Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<MetaItem> |
ContentDetailsTemplatePanel.extractMetaItems(C modelObject,
Collection<? extends FacetMeta> __facets,
ContentType... filterContentType)
Process only
AbstractContentTemplate.getMetaDataFacets() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component |
ContentDetailsPanel.getCustomFieldForMetaData(String componentId,
CF contentFacet,
MetaItem meta,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container)
Determine any Value type field override in configs.
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel |
ContentDetailsTemplatePanel.getModelForFieldOrAttribute(C modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem) |
protected void | entity,
MetaItem metaItem,
Object value)
Save the specific value associated with the
MetaItem back into the C#getAttributes() defined by AbstractContentTemplate.getMetaDataFacets()
If FacetMeta.isSupplement() then will not save as attribute but call super's save method to treat it as a normal entity field. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<MetaItem> |
TemplatePanel.extractMetaItems(M modelObject,
Collection<? extends FacetMeta> facets,
ContentType... filterContentType)
Get template attributes + Fields that satisfy
TemplatePanel.filter(Map, Serializable)
In addition { TemplatePanel.filter(Map, Serializable) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract org.apache.wicket.Component[] |
TemplatePanel.getComponents(M modelObject,
MetaItem item)
Called by and added to page my processItemList().
An entity can define native field UI support using Type . |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component[] |
ListViewTemplatePanel.getComponents(M modelObject,
MetaItem item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract org.apache.wicket.Component[] |
ListViewTemplatePanel.getComponents(M modelObject,
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem<MetaItem> item)
Get a component
protected void |
TemplatePanel.processItemList(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
M modelObject,
List<MetaItem> items)
A list sorting, pre-processing, filtering etc can be performed here.
protected void |
ListViewTemplatePanel.processItemList(org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
M modelObject,
List<MetaItem> items) |
protected void |
ListViewTemplatePanel.reorder(List<MetaItem> items)
Re-Order the items of the passed
This implementation does nothing. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected MetaItem |
DynamicConfigPanel.getCustomFieldMeta(C config)
Get the
MetaItem that will back the custom component to be rendered |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component |
DynamicConfigPanel.getCustomField(String componentId,
C config,
MetaItem meta,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container)
Determine any Value type field override in configs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.extractFieldValue(Object rawValue,
MetaItem metaItemObject)
Converts different type of model field values to a model that is sent to the display
protected String |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getAddToCollectionSectionName(MetaItem metaItemObject)
The add section which should have a minimum of one "addOption" component can be customized
for different scenarios; by type or field name etc.
org.apache.wicket.Component |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentForType(MetaItem metaItem,
String fieldComponentName,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
P modelObject,
User user) |
protected Collection<org.apache.wicket.Component> |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentsForCollectionType(P modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container) |
protected Collection<org.apache.wicket.Component> |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentsForType(P modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container) |
String |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getItemRefId(MetaItem metaItem) |
protected List |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getListForCollectionType(P modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
Get a
List to represent the Collection of values to presented to the UI by
#getComponentsForCollectionType(Product, com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem, MarkupContainer) |
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getModelForFieldOrAttribute(P modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
get the value from the
Field or Attributes . |
Object |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.processItem(P product,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component coreProductDataField,
User user,
Object... contextParams)
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
protected void | product,
MetaItem metaItem,
Object value)
Save the specific value associated with the
MetaItem back into the model Object |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component[] |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponents(P modelObject,
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem<MetaItem> item)
Main rendering method; adds components to the container
protected void |
ProductDetailsTemplatePanel.reorder(List<MetaItem> items) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel |
ReporterInputTemplatePanel.getModelForFieldOrAttribute(Object[] modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
Report input params don't rely on any pre-existing values other than any defaults (if specified)
so cut through all the derivatives and just assign a blank model or one set with default value
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MetaItem that is used in a Collection of elements that represent the same MetaItem
however to differentiate within the collection of data provide an additional reference Id |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CustomTemplateRenderAdapter.getComponentForType(MetaItem metaItem,
String fieldComponentName,
MODEL model,
T modelObject,
User user) |
String |
CustomTemplateRenderAdapter.getItemRefId(MetaItem metaItem)
When rendering Items, for Feedback we may want to target
messages to sections in the form.
Object |
CustomTemplateRenderAdapter.processItem(T entity,
MetaItem metaItem,
COMPONENT coreEntityDataField,
User user,
Object... contextParams)
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
Constructor and Description |
CollectionMetaItem(MetaItem metaItem,
String collectionRefId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.filter(org.apache.wicket.Component c,
MetaItem mi,
User user)
Authorization etc |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.getComponentForType(MetaItem metaItem,
String fieldComponentName,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
T modelObject,
User user)
One can override to customize specific components or impose some manual override over what is dynamically
org.apache.wicket.Component |
SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter.getComponentForType(MetaItem metaItem,
String fieldComponentName,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
T modelObject,
User user)
One can override to customize specific components or impose some manual override over what is dynamically
protected FieldAjaxEventBehavior |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.getContentEditorAjaxSavingBehavior(org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxLink link,
org.apache.wicket.ajax.IAjaxCallDecorator callDecorator,
MetaItem metaItem,
T modelObject,
ContentFacet facet)
If The Adapter uses a Content Editor which is capable of independent facet update hence
it requires a
FieldAjaxEventBehavior to define how that editor will behave on actions like onClick |
String |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.getItemRefId(MetaItem metaItem)
A way to identify the panels/components for feedback on submit etc.
String |
SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter.getItemRefId(MetaItem metaItem) |
protected boolean |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.isExemptFromProcessing(MetaItem meta,
Object value)
Some elements maybe processed exceptionally outside the automated process, determine which to leave out
Object |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.processItem(T entity,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component coreEntityDataField,
User user,
Object... contextParams)
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
Object |
SimpleDynamicFieldsRenderAdapter.processItem(T entity,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component coreEntityDataField,
User user,
Object... contextParams) |
protected Object |
DefaultWicketTemplateRenderAdapter.validateAndTransform(MetaItem meta,
Object value,
org.apache.wicket.Component entityDataField,
User user)
Submit, Validate the returned object and return the validated/Transformed value, based on the following:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.extractFieldValue(Object rawValue,
MetaItem metaItemObject)
Converts different type of model field values to a model that is sent to the display
protected String |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getAddToCollectionSectionName(MetaItem metaItemObject)
The add section which should have a minimum of one "addOption" component can be customized
for different scenarios; by type or field name etc.
org.apache.wicket.Component |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentForType(MetaItem metaItem,
String fieldComponentName,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container,
T modelObject,
User user) |
protected Collection<org.apache.wicket.Component> |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentsForCollectionType(T modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container) |
protected Collection<org.apache.wicket.Component> |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponentsForType(T modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer container) |
String |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getItemRefId(MetaItem metaItem) |
protected List |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getListForCollectionType(T modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
Get a
List to represent the Collection of values to presented to the UI by
#getComponentsForCollectionType(Entity, com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem, MarkupContainer) |
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getModelForFieldOrAttribute(T modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
get the value from the
Field or Attributes . |
Object |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.processItem(T modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component coreEntityDataField,
User user,
Object... contextParams)
For each meta item handle processing on submit and derive the value to be submitted/persisted back
protected void | entity,
MetaItem metaItem,
Object value)
Save the specific value associated with the
MetaItem back into the model Object |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component[] |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.getComponents(T modelObject,
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem<MetaItem> item)
Main rendering method; adds components to the container
protected void |
EntityDetailsTemplatePanel.reorder(List<MetaItem> items) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.attachScript(org.apache.wicket.Component c,
MetaItem metaItem,
Object modelObject,
User user) |
protected org.apache.wicket.Component |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.filter(org.apache.wicket.Component c,
MetaItem mi,
User user)
Authorization etc |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel rawModel,
Object modelObject,
User user) |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel rawModel,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
org.apache.wicket.Component |
SimpleEditorAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel defaultInputModel,
Object entity,
User user) |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
ListRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel model,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
org.apache.wicket.Component |
JSONRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel defaultInputModel,
Object modelObject,
User user) |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
MapRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel defaultInputModel,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
org.apache.wicket.Component |
TextAreaAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel currentDefaultSelectionIds,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
org.apache.wicket.Component |
JSONGridRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel defaultInputModel,
Object modelObject,
User user) |
org.apache.wicket.Component |
SelectRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel currentDefaultSelectionIds,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
org.apache.wicket.Component |
SizeRenderAdapter.getComponent(String componentId,
MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.model.IModel sizeModel,
Object modelObject,
User user)
Some fields/attribute may require display of options
for selection or Auto-Suggest etc..
List |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.getDataList(Object rawLookup,
MetaItem metaItem,
Object modelObject)
Provides Lookup Data Model for {
#getLookupComponent(com.neurosys.content.wicket.pages.panel.TemplatePanel.MetaItem) |
protected String |
ScriptableCustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.getInstanceId(MetaItem metaItem,
Object modelObject)
Javascript code needs to target its component so each instance will need an instanceId.
protected String |
ListRenderAdapter.getInstanceId(MetaItem metaItem,
Object modelObject) |
protected Object |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.getLookup(MetaItem metaItem) |
Object |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.processSubmit(MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component fieldEntityComponent,
Object value,
User user)
Call on submit of component.
Object |
JSONGridRenderAdapter.processSubmit(MetaItem metaItem,
org.apache.wicket.Component fieldEntityComponent,
Object value,
User user)
Call on submit of component.
protected org.apache.wicket.model.IModel |
CustomItemComponentRenderAdapter.translateCurrentSelectionModel(org.apache.wicket.model.IModel defaultModel,
Object modelObject,
MetaItem metaItem)
Helper method:
The Object model may not be the type expected by the component type defined in this Adapter, so provide a conversion from raw data to desired UI type. |
Constructor and Description |
ContextualTwoWayTransformer(MetaItem metaItem,
Object modelObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void | userAttributes,
MetaItem item,
Object value)
If the value is for an existing
UserAttribute then update it,
otherwise add it on to the existing Map as a new UserAttribute value,
with User info from the parent panel.If the FacetMeta has #FacetMeta.getIncludeAsField set as true ,
then it will not saved by this panel. |
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