of HazelcastInstance.
This allows us to pass a instance via context in a more dynamic multi instance environment or one configured directly into this instance.
setVmTemplatePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
setWaitForProcessEnd(boolean) - Method in class
setWarnings(List<Object>) - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
setWarningThresholdPct(double) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
setWebAppRelativePathToStaticPages(String) - Method in class
setWebComponent(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in interface
Allow the Web Component calling the Menu adapter to set itself so the adapter can access it.
setWebComponent(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in interface
Allow the Web Component calling the Menu adapter to set itself so the adapter can access it.
setWebComponent(WebMarkupContainer) - Method in class
Allow the Web Component calling the Menu adapter to set itself so the adapter can access it.
setWebMaster(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel
setWebSpecificAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
An absolute path that is relative to SiteApplication#CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH will remove any reference to the SiteApplication#CONTEXT_BASE_ABSOLUTE_PATH part and keep the path relative to the Web Context specified by this path.
setWeight(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
Weight of a Product in a unit understood/assumed/set @ a project level.
setWeight(Integer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating
Weight of the score in relation to others
setWhereExtension(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
Special Strings; if Not null is Appended after WHERE or last Query statement.
Example(s): "OR ent.fieldName = :fieldValue"
"ent.fieldName = :fieldValue"
Note: if no conjunction is provided, AND is assumed by default and if there is no Conditions already then its prepended by WHERE in the final SQL
setWhiteRegExPattern(Pattern) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.domain.RSS2Channel.Image
setWidth(Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
setWidth(Object) - Method in class
pixels , for % specify %
setWordDelimeter(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
If there is a BitsToStringTransformer.wordMap then this delimiter will be used between words
setWordMap(Map<?, String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
Optional word map to map key (characters extracted) to a meaningful Word.
setWorksheet(Sheet) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.MergedColumnAndHeaderFilter
setWorksheetIndex(int) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
One reader can be assigned to one worksheet.
setWwwStrict(Boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
If specified true, will ensure it uses "www" convention is used for the link
ShareablePage<E> - Interface in com.neurosys.module.model
A check interface that reminds the user to employ and think of Best practices in their code for Sharing Pages
A Shareable page usually represents some item or entity that has to be Shared online.
Shell<E> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A Shell provides an environment context to interact with for a session of engagement.
Any shell must contain a Base level, which cannot be unwrapped, while a Shell can also be wrapped.
shell - Variable in class
ShellTransformer - Class in
Execute OS Shell commands via a ProcessBuilder

One can pass an Array or List of Strings as additional parameters @ runtime
If the input is a Map then each entry will be passed as <key>:<value>

The error streamed is merged with the standard output by default.
ShellTransformer() - Constructor for class
ShellTransformer(String) - Constructor for class
Shift<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
A contextual and practical representation of a Queue.
A Shift associates context like who owns the shift, what time to what time, who all are working in it etc.
ShiftDao<T extends Token<T>,S extends Shift<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.dao
shiftHierarchy(String, String, String, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
shiftHierarchy(String, String, String, C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.HierarchyContentSource
shiftHierarchy(String, String, String, C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
ShiftService<S extends Shift<T>,V,P,T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
Manage Shifts
ShiftsRegister<T extends Token<T>,S extends Shift<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
A register to store active Shifts etc.
ShiftStatus - Enum in com.neurosys.q.domain
Status of a Shift
shippingAmount - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
Amount spent on shipping for ordering quantity items.
If a product is purchased with N units ; then amount is for all N units.
shippingStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
ShoppingCart<U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain
Earlier this specifically had List as getPromotions(). However thats been moved up to Cart.
ShoppingCart() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.ShoppingCart
ShoppingCart(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.ShoppingCart
ShoppingCart(List<CartItem>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.ShoppingCart
ShoppingCart(String, List<CartItem>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.domain.ShoppingCart
showPreview(Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
shutdown() - Method in class
Shuts down the Logs client object, releasing any resources that might be held open.
shutDown() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
shutDown() - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
shutDownTasks() - Method in class
signIn(Principal) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Sign in the Principal
signIn(Principal) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.admin.wicket.components.AdminLoginForm
Record last login time
signIn(Principal, ChangeGenerator<Object>) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Sign in a user

Since this method allows a ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
Successful Login - BasicAuthenticationToken Unsuccessful Login - userId as String Exception - exception object as Exception
signOut(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
signOut(S) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
SimpleBufferedConnector<S,T> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.connectors
Simple program that reads from a Source Tuple by Tuple and Writes it to the Sink real time with a in memory Buffer.
SimpleBufferedConnector() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.SimpleBufferedConnector
SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter<T> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters
SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter
SimpleEditorAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
A Basic HTML editor that has a Text-Area and A Display Area
SimpleEditorAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SimpleEditorAdapter
SimpleEditorPanel<C extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor
A No frills UI editor that can be hooked to any UI fancy editor.
SimpleEditorPanel(String, IModel, FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor.SimpleEditorPanel
SimpleEditorPanel(String, C, FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor.SimpleEditorPanel
SimpleMapLookup - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Lookup over a Simple HashMap
SimpleMapLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SimpleMapLookup
SimpleMapLookup(Map) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SimpleMapLookup
SimpleMapLookup(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.SimpleMapLookup
SimpleNumberConverter - Class in
Ensures the number is converted as is, no need for any commas and special formattting.
SimpleNumberConverter() - Constructor for class
SINGLE_CONTENT_VELOCITY_TEMPLATE_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
Path set to configuration in velocity.xml - resourceLoaderPath; where default class path is set from where it will look for resources
SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
This will take each ContentFacet of ContentDescriber that is of type ContentType.HTML or ContentType.MARKUP or ContentType.TEXT and publish a separate file for it.
SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.SingleContentPerFacetPublishAdapter
SingleTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in
SITE_APPLICATION_INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
PLEASE USE SiteApplication.get() where possible.
SiteApplication - Class in
Application wide settings/code
The class is also defined as a Component for Threads that may not have access to WebRequest, and allow us to get the instance from Spring instead.
SiteApplication() - Constructor for class
SiteAuthorizableSecurableService - Class in com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs
Common Modules specific Auth implementations for AuthorizableSecurableService
SiteAuthorizableSecurableService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
SiteAuthorizableSecurableService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.common.service.jaxrs.SiteAuthorizableSecurableService
siteManagerAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages
Content Page that lists all pages in the Site, associated with the Content module
siteManagerAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin
siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages
SiteManagerContentTreePanel(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>, boolean, List<ContentDescriber>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.siteManagerAdmin.SiteManagerContentTreePanel
SiteMapFeed - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl
Generate the SiteMapItem Feed (XML).
SiteMapFeed() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
SiteMapItem - Class in com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain
Google Site Map XML
SiteMapItem() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
SiteMapItem(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem
SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq - Enum in com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain
SiteRequestCycleProcessor - Class in
Handle HTTPS enforcement when required and also Error page handling customizations
Also, allow RegexQueryStringUrlCodingStrategy style URL's
SiteRequestCycleProcessor(HttpsConfig) - Constructor for class
SiteRequestCycleProcessor(HttpsConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class
SiteTester - Class in
WicketTester for SiteApplication

SiteTester() - Constructor for class
SiteVisitedCountWidget - Class in
Keeps track the number of times the WebSite was visited
Uses a cookie to track the user, if the cookie is missing in the Request it adds to the count and onInitialize will return the count (as Long) via the Model of this Panel
SiteVisitedCountWidget(String) - Constructor for class
SiteWicketFilter - Class in com.neurosys.filters
Startup related code.
SiteWicketFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.filters.SiteWicketFilter
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.model.ContentSortableDataProvider
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ExecuteJobReader
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.FileReader
size() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.readers.ResourceAwareRealTimeLineReader
Get number of tuples/records in resource
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.processors.readers.IMAPMailBoxReader
Size - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Size type.
Size() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
Size(Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
size() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.wicket.model.ProductSortableDataProvider
size() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.domain.Batch
Since calling Batch.getTokens() can be expensive, explicitly providing this where we do not care about the tokens but just the batch size.
size(B) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.BatchService
# of tokens Tokens that are in the TokenContainer.
size(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
# of tokens Tokens that are in the TokenContainer.
size - Variable in class
size() - Method in class
sizeBytes - Variable in class
SizeDimensionFieldGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
Size is a complex entity.
SizeDimensionFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
SizeDimensionFieldGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
Size is a complex entity.
SizeDimensionFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
SizeDimensions - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Size measured by dimensions
SizeDimensions() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
SizeDimensions(Double, Double, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
SizeDimensions(Double, Double, String, Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeDimensions
SizeFieldGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
Size is a complex entity.
SizeFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
SizeFieldGenerator<P extends Product> - Class in
Size is a complex entity.
SizeFieldGenerator() - Constructor for class
SizeFit - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Predefined Fits
SizeFit() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
SizeFit(SizeFit.Fit) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
SizeFit(SizeFit.Fit, Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit
SizeFit.Fit - Enum in com.neurosys.products.domain
SIZEFIT_CHOICE_RENDERED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
SizeFitToCodeTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convert a SizeFit to its code
SizeFitToCodeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeFitToCodeTransformer
SizeLengthTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Return numeric size for a Collection or Array
SizeLengthTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SizeLengthTransformer
SizeRenderAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Adapter to render a Size; since Size type can be complex and of different types
Should be accompanied with Select markup
SizeRenderAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
SizeRenderAdapter(SizeRenderAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
SizeString - Class in com.neurosys.products.domain
Size as simple String value TODO: test Equals and hashcode methods
SizeString() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
SizeString(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
SizeString(String, Product) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeString
SizeToOutputStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convert a Size object to a String
SizeToOutputStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
sizeToString(Size, String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
SizeToStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convert a Size object to a String
SizeToStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
SIZETYPE_CHOICE_RENDERED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.SizeRenderAdapter
SizeTypeInitMapperTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Create a Size sub-type based on field name and value.
SizeTypeInitMapperTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeTypeInitMapperTransformer
skip(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
Custom logic to Skip Creation of Accessors based on input available.
SKIP_MOVE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
SkipValueMapperBehavior - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors
If applied Will prevent the Mapper from applying a value that matches SkipValueMapperBehavior.value (default null); to the Entity
SkipValueMapperBehavior() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
SkipValueMapperBehavior(List<Mode>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.behaviors.SkipValueMapperBehavior
SmartSingleValuesTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Many transport mechnaisms and requests may default use Arrays or Collections as values in a Data-Structure (most preferbly a Map).
SmartSingleValuesTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
SMS - Class in
Amazon version of an SMS
SMS() - Constructor for class
SMS(SMS) - Constructor for class
SMS(AmazonMessageSettings) - Constructor for class
SMS(String, String, Priority, List<String>) - Constructor for class
SMS(String, Priority, String) - Constructor for class
SMS - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.domain
Class to create Message which will be sent to AmazonSNSTransformer
SMS() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.SMS
SMS(SMS) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.SMS
SMS(String, String, Priority, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.SMS
SMS(String, Priority, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.SMS
SMSDeliveryReports - Class in
Contains method related to Message Delivery Reports
SMSDeliveryReports(RetrieveCloudWatchLogs) - Constructor for class
SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher<M extends DisposableMessage<?,?>> - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer
BulkDispatcher to create a recorded and/or text to voice calls using SMSGatewayCenter Voice API.
SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory<?>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.transformer.SMSGatewayCenterDispatcher
SMSGatewayCenterResponse - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
Object representing the json response of SMSGatewayCenter.
{ "status": "success", "mobile": "9199999999xx, 9199999999xx", "invalidMobile": "", "transactionId": "595748da-bab8-4da7-ae9e-5a97007ae49b", "statusCode": "900", "reason": "success" }
SMSGatewayCenterResponse() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
SMSGatewayCenterResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterResponse
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage<R,T> - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
Base class for any kind of SMSGatewayCenter Voice Message.
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage<R, T>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage(Priority, List<R>, T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory<M extends SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage<?,?>> - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice
A factory class to setup voice message settings for SMSGatewayCenter using specific settings from the message and merging it with the default settings.
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory(SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageFactory
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
Domain object for SMSGatewayCenter's Voice API with all of their parameters.
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessageSetting
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceService - Interface in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.service.jaxrs
CXF Service Interface representing SMSGatewayCenter Voice REST API service
SORT_BY - Static variable in class
sortMenuItems(MenuItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.ModuleUIAutoNav
Will sort the entries in the MenuItem.
SourceAware - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A marker interface that signifies that the Process will require a file/Source upload that is ModeAware
SpecificMountPointLoader - Class in
Mounts a Specified List of Mount points; expected to be set manually or via some config
SpecificMountPointLoader() - Constructor for class
SpELTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Spring SpEL Transformer that evaluates a given the input or SpELTransformer.context.
SpELTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
SpELTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
splitAtCommas(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Split the string as all non escaped comma locations
splitAttributeValuesFromTag(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.HTMLUtils
SpringCacheTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Uses a CacheManager to fetch data from a Cache.
SpringCacheTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
SpringConfiguredContainerFactory - Class in
Based on the class name of the Panel being injected, and optionally its parent

One can obtain an instance of it by:
private SpringConfiguredContainerFactory factory = AppSettings.get().WICKET_CONTAINER_FACTORY; or private SpringConfiguredContainerFactory factory = AppSettings.get()springContext.getBean(SpringConfiguredContainerFactory.class);

Uses the SpringConfiguredContainerFactory.deriveId(MarkupContainer); to determine the name in the Spring configs (properties).
SpringConfiguredContainerFactory() - Constructor for class
springContext - Variable in class
SpringInterceptorSecurityFilter - Class in
Allow for a custom framework requests/sessions/components in a request cycle to access Spring Security token.
Adds the Security Token to ThreadLocal
SpringInterceptorSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
springStaticConfigSource - Variable in class com.neurosys.utils.ContextUtils
SpringStaticConfiguration<V> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
A StaticConfiguration that is BeanNameAware; it automatically assigns the name and the namespace based on the bean name.
SpringStaticConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfiguration
SpringStaticConfigurtationSource<V> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
Allow to fetch any StaticConfiguration type from spring using namespace and name (key).
SpringStaticConfigurtationSource() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.SpringStaticConfigurtationSource
SpringTemplateInvoiceService<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem,INVOICE> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
A TemplateInvoiceService for Spring Beans
The stateful Publisher is derived from the Spring Context.
SpringTemplateInvoiceService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
SpringTemplateInvoiceService(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.SpringTemplateInvoiceService
Publishers are stateful; hence the bean name is supplied so that a new instance is instatiated on each request
StandardAttributes - Interface in com.neurosys.common.domain
StandardOperation - Enum in
Operations on Data; used to indicate type of change in forms etc
start - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
start(V, P, AuthenticationToken, String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Start a Shift @ a Venue NOW
start(V, P, AuthenticationToken, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
start(S, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftService
Start a created shift @ a Venue NOW.
start(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
Start the progress bar.
startDate - Variable in class
startUpTasks() - Method in class
State<T> - Class in
Represent a state of any type
State() - Constructor for class
State(T) - Constructor for class
staticConfigsAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages
Static PreSetconfig admin page
staticConfigsAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.configs.admin.wicket.pages.staticConfigsAdmin
StaticConfiguration<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.configs
A default implementation for IConfiguration; that can be used as a container or replacement for a property in Properties file.
StaticConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
StaticImageComponent - Class in
StaticImageComponent(String, IModel) - Constructor for class
StaticImageComponent(String) - Constructor for class
Sometimes we need images, but define them by means of CSS and other attributes.
StaticMenuLogic - Class in
Basic Menu Logic for a Static Menu.
StaticMenuLogic() - Constructor for class
StaticPageMountPointLoader - Class in
Detects & Mounts Static HTML pages from a specified area; makes those HTMLS' part of the application without having to create a separate WebPage object for each page.
StaticPageMountPointLoader(String, Class<? extends WebPage>) - Constructor for class
status - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
Status - Enum in com.neurosys.content.domain
State of the Content
Status - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A Feedback or Status Object that can Allow communication of changes in a Synchronous or ASynchronous environment
Status() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Status
Status(Status) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Status
Status(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Status
Status(String, int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Status
status - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
statusDate - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
The Date when the AbstractContent.status was updated, or would be changed (incase of a scheduled change)
statusDate - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Date when BaseOrderItem.status was changed
statuss - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
stop() - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.process.ControllableProcess
Request graceful Shutdown
stop() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
stop() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.ChainIterativeReader
stop() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
StoreHashMap<K,V> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
StoreHashMap() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.StoreHashMap
StoreHashMap(int) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.StoreHashMap
StoreHashMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.StoreHashMap
StoreMap<K,V> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A Map that is used for the purpose of storing simple key/value pairs.
strategiesCalcData(List<CartItem>, U, String, String, Collection<String>, EComSession, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
StrategiesService<P extends Product,U extends IGenericEcomUser,CONTEXT> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs
THIS CLASS IS WICKET DEPENDENT AS IT INTERNALLY USES A WICKET EComSession Web Service Layer for accessing Strategies over a users Session (Guest or Logged in)
This can be used to compute things like Packaging costs, Tax, Shipping costs etc.
StrategiesService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
StrategiesService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Strategy - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Any Process that may involve data and Business Rules, Business specific Algorithms can be delegated ass a Strategy.
Strategy - Interface in com.neurosys.strategy.service
Any Process that may involve data and Business Rules, Business specific Algorithms can be delegated ass a Strategy.
STRING_PROMOTION_TRANSFORMER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
Read the Notation - PromotionName:UserId:CouponCode to produce a PromotionForUser transient object
StringComparator - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators
Sort String
StringComparator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.comparators.StringComparator
StringConcatTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Joins results into a single String
StringConcatTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
StringConcatTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringConcatTransformer
StringData - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.domain
StringData() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.StringData
StringData(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.StringData
stringToCartItems(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartProductTransformService
Convert a String into a List of CartItem
StringToEnumTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert a String to its Enum type
StringToEnumTransformer(Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToEnumTransformer
StringToInternetAddressTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.messenger.etl
Convert String, Object Array, Map to InternetAddress
Object[] - [0] represents email, [1] represents Name Map - Will look for keys email, name
StringToInternetAddressTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.StringToInternetAddressTransformer
StringToListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Convert a String to a List of Strings Transformer.
StringToListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
stringToPromotionUser(String, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
Takes in a list of Strings.
StringToReferenceTransformer<R extends Reference> - Class in com.neurosys.refs.transformers
Convert a Raw String into a Reference type.
If StringToReferenceTransformer.splitter is provided it will assume the raw String to be a list of tokens and create a Reference for each String token.
Takes a Reference type and returns a Reference type or List of Reference type.
StringToReferenceTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
StringToReferenceTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
StringToReferenceTransformer(StringToReferenceTransformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
StringToSizeTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Convert a raw String input to Size object.
StringToSizeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
stripTags(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.HTMLUtils
StripToDateRangeTransformer - Class in
This class helps strip all unnecessary details except Date-Rage from an Event and return a bare bones DateRange object.
Useful to secure an event returned to an external calling API via WebSerivce or UI.
StripToDateRangeTransformer() - Constructor for class
subFeedConsumers - Variable in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
These consume this Feed and add to it.
subFeedSuppliers - Variable in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
A sub-feed in the format.
SubFolderViewPanel - Class in com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels
A Panel to pick all folders for rootNode (specified param to this#getDataList(File) or Default Model if param not specified).
SubFolderViewPanel(String, IModel<File>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
SubFolderViewPanel(String, IModel<File>, Predicate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
SubFolderViewPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.document.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SubFolderViewPanel
SubForm - Interface in
Marker definition of a form that is part of a Form
SubFormContainer - Class in
Default implementation for SubForm
SubFormContainer(String) - Constructor for class
SubFormContainer(String, IModel<?>) - Constructor for class
SubFormFragment - Class in
A Fragment that is a SubForm
SubFormFragment(String, String, MarkupContainer) - Constructor for class
SubFormFragment(String, String, MarkupContainer, IModel<?>) - Constructor for class
submit(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
submitForm(MultivaluedMap) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
submitJSON(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
SubOrder<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Special case of a RelatedOrder that tracks its own SubOrder.partialAmount and SubOrder.previous and
A SubOrder shares the same OrderItem of its RelatedOrder.getRoot() by overriding SubOrder.getItems().
SubOrder() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(GenericEcomUser, PaymentContext, PaymentMethod, Amount, Date) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(O, Amount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(SubOrder<O, I>, Amount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(O) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrder(SubOrder<O, I>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
SubOrderService<O extends SubOrder<O,I>,I extends OrderItem> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Additional Services for SubOrder
subscribeToTopic(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Subscribe Endpoints to the topic
subtractCart(S, String, Cart, Cart) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
This operation will remove a cart from the existingCart
subtractCart(SESSION, String, Cart, Cart) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
This operation will remove a cart from the existingCart
SubTypeInitMapperTransformer<ENTITY> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
AbstractEntityTransformers like QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer; can use polymorphic instances like Size for AbstractEntityTransformer.setNestedObjectInitMap(java.util.Map).
While initializing an instance the sub-type needs to be known dynamically based on the key or field name and its value.
SubTypeInitMapperTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SubTypeInitMapperTransformer
SuperUser - Interface in com.neurosys.user.domain
Marker interface for Admin/Super type users.
SupplierTokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in
supports(Class) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EnumMorpher
supports(ConfigAttribute) - Method in class
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class
supportsVerifyOnly - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ETLMeta
Some processes may run as verification without committing or making changes.
Swagger2Feature - Class in com.neurosys.cxf.jaxrs.swagger
Extends Swagger2Feature; so that AbstractSwaggerFeature.setBasePath(String) can be overridden and the rest of the settings same.
Swagger2Feature(Swagger2Feature, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature
SynchronousChange<F> - Interface in
A change event that ensures it is accompanied with a #feedback that returns synchronously.
For example useful for Admin style extensions services; that may perform some task and communicate that back.
SynchronousChangeListener<T> - Class in
A wrapper ChangeListener and Transformer that in turn executes other ChangeListeners, listening to it.
SynchronousChangeListener() - Constructor for class
SynchronousChangeListener(List<ChangeListener<T>>) - Constructor for class
SynchronousFlowStatusChange<E,F> - Class in
A SynchronousChange event implementation that wraps a change event and is capable of also communicating the FlowStatus
For example Admin UI's where an event Listener processes an event and sends feedback.
SynchronousFlowStatusChange(E, F, FlowStatus) - Constructor for class
SynchronousTokenChangeEventSupplierBackedListener<T extends Token<T>,PE extends ChildTokenEvent<T>> - Class in
A SynchronousTokenChangeListener backed by a ClassReloadingStrategy.Strategy or code that generates further events based on the original one.
SynchronousTokenChangeEventSupplierBackedListener() - Constructor for class
SynchronousTokenChangeListener<T extends Token<T>,CE extends TokenEvent<T>> - Class in
A ChangeListener designed to listen to only SynchronousTokenChange type TokenEvents
SynchronousTokenChangeListener() - Constructor for class
synchStatusWithItems() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Convenience method to update the status of all items to the BaseOrderItem.status
sysAutoIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
Based on a Scheduled job keep refreshing the Index
sysAutoIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
Based on a Scheduled job keep refreshing the Index
sysAutoIndex() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Based on a Scheduled job keep refreshing the Index
sysLogFormat(int, SysLogProxy.SyslogSeverity, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy
SysLogProxy - Class in com.neurosys.utils
A simple utility to produce message in Syslog format style message in the log with the appropriate log level.
SysLogProxy() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy
SysLogProxy.SyslogFacility - Enum in com.neurosys.utils
RFC 3164 - Facility.
SysLogProxy.SyslogSeverity - Enum in com.neurosys.utils
RFC 3164 - Severity
SystemDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Reflect System Stats
SystemDetailsPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.SystemDetailsPanel


t - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.GenericAware
The type
Tag - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Tag() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.Tag
tags - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
targetCollectionTypeDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.collection.admin.wicket.pages.components.CollectionTypesReportResult
When selecting a user the action will update the target CollectionTypeDetailsPanel
targetCustomerDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.CustomerDataReportResult
When selecting a user the action will update the target CustomerDetailsPanel
targetCustomerDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
When selecting a user the action will update the target CustomerDetailsPanel
targetCustomerDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components.VisitorDataReportResult
When selecting a user the action will update the target CustomerDetailsPanel
targetOrderDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.OrderReportResult
When selecting an Order will update Order Details
targetPostDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.posts.admin.wicket.pages.components.PostListingReportResult
targetProductDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductListingPanel
When selecting a Product the action will update the target ProductDetailsPanel
targetPromotionDetailsPanel - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.components.PromotionReportResult
When selecting an Order will update Promotion Details
taxStrategy - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.AbstractChargeStrategy
Tax can be factored into any other Strategy, so providing by default
TaxStrategy<P extends Product,U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service
Tax Strategy
tempDelayBetweenBatches - Variable in class
template - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
template - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
template - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Template<REF> - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
A Template is associated with markup HTML and an implementation class like Velocity, or Wicket Components.
Template() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Template(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
Template(Template) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
TEMPLATE_CHOICE_RENDERED - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
TemplateDetailsPanel<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels
This panel defines details related to a Template.
TemplateDetailsPanel(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.TemplateDetailsPanel
templateForChild - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.CategoryTemplatePage
For the rendering of the Child elements what template will be Used and so the Child will be defined as per the facets in this template
templateForChild - Variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.CategoryTemplate
For the rendering of the Child elements on this Page, what template will be Used and so the Child will be defined as per the facets in this template

One can derive from each child.
TemplateInvoiceService<O extends Order<I>,I extends OrderItem,INVOICE> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Using a Publisher publish an Invoice Format (Default @ HTML); where the Order is provided to the context with order + TemplateInvoiceService.processContext(Order, Map):
The order passed is expected to contain all the necessary details ready for Publishing/Printing to the invoice.
TemplateInvoiceService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
templateManagerAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages
Content Page that lists all pages in the Site, associated with the Content module
templateManagerAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.templateManagerAdmin
TemplateManagerForm<T> - Class in com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model
TemplateManagerForm(String, IModel<ContentDescriber>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.model.TemplateManagerForm
TemplatePage<T extends Template<?>,C extends Content> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages
Allow Templates to be switched for Pages.
TemplatePage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
TEMPLATEPAGE_MAPPING_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.neurosys.lookups.CacheLookups
Derive the Template Reference (name) from the Content & Locale

Key : "#contentNameId + '_' + " + "#locale.language + '_' + " + " + '_' + " + "#locale.variant"
TemplatePageLocator - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Associate and update Page-Markup with their respective TemplatePage
TemplatePageLocator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageLocator
TemplatePageLocator(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageLocator
TemplatePageMounter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Mount all Content defined in the HierarchyContentSource (repository for dynamic content).
TemplatePageMounter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
TemplatePanel<T extends Template<TemplatePanel>,M extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel
Allow Dynamic content via Template to create the UI component for the template.
TemplatePanel(String, IModel<M>, T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel
TemplatePanelPageMatcher - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Ensures that the TemplatePage and ReplaceableTemplate match each other.
TemplatePanelPageMatcher() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePanelPageMatcher
TemplateSearchParams - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.components
Define a way to search entities (like product(s), content etc)
It will add a form of Search params input, with an Ajax button.
TemplateSearchParams(String, IModel<List<FacetMeta>>, List<Component>, Class<? extends EntityDetailsTemplatePanel>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplateSearchParams
templateService - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ContentDetailsPanel
templateService - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
templateService - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.TemplatePage
TemplateService - Interface in com.neurosys.template.service
Services for Template related queries
TemplateServiceImpl - Class in com.neurosys.template.service
Default implementation of the TemplateService
TemplateServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateServiceImpl
TemplateStoreService<T> - Interface in com.neurosys.template.service
A service that defines how the actual Template-Store is loaded.
A template store refers to the actual markup file and not the Template meta data for the template.
TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer<O extends Organization,U extends SAASUser<O>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
This Transformer ensures all generic queries are made in context to the current Tenant.
By default the Tenant related to User#getOrganizations() and User#getPrimaryOrganization()
TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.TenantContextJPAQueryTransformer
test - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericObjectQueryService
test(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
test - Static variable in class
test(AU) - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyAccessTransformer
Return true if authorized to access unit
If #getAuthorizedUnits() is null or input is null then return false.
test(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer
testLogin(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
testSessionInvalidator(int, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
A factory method to create a Runnable to auto invalidate the session
TEXT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Any Content that contains Text.
TEXT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.messenger.domain.contenttypes.ContentType
TEXT_AREA - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
Text in a Text Area
TextAreaAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters
Text Area
TextAreaAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.TextAreaAdapter
TextAreaAdapter(TextAreaAdapter) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.TextAreaAdapter
TextToVoiceMessage - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage to represent text to speech object of SMSGatewayCenter Voice API
TextToVoiceMessage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.TextToVoiceMessage
TextToVoiceMessage(VoiceRecordedMessage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.TextToVoiceMessage
TextToVoiceMessage(String, Priority, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.TextToVoiceMessage
ThingRef - Class in com.neurosys.refs.domain
Reference to Some thing.
ThingRef() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ThingRef
ThingRef(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ThingRef
ThingRef(String, Reference) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ThingRef
ThingRef(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ThingRef
threadInit(AbstractReader<IN, T, Serializable>, ETLMeta) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.service.ETLRunner
Init before the thread runs.
threadInit() - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ReaderProcess
Init before the thread runs.
threadLocal - Variable in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
An optional ThreadLocalTransformer that allows Web stats (from WebAnalyticsTransformer) to be passed for the thread
threadLocal - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentContext
Use this to pass this context for a given WebRequest
ThreadLocalTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Passes the UsesIntermediateObjectImpl.determineInput(Object) into a ThreadLocal variable
ThreadLocalTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThreadLocalTransformer
throwableToMessage - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Marshal errors to just their messages
ThrowableToMessageTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Marshal Throwable to its message
ThrowableToMessageTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThrowableToMessageTransformer
throwExceptionOnNull - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
If no result is found it will throw an exception instead of returning a null
Tier<F extends Feature> - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain
A Tier.
Tier() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Tier
Tier(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Tier
Tier(ProductPackage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.domain.Tier
TierToFeatureListTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl
Flattens Tier into just a list of Features it contains.
TierToFeatureListTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl.TierToFeatureListTransformer
TigraDHTMLMenu - Class in
An adapter to convert MenuItem to : // Title: Tigra Menu (JavaScript) // Description: Free JavaScript Menu Navigation // URL: // Version: 2.1 (commented source) // Date: 06/26/2007 // Tech.
TigraDHTMLMenu() - Constructor for class
TIME_ZONE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
TIMEOUT_LOAD_IO_SECONDS - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
The time it should load the file in
timeZone - Variable in class
As optional Time Zone specifier
tm - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
to - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
to(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Standard forward transform
toAlphaNumeric(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Strips out all non alpha numeric codes; underscores are left.
toDate() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
Expected in the future compared to input Date
Token<T extends Token> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
A manifestation of Notification.
TokenContainer<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
Common characteristics for Token containers.
TokenContainerService<T extends Token<T>,C extends TokenContainer<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
Methods that services for Token-Containers like Batch and Shift should have common
TokenDispatcher<T extends Token<T>,E extends SingleTokenEvent<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
Accept a Token from the TokenGenerator and decides which TokenManager to send to.
TokenEvent<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in
Any Event related to a Token

Note: ConsumerTokenStatus is a collection of pre-defined TokenStatus's.
TokenEvent.ContainerEventType - Enum in
TokenEvent.TokenEventFlowStatus - Interface in
TokenEvent.TokenEventType - Enum in
These are transient Notification (event) types.
Please do not confuse with TokenStatus instance.
TokenEventSupplier<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
A Service or Strategy that supplies list of TokenEvent based on a SynchronousTokenChange.
tokenFromPayloadException(PayLoadException) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.notification.service.AbstractTokenNotificationListener
TokenGenerationException - Exception in com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions
A checked exception that can occur while generating an Exception
TokenGenerationException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenGenerationException
TokenGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenGenerationException
TokenGenerationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenGenerationException
TokenGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenGenerationException
TokenGenerator<T extends Token<T>,R extends TokenRequest,E extends TokenEvent<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
Token request agent facing facade that generates tokens based on a TokenRequest.
In some setups the TokenGenerator maybe on a different machine like a phone etc.
The TokenGenerator may be the same or consult a TokenDispatcher.
tokenId - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
The identifier key, for the session or cookie to keep track of all this.
By default its the name of the class, ...
tokenize(List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
For a given List of String , tokenize each string based on tokenPatternDelimeter and return a unique Set of tokens.
TokenManager<T extends Token<T>,S extends Shift<T>,E extends TokenEvent<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.service
Manages the life cycle of the Token and the interactions with the receiving part.
The TokenManager maybe same or different from a TokenDispatcher in the sense that the Dispatcher is a centralized control system while the Manager is the local manager of the Q in a de-centralized system.
TokenNotificationTrackerService<T extends Token<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.notification.track.service
A service to monitor which token has been notified and which not
TokenPosition<T extends Token<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.domain
Transient data that allows us a estimate/position details, wait time etc or a Token relative to its TokenContainer
TokenPosition() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
TokenPosition(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
TokenPosition(T) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
TokenPosition(TokenPosition) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TokenPosition
TokenProcessingException - Exception in com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions
Any exception related to processing of a token.
TokenProcessingException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
TokenProcessingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
TokenProcessingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
TokenProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
TokenProcessingException(String, Token) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenProcessingException
TokenRequest - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
Defines a Token Request to a Server before the Token is accepted or processed
tokensMap - Variable in class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
TokenStatus - Class in com.neurosys.q.basic.domain
A pure basic String based token status system.
TokenStatus() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
TokenStatus(Consumer<TokenStatus>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
TokenStatus(String, int, Consumer<TokenStatus>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
TokenStatus(String, int, TokenStatus, Consumer<TokenStatus>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.basic.domain.TokenStatus
TokenSwitchedException - Exception in com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions
Due to environmental or system constraints the state of the Token was altered in an unexpected manner.
TokenSwitchedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenSwitchedException
TokenSwitchedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenSwitchedException
TokenSwitchedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.q.domain.exceptions.TokenSwitchedException
TokenWrapper<O> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.domain
Support instances that cannot implemented Token straight.
ToNullTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
ToNullTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ToNullTransformer
ToNullTransformer(Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ToNullTransformer
toResponse(T) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericObject
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.GenericReference
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.audit.domain.Audit
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.StringData
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.AbstractConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentAlias
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.domain.FacetAlias
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.DateCycle
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.HierarchialDomainObject
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Locale
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.Query
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Region
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Amount
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.ConvertedCurrencyOrder
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.DeliveryDetails
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderItem
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PromotionForUser
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.RelatedOrder
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.products.domain.Product
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.GenericEcomUser
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.connectors.ResourceHandle
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in exception com.neurosys.exception.PartialTransactionException
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.geo.domain.GeoLocation
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Organization
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.pagination.domain.PageInfo
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductAlias
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.ProductReference
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Size
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.AbstractReference
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAlias
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.domain.ReferenceAliasKey
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.MetaItem
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.Template
toString() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
track(TrackCycle<?, V>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.crm.billing.service.AppTrackingService
track() - Method in interface com.neurosys.crm.billing.service.AppTrackingService
Increment the TrackCycle value by one unit and update central.
This method is context dependent and will rely on the implementation deriving the TrackCycle context.
track(V) - Method in interface com.neurosys.crm.billing.service.AppTrackingService
Increment the TrackCycle value by the passed in argument and update central.
This method is context dependent and will rely on the implementation deriving the TrackCycle context.
track(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.track.transformers.TrackTokenTransformer
Track - Class in com.neurosys.track.domain
Audit timings for various status change.
Intended as a Sink for business intelligence to gather data about tracking & optimizing performance.

Note this class can be extended to build the relations between this and entity and Track.setEntityId(Long).
Track() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Track(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
Track(Track) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.domain.Track
track(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
Convert Entity to Trackable Object
track() - Method in class
Update the TrackCycle value by 1
track(Number) - Method in class
Update the TrackCycle value by parameter value
track(TrackCycle) - Method in class
Update TrackCycle
trackChange(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
trackChange(Supplier<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.AbstractTokenChangeGenerator
TrackCycle<R,V extends Number> - Class in com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain
Tracking usage of a Authorizable or a Feature
TrackCycle() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.crm.billing.domain.TrackCycle
TrackInfo<R,V extends Number> - Class in com.neurosys.track.domain
Tracking usage of a Authorizable or a UnsupportedZipFeatureException.Feature
TrackInfo() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.domain.TrackInfo
TrackingServiceFactory - Class in
Factory for creating an instance of AppTrackingService based on the provided namespace
TrackingServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
TrackToken - Class in com.neurosys.q.domain
TrackToken() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TrackToken
TrackToken(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TrackToken
TrackToken(Track) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.domain.TrackToken
TrackTokenTransformer<T extends Token<T>,TR extends TrackToken> - Class in com.neurosys.q.track.transformers
Track changes for a Collection of Tokens or a Token
TrackTokenTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.track.transformers.TrackTokenTransformer
TrackTokenTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.track.transformers.TrackTokenTransformer
TrackTransformer<E,TR> - Class in com.neurosys.track.transformers
Track changes for a Collection of entities or a entity (of type )
TrackTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
transact(O, PaymentOption, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionRequestHandler
Perform the Transaction
The transaction is not expected to exist prior to this method call.
Transaction<O extends Order> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Represents an Online Transaction done via a Gateway or mediator; with a possible Issuer source.
Transaction() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction(String, O, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
Transaction(String, O, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Transaction
TRANSACTION_ID_PREFIX - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.AbstractOnlineTransactionRequestHandler
For different environments we may want to differentiate Transactions and not have it all in a sequence.
TransactionalFacetMeta - Class in com.neurosys.template.model
Wrap the incoming transformer in a TransactionalTransformer with a default TransactionDefinition of TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED and TransactionDefinition.ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED
TransactionalFacetMeta() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
TransactionalFacetMeta(FacetMeta) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
TransactionalTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Initiates a Transactional on the inner wrapped Transformer
TransactionalTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
TransactionalTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
TransactionAmount - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain
Basic amount with currency.
TransactionAmount() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
TransactionAmount(Double) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
Initialized version will initialize all numerals to 0D
TransactionAmount(IAmount) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
TransactionAmount(Double, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.TransactionAmount
TransactionException - Exception in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception
Describes the nature of Exception while placing an Order
TransactionException(Transaction) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(Transaction, String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(Transaction, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.TransactionException
TransactionRequestHandler<T extends Transaction,O extends Order> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
A Service that will realize a Transaction from an Order and also persist the Transaction
The service to implement this often will have to rely on Third party API depending on the Gateway needs and requirements.
TransactionResponseHandler<R> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Handle the Response (incoming Request) from the Gateway after a request is initiated by the TransactionRequestHandler to the Gateway.
TransactionService<T extends Transaction<O>,O extends Order> - Interface in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service
Transaction related services

Also supports ChangeGenerator
TRANSATION_DEF_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.template.model.TransactionalFacetMeta
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.domain.ExternalAccessTransformerWrapper
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.etl.DefaultToJsonTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.CollectionURLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.transformers.ConfigLookupTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.lookup.ContentCategoryLookup
For a Given String mnemonic code lookup the Hierarchy of the Category
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentPathTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.billing.etl.FindTrackCycleTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.crm.pricing.etl.TierToFeatureListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPACallableStatementTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAExecuteTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAFlushTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAPersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.JPAQueryTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryByObjectTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.jpa.QueryOptimizer
Normalize the result.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.AttributesToValueTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.BrokenTreeFixTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.transformers.HierarchialDomainObjectToParentTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
Standard forward transform.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AddressTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AmountTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.DeriveContactFromOrderTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.ExcelRowToAreaTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderToMapTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserToJson
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.service.ProductPageNavigableTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.service.ProductPagePathTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityLookup
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.CriteriaFilter
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.InvertFilter
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.NullFilter
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.PredicateLinkedTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.Lookup
For a Given String, Lookup a value for it
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.LookupChain
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.MapperMutate
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SerializableTransformerChain
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.SimpleMapLookup
For a Given String mnemonic code lookup the Hierarchy of the Category
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer
Work Horse method that does all the conversion using Mappers.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer
Work Horse method that does all the conversion using Mappers.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer
Work Horse method that does all the conversion using Mappers.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AsynchronousTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitMaskTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.BitsToStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CloneCollection
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionFilterSortTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionToStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CollectionTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConditionalTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConstructEntityTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextMapperTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ConvertBlankToNullTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DateTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DecimalFormatter
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DeDupeFilterTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultCreateEntityTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DefaultValueTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DoNothingTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DurationFromDate
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EmptyToNullTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EncodeDecodeTransformer
transform(String, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
transform(Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityChainAccessTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityFieldsCopyTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityPropertyTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EntityToMapTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnumListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EqualsTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ExcelNumberToDateStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ExcelNumberToTimeStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileDeleteTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileToNameTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.FileWriterTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.GenerateListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IdentifiableTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementCountTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableElementIndexTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.IterableToMapTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JoinTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.JSONTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LastStateLatchTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListArrayTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ListTrimTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.LogTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapCleanTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapToCollectionTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MapValueLookupTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MergeCols
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MethodInvokingTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.MonthYearToStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NonSerializableTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NullifyEmptyObjects
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NullToBooleanTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.NumberTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectFieldValueTransformer
If #setIntermediateResult(Object) is used, then the transformation will use that and not the supplied value.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectToArrayTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectToListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.PrefixSuffixTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ProxyInstanceTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexCleanTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexExtractorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RegexReplaceTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityJSONTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReplaceNullTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ResultSetTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ReverseTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SeedTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SizeLengthTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SmartSingleValuesTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.SpELTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToEnumTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.StringToListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThreadLocalTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ThrowableToMessageTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ToNullTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TrimCleanTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeDoubleTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeIntegerTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper
If #setIntermediateResult(Object) is used, then the transformation will use that and not the supplied value.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToLookup
transform(Row) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelContextualReader
If the transformation causes a RequireLookAheadException then add it to the Queue for future processing and re throw the exception.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.transformers.ExcelRowToListTransformer
transform(TUPLE_IN) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.feeds.etl.Feed
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.MenuItemToLinks
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.PageIdentifiersToLinks
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.filters.AjaxSiteSessionSecurityFilter.KeyAsSessionIdTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstance
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SetupHazelCastInstances
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
For a Given String mnemonic code lookup the Hierarchy of the Category
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.markdown.etl.MarkDownToHTMLTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.messenger.dispatchers.GenericDispatcher
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.MailSenderTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.messenger.etl.StringToInternetAddressTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.FieldResultToCustomHierarchyTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPageNavigableTransformer
Returns a path or null (if the Item is not supposed to link and just serve as a category)
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchicalPagePathTransformer
Returns a path or null (if the Item is not supposed to link and just serve as a category)
transform(List) - Method in class com.neurosys.module.service.HierarchyTypeAutoNav
Transform the loaded Hierarchy; filter etc.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.AuthorizableTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CacheLookup
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CaseInsensitiveListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.CategoryListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ColorListTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ContentFacetRevert
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DaoWrapperTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.DeleteRelatedEntitiesJPATransformer
For various types of input run the query
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureEntityManagerSetTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityManagerProviderTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityResourceUploadActionTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToEntityLookup
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToPathTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.GetNewHierarcyLookup
If #setIntermediateResult(Object) is used, then the transformation will use that and not the supplied value.
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.InputStringToSizeTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ModeAwareProductPersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.MultiCategoryLookup
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PermaLinkTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductCategoryTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductNameTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductURLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryCacheLookup
For a Given Query in {QueryCacheLookup.setQuery(String) return the List
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.QueryResultArrayToEntityTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityUpdateTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelWebPathToAbsoluteTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SearchJPAQueryBuilderTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeFitToCodeTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToOutputStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SizeToStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SpringCacheTransformer
The input represents the parameters to the Query; as Object[] array
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.StringToSizeTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.SubTypeInitMapperTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.TransactionalTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.UserToJson
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketWebToShellTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Document, Long) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
Use the UserNotificationGenerator.source to convert the input into a List of UserNotifications using UserNotificationGenerator.template as a template to fill the rest of the Notification related Data
If the input is a single entity then 1 UserNotification is returned else a Collection of UserNotifications
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.notification.service.ZeroNotificationCountFilter
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBDetachTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.domain.Product
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.lookup.ProductCategoryLookup
For a Given String mnemonic code lookup the Hierarchy of the Category
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.CategoryProductPagePathTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToJson
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferenceToStringTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.StringToReferenceTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigForTenant
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.FindConfigsForTenant
transform(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyAccessTransformer
If a unit is authorized then return the input as is , else throw a RuntimeException
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.DefaultAliasToPathTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.transformers.ScriptTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.AjaxUrlToHTMLTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.HTMLPublisherListener
transform(Object) - Method in class
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.transformers.ModelWrapperTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.MapRenderSubmitTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.transformers.LimitedUserDetailsToJson
transform(V, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer
Pass parameters to construct the new Object via a template representation of it.
transform(V[], T, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<V, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
transform(Collection<V>, T, MarshalUtils.GenericTransformer<V, T>) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
transform(Collection<T>, Transformer) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert a List of generic type to a Map, with a String as an ID for each element in the List.
transform(Map<T, V>, Predicate, Predicate) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
Convert Map values to a Collection; and optionally provide filters in the form of key & value predicates.
transform(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Transformer
transform(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Transformer
TransformAwareReader - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.readers
A reader that has a Transformer
transformContent(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.extractors.QueryBasedContentExtractor
Using QueryBasedContentExtractor.contentTransformer Transform the Content values, be it in a Map, List or raw String type format
transformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.readers.BaseIterativeProcessor
Converts raw record TUPLE_IN Object to type RECORD_OUT
transformer - Variable in class
On ChangeListenerWrapperTransformer.predicateed event, call this for action
Transformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils.Transformer
TransformerChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Allow chaining of multiple Transformers
TransformerChain() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
TransformerChain(List<Transformer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
TransformerChain(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerChain
TransformerMapper<T,O> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper
Mapper that uses a Transformer as a transform process
TransformerMapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.TransformerMapper
TransformerMapper(TransformerMapper) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.mapper.TransformerMapper
TransformerParallel - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Allow multiple Transformers to fire independently with the same input.
TransformerParallel() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
TransformerParallel(List<Transformer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
TransformerParallel(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerParallel
TransformerReader<T> - Class in
Use a Transformer to read the message body String and convert it into an Obeject
TransformerReader() - Constructor for class
TransformerReader(Transformer) - Constructor for class
TransformerToLookup - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Wrapper: Convert a Transformer to a Lookup
TransformerToLookup() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToLookup
TransformerToLookup(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToLookup
TransformerToPredicate - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common
Wrapper: Convert a Transformer to a Predicate.
If the transformed output is not null it will return true else false.
TransformerToPredicate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
TransformerToPredicate(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.TransformerToPredicate
TransformerWriter<T> - Class in
A Writer that uses a Transformer.
TransformerWriter() - Constructor for class
TransformerWriter(Transformer) - Constructor for class
transformRef(R) - Method in class com.neurosys.refs.transformers.ReferencePersistTransformer
transformValue(FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
An opportunity to modify or transform the raw input value before its passed as a result in the params/event
transformValue(FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
An opportunity to modify or transform the raw input value before its passed as a result in the params/event
TransientAwareModel - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
A transient model that can tell if it lost its transient values and knows how to recover them.
transitionUser(IGenericEcomUser, RegisteredUser) - Static method in class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Copy key data from GenericEcomUser / GuestUser to RegisteredUser
translateCurrentSelectionModel(IModel, Object, MetaItem) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.itemadapters.CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter
Helper method:
The Object model may not be the type expected by the component type defined in this Adapter, so provide a conversion from raw data to desired UI type.
treatNewEntity(Object, Stack) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
During the process of Merge/Copy if a new Object is being set it may need to be additionally treated.
Like persist on database etc before its set in the main Entity.
treatNewEntity(Object, Stack) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExistingProductLookup
TrimCleanTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and trims it
TrimCleanTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TrimCleanTransformer
trustEntityTimestamp - Variable in class com.neurosys.track.transformers.TrackTransformer
If the entity has an update timestamp/date then should we trust that or assign the time of tracking when this code is called.
TryCatchTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allows for try, catch, finally Sand-Boxing of Calls to transformers
TryCatchTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TryCatchTransformer
TupleContextAwareReader<I,O> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.readers
A special RealTimeLineReader that provides an option to retrieve the record with the context of the original tuple/record/object that resulted in the output entity from next.
tupleToEntityTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer
AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer this this Transformer will mirror
tweakMarkupCacheStreamProvider() - Method in class
The DefaultMarkupResourceStreamProvider.getMarkupResourceStream(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer, java.lang.Class<?>); derives the path from the "Class containerClass" and passes it to the IResourceStreamLocator.locate(java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.String) method.
It also passes the MarkupContainer class to the IResourceStreamLocator.locate(java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.String) method.
TwoWayTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.domain
A wrapper that allows bi-directions to (Data to Presentation)/from (Presentation to Data) Transformation or situations where a Transformer may have a dual purpose in both directions of the Transformation process
The default Transformer.transform(Object) is
TwoWayTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
TwoWayTransformer(Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
TwoWayTransformer(Transformer, Transformer) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.TwoWayTransformer
TXT - Static variable in class
type - Variable in class
If provided, will check the Entity or Collection for type.
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
Describe the kind of content as ContentType (String)
Core type kept String for simple persistence
Type - Annotation Type in com.neurosys.domain
If we want to Dynamically interpret a Domain Objects fields as some type (beyond the type described by the field), like say type of Content to render on UI etc.
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.AbstractArea
Area Type Country, region, PIN etc.
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
A type to specify the type of order.
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer
Intended result entity type
type - Variable in class
A sub-type
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.lookups.AbstractCategoryLookup
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ExcelRowToProductTransformer
type - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.etl.excel.ExcelRowToUserTransformer
TYPE_ALTERNATE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TYPE_AREACODE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.logistics.domain.Area
TYPE_BILLING - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TYPE_CONTACT - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TYPE_HOME - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TYPE_OFFICE - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TYPE_SHIPPING - Static variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.Address
TypeBooleanTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts a Object to Boolean; will return true if input is true, nulls will be ignored.
TypeBooleanTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeBooleanTransformer
TypeDoubleTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
TypeDoubleTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeDoubleTransformer
TypeIntegerTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
TypeIntegerTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeIntegerTransformer
typesRequireDeepCopy - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.ExistingEntityMergeTransformer
While copying from new Entity to existing one, if it matches any of the types here it will scan the object recursively to dig out properties and sent back in the original persisted object if that already exists.
TypeStringTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Converts a Object to String; will return true if input is true, nulls will be ignored
TypeStringTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.TypeStringTransformer


unauthorizedError(HttpServletResponse, String, int) - Method in class
unique - Variable in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
If true then file names are unique in case an array is used
UniqueList<E> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Ensures an ArrayList will contain only unique values, where unique is defined by ArrayList.contains(Object) if it already exists or not.
UniqueList() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.UniqueList
unlock(LockStrategy.Lock) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
unlock(Collection<LockStrategy.Lock>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
unlock(LockStrategy.Lock) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
If a transaction was abandoned, not completed or forced out then one can unlock it.
unlock(Collection<LockStrategy.Lock>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
If a transaction was abandoned, not completed or forced out then one can unlock it.
unlockProductsForOrder(O, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
unlockProductsForOrder(O, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Orders maintain referential integrity over Products that are used by them.
unlockSession(U, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultLockStrategy
unlockSession(U, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.LockStrategy
Convenience/Consistent method; commonly used to Unlock all Locks for a Users session
unPublish(Comment) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
unPublish(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Delete published version from source.
unPublish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
unPublish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.ContentDaoImpl
unPublish(ContentDescriber) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
unPublish(C) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
It will remove the published version from the ContentSource.
unPublish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
unPublish(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericHierarchyContentServiceImpl
unPublish(Post) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
UnTurstedAuthenticationToken - Interface in
Post Authentication, the result is an UnTurstedAuthenticationToken.
It carries details of codes that do not reveal information about the user but just enough to allow the API using this token to grant any further access or deny it.
unwrap(Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Remove the wrapper to pass back the component the custom render adapter created
unwrapAndSearchExceptions(Throwable, Class<? extends Exception>...) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.BeanUtils
Unwrap and trap Exceptions of the desired type.
UpdatableAuthenticationToken - Interface in
Typically an AuthenticationToken is to be consumed in a read only fashion, but certain API Calls may request the ability to override the state.
UpdatableContext<CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.domain
Some classes that need to be Serializable may contain certain context members that cannot be Serialized.
update(C) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.admin.wicket.components.SimpleEditor.SimpleEditorPanel
update(String, boolean, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.DefaultConfigurationService
update(String, boolean, Object...) - Method in interface com.neurosys.dao.FreeQuery
An Update query with optional params
update(String, boolean, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.GenericDaoImpl
update(I, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultOrderService
update(I, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.OrderService
Save the OrderItem and process any Strategy @ an OrderItem level
update(String, boolean, Object...) - Method in class
update(String, boolean, Object...) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
update(C, List<T>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Update Tokens passed from an API which is untrusted.
update(Progression, AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class
This will keep getting polled till Progression.isDone() is true, even if main thread that calls the class terminates the ajax thread will keep polling this (via DynamicAjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior.onPostProcessTarget()
updateActiveShiftsRegister(S) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.ShiftsRegister
Update the register
updateAttribute(List<Long>, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.comments.dao.jpa.CommentDaoImpl
updateAttribute(List<Long>, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
updateAttribute(List<Long>, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.posts.dao.jpa.PostDaoImpl
updateCart(HttpServletRequest, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Update cart for User; will Append products sent from server to existing Session Cart
updateChild(List, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer
Override how an instance is created in the Entity access chain
updateChild(List, Object, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EnsureAttributeExistsTransformer
Override how an instance is created in the Entity access chain
updateContentMetaAll(C, String[]) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Will update the aspects of C displayName, attributes & Bit mask across all copies of the Content(for each Status), but not across languages
updateContentMetaAll(C, String[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
updateContentName(String, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
Update C#setName(String)
updateContentName(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
updateContentStatus(String, Locale, Status, Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.dao.ContentSource
This will cause an update to the Content state.
updateContentStatus(String, Locale, Status, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.dao.jpa.AbstractContentHierarchyDaoImpl
updateContentStatus(String, Locale, Status, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
HierarchyContentSource Override for event generation

This will cause an update to the Content state.
updateContentStatus(String, Locale, Status, Status) - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
HierarchyContentSource Override for event generation

This will cause an update to the Content state.
updateContentStatus(String, Locale, Status, Status) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
HierarchyContentSource Override for event generation

This will cause an update to the Content state.
updateContext(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.dao.jpa.EntityManagerLookupAware
updateContext(CONTEXT) - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.UpdatableContext
updateContext(EntityManager) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.SequenceSubOrderTransformer
updateContext(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
Update context.
updateContext(Supplier<HazelcastInstance>) - Method in class com.neurosys.hazelcast.etl.SendOnHazelCast
updateContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.PageToTemplate
updateContext(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBExecuteTransformer
updateContext(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.document.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
updateContext(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.etl.ODBQueryTransformer
updateContext(OPartitionedDatabasePool) - Method in class com.neurosys.odb.object.etl.ODBPersistTransformer
updateContext(Key) - Method in class
updateContextParam(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
A convenience service to Update context param.
updated - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
updated - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.BaseOrderItem
updateExisting(UA, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserFormTransformer
updateExisting(UA, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
To ensure if the attribute being saved is updated, we need to check for existing attribute for the userSessionObject and accordingly set it up to be updated or keep it an insert operation.
updateFileView() - Method in class
updateFileViewRootNode(File) - Method in class
Show all files
updateIndex(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
updateInvoiceHistory(O, INVOICE) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TemplateInvoiceService
By Default no Invoice history is maintained.
updateInvoiceSection(O, Form, Component) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.customers.admin.wicket.pages.panels.OrderDetailsPanel
updateItemsPerPage() - Method in class
NOTE CHANGE : Accounts for Assymetrical Structures
updateList(String) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.FileToProductsTransformer
The list of file names for a given product.
updateMountPath(T, PageIdentifier, Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.MountPathReLoader
updateMountPath(WebApplication, PageIdentifier, Template) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.TemplatePageMounter
Allow event based update/change of mapping for a Page.
updateNav() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.ContentServiceImpl
updateNav() - Method in interface com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentService
Ability to refresh Navigation linked to the content service; if any
updateNav() - Method in class com.neurosys.content.service.GenericContentServiceImpl
updateNav() - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductServiceImpl
Update and AutoGenMenuItem linked to the service
updateParamsWithValue(Object, int, FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputContainer
updateParamsWithValue(Object, int, FacetMeta, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.wicket.components.DynamicInputForm
updatePublisher() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.payment.methods.OrderViaEmail
updateRelatedPanels(AjaxRequestTarget, P, Product) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.components.ParentCategoriesContainer
Update/Refresh all related panels; ProductDetails & list the Listing Panel
updateRelatedPanels(AjaxRequestTarget) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
Update/Refresh all related panels including the panel making the updates
updateShell(Shell<E>, E, U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
Once we have a User object, update the Shell with it with any environment or contextual details.
updateShell(Shell, U) - Method in interface com.neurosys.user.service.UserService
UserService.updateShell(Shell, Object, User) where the environment does not need to be specified and is assumed self-dervied from the user
updateShell(Shell<E>, E, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
Once we have a User object, update the Shell with it with any environment or contextual details.
updateShell(Shell, U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
UserService.updateShell(Shell, Object, User) where the environment does not need to be specified and is assumed self-dervied from the user
updateSpringConfigs() - Method in class com.neurosys.configs.ConfigurationSourceBackedSpringResource
updateState(Long, Long, FlowStatus, boolean) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel
updateStats(C, JSONObject) - Method in class com.neurosys.collection.transformers.ProcessAccessToCollectionTransformer
updateStatus(Collection, S, Function<String, Query>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
updateStatus(C, Collection, S, Function<String, Query>, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
updateStatus(List, S, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Update collection of tokens with status
updateStatus(C, List, S, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenContainerService
Update collection of tokens with status
updateStatus(S, List, STATUS, TokenEvent<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenManager
Update collection of tokens with status
updateTemplate(File, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
updateTemplate(T, String) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Update template with latest content provided to the method
Will make changes to the current template
updateTemplateHistory(File, Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.service.FileTemplateStoreService
updateTemplateHistory(T, Map) - Method in interface com.neurosys.template.service.TemplateStoreService
Update Template History with details
updateTokenStatusInProcess(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
Update token to IN PROGRESS type state.
updateValue() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Attribute
Attributes may have additional transient fields that we may want to flush into the actual Attribute.setValue(Object).
updateValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
updateValue() - Method in class com.neurosys.user.domain.AbstractUserAttribute
upload(String, WebMarkupContainer, String, FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta) - Method in class
upload(FileUpload, WebMarkupContainer, String, FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta) - Method in class
Will return path Relative to Web-Context or to FileSystrem base Path (depending on Relative or Absolute configuration).
This will never return ABSOLUTE PATH.
upload(FileUpload, WebMarkupContainer, String, String, FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta, Boolean) - Method in class
Will return path Relative to Web-Context or to FileSystrem base Path (depending on Relative or Absolute configuration).
This will never return ABSOLUTE PATH.
UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_MAX_KB_KEY - Static variable in class
uploadMultiple(String, WebMarkupContainer, String, FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta) - Method in class
Upload multiple files
uploadMultiple(MultiFileUploadField, WebMarkupContainer, String, FileUploadWrapper.CompressionMeta) - Method in class
Upload multiple files
urlCodingStrategyForPath(String) - Method in class
Checks if the specified path matches any mount, and if so returns the coding strategy for that mount.
URLGeneratorTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Specialized use case of StringConcatTransformer used to generate URLs.
In this a processor is expeected to return a param=value pair.
URLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
URLGeneratorTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
URLGeneratorTransformer(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.etl
UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate
UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.UrlPathRegExFilterPredicate
UrlUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
URL based Utils for URL manipulation & extraction
UrlUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.UrlUtils
UsageManager - Class in com.neurosys.usage
UsageManager() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.usage.UsageManager
usePathAsParams - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.URLGeneratorTransformer
If true will assume to join /../../ in Path Style
user - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.dao.jpa.OrderDaoImpl.ReportQuery
user - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Order
Orders may contain Order.userContactDetails and hence for GuestUsers in particular, user maybe optional
User - Interface in
Generic representation of a User
User.BIT_MASKS - Enum in
USER_REQ_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
The input Map passed to the GenericFormService.submitTransformer will contain an entry for the current User request
userActivity - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.AbstractAnyUserUpdateService
userActivity - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.ServletAnyUserUpdateService
userActivity - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
UserAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.user.domain
A dedicated Attributes table for all types of users.
UserAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.UserAttribute
UserAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.UserAttribute
UserAttribute(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.UserAttribute
UserAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.UserAttribute
UserAttribute(UserAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.domain.UserAttribute
UserAttributesDao<U extends UserAttribute> - Interface in com.neurosys.user.dao
Note:, Map) does not support UserAttribute type value and only pure String, even though there is a UserAttributesDao.getAttributes(String).
Reason being, The UserAttribute contains the userId and the AbstractUserAttribute.getName(); so the map itself as input is redundant.
userAttributesDao - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
userAttributesDao - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
UserAttributesDaoImpl<U extends UserAttribute> - Class in com.neurosys.user.dao
UserAttributesDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserAttributesDaoImpl
UserAttributesDetailsPanel<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
Details panel for UserAttribute(s) of an User.
UserAttributesDetailsPanel(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserAttributesDetailsPanel
UserAttributesDetailsTemplatePanel<M extends HashMap<String,Serializable>> - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
UserAttributesDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<M>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<M, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserAttributesDetailsTemplatePanel
UserDao<U extends User> - Interface in com.neurosys.user.dao
Dao for Users & Credentials
userDao - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
userDao - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
UserDaoCredentialHandler - Class in
UserDaoCredentialHandler() - Constructor for class
UserDaoImpl<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.dao
Implementation for Users & Credentials
For different types of User entities, use different instances of this.
UserDaoImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
UserDaoImpl(Class<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
UserDaoImpl(Class, Class) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.dao.UserDaoImpl
userDetails - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages
userDetails(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetails
userDetailsAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages
Details page for User using AdminUserEntityDetailsPanel Uses 'userModuleJPADao' of UserDao type to retrieve User.
userDetailsAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userDetailsAdmin
UserDetailsPanel<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
Panel for individual user (Self change)
UserDetailsPanel(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
UserDetailsPanelHelpers<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
A collection of Helper Service methods for UserDetailsPanel.
One can typically instantiate it within the Panel within constructor as:
UserDetailsPanelHelpers() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserDetailsPanelHelpers
UserFormTransformer<U extends IGenericEcomUser,UA extends UserAttribute> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
A Transformer that takes in a Map.
UserFormTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserFormTransformer
UserFormTransformer<U extends User,UA extends UserAttribute> - Class in com.neurosys.user.etl
A Transformer that takes in a Map.
UserFormTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
UserFormTransformer.UserIdSetter - Class in com.neurosys.user.etl
UserIdForm<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
Sub-Component for UserDetailsPanel
UserIdForm(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserIdForm
userIdParamName - Variable in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.OrderURLGeneratorTransformer
UserIdSetter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer.UserIdSetter
UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService<T extends Token<T>,U extends User,TC extends TokenContainer<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.q.user.service
UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService(StoreMap<String, List<T>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.q.user.service.UserInTokenContainerTrackerDefaultService
UserInTokenContainerTrackerService<T extends Token<T>,U extends User,TC extends TokenContainer<T>> - Interface in com.neurosys.q.user.service
Tracks Consumer added to a TokenContainer
userList - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages
userList(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userList
userListAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages
Reporting or listing page for User.
userListAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.userListAdmin
UserListDataProvider - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models
UserListDataProvider() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.models.UserListDataProvider
UserListPanel - Class in com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels
UserListPanel(String, IModel<Query<User>>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.UserListPanel
UserLookupService - Class in com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer to Query from a List of ConfigurationSource; namely following types of lookups applicable to the user: Cache Lookups Persisted/shared Config lookups Properties
Any configuration is defined by a name-space, key and its value.
UserLookupService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
UserLookupService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.lookup.service.jaxrs.UserLookupService
userModifiable() - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.QStatesStrategy
The List of states the user (not admin); can modify "to".
Current state is ignored.
UserNotification<M> - Class in com.neurosys.notification.domain
Represents a notification for the User Interface/User consuming Device
Note: A notification is not the same as a System Event
UserNotification() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.notification.domain.UserNotification
UserNotificationGenerator<M> - Class in com.neurosys.notification.service
For a given input criteria generate a Collection of UserNotifications
UserNotificationGenerator() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.notification.service.UserNotificationGenerator
UserPropertiesDetailsPanel<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
Details panel for User.
UserPropertiesDetailsPanel(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserPropertiesDetailsPanel
UserPropertiesDetailsTemplatePanel<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels
UserPropertiesDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<U>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<U, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserPropertiesDetailsTemplatePanel
userService - Variable in class com.neurosys.idm.admin.wicket.pages.panels.AdminUserAuthorizationsPanel
userService - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
UserService<U extends User,R extends ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse> - Interface in com.neurosys.user.service
userService - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.wicket.pages.panels.UserDetailsPanel
UserServiceImpl<U extends IGenericEcomUser,R extends ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.user.service
Extension of UserServiceImpl for real website / ecom scenarios
UserServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.UserServiceImpl
UserServiceImpl<U extends User,R extends ResetPassword.ResetPasswordResponse> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
Provide user with default common services around IDM and password management etc.
UserServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.UserServiceImpl
UserSessionAdapter<R,S,U> - Interface in com.neurosys.amorphous.service
Determines the userId and Session related information from the Request specific to the Web and any SSO framework in use
UserShell<U extends User,E> - Class in com.neurosys.domain
Any environment that needs a user context can use a UserShell

Any instance specific to the shell will not be accessible to a parent or child.
UserShell() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
UserShell(E) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
UserShell(Shell<E>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
UserShell(E, Shell<E>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.domain.UserShell
UserShellToThreadLocalFilter<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.filters
Take a Session based WebUserShell and attach it to a ThreadLocal, for code that may not have access to the Request or Session directly.
UserShellToThreadLocalFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.filters.UserShellToThreadLocalFilter
UserStatusBitsForm<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components
Sub-Component for UserDetailsPanel
UserStatusBitsForm(String, IModel<U>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.system.admin.wicket.components.UserStatusBitsForm
UserToJson<U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.etl
Marshal IGenericEcomUser to JSON TODO: Add unit test case
UserToJson() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.UserToJson
UserToJson<U extends AbstractUser> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Marshal User to JSON TODO: Add unit test case
UserToJson() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.UserToJson
userTransformer - Variable in class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
A Transformer that accepts a User and can return a any Object back.
UserUpdateService<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer for User (Particularly Logged in ones)
UserUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
UserUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.UserUpdateService
userValidation(U, UpdatableAuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.login.wicket.AbstractLoginForm
Perform any additional user validation tasks on the loaded User object and also update the UpdatableAuthenticationToken if necessary.
userValidation(U, UpdatableAuthenticationToken) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.service.AbstractSessionAuthService
Perform any additional user validation tasks on the loaded User object and also update the UpdatableAuthenticationToken if necessary.
UsesIntermediateObject<CONTEXT> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common
A Transformer, Predicate, Lookup or Chain that uses an IntermediateResultMapperBehaviors result(s).
A process that recognized this type of instance will #setIntermediateResults(Map)
UsesIntermediateObjectImpl<CONTEXT> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Basic implementation for UsesIntermediateObject
UsesIntermediateObjectImpl() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper<T extends org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer> - Class in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
Allow a processor; Transformer, Lookup to be wrapped in this to allow for re-suing existing processors instead of extending UsesIntermediateObjectImpl for every new use case.
UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper
UsesRequestCycle - Interface in
A callback Hook for components to implement that initialize based on RequestCycle
Util - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.utils
Util() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util
Util.InputType - Enum in com.neurosys.cluzo.utils
Utils - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.utils
Nur related Utils, common for the project only
Utils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.utils.Utils
Utils - Class in com.neurosys.modules.utils
Nur related Utils, common for the project only
Utils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.utils.Utils
Utils - Class in com.neurosys.odb.util
Class will handle requests to check whether the query to be applied on OrientDB database requires a parameter or not.
Utils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.odb.util.Utils


validate(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CodeSnifferSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<Cookie>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.CookieSanitizerSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSESAPIURLSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
validate(Data<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityAdapter
Check if the input is safe or not
When used in a chained or a SecurityContext with other SecurityAdapters then the Adapters throwing a OperationNotSupportedException will be ignored.
validate(Data<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.service.DefaultSecurityContext
All the calls to this#adapters are mutually exclusive.
validate(Collection<PromotionForUser>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.DefaultPromotionService
validate(Collection<PromotionForUser>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.PromotionService
Ensure the passed collection contains valid entities; returns back only valid entities.
validate(Map<P, Number>, String, String, CONTEXT) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
(Default impl) does nothing.
validate(PromotionForUser, String, Amount, Number) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultPromotionStrategy
validate(Object) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ValidationTransformer
validate(String, T, Map, FacetMeta, String, int, List) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
An opportunity to validate the renamedPath with the environment.
validate(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.q.service.TokenGenerator
Similar to #generate(TokenRequest), however in this case there is no commitment to creating the actual Token.
validate(U) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
Custom Validation for raw input User
validate(UA) - Method in class com.neurosys.user.etl.UserFormTransformer
Custom Validation for raw input UserAttribute
validateAgainstBlackRegEx(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
validateAgainstWhiteRegEx(Data<String>) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
ValidateAlphanumeric(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
validateAndTransform(MetaItem, Object, Component, User) - Method in class com.neurosys.template.model.renderadapters.DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter
Submit, Validate the returned object and return the validated/Transformed value, based on the following:
validateCart(Cart, S) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.AbstractCartService
Validate requested Stock positions in the Cart etc.
validateCart(Cart, SESSION) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.CartService
Validate requested Stock positions in the Cart etc.
validateCartUser(String, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.wicket.components.AbstractCartForm
Check the cart user id with that in the session.
validateDateTime(String, String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.DomainUtils
validateFinalPrice(P, Double) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultSaleStrategy
Validation to perform checks to make it fool-proof like avoid making stupid mistakes like Zero products etc.
validateForm(MultivaluedMap) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
validateJSON(Map) - Method in class com.neurosys.amorphous.service.jaxrs.GenericFormService
validateMove(Object[]) - Method in class com.neurosys.q.service.DefaultAbstractTokenContainerService
validateOrder(O) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.strategy.service.DefaultOrderStrategy
Any validation criteria to allow the order to pass or not.
validatePaymentMethod(O, MarkupContainer, MarkupContainer) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.wicket.OrderProcessHelper
The container component calling this stateless-instance must also include the following Message container resources: error.paymentmethod.invalid error.order.nopaymentmethods
validateRelations() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.SubOrder
Since a double linked list is created , also validate the list to ensure no wierd links or kinks created Detect cycles, error for current node.
validationError(HttpServletResponse, String, int, Exception) - Method in class
ValidationTransformer<T extends Throwable> - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers
By default Transformer does not allow throwing of Throwable.
value - Variable in class com.neurosys.configs.StaticConfiguration
value - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContentFacet
value - Variable in class com.neurosys.domain.EntityAttribute
value - Variable in class
Its own Content
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util.InputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment.BIT_MASKS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent.BIT_MASKS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentContext
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException.CauseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.Mutate.Mutation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer.Case
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.process.Process.Event
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.process.Process.EventPoint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DefaultPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel.ThisUIOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.Product.BIT_MASKS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit.Fit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.q.domain.ShiftStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating.BIT_MASKS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta.TemplateAttributes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.RestrictionStrategy.RestrictionLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.user.domain.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy.SyslogFacility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy.SyslogSeverity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.service.PreDefinedContextType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.cluzo.utils.Util.InputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.comments.domain.Comment.BIT_MASKS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent.BIT_MASKS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.content.domain.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.OrderStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentContext
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.PaymentMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.domain.Promotion.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ecom.orders.strategy.ExceptionalOrderConversation.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.BreakChainException.CauseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.Mutate.Mutation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.CaseTransformer.Case
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.transformers.ContextExtractorTransformer
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.process.Process.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.etl.process.Process.EventPoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.domain.SiteMapItem.ChangeFreq
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.messenger.domain.DefaultPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.admin.wicket.pages.panels.ProductDetailsPanel.ThisUIOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.Product.BIT_MASKS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.products.domain.SizeFit.Fit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.q.domain.ShiftStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.ratings.domain.Rating.BIT_MASKS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.template.model.FacetMeta.TemplateAttributes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.RestrictionStrategy.RestrictionLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.user.domain.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy.SyslogFacility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.neurosys.utils.SysLogProxy.SyslogSeverity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueToAttributeTransformer<A extends Attribute> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Creates an Attribute for the input value.
ValueToAttributeTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ValueToAttributeTransformer
variant - Variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.AbstractContent
VelocityContentPublisher - Class in com.neurosys.content.service.publishers
A Publisher that uses Velocity to publish HTML files.
VelocityContentPublisher() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
VelocityContentPublisher(String, VelocityEngine) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
VelocityContentPublisher(Template) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
VelocityContentPublisher(ApplicationContext) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
springAppContext Allows better Resource resolution.
VelocityContentPublisher(ApplicationContext, VelocityEngine) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
VelocityContentPublisher(VelocityEngine) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.content.service.publishers.VelocityContentPublisher
VelocityContentTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
For a Given input String (content) (or even a AbstractAttribute.getValue() or AbstractAttribute), which is assumed to be a velocity script.
VelocityContentTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityContentTransformer
VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer<T> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
This implementation is a velocity based template constructor.
VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityEntityUpdateResUploadActionTransformer
VelocityTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
For a Given input Map or Context or Object merged with the Template defined @ VelocityTransformer.templatePath, return the Content as String.
VelocityTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.VelocityTransformer
Venue - Class in com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
Represent Venues.
Venue() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue(Venue) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue(String, Organization) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
Venue(PlaceRef, Organization) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.Venue
VenueAttribute - Class in com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
Attributes / Non re-curring features of an Organization
VenueAttribute() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
VenueAttribute(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
VenueAttribute(VenueAttribute) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
VenueAttribute(MorphDynaBean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
VenueAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
VenueAttribute(String, String, Venue) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VenueAttribute
verify(Resource) - Method in class com.neurosys.scribble.AdapterService
Allows to compile and check the script for compile time mistakes
VerifyAccessTransformer<C,AU> - Interface in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Ensure a Context like a User or a Shell has the right type of access

Takes in a unit type as an input, and validates it using #getAuthorizedUnits()
verifyHierarchy(T, String) - Method in class com.neurosys.common.hierarchy.AbstractHierarchyDaoImpl
Validate a tree / sub-tree.
For a given node, it verifies if there is any hierarchy that has an alternate node with a conflicting hierarchy code.
VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer<T,U extends SAASUser<T>> - Class in com.neurosys.saas.etl
Use the Shell as a context to determine access to an Organization.
VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.saas.etl.VerifyShellAccessToTenantTransformer
ViewContext() - Constructor for class
ViewContext(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
violations - Variable in exception com.neurosys.cluzo.domain.SecurityException
visitIncrement() - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.users.domain.RegisteredUser
Increments the visit count and returns the updated value
VISITOR_COUNT - Static variable in class
visitorDataAdmin - Class in com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages
Main/Default Admin Page
visitorDataAdmin(PageParameters) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.visitorDataAdmin
VisitorDataReportResult<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components
ReportResult specific to Customer User Data
VisitorDataReportResult(String, IModel<ReporterMeta>, Object[]) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.visiotrs.admin.wicket.pages.components.VisitorDataReportResult
VisitorDetailsPanel - Class in com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels
Panel to display User Details
VisitorDetailsPanel(String, IModel<User>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels.VisitorDetailsPanel
VisitorDetailsTemplatePanel - Class in com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels
The dynamic parts of the Customer Details template Panel are delegated to this
VisitorDetailsTemplatePanel(String, IModel<User>, EntityTemplate, CustomTemplateRenderAdapter<User, IModel, Component, MarkupContainer>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.visitors.admin.wicket.pages.panels.VisitorDetailsTemplatePanel
VMConnectInfo<R> - Class in com.neurosys.multiorg.domain
In multi-VM environment we may need information to connect to a VM for a Organization or Venue or Event etc.
VMConnectInfo() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.multiorg.domain.VMConnectInfo
VoiceRecordedMessage - Class in com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain
SMSGatewayCenterVoiceMessage to represent recorded audio call object of SMSGatewayCenter Voice API
VoiceRecordedMessage() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.VoiceRecordedMessage
VoiceRecordedMessage(VoiceRecordedMessage) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.VoiceRecordedMessage
VoiceRecordedMessage(String, Priority, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.smsgatewaycenter.voice.domain.VoiceRecordedMessage
VOID_ARRAY - Static variable in class
vote(Authentication, ConfigAttribute, Collection<ConfigAttribute>) - Method in class


Warning - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
A RuntimeException that allows an error to be treated as a Warning rather than an error.
Similar to Continue but this is a RutimeException unlike a checked Exception and one can also set the Warning.severeity.
Warning(Object, int) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
Warning(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
Warning(String, Object, int) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.Warning
wasConsumed() - Method in interface com.neurosys.domain.Consumable
If an event was consumed or not
wasConsumed() - Method in class
Maintain state if token(s) were accessed or not.
WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
A WebAnalyticsTransformer that only measures based on WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer.filterParam over the HttpServletRequest.
The #predicate works as a filter.
WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsParamSpecificTransformer
WebAnalyticsTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
Measure goals in an array.
WebAnalyticsTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebAnalyticsTransformer
WebFileListView - Class in
Show a List of Files; on the server.
WebFileListView(String, File, List<? extends File>, ResourceListView.ViewContext, CheckGroup) - Constructor for class
Uses list provided to list them
WebFileListView(String, ResourceListView.ViewContext, CheckGroup) - Constructor for class
Based on configuration in FileUploadWrapper#getResourceFolderbasePath(); automatically gets list of files from folder and sub-folders.
WebFilterPredicate - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.etl
Provide more filtering options for a Filter to filter which requests it will serve and which it wont.
WebFilterPredicate() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.etl.WebFilterPredicate
WebMapToEntitiesTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
WebMapToEntitiesTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebMapToEntitiesTransformer
WebPageTransactionRequest - Exception in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception
A Continue that translates into a Web-Page transaction request to an extenal gateway.
WebPageTransactionRequest(String, Transaction) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebPageTransactionRequest
WebTransformerFilter - Class in com.neurosys.filters
Execute any Transformer over an object array of [HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, GenericFilterBean.getServletContext()]
WebTransformerFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.filters.WebTransformerFilter
WebURLGeneratorTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers
A URLGeneratorTransformer where the base path can be generated using the Wicket Page Class name.
WebURLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
WebURLGeneratorTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
WebURLGeneratorTransformer(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
WebURLGeneratorTransformer(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
WebURLGeneratorTransformer(String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.web.transformers.WebURLGeneratorTransformer
WebURLPageTransactionRequest - Exception in com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception
A Continue that translates into a Web-Page transaction request to an extenal gateway.
WebURLPageTransactionRequest(String, Transaction) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.ecom.orders.exception.WebURLPageTransactionRequest
WebUserShell<U extends User,E> - Class in
Any environment that needs a user context can use a WebUserShell

Any instance specific to the shell will not be accessible to a parent or child.
WebUserShell() - Constructor for class
WebUserShell(E) - Constructor for class
WebUserShell(Shell<E>) - Constructor for class
WebUserShell(E, Shell<E>) - Constructor for class
WHITE_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.RedundantFileExtSecurityAdapter
WHITE_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSPersistSecurityAdapter
WHITE_URL_REGEX_PROP - Static variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter
WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
Define Black & White lists based on regular expressions for each.
WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter(Pattern, Pattern) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
whiteRegExPattern - Variable in class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.WhiteBlackExpressionSecurityAdapter
WicketAnyUserUpdateService<U extends User,E> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer for any User (Logged in or Guest) supports generic user related methods.
WicketAnyUserUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
WicketAnyUserUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketAnyUserUpdateService
WicketBasicSessionAdapter<S extends BasicSession<U,?>,U extends User> - Class in
A wicket implementation for the UserSessionAdapter
WicketBasicSessionAdapter() - Constructor for class
WicketBasicSessionAuthService<U extends User,S extends BasicSession> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs
Default Web Service to handle Session based Auth.
WicketBasicSessionAuthService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.jaxrs.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
WicketBasicSessionAuthService<U extends User,S extends BasicSession> - Class in com.neurosys.user.service
BasicSession specific implementation of AbstractSessionAuthService

Note this is difference from WicketBasicSessionAuthService as this is the main logic service and that is a WebSerivice wrapper.
WicketBasicSessionAuthService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.user.service.WicketBasicSessionAuthService
WicketCartService<P extends Product,S extends EComSession<U>,U extends IGenericEcomUser> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket
Default implementation for CartService uses EComSession (needs Apache Wicket)

Since this implements ChangeGenerator; it will also generate Events of Type
On Any change - Object[]{String cartType, Cart, sessionId as String, (optional) CartService method name} On Any operation UPDATE/INSERT/REMOVE - Object[]{String cartType, Cart existingCart, Cart cartForOperation, sessionId as String, String operationName}
WicketCartService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
WicketCartService(ProductService<P>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.cart.service.wicket.WicketCartService
WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService<U extends User> - Class in com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs
Web Service Layer for User that allows updating of User cart, context etc.
WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService(boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.WicketEcomUserContextUpdateService
WicketExtendInput - Class in
WicketExtendInput.Include allows import of markup, but they recommend it used for non-wicket based markup.
WicketExtendInput(String) - Constructor for class
WicketExtendInput(String, IModel<String>) - Constructor for class
WicketExtendInput(String, String) - Constructor for class
WicketExtendInput.Include - Enum in
WicketExtendInput.SpecialTag - Enum in
These will parse for their associated regEx and have special significance.
The value (determined by the context the special tag is used for), is put in Map #bodyTags
WicketModuleUI - Class in com.neurosys.module.wicket.model
A typical case when we define ModuleUIs Modules in wicket for our CMS.
WicketModuleUI() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
WicketModuleUI(Class<WebPage>, Module, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.module.wicket.model.WicketModuleUI
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
A URLGeneratorTransformer where the base path can be generated using the Wicket Page Class name.
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer(List) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer(Class<Page>, Object) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
WicketURLGeneratorTransformer(Class<Page>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketURLGeneratorTransformer
WicketUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
Wicket Related utils
WicketUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.WicketUtils
WicketWebToShellTransformer<W,S extends Shell> - Class in com.neurosys.modules.etl
Extracts the current UserShell from a HttpServletRequest, HttpSession, BasicSession or Request that are supported by an underlying BasicSession.
WicketWebToShellTransformer() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.modules.etl.WicketWebToShellTransformer
willBeOverThreshold(TrackCycle, Feature) - Method in class com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.DefaultRestrictionStrategy
willBeOverThreshold(TrackCycle, Feature) - Method in interface com.neurosys.tracking.strategy.service.RestrictionStrategy
willHandle(R) - Method in interface com.neurosys.ecom.orders.service.TransactionResponseHandler
If this handler will handle the request.
Sometimes a page may be for multiple handlers and the response has details for a particular handler.
workbook - Variable in class
workbook - Variable in class
WorksheetFilterChain - Class in com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters
WorksheetFilterChain() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetFilterChain
WorksheetFilterChain(List<Predicate>) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetFilterChain
WorksheetFilterChain(Predicate) - Constructor for class com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters.WorksheetFilterChain
WorksheetPredicate - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.excel.filters
By default a Predicate only supports a single parameter in Predicate.evaluate(Object).
worksheetRowIter - Variable in class com.neurosys.etl.excel.readers.ExcelRowByRowReader
wrapAddButton(Component, int) - Method in class
One can change & toggle visibility etc
wrapJavaScript(String) - Static method in class com.neurosys.utils.MarshalUtils
WrappedRuntimeException - Exception in com.neurosys.exception
Indicates there was an Exception but was wrapped in this RuntimeException since the method did not support a throws clause.
WrappedRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.WrappedRuntimeException
WrappedRuntimeException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.WrappedRuntimeException
WrappedRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.exception.WrappedRuntimeException
wrapperchain(Consumer<T>) - Method in class com.neurosys.domain.ChainableWrapper
WrapperException - Exception in com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions
Wraps an Object as an Exception
WrapperException() - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
WrapperException(String) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
WrapperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
WrapperException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
WrapperException(Object) - Constructor for exception com.neurosys.etl.common.exceptions.WrapperException
wrapRawInputAsResource(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.FileResourceFilter
wrapRawInputAsResource(Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.etl.common.filters.ResourceFilter
wrapStyle - Variable in class
write(Collection<A>) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
write(A) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.etl.AreaPersistTransformer
write(Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.writers.RealTimeWriter
Write a Buffer of records at a given time.
write(T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.etl.writers.RealTimeWriter
Write a record
write(E, Object) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
Write child to parent record
write(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityBabyPersistTransformer
write(Collection<E>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
write(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.EntityPersistTransformer
write(Collection<P>) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
write(P) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.ProductPersistTransformer
write(E) - Method in class com.neurosys.modules.etl.RelatedEntityPersistTransformer
writeBaseItem(I, T) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
Write the base Item for the FeedItem
writeBaseItem(R, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
writeBaseItem(SiteMapItem, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
writeChannelData(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
writeDataToFile(Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class
Generate the file from the data
writeDataToStream(OutputStream, Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class
Generate the Excel and write it onto the OutputStream
writeDataToStream(OutputStream, Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class
Generate the Excel and write it onto the OutputStream
writeDataToStream(OutputStream, Object[], PageInfo) - Method in interface
Generate the Excel and write it onto the OutputStream
writeDataToWorkBook(Object[], PageInfo) - Method in class
Generate the Excel Workbook from the data
writeItems(T) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.etl.AbstractFeed
writeItemToConsumer(T, T) - Method in interface com.neurosys.feeds.etl.Feed
On each Item elment creation, write/pipe it to a Consumer
writeItemToConsumer(StringBuilder, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
writeItemToConsumer(StringBuilder, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
Writer - Interface in com.neurosys.etl.writers
Classes that write to an Output
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class
writeTo(Page, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in class
writeToResponse(String, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.seo.ajax.wicket.filters.SEOAjaxGenPagesWicketFilter
Write the HTML to the Filter Response


XLSX - Static variable in class
XML - Static variable in class com.neurosys.content.domain.ContentType
xmlSchemaHeader() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.rss2.etl.RSS2ChannelFeed
Since RSS can be extended and multiple versions can exist.
xmlSchemaHeader() - Method in class com.neurosys.feeds.sitemap.etl.SiteMapFeed
Since RSS can be extended and multiple versions can exist.
XMLUtils - Class in com.neurosys.utils
XMLUtils() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.utils.XMLUtils
XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
A SecurityAdapter for preventing & sanitizing AntiSamy DOM-XSS.
XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSAntiSamySecurityAdapter
XSSESAPIURLSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
XSSESAPIURLSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSESAPIURLSecurityAdapter
XSSPass(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.neurosys.cluzo.filters.DefaultSecurityFilter
Check for Reflective XSS.
XSSPersistSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
Simply sanitize data going into
XSSPersistSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSPersistSecurityAdapter
XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter - Class in com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters
Simply sanitize URL params based on regexs and encoded & double-encoded versions of them, looking for any trouble!
XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.cluzo.adapters.XSSUrlParamSecurityAdapter


ZeroNotificationCountFilter - Class in com.neurosys.notification.service
Ability to filter out Notifications with Zero counts.
Expects a Number or a List with the first element as a Number
ZeroNotificationCountFilter() - Constructor for class com.neurosys.notification.service.ZeroNotificationCountFilter


_search(PageInfo, SearchParams, FacetSearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
_search(SearchParams, FacetSearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
_searchResultSize(SearchParams, FacetSearchParams) - Method in class com.neurosys.products.service.ProductIndexSearch
_strategiesCalcData(Map<P, Number>, List<CartItem>, U, String, List<PromotionForUser>, Amount, Number, Collection<String>, EComSession, CONTEXT, PartialTransactionException) - Method in class com.neurosys.ecom.user.service.jaxrs.StrategiesService
Can override if there are any App specific Strategies not handled by this default service
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