Interface | Description |
BatchTransformer<R,T> |
A definition marking an implementation that takes in a collection as a parameter for its Transformer as opposed to direct arguments.
CreateEntityTransformer<T> |
Creates an Entity of type T from any input, including null
FunctionTransformer<T,R> | |
ValidationTransformer<T extends Throwable> |
By default
Transformer does not allow throwing of Throwable . |
Class | Description |
AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer<ENTITY,TUPLE> |
Converts an Entity to a Tuple.
AbstractEntityTransformer<NODE,NODE_IDENTIFIER,ENTITY> |
Boiler plate common methods for an
EventAwareProcess , ModeAware Transformer
Note: A NODE is the smallest aspect of an entity that is available for processing. |
AbstractObjectToEntityTransformer<NODE,ENTITY> | |
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer<ENTITY,TUPLE> |
Sometimes its nice just to conveniently reverse a mapping process from INPUT to OUTPUT and maintain the same format so that the produced output can be consumed again as an INPUT.
We are not talking about a chain here, but the output of this Transformer as an INPUT to its AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer back as an input. |
AbstractReverseTupleToEntityTransformer.OverridableHashMap |
Map that can provide a Primary Map and an override where it maybe applicable based on the order of precedence mentioned in AbstractEntityToTupleTransformer.transform(Object) |
AbstractTupleToEntityTransformer<TUPLE,CELL,ENTITY> |
Converts a Tuple (abstract tuple as a concept) to an Entity
AsynchronousTransformer |
Asynchronously forms off the transformation process in parallel; when it finishes it calls a
#listener as a callback with the final output. |
BitMaskTransformer |
If a a Number is represented as a sequence of bits.
BitsToStringTransformer |
Useful in converting an integer to its binary, Hex or octal form.
CaseTransformer |
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and converts to lower case or upper case or camel case
CloneCollection |
Clone a
List and every element in it. |
CollectionFilterSortTransformer |
Apply a Filter/Predicate & Sorts on the original Collection
CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer |
Take a
Collection and convert it to a Map based on an CollectionToMapSplitterTransformer.identifier . |
CollectionToStringTransformer |
Convert a
Collection to a String. |
CollectionTransformer | |
ConditionalTransformer |
A Transformer that takes in input to decide which Transformer will finally execute the given input
ConstructEntityTransformer<T,R> |
Given a parameter or List of params of
Constructor for type ConstructEntityTransformer.required ; produce the object of type |
ContextExtractorTransformer |
Some Transformation processes require context/Scope with various interdependencies during the transformation process.
ContextMapperTransformer |
Some Transformation processes require context/Scope with various interdependencies during the transformation process.
ConvertBlankToNullTransformer |
Convert all blankes to Null
DateTransformer |
Take a String or Date and convert it to Date off the given
DateTransformer.format |
DecimalFormatter |
DecimalFormat |
DeDupeFilterTransformer |
Ensure for a
Collection all objects are unique. |
DefaultCreateEntityTransformer<T> |
Create an entity of type T using its Default Constructor if the input is null;
and if its not null will delegate the input to
DefaultCreateEntityTransformer.queryTransformer (if defined), to fetch T from it. |
DefaultValueTransformer<T> |
Allows one to simply provide a default value.
DoNothingTransformer |
As the name suggests, in complex operations it maybe required to pass a transformer for the sake of continuity.
Functionally this does nothing but pass the input back as output. |
DurationFromDate |
Get a String from a Date.
DynaBeanValueLookupTransformer |
For a passed in DynaBean, lookup a Key.
Many JSON transformations that |
EmptyToNullTransformer |
If a String is Empty (length = 0) then convert it to Null
EncodeDecodeTransformer |
Encode or Decode using a Character set
EnsureAccessorExistsTransformer |
Transformer does not apply any Transformation on the input itself (unless there is no intermediate object), however for the intermediate object passed itensures for an accessor chain like entity.attributes.attrib1 the necessary instances like "attributes" and "attrib1" exist else while setting one will get NullPointerExceptions. |
EntityChainAccessModifierTransformer |
A convenient way to modify an entity accessor (e.g.
EntityChainAccessTransformer |
A convenient way to access (read only) an entity; and derive the accessor object or value using any of the following methods:
Dot chaining convention like "a.b.c".
EntityFieldsCopyTransformer<T,F> |
Copies fields from an Entity to another (accepts an array or
Iterable of 2 objects FROM and a Collection of TO).If the input is not an array type, it assumes it as the INPUT object and generates a clone with the required copy. |
EntityPropertyTransformer |
Takes a property from an Entity and applies a
Transformer over it. |
EntitySelfTransformer<E> |
Allows an entty to make changes to itself with self mappings to make internal transformations to the entity.
EntityToListTransformer<ENTITY,T> |
A special type of
AbstractEntityTransformer that converts an Entity to a List
The size of the Array depends on the AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping() + AbstractEntityTransformer.getNonAssiciatedMappers()
The tuple itself is available in the intermediateObjects Map as "tuple" and original entity as "entity" Mapper field Name is expected to be column number, starting from 0 |
EntityToMapTransformer |
Convert an entity to a Map
EntityToObjectArrayTransformer<ENTITY> |
Convert an Entity to an Object Array
The size of the Array depends on the AbstractEntityTransformer.getColumnFieldMapping() + AbstractEntityTransformer.getNonAssiciatedMappers()
The tuple itself is available in the intermediateObjects Map as "tuple" and original entity as "entity" Mapper field Name is expected to be column number, starting from 0 |
EnumListTransformer<E> |
Get all the Enum's within an Enum as a List of that type for each enum.
The ecum in question can be sent as a Class as input or set in EnumListTransformer.enumType .If input is set and a class will override EnumListTransformer.enumType |
EqualsTransformer |
Simple Equals check on a
EqualsTransformer.value |
ExcelNumberToDateStringTransformer |
In FHF, date is parsed and processed as instance of Number
and converted back to date format
ExcelNumberToTimeStringTransformer |
In FHF, time in 12-hour format is parsed and processed as instance of Number
and converted back to 12-hour format
FileDeleteTransformer |
Delete a given File and returns success (true) or fail (false)
FileToNameTransformer |
Get a File absolute path with name or just name
FileWriterTransformer |
Writes a File; using a
FileWriterTransformer.textSupplier that supplies String or anything that can be toString() or an OutputStream |
GenerateListTransformer |
Generate a List or Array from a given input
Note: This will allow null values. |
IdentifiableTransformer<T> |
During processing it maybe required to identify the Transformer associated with a process.
IterableElementCountTransformer |
For a
Iterable [B,A,C,A,A,B] return a Map of Count for each element as {B:2, A:3, C:1} |
IterableElementIndexTransformer |
For a
Iterable [B,A,C,B] return a Map of Position of the elements in the index {B:0, A:1, C:2}If an Element is repeated and IterableElementIndexTransformer.trackMultipleIndeces is false; the last encountered index will be the one that is counted.If IterableElementIndexTransformer.trackMultipleIndeces is true then [B,A,C,B] --> {B:[0,3], A:[1], C:[2]} will be returnedThis works for any Iterable input however the order relies on assumption that the input has a consistent order. |
IterableToMapTransformer |
Based on a expected order of elements in
IterableToMapTransformer.sequence ; where each element can be mapped to a name in a map due to predictability of its order index. |
JoinTransformer<T> |
Joins multiple
Transformer s result as input in a Serial fashion (order of the List of Transformer s provided)
If no processor is provided (null value); then the output is the same as input. |
JSONTransformer |
Convert JSON String/Object to an Object.
LastStateLatchTransformer |
If we have a List or Set of records that are delimited or separated by some logically identifiable variables then it is desireable to have a state-ful
mechanism that can tell us what state does the current record belong in based on its delimited position.
Example: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | DELIM 1 | Rec1 | Rec2 | Rec3 | DELIM 2 | RecA | RecB | RecC | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ .. |
ListArrayTransformer<T> |
Convert Array to a List and a List to an Array.
ListConcatTransformer |
Joins (merges) Lists or processors that result in a List, into a List in the order they are configured.
If an input is provided then that input is passed on in parallel to all processors. |
ListTrimTransformer |
Convenience transformer to Remove elements from a List or Array by index.
LogTransformer | |
MapCleanTransformer |
Remove unnecessary elements from a
Map . |
MapConcatTransformer |
Joins multiple Maps or
Map.Entry s in sequence (best as can supported by LinkedHashMap ). |
MapToCollectionTransformer |
Convert a
Map 's Entry values to a Collection The order is determined by the order Map.entrySet() iterates.By default the collection type is ArrayList |
MapToEntitiesTransformer | |
MapTransformer |
Take a
Map and apply Transformer that matches each Key. |
MapValueLookupTransformer |
For a key key-map (
MapValueLookupTransformer.key ) fetch the value using the input as a key OR For a passed in Map, lookup a KeyOne can optionally apply a transformation on the looked up value or even a MapValueLookupTransformer.keyTransformer on the key to derive the final key value to do the lookup. |
MergeCols |
During an ETL transformation merge multiple columns in a tuple, into a Map OR JSON (if
MergeCols.transformer is a JSONTransformer . |
MethodInvokingTransformer |
MethodInvokingFactoryBean Transformer . |
MonthStrFormatToDateStrTransformer |
In FHF, dates in format mm/yyyy are parsed as dd/mm/yyyy by adding 01 in them
MonthYearToStringTransformer |
In FHF, this transformer is used to display date in MM/yyyy format during reverse ETL.
NonSerializableTransformer | |
NullifyEmptyObjects |
If there is an empty String, Map, Collection,JSON etc.
NullToBooleanTransformer | Deprecated |
NumberTransformer |
Converts a String to a Number; it extracts the number and cleans out characters.
Example: INR 4,000 = 4000.0, or 4,00$ = 400.0 If there are multiple numbers then the first one is picked up You can set the Number Class Type also; or let NumberUtils.createNumber(String) decide the type |
ObjectArrayToEntityTransformer<ENTITY> |
Convert Object[] into an Entity.
Useful to convert raw data bindings from an OR result (Object[]) to an Entity. |
ObjectFieldValueTransformer |
Extracts the Field value of an Object.
ObjectToArrayTransformer |
Package an Object in a Object[] array.
ObjectToListTransformer |
Package an Object in a
List . |
ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer<T> |
Creates a
Map ping of 'Param type class' representing the entity to the actual entities instance. |
ParamsRequestToEntitiesTransformer.PropertyBinding | |
PrefixSuffixTransformer | Deprecated |
ProxyInstanceTransformer<T> |
Create a new proxy/clone object from an existing object and override it with @
ProxyInstanceTransformer.fieldValueMap if its provided. |
RegexCleanTransformer |
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and Cleans out patterns matching the Regex specified
RegexExtractorTransformer |
Extract first matching RegEx String
RegexReplaceTransformer |
Converts parts of string that match a pattern and applies a transformation to those parts
RelatedEntityJSONTransformer |
Allows to convert a
List of String input into a format that can be flexible enough to describe the relation to other Entities
using any identifier like SKU, Product Code, Model Code etc. |
RelatedEntityReverseJSONTransformer |
Allows to convert a JSON String input to a
Collection , to describe the relation to other Entities
using any identifier like SKU, Product Code, Model Code etc. |
ReplaceNullTransformer |
Replace Null with a replacement Object
ResultSetTransformer |
Apply Transformer on each Row of a result-set.
ReverseTransformer |
Reverse a
List , or reverse a Map key with values and visa-versa |
SeedTransformer<T> |
A Transformer that does not consider the input parameter and is usually the Seed for a Chain of transformations.
SizeLengthTransformer |
Return numeric size for a
Collection or Array |
SmartSingleValuesTransformer |
Many transport mechnaisms and requests may default use Arrays or
Collections as values in a Data-Structure (most preferbly a Map ). |
SpELTransformer |
Spring SpEL Transformer that evaluates a given the input or
SpELTransformer.context . |
StringConcatTransformer |
Joins results into a single String
StringToEnumTransformer |
Convert a String to its Enum type
StringToListTransformer |
Convert a String to a List of Strings Transformer.
ThreadLocalTransformer |
Passes the
UsesIntermediateObjectImpl.determineInput(Object) into a ThreadLocal variable |
ThrowableToMessageTransformer |
Throwable to its message |
ToNullTransformer |
Object s that equal to ToNullTransformer.getValueToCompare() |
TrimCleanTransformer |
Converts Object to String (using toString()) and trims it
TryCatchTransformer |
Allows for try, catch, finally Sand-Boxing of Calls to transformers
TypeBooleanTransformer |
Converts a Object to Boolean; will return true if input is true, nulls will be ignored.
TypeDoubleTransformer | Deprecated |
TypeIntegerTransformer | Deprecated |
TypeStringTransformer |
Converts a Object to String; will return true if input is true, nulls will be ignored
URLGeneratorTransformer |
Specialized use case of
StringConcatTransformer used to generate URLs.In this a processor is expeected to return a param=value pair. |
UsesIntermediateObjectImpl<CONTEXT> |
Basic implementation for
UsesIntermediateObject |
UsesIntermediateObjectWrapper<T extends org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer> |
Allow a processor;
Transformer , Lookup to be wrapped in this to allow for re-suing existing processors instead of extending UsesIntermediateObjectImpl
for every new use case. |
Enum | Description |
CaseTransformer.Case |
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